I am working on a mapView app and I would like to have a button much like the layer button in google maps that allows someone to show or hide an option from a spinner. I have searched to try and find how to accomplish this but have been unsuccessful. Can someone point me in the right direction of what to search for or what to implement?
you can just make a custom view that has bunch of checkboxes and textviews (stacked horizontally as a bunch of relativelayouts stacked in a linearlayout). this is probably easy enough to do if you don't have a ton of items. (I'm assuming you don't because you referred to the maps options)
I am building an E-Commerce App and I have an activity showing image slider, description and related items, and in image slider I have put an arrow to change the product on the arrow click I want to be in the same activity but data should be different.How should I do that need your help guys.
You should try doing it by urself in one of the many ways its possible to. Then we could provide some help with your idea or show you better solution. I think you are looking for RecyclerView (https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/layout/recyclerview). It lets you show some similar views but with different data inside. Also as an item inside RecyclerView you can try CardView.
Using only RecyclerView you can also use:
You can also search for a library that has everything you want inside already implemented. For example the first library that came out after i typed it in google : https://github.com/Ramotion/cardslider-android.
I am trying to build an app using the new material design specs.
I am currently trying to get a cusdtom FAB layout working, similar to the one in the new Inbox app.
I have one main button, which when clicked, expands to several smaller ones.
However i want to add a textview to the left of the smaller buttons, like the inbox app.
I cant seem to find a way of doing this.
The floating action button i am using is based off this library, but with a few modifications https://github.com/futuresimple/android-floating-action-button/blob/master/README.md
If someone could suggest a way of doing this, it would be much appreciated.
Corey :)
i'm developing an application for android that is already done for IOS, is not big problem.
the thing is that my boss want it to be exactly the same, but one of the menus is the problem, is like a slide menu but with zoom and a background image, anyone have any idea how can i do this, i already google it but no results :(, a library would help.
here is a picture with the menu for IOS.
I don't think if it would be an effective solution but you can use a RelativeLayout.
Put the selection part behind in a LinearLayout then put a framelayout front to contain list fragments. This way you shouldn't use an action bar to have absolutely same looking with iOs version.
When someone clicks open button apply an animation to your framelayout. scale it by %75 and move it 25% in y coordinate and move it %50 in x coordinate. When buttons in your LinearLayout apply a reverse animation to your FrameLayout. If swap button clicked change your fragment with new one. You can also aply a transaction animation to your fragments.
I hope you know how to handle this stuff. If no I can do my best to code an example.
Don't forget to set your flame layout unclickable when you move it to right side.
I think I found your answer. I came across this in a list of libraries it is 3.8 on the list https://github.com/Trinea/android-open-project/tree/master/English%20Version
at the moment i'm trying to write an app which has a listview, and if i swipe especially left the listitem switches to another xml like it's used in the twitter app.
Especially i have a list of items only with some text and when i swipe left on a single item it changes to an other item (via a xml-file) especially with some buttons or anything else.
I hope anyone, has an idea how i can do this?
I have seen this done using a Gallery set to fill_parent. Care has to be taken to allow child views to pass on touch events appropriately for swiping to work. Note that Gallery is a subclass of ViewGroup.
EDIT: see comment below, i should've checked the twitter app first!
I'm trying to create a "scrollable" layout in Android. Even using developers.android.com, though, I feel a little bit lost at the moment. I'm somewhat new to Java, but not so much that I feel I should be having these issues--being new to Android is the bigger problem right now.
The layout I'm trying to create should scroll in a sort of a "grid". I THINK what I'm looking for is the Gallery view, but I'm really lost as to how to implement it at the moment. I want it to "snap" to center the frame, like in the actual Gallery application.
Essentially, if I had a photo gallery of 9 pictures, the idea is to scroll between them up/down AND side to side, in a 3x3 manner. Doesn't need to dynamically adjust, or anything like that, I just want a grid I can scroll through.
I'm also not asking for anyone to give me explicit code for it--I'm trying to learn, more than anything. But pointing me in the right direction for helpful layout programming resources would be greatly appreciated, and confirming if it's a Gallery view I'm looking for would also be really helpful.
EDIT: To clarify, the goal is to have ONE item on screen at a time. If you scroll between one item and the next, the previous one leaves the screen, and the new one snaps into place. So if it were a photo gallery, each spot on the grid would take up the entire screen size, approximately, and would be flung out of the viewable area when you slide across to the next photo, in either direction. (Photos are just an example for illustration purposes)
This page gives a good summary of the different built in layout objects. From your description a GridView or possibly a TableLayout might work. GalleryView looks to be horizontal only.
I believe GridView is what you're looking for. Here's a tutorial: http://developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/views/hello-gridview.html
You should check out the ViewPager widget, which is available in the Android compatibility package. I spent a loooong time trying to get the Gallery widget to behave properly, but finally settled on a ViewPager which returned ImageView objects instead. Works like a charm.