How can I split a string using [ as the delimiter?
String line = "blah, blah [ tweet, tweet";
if I do
I get an error
Exception in thread "main" java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException:
Unclosed character class near index 1 [
Any help?
The [ is a reserved char in regex, you need to escape it,
Just escape it :
[ is a special metacharacter in regex which needs to be escaped if not inside a character class such as in your case.
The split method operates using regular expressions. The character [ has special meaning in those; it is used to denote character classes between [ and ]. If you want to use a literal opening square bracket, use \\[ to escape it as a special character. There's two slashes because a backslash is also used as an escape character in Java String literals. It can get a little confusing typing regular expressions in Java code.
Please use "\\[" instead of "[".
The [ character is interpreted as a special regex character, so you have to escape it:
if have to split between [] then try str.split("[\\[\\]]");
I tried splitting like this-
but it does not work.
It seems that you tried to escape it same way as you would escape | which is "\\|". But difference between | and " is that
| is metacharacter in regex engine (it represents OR operator)
" is metacharacter in Java language in string literal (it represents start/end of the string)
To escape any String metacharacter (like ") you need to place before it other String metacharacter responsible for escaping which is \1. So to create String which would contain " like this is "quote" you would need to write it as
String s = "this is \"quote\"";
// ^^ ^^ these represent " literal, not end of string
Same idea is applied if we would like to create \ literal (we would need to escape it by placing another \ before it). For instance if we would want to create string representing c:\foo\bar we would need to write it as
String s = "c:\\foo\\bar";
// ^^ ^^ these will represent \ literal
So as you see \ is used to escape metacharacters (make them simple literals).
This character is used in Java language for Strings, but it also is used in regex engine to escape its metacharacters:
\, ^, $, ., |, ?, *, +, (, ), [, {.
If you would like to create regex which will match [ character you will need to use regex \[ but String representing this regex in Java needs to be written as
String leftBracketRegex = "\\[";
// ^^ - Remember what was said earlier?
// To create \ literal in String we need to escape it
So to split on [ we would need to invoke split("\\[") because regex representing [ is \[ which needs to be written as "\\[" in Java.
Since " is not special character in regex but it is special in String we need to escape it only in string literal by writing it as
1) \ is also used to create other characters line separators \n, tab \t. It can also be used to create Unicode characters like \uXXXX where XXXX is index of character in Unicode table in hexadecimal form.
You have escaped the \ by putting in \ twice, try
Why does this happen?
A backslash escapes the following character. Since the next character is another backslash, the second backslash will be escaped, thus the doublequote won't.
Your resulting escaped string is \", where it should really be just ".
Also keep in mind, that String.split() interprets its pattern parameter as a regular expression, which has several special characters, which have to be escaped in the resulting string.
So if you want split by a .(which is a special regex character), you need to specify it as String.split("\\."). The first backslash escapes the escaping function of the second backlash and would result in "\.".
In case of regex characters you could also just use Pattern.quote(); to escape your desired delimiter, but this is far out of the scope the question orignally had.
Try with single backslash \
Try like this by escaping " with single backslash \ :
You are not escaping properly. The snippet code will not even compile because of it. The correct way to do it is
A single backslash will do the trick.
Like this:
You can actually split without the backward slash. You only have to use single quote
I am trying to extract some data with spaces from a string. Here is my code:
if (somestring.contains("LOOP with spaces")) {
Is there a regular expression to extract this: I tried this but did not work
somestring.contains("LOOP\swith\s spaces"))
Use matches instead if you want to use a regular expression as an argument:
if (somestring.matches(".*LOOP\\swith\\sspaces.*")){
Note that (1) .* means any number of any character and, (2) you need to escape the backslash in Java: \\ is interpreted as \.
Here is the error:
Exception in thread "main" java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: Unclosed character class near index 3
], [
at java.util.regex.Pattern.error(
at java.util.regex.Pattern.clazz(
at java.util.regex.Pattern.sequence(
at java.util.regex.Pattern.expr(
at java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(
at java.util.regex.Pattern.<init>(
at java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(
at java.lang.String.split(
at java.lang.String.split(
at testJunior2013.J2.main(
This is the area of the code that is causing the issues.
String[][] split = new String[1][rows];
split[0] = (Arrays.deepToString(array2d)).split("], ["); //split at the end of an array row
What does this error mean and what needs to be done to fix the code above?
You want:
.split("\\], \\[")`
Escape each square bracket twice — once for each context in which you need to strip them from their special meaning: within a Regular Expression first, and within a Java String secondly.
Consider using Pattern#quote when you need your entire pattern to be interpreted literally.
String#split works with a Regular Expression but [ and ] are not standard characters, regex-wise: they have a special meaning in that context.
In order to strip them from their special meaning and simply match actual square brackets, they need to be escaped, which is done by preceding each with a backslash — that is, using \[ and \].
However, in a Java String, \ is not a standard character either, and needs to be escaped as well.
Thus, just to split on [, the String used is "\\[" and you are trying to obtain:
.split("\\], \\[")
A sensible alternative
However, in this case, you're not just semantically escaping a few specific characters in a Regular Expression, but actually wishing that your entire pattern be interpreted literally: there's a method to do just that 🙂
Pattern#quote is used to signify that the:
Metacharacters [...] in your pattern will be given no special meaning.
(from the Javadoc linked above)
I recommend, in this case, that you use the following, more sensible and readable:
.split(Pattern.quote("], ["))
Split receives a regex and [, ] characters have meaning in regex, so you should escape them with \\[ and \\].
The way you are currently doing it, the parser finds a ] without a preceding [ so it throws that error.
String.split() takes a regular expression, not a normal string as an argument. In a regular expression, ] and [ are special characters, which need to be preceded by backslashes to be taken literally. Use .split("\\], \\["). (the double backslashes tell Java to interpret the string as "\], \[").
.split("], [")
^---start of char class
Change it to
.split("], \[")
^---escape the [
Try to use it
String stringToSplit = "8579.0,753.34,796.94,\"[784.2389999999999,784.34]\",\"[-4.335912230999999, -4.3603307895,4.0407909059, 4.08669583455]\",[],[],[],0.1744,14.4,3.5527136788e-15,0.330667850653,0.225286999939,Near_Crash";
String [] arraySplitted = stringToSplit.replaceAll("\"","").replaceAll("\\[","").replaceAll("\\]","").trim().split(",");
This question already has answers here:
How to escape text for regular expression in Java?
(8 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I am attempting to replace the first occurrence of the string "[]" in another string:
aString.replaceFirst("[]", "blah");
I get the error:
java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: Unclosed character class near index 1 []
[ and ] are obviously metacharacters, however when I try to escape them with a \
eclipse complains that it is not a valid escape sequence.
I've looked but couldn't find, what am I missing?
Thank You
Regex patterns use \ as escape character, but so does Java. So to get a single escape (\) in a regex pattern you should write: \\. To escape an escape inside a regex, double the pattern: \\\\.
Of course that's extremely tedious, made all the worse because regexes have a ton of escape sequences like that. Which is why Java regexes also support “quoting” litteral parts of the pattern and this allows you to write your pattern as: \\Q[]\\E.
EDIT: As the other answer hints at: java.util.regex.Pattern.quote() performs this wrapping between \\Q and \\E.
Try \\[ and \\]. You need to double escape, because \ is also an escape character for strings (as is \" when you want to have double-quotes in your text). Therefore to get a \ in your string you have to use \\.
aString.replaceFirst("\\[\\]", "blah");
or in the more general case
aString.replaceFirst(java.util.regex.Pattern.quote("[]"), "blah");
I am having a filter for the following regular expressions
I need to negate the following special charters before the
any suggestions??
Try escaping the ] in the character class.
If not escaped the ] will be treated incorrectly as the end of the character class.
Since this has been tagged as Java, remember that you need to escape using \\ and not just \.