So, I've written a spellchecker in Java and things work as they should. The only problem is that if I use a word where the max allowed distance of edits is too large (like say, 9) then my code runs out of memory. I've profiled my code and dumped the heap into a file, but I don't know how to use it to optimize my code.
Can anyone offer any help? I'm more than willing to put up the file/use any other approach that people might have.
Many people asked for more details in the comments. I figured that other people would find them useful, and they might get buried in the comments. Here they are:
I'm using a Trie to store the words themselves.
In order to improve time efficiency, I don't compute the Levenshtein Distance upfront, but I calculate it as I go. What I mean by this is that I keep only two rows of the LD table in memory. Since a Trie is a prefix tree, it means that every time I recurse down a node, the previous letters of the word (and therefore the distance for those words) remains the same. Therefore, I only calculate the distance with that new letter included, with the previous row remaining unchanged.
The suggestions that I generate are stored in a HashMap. The rows of the LD table are stored in ArrayLists.
Here's the code of the function in the Trie that leads to the problem. Building the Trie is pretty straight forward, and I haven't included the code for the same here.
* #param letter: the letter that is currently being looked at in the trie
* word: the word that we are trying to find matches for
* previousRow: the previous row of the Levenshtein Distance table
* suggestions: all the suggestions for the given word
* maxd: max distance a word can be from th query and still be returned as suggestion
* suggestion: the current suggestion being constructed
public void get(char letter, ArrayList<Character> word, ArrayList<Integer> previousRow, HashSet<String> suggestions, int maxd, String suggestion){
// the new row of the trie that is to be computed.
ArrayList<Integer> currentRow = new ArrayList<Integer>(word.size()+1);
int insert = 0;
int delete = 0;
int swap = 0;
int d = 0;
for(int i=1;i<word.size()+1;i++){
delete = currentRow.get(i-1)+1;
insert = previousRow.get(i)+1;
swap = previousRow.get(i-1);
swap = previousRow.get(i-1)+1;
d = Math.min(delete, Math.min(insert, swap));
// if this node represents a word and the distance so far is <= maxd, then add this word as a suggestion
if(isWord==true && d<=maxd){
// if any of the entries in the current row are <=maxd, it means we can still find possible solutions.
// recursively search all the branches of the trie
for(int i=0;i<currentRow.size();i++){
for(int j=0;j<26;j++){
children[j].get((char)(j+97), word, currentRow, suggestions, maxd, suggestion+String.valueOf((char)(j+97)));
Here's some code I quickly crafted showing one way to generate the candidates and to then "rank" them.
The trick is: you never "test" a non-valid candidate.
To me your: "I run out of memory when I've got an edit distance of 9" screams "combinatorial explosion".
Of course to dodge a combinatorial explosion you don't do thing like trying to generate yourself all words that are at a distance from '9' from your misspelled work. You start from the misspelled word and generate (quite a lot) of possible candidates, but you refrain from creating too many candidates, for then you'd run into trouble.
(also note that it doesn't make much sense to compute up to a Levenhstein Edit Distance of 9, because technically any word less than 10 letters can be transformed into any other word less than 10 letters in max 9 transformations)
Here's why you simply cannot test all words up to a distance of 9 without either having an OutOfMemory error or simply a program never terminating:
generating all the LED up to 1 for the word "ptmizing", by only adding one letter (from a to z) generates already 9*26 variations (i.e. 324 variations) [there are 9 positions where you can insert one out of 26 letters)
generating all the LED up to 2, by only adding one letter to what we know have generates already 10*26*324 variations (60 840)
generating all the LED up to 3 gives: 17 400 240 variations
And that is only by considering the case where we add one, add two or add three letters (we're not counting deletion, swaps, etc.). And that is on a misspelled word that is only nine characters long. On "real" words, it explodes even faster.
Sure, you could get "smart" and generate this in a way not to have too many dupes etc. but the point stays: it's a combinatorial explosion that explodes fastly.
Anyway... Here's an example. I'm simply passing the dictionary of valid words (containing only four words in this case) to the corresponding method to keep this short.
You'll obviously want to replace the call to the LED with your own LED implementation.
The double-metaphone is just an example: in a real spellchecker words that do "sound alike"
despite further LED should be considered as "more correct" and hence often suggest first. For example "optimizing" and "aupteemising" are quite far from a LED point of view, but using the double-metaphone you should get "optimizing" as one of the first suggestion.
(disclaimer: following was cranked in a few minutes, it doesn't take into account uppercase, non-english words, etc.: it's not a real spell-checker, just an example)
public void spellCheck() {
final String src = "misspeled";
final Set<String> validWords = new HashSet<String>();
final List<String> candidates = findNonSortedCandidates( src, validWords );
final SortedMap<Integer,String> res = computeLevenhsteinEditDistanceForEveryCandidate(candidates, src);
for ( final Map.Entry<Integer,String> entry : res.entrySet() ) {
System.out.println( entry.getValue() + " # LED: " + entry.getKey() );
private SortedMap<Integer, String> computeLevenhsteinEditDistanceForEveryCandidate(
final List<String> candidates,
final String mispelledWord
) {
final SortedMap<Integer, String> res = new TreeMap<Integer, String>();
for ( final String candidate : candidates ) {
res.put( dynamicProgrammingLED(candidate, mispelledWord), candidate );
return res;
private int dynamicProgrammingLED( final String candidate, final String misspelledWord ) {
return Levenhstein.getLevenshteinDistance(candidate,misspelledWord);
Here you generate all possible candidates using several methods. I've only implemented one such method (and quickly so it may be bogus but that's not the point ; )
private List<String> findNonSortedCandidates( final String src, final Set<String> validWords ) {
final List<String> res = new ArrayList<String>();
res.addAll( allCombinationAddingOneLetter(src, validWords) );
// res.addAll( allCombinationRemovingOneLetter(src) );
// res.addAll( allCombinationInvertingLetters(src) );
return res;
private List<String> allCombinationAddingOneLetter( final String src, final Set<String> validWords ) {
final List<String> res = new ArrayList<String>();
for (char c = 'a'; c < 'z'; c++) {
for (int i = 0; i < src.length(); i++) {
final String candidate = src.substring(0, i) + c + src.substring(i, src.length());
if ( validWords.contains(candidate) ) {
res.add(candidate); // only adding candidates we know are valid words
if ( validWords.contains(src+c) ) {
res.add( src + c );
return res;
One thing you could try is, increase the Java's heap size, in order to overcome "out of memory error".
Following article will help you in order to understand how to increase heap size in Java
But I think the better approach to address your problem is, find out a better algorithm than the current algorithm
Well without more Information on the topic there is not much the community could do for you... You can start with the following:
Look at what your Profiler says (after it has run a little while): Does anything pile up? Are there a lot of Objects - this should normally give you a hint on what is wrong with your code.
Publish your saved dump somewhere and link it in your question, so someone else could take a look at it.
Tell us which profiler you are using, then somebody can give you hints on where to look for valuable information.
After you have narrowed down your problem to a specific part of your Code, and you cannot figure out why there are so many objects of $FOO in your memory, post a snippet of the relevant part.
I want to query multiple candidates for a search string which could look like "My sear foo".
Now I want to look for documents which have a field that contains one (or more) of the entered strings (seen as splitted by whitespaces).
I found some code which allows me to do a search by pattern:
#View(name = "find_by_serial_pattern", map = "function(doc) { var i; if(doc.serialNumber) { for(i=0; i < doc.serialNumber.length; i+=1) { emit(doc.serialNumber.slice(i), doc);}}}")
public List<DeviceEntityCouch> findBySerialPattern(String serialNumber) {
String trim = serialNumber.trim();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(trim)) {
return new ArrayList<>();
ViewQuery viewQuery = createQuery("find_by_serial_pattern").startKey(trim).endKey(trim + "\u9999");
return db.queryView(viewQuery, DeviceEntityCouch.class);
which works quite nice for looking just for one pattern. But how do I have to modify my code to get a multiple contains on doc.serialNumber?
This is the current workaround, but there must be a better way i guess.
Also there is only an OR logic. So an entry fits term1 or term2 to be in the list.
#View(name = "find_by_serial_pattern", map = "function(doc) { var i; if(doc.serialNumber) { for(i=0; i < doc.serialNumber.length; i+=1) { emit(doc.serialNumber.slice(i), doc);}}}")
public List<DeviceEntityCouch> findBySerialPattern(String serialNumber) {
String trim = serialNumber.trim();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(trim)) {
return new ArrayList<>();
String[] split = trim.split(" ");
List<DeviceEntityCouch> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (String s : split) {
ViewQuery viewQuery = createQuery("find_by_serial_pattern").startKey(s).endKey(s + "\u9999");
list.addAll(db.queryView(viewQuery, DeviceEntityCouch.class));
return list;
Looks like you are implementing a full text search here. That's not going to be very efficient in CouchDB (I guess same applies to other databases).
Correct me if I am wrong but from looking at your code looks like you are trying to search a list of serial numbers for a pattern. CouchDB (or any other database) is quite efficient if you can somehow index the data you will be searching for.
Otherwise you must fetch every single record and perform a string comparison on it.
The only way I can think of to optimize this in CouchDB would be the something like the following (with assumptions):
Your serial numbers are not very long (say 20 chars?)
You force the search to be always 5 characters
Generate view that emits every single 5 char long substring from your serial number - more or less this (could be optimized and not sure if I got the in):
for (var i = 0; doc.serialNo.length > 5 && i < doc.serialNo.length - 5; i++) {
emit([doc.serialNo.substring(i, i + 5), doc._id]);
Use _count reduce function
Now the following url:
Will return a list of documents with a hit count for a key of 01234.
If you don't group and set the reduce option to be false, you will get a list of all matches, including duplicates if a single doc has multiple hits.
Refer to for the information about complex keys lookups.
I am not sure how efficient couchdb is in terms of updating that view. It depends on how many records you will have and how many new entries appear between view is being queried (I understand couchdb rebuilds the view's b-tree on demand).
I have generated a view like that that splits doc ids into 5 char long keys. Out of over 1K docs it generated over 30K results - id being 32 char long, simple maths really: (serialNo.length - searchablekey.length + 1) * docscount).
Generating the view took a while but the lookups where fast.
You could generate keys of multiple lengths, etc. All comes down to your records count vs speed of lookups.
I'm creating an A* search at the moment ( wiki page with pseudocode ) and I've been spending the last hour or so coming up with heuristic equations. When I think I finally found a good one, I removed the print statement that was allowing me to see what states were being visited. For some reason, that made my search go much much slower. If I add the print back in, it becomes fast again. What could possibly be going on?
I even tried changing what it prints. No matter what I am printing (as long as it is 2 characters or more), the result is the same.
Some of the code:
I apologize beforehand for messy code, this is my first time working with something like this:
while(!toVisit.isEmpty()){//toVisit is a set of states that need to be visited
int f = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
State temp;
State visiting = new State();
Iterator<State> it = toVisit.iterator();
while(it.hasNext()){//find state with smallest f value
temp =;
if(temp.getF() < f){
f = temp.getF();
visiting = temp;//should be state with smallest f by end of loop
System.out.println("Visiting: ");//THIS LINE HERE
if(numConflicts(visiting.getList()) == 0){//checking if visiting state is the solution
best = visiting.getList();//sets best answer
return visiting;//ends algorithm
info on toVisit and visiting.getList():
HashSet<State> toVisit = new HashSet<State>();//from Java.util
public ArrayList<Node> State.getList(){return list;}
Node is my own class. It only contains some coordinates
This consistently solves the problem in about 6 seconds. If I change that line to print nothing or something shorter than about 2 characters, it takes anywhere from 20 to 70 seconds
I have solved in various ways a simple problem on CodeEval, which specification can be found here (only a few lines long).
I have made 3 working versions (one of them in Scala) and I don't understand the difference of performances for my last Java version which I expected to be the best time and memory-wise.
I also compared this to a code found on Github. Here are the performance stats returned by CodeEval :
. Version 1 is the version found on Github
. Version 2 is my Scala solution :
object Main extends App {
val p = Pattern.compile("\\d+")
.map(line => {
val dists = new TreeSet[Int]
val m = p.matcher(line)
while (m.find) dists +=
val list = dists.toList +: list).map { case (x,y) => x - y }.mkString(",")
. Version 3 is my Java solution which I expected to be the best :
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\d+");
File file = new File(args[0]);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
String line;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
Set<Integer> dists = new TreeSet<Integer>();
Matcher m = p.matcher(line);
while (m.find()) dists.add(Integer.parseInt(;
Iterator<Integer> it = dists.iterator();
int prev = 0;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
while (it.hasNext()) {
int curr =;
sb.append(curr - prev);
sb.append(it.hasNext() ? "," : "");
prev = curr;
Version 4 is the same as version 3 except I don't use a StringBuilder to print the output and do like in version 1
Here is how I interpreted those results :
version 1 is too slow because of the too high number of System.out.print calls. Moreover, using split on very large lines (that's the case in the tests performed) uses a lot of memory.
version 2 seems slow too but it is mainly because of an "overhead" on running Scala code on CodeEval, even very efficient code run slowly on it
version 2 uses unnecessary memory to build a list from the set, which also takes some time but should not be too significant. Writing more efficient Scala would probably like writing it in Java so I preferred elegance to performance
version 3 should not use that much memory in my opinion. The use of a StringBuilder has the same impact on memory as calling mkString in version 2
version 4 proves the calls to System.out.println are slowering down the program
Does someone see an explanation to those results ?
I conducted some tests.
There is a baseline for every type of language. I code in java and javascript. For javascript here are my test results:
Rev 1: Default empty boilerplate for JS with a message to standard output
Rev 2: Same without file reading
Rev 3: Just a message to the standard output
You can see that no matter what, there will be at least 200 ms runtime and about 5 megs of memory usage. This baseline depends on the load of the servers as well! There was a time when codeevals was heavily overloaded, thus making impossible to run anything within the max time(10s).
Check this out, a totally different challenge than the previous:
Rev4: My solution
Rev5: The same code submitted again now. Scored 8000 more ranking point. :D
Conclusion: I would not worry too much about CPU and memory usage and rank. It is clearly not reliable.
Your scala solution is slow, not because of "overhead on CodeEval", but because you are building an immutable TreeSet, adding elements to it one by one. Replacing it with something like
val regex = """\d+""".r // in the beginning, instead of your Pattern.compile
.map { line =>
val dists = regex.findAllIn(line).map(_.toInt).toIndexedSeq.sorted
Should shave about 30-40% off your execution time.
Same approach (build a list, then sort) will, probably, help your memory utilization in "version 3" (java sets are real memory hogs). It is also a good idea to give your list an initial size while you are at it (otherwise, it'll grow by 50% every time it runs out of capacity, which is wasteful in both memory and performance). 600 sounds like a good number, since that's the upper bound for the number of cities from the problem description.
Now, since we know the upper boundary, an even faster and slimmer approach is to do away with lists and boxed Integeres, and just do int dists[] = new int[600];.
If you wanted to get really fancy, you'd also make use of the "route length" range that's mentioned in the description. For example, instead of throwing ints into an array and sorting (or keeping a treeset), make an array of 20,000 bits (or even 20K bytes for speed), and set those that you see in input as you read it ... That would be both faster and more memory efficient than any of your solutions.
I tried solving this question and figured that you don't need the names of the cities, just the distances in a sorted array.
It has much better runtime of 738ms, and memory of 4513792 with this.
Although this may not help improve your piece of code, it seems like a better way to approach the question. Any suggestions to improve the code further are welcome.
import java.util.*;
public class Main {
public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException {
File file = new File(args[0]);
BufferedReader buffer = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
String line;
while ((line = buffer.readLine()) != null) {
line = line.trim();
String out = new Main().getDistances(line);
public String getDistances(String s){
//split the string
String[] arr = s.split(";");
//create an array to hold the distances as integers
int[] distances = new int[arr.length];
for(int i=0; i<arr.length; i++){
//find the index of , - get the characters after that - convert to integer - add to distances array
distances[i] = Integer.parseInt(arr[i].substring(arr[i].lastIndexOf(",")+1));
//sort the array
String output = "";
output += distances[0]; //append the distance to the closest city to the string
for(int i=0; i<arr.length-1; i++){
//get distance between current element(city) and next
int distance_between = distances[i+1] - distances[i];
//append the distance to the string
output += "," + distance_between;
return output;
I wrote a little program that tries to find a connection between two equal length English words. Word A will transform into Word B by changing one letter at a time, each newly created word has to be an English word.
For example:
Word A = BANG
Word B = DUST
My process:
Load an English wordlist(consist of 109582 words) into a Map<Integer, List<String>> _wordMap = new HashMap();, key will be the word length.
User put in 2 words.
createGraph creates a graph.
calculate the shortest path between those 2 nodes
prints out the result.
Everything works perfectly fine, but I am not satisfied with the time it took in step 3.
Completely loaded 109582 words!
CreateMap took: 30 milsecs
CreateGraph took: 17417 milsecs
The wholething took: 17866 milsecs
I am not satisfied with the time it takes create the graph in step 3, here's my code for it(I am using JgraphT for the graph):
private List<String> _wordList = new ArrayList(); // list of all 109582 English words
private Map<Integer, List<String>> _wordMap = new HashMap(); // Map grouping all the words by their length()
private UndirectedGraph<String, DefaultEdge> _wordGraph =
new SimpleGraph<String, DefaultEdge>(DefaultEdge.class); // Graph used to calculate the shortest path from one node to the other.
private void createGraph(int wordLength){
long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
List<String> words = _wordMap.get(wordLength);
for(String word:words){
_wordGraph.addVertex(word); // adds a node
for(String wordToTest : _wordList){
if (isSimilar(word, wordToTest)) {
_wordGraph.addVertex(wordToTest); // adds another node
_wordGraph.addEdge(word, wordToTest); // connecting 2 nodes if they are one letter off from eachother
System.out.println("CreateGraph took: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - before)+ " milsecs");
private boolean isSimilar(String wordA, String wordB) {
if(wordA.length() != wordB.length()){
return false;
int matchingLetters = 0;
if (wordA.equalsIgnoreCase(wordB)) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < wordA.length(); i++) {
if (wordA.charAt(i) == wordB.charAt(i)) {
if (matchingLetters == wordA.length() - 1) {
return true;
return false;
My question:
How can I improve my algorithm inorder to speed up the process?
For any redditors that are reading this, yes I created this after seeing the thread from /r/askreddit yesterday.
Here's a starting thought:
Create a Map<String, List<String>> (or a Multimap<String, String> if you've using Guava), and for each word, "blank out" one letter at a time, and add the original word to the list for that blanked out word. So you'd end up with:
At that point, given a word, you can very easily find all the words it's similar to - just go through the same process again, but instead of adding to the map, just fetch all the values for each "blanked out" version.
You probably need to run it through a profiler to see where most of the time is taken, especially since you are using library classes - otherwise you might put in a lot of effort but see no significant improvement.
You could lowercase all the words before you start, to avoid the equalsIgnoreCase() on every comparison. In fact, this is an inconsistency in your code - you use equalsIgnoreCase() initially, but then compare chars in a case-sensitive way: if (wordA.charAt(i) == wordB.charAt(i)). It might be worth eliminating the equalsIgnoreCase() check entirely, since this is doing essentially the same thing as the following charAt loop.
You could change the comparison loop so it finishes early when it finds more than one different letter, rather than comparing all the letters and only then checking how many are matching or different.
(Update: this answer is about optimizing your current code. I realize, reading your question again, that you may be asking about alternative algorithms!)
You can have the list of words of same length sorted, and then have a loop nesting of the kind for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) for (int j = i + 1; j < n; ++j) { }.
And in isSimilar count the differences and on 2 return false.
I need to find 1.mismatch(incorrectly played notes), 2.insertion(additional played), & 3.deletion (missed notes), in a music piece (e.g. note pitches [string values] stored in a table) against a reference music piece.
This is either possible through exact string matching algorithms or dynamic programming/ approximate string matching algos. However I realised that approximate string matching is more appropriate for my problem due to identifying mismatch, insertion, deletion of notes. Or an extended version of Boyer-moore to support approx. string matching.
Is there any link for sample java code I can try out approximate string matching? I find complex explanations and equations - but I hope I could do well with some sample code and simple explanations. Or can I find any sample java code on boyer-moore extended for approx. string matching? I understand the boyer-moore concept, but having troubles with adjusting it to support approx. string matching (i.e. to support mismatch, insertion, deletion).
Also what is the most efficient approx. string matching algorithm (like boyer-moore in exact string matching algo)?
Greatly appreciate any insight/ suggestions.
Many thanks in advance
You could start with the Wikipedia page on approximate string matching.
The problem is that this is a complex field, and simply looking at / copying some example code probably won't help you understand what is going on.
EDIT - besides, I don't see how Boyer-Moore would adapt to approximate string matching.
Here is the C# Boyer-More code, which can be tweeked to BMH or approximate matching.
Dictionary<char, int> ShiftSizeTable = new Dictionary<char, int>();
//Calculate Shifit/Skip count for each element in pattern text. So that we can skip that many no of Characters in given text while searching.
public void PreProcessBMSBadMatchTable(char[] patternCharacters)
int totalCharacters = patternCharacters.Length;
for (int lpIndex = 0; lpIndex < totalCharacters; lpIndex++)
//Calculate the shift size for each character in the string or char array.
int ShiftSize = Math.Max(1, (totalCharacters - 1) - lpIndex);
//If the charater is already exists in the ShiftSize table then replace it else add it to ShiftSize table.
if (ShiftSizeTable.ContainsKey(patternCharacters[lpIndex]))
ShiftSizeTable.Add(patternCharacters[lpIndex], ShiftSize);
//Use the PreProcessed Shift/Skip table to find the pattern Characters in text and skip the bad Characters in the text.
public int BoyerMooreSearch1UsingDictionary(char[] textCharacters, char[] patternCharacters)
int SkipLength;
int patternCharactersLenght = patternCharacters.Length;
int textCharactersLenght = textCharacters.Length;
// Step2. Use Loop through each character in source text use ShiftArrayTable to skip the elements.
for (int lpTextIndex = 0; lpTextIndex <= (textCharactersLenght - patternCharactersLenght); lpTextIndex += SkipLength)
SkipLength = 0;
for (int lpPatIndex = patternCharactersLenght - 1; lpPatIndex >= 0; lpPatIndex--)
if (patternCharacters[lpPatIndex] != textCharacters[lpTextIndex + lpPatIndex])
SkipLength = Math.Max(1, lpPatIndex - ShiftSizeTable[patternCharacters[lpPatIndex]]);
if (SkipLength == 0)
return lpTextIndex; // Found
return -1; // Not found