**New edit info at bottom**
I have created a Tech support program that simulates an electronic tech support system. It is supposed to have a client request support through a ticket and assign it to the appropriate agent. It has four classes (client, agent, ticket, and the actual tech support system).
Ticket class:
* Ticket.java
* This class is part of Programming
* Assignment 6 - Tech Support System
* for CS1440 Summer 2014.
* #author Brandon C. Eason
* #author
* #version
* This class represents a support ticket
* in the tech support ticket.
public class Ticket
//the number of minutes for resolving a premium ticket
private static final int PREMIUM = 30;
//the number of minutes for resolving a basic ticket
private static final int BASIC = 60;
//the number of tickets generated
private static int ticketNumber;
//the ticket id, built from the current date and ticket number
private String id;
//the problem description
private String description;
//the number of minutes since the ticket was entered
private int minutes;
//the client that requested this ticket
private Client requester;
//the agent assigned to this ticket
private Agent solver;
* Fully parameterized constructor for Ticket.
* #param date - the date this ticket was created
* #param description - this ticket's problem description
* #param minutes - the number of minutes since this ticket was entered
* #param requester - the client that requested this ticket
public Ticket(String date, String description, int minutes,
Client requester)
id = date + "-" + ticketNumber;
this.description = description;
this.minutes = minutes;
this.requester = new Client(requester);
* Accessor for ticket number.
* #return the number of tickets generated
public static int getNumTickets()
return ticketNumber;
* Accessor for id.
* #return this ticket's id
public String getID()
return id;
* Accessor for description.
* #return this ticket's description
public String getDescription()
return description;
* Accessor for minutes.
* #return the number of minutes since this ticket was entered
public int getMinutes()
return minutes;
* Accessor for the Client requesting the ticket.
* #return a copy of the Client requesting this ticket
public Client getClient()
return requester;
* Assign this ticket to an agent. The method makes a copy of the
* Agent parameter and sets the solver field to that copy.
* #param solver - the agent this ticket is assigned to
public void setAgent(Agent solver)
String name = solver.getName();
String id = solver.getID();
String specialty = solver.getSpecialty();
int time = solver.getTime();
solver = new Agent(name, id, specialty, time);
* Determine the minutes this ticket is overdue.
* Basic service level clients should have their
* tickets resolved within 60 minutes. Premium
* service level clients should have their tickets
* resolved within 30 minutes.
* #return the number of minutes the ticket is overdue
public int timeOverdue()
int timeOverdue;
timeOverdue = (PREMIUM - this.minutes);
timeOverdue = (BASIC - this.minutes);
return timeOverdue;
* Return a string predicting the resolution time of the ticket.
* #return a prediction of the resolution time
public String prediction()
String predict = "Resolution Time: ";
int minutes = timeOverdue() + solver.getTime();
if (minutes > 0)
predict += minutes + " minutes behind schedule";
else if (minutes < 0)
predict += Math.abs(minutes) + " minutes ahead of schedule";
predict += "On time";
return predict;
* Determine whether this ticket is overdue.
* #return true if this ticket is overdue
public boolean isOverdue()
return timeOverdue() > 0;
* Build a string representation of this ticket.
* #return this ticket's data
public String toString()
//begin with id and description
String data = "ID#: " + getID();
data += "\r\nProblem: " + getDescription();
//add time overdue, if any
if (isOverdue())
data += "\r\nOverdue: " + timeOverdue() + " minutes";
//add client data
data += "\r\n------------";
data += "\r\nRequested by\r\n";
data += "------------\r\n";
data += requester;
//add agent data
data += "\r\n-----------";
data += "\r\nAssigned to\r\n";
data += "-----------\r\n";
data += solver;
//add projected resolution time
data += "\r\n" + prediction();
return data;
* Determine if this ticket is a duplicate of another.
* Tickets are duplicates if they have the same description
* and Client.
* #param other - the other Ticket
* #return true if this ticket is a duplicate of the other
public boolean equals(Ticket other)
if(description.equals(other.description) && requester.equals(other.requester))
return true;
return false;
Agent class:
* Agent.java
* This class is part of Programming
* Assignment 6 - Tech Support System
* for CS1440 Summer 2014.
* #author Brandon C. Eason
* #author
* #version
* This clas represents an agent profile
* in the tech support system.
public class Agent
//the agent's name
private String name;
//the agent's id number
private String id;
//the agent's support specialty
private String specialty;
//the agent's average turnaround time in whole minutes
private int time;
* Fully parameterized constructor for Agent.
* #param name - this agent's name
* #param id - this agent's id number
* #param specialty - this agent's support specialty
* #param time - this agent's average turnaround time in minutes
public Agent(String name, String id, String specialty, int time)
this.name = name;
this.id = id;
this.specialty = specialty;
this.time = time;
* Create a copy of this Agent.
* #return a new Agent that is a copy of this one
public Agent copy()
Agent copyAgent = new Agent(name, id, specialty, time);
return copyAgent;
* Accessor for name.
* #return this agent's name
public String getName()
return name;
* Accessor for id number.
* #return this agent's id number
public String getID()
return id;
* Accessor for specialty.
* #return this agent's support specialty
public String getSpecialty()
return specialty;
* Accessor for average turnaround time.
* #return this agent's average turnaround time
public int getTime()
return time;
* Builds a string representation of this agent's data.
* #return this agent's data
public String toString()
String str = "Agents's name: " + this.name
+ "/nAgent's ID: " + this.id
+ "/nSupport specialty: " + this.specialty
+ "/nAverage service time:" + this.time;
return str;
Client class:
* Client.java
* This class is part of Programming
* Assignment 6 - Tech Support System
* for CS1440 Summer 2014.
* #author Brandon C. Eason
* #author
* #version
* This class represents a client profile in
* the tech support system with information
* about the client and the client's
* computer system.
public class Client
//the client's full name
private String name;
//the client's phone number
private String phone;
//the client's computer type
private String computer;
//true if a premium client
private boolean premium;
* Fully parameterized constructor for
* Client.
* #param name - this client's name
* #param phone - this client's phone number
* #param computer - this client's computer type
* #param premium - whether client has premium service
public Client(String name, String phone, String computer, boolean premium)
this.name = name;
this.phone = phone;
this.computer = computer;
this.premium = premium;
* Constructor for when computer type is not specified.
* #param name - this client's name
* #param phone - this client's phone
* #param premium - whether client has premium service
public Client(String name, String phone, boolean premium)
this(name, phone, "Unspecified", premium);
* Constructor that creates a copy of the Client passed in.
* #param object - the client to be copied
public Client(Client object)
name = object.name;
computer = object.computer;
phone = object.phone;
premium = object.premium;
* Accessor for name.
* #return this client's name
public String getName()
return name;
* Accessor for phone.
* #return this client's phone number
public String getPhone()
return phone;
* Accessor for computer type.
* #return this client's computer type
public String getComputer()
return computer;
* Determine if this client receives
* premium service.
* #return true if this client receives premium service.
public boolean hasPremium()
return premium;
* Builds a printable String representation of
* this client's data.
* #return this client's data
public String toString()
String service;
service = "Premium";
service = "Basic";
String str = "Client's name: " + this.name
+ "/nClient's phone: " + this.phone
+ "/nCSystem type: " + this.computer
+ "/nService:" + service;
return str;
* Determine if this Client is the same as another.
* Client's are equal if they have the same name,
* phone number, computer type, and service level.
* #param other - the other Client
* #return true if this client equals the other
public boolean equals(Client other)
if(name.equals(other.name) && phone.equals(other.phone)
&& computer.equals(other.computer) && premium == (other.premium))
return true;
return false;
This class processes the tickets by reading request from a file, assigning them to agents, and writing them to a report that beings with the date. There is always agents on duty for each specialization(Mac, Windows PC, or any system).
TicketSupportSystem class:
* TechSupportSystem.java
* This class is part of Programming
* Assignment 6 - Tech Support System
* for CS1440 Summer 2013.
* #author Brandon C. Eason
* #author
* #version
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
* This class runs a tech support system
* which reads in tickets entered by clients,
* assigns them to an agent to be resolved,
* and writes them to a report.
public class TechSupportSystem
//for keyboard input
private Scanner keyboard;
//for file input
private Scanner input;
//for writing to a file
private PrintWriter output;
//for appending to a file
private FileWriter append;
//for opening files
private File inputFile;
//today's date
private String date;
//first agent
private Agent agentOne;
//second agent
private Agent agentTwo;
//third agent
private Agent agentThree;
//the number of tickets assigned
private int numTickets;
* Constructor for TechSupportSystem.
* #throws IOException - file not found
public TechSupportSystem() throws IOException
System.out.println("Welcome to Ticket Manager Lite\n");
keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("\nTotal tickets processed: "
+ Ticket.getNumTickets());
System.out.println("\nTotal tickets assigned: " + numTickets);
* Get today's date from the dispatcher (the user of this system).
private void getDate()
date = "";
while (date.length() != 8)
System.out.print("Enter today's date(MMDDYYYY format): ");
date = keyboard.nextLine();
* Verify file for opening and open it.
* #param fileName - the file to be opened
* #return true if valid file
private boolean openFile(String fileName)
inputFile = new File(fileName);
return inputFile.exists();
* Prepare file writing.
* #throws IOException - file not found
private void enableWriting() throws IOException
append = new FileWriter("report.txt", true);
output = new PrintWriter(append);
output.println("Ticket Report for " + date);
* Read in agents on duty.
* #throws IOException - file not found
private void getAgents() throws IOException
String fileName;
System.out.print("Enter the name of the agent duty file: ");
fileName = keyboard.nextLine();
} while (!openFile(fileName));
input = new Scanner(inputFile);
agentOne = readAgent();
agentTwo = readAgent();
agentThree = readAgent();
* Read a single agent.
* #return the agent that was read
private Agent readAgent()
String name = input.nextLine();
String id = input.nextLine();
String specialty = input.nextLine();
int time = input.nextInt();
return new Agent(name, id, specialty, time);
* Read in the day's tickets from a file, two
* at a time, check for duplicates, assign the
* tickets to an agent, and write them to a report.
* #throws IOException - file not found
private void processTickets() throws IOException
String fileName;
Ticket currentTicket;
Ticket lastTicket = null;
System.out.print("Enter the name of the ticket file: ");
fileName = keyboard.nextLine();
} while (!openFile(fileName));
input = new Scanner(inputFile);
while (input.hasNext())
currentTicket = readTicket();
if (lastTicket == null || !currentTicket.equals(lastTicket))
output.println(currentTicket + "\r\n");
lastTicket = currentTicket;
* Read in a single ticket.
* #return the ticket that was read in
private Ticket readTicket()
Client requester;
String description;
int minutes;
requester = readClient();
description = input.nextLine();
minutes = input.nextInt();
return new Ticket(date, description, minutes, requester);
* Read in a single client.
* #return the client that was read in
private Client readClient()
String name;
String phone;
String computer;
String premium;
boolean hasPremium = false;
name = input.nextLine();
phone = input.nextLine();
computer = input.nextLine();
premium = input.nextLine();
if (premium.equals("Premium"))
hasPremium = true;
if (computer.length() == 0)
return new Client(name, phone, hasPremium);
return new Client(name, phone, computer, hasPremium);
* Assign a ticket to an agent.
* #param ticket - the ticket to be assigned
private void assign(Ticket ticket)
Client requester = ticket.getClient();
String computer = requester.getComputer();
Agent solver;
if (agentOne.getSpecialty().equals(computer))
solver = agentOne;
else if (agentTwo.getSpecialty().equals(computer))
solver = agentTwo;
solver = agentThree;
System.out.println("Ticket assigned to " + solver.getName() + ".");
* Starts the tech support system.
* #param args - not used
* #throws IOException - file not found
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
new TechSupportSystem();
Everything compiles right but when I run it, it has an error after I tell it the files and it reads them. The error it gives is:
Welcome to Ticket Manager Lite
Enter today's date(MMDDYYYY format): 12121221
Enter the name of the agent duty file: agents.txt
Enter the name of the ticket file: tickets.txt
Ticket assigned to Dee.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at Ticket.prediction(Ticket.java:153)
at Ticket.toString(Ticket.java:210)
at java.lang.String.valueOf(String.java:2979)
at java.lang.StringBuilder.append(StringBuilder.java:131)
at TechSupportSystem.processTickets(TechSupportSystem.java:178)
at TechSupportSystem.<init>(TechSupportSystem.java:62)
at TechSupportSystem.main(TechSupportSystem.java:275)
Press any key to continue . . .
So I know it has something to do with the null value assigned to lastTicket in the TechSupportSystem class and somethings skewed in the prediction. I just dont know what to change that would make it work with the whole processTickets and prediction methods. Ive been staring at this code for hours and just keep brain-farting on what the actual issue is. Could someone atleast point me in the right direction?
Thanks for your time on this long post.
I fixed the nullexception error. When I run it everything works fine it seems. It reports the correct info to the report.txt but the thing that is messing up is it isnt assigning a solver. The solver is null for every ticket.
I assume its something wrong with my
* Assign this ticket to an agent. The method makes a copy of the
* Agent parameter and sets the solver field to that copy.
* #param solver - the agent this ticket is assigned to
public void setAgent(Agent solver)
String name = solver.getName();
String id = solver.getID();
String specialty = solver.getSpecialty();
int time = solver.getTime();
solver = new Agent(name, id, specialty, time);
just cant figure out what.
Most likely you are trying to print a Ticket without a solver. i.e. the solver is null
public String prediction() {
if(solver == null) return "no solver";
BTW if you use a debugger, you should be able to see what the problem is in a few minutes. I suggest you learn how to use it as it will save you hours of frustration.
The simplest workaround is to trap the exception until you can fix it.
String predict;
try {
predict = prediction();
} catch (Exception e) {
predict = e.toString();
data += "\r\n" + predict;
I've a Java regex for a RowFilter that works as a filter for information shown in a table.
The idea is that I've a table with information in it, and below the table is a text field where I write something and filters the rows only if the row has at least on cell with a regex match based on the text entered on the text field.
I've a class that extends AbstractTableModel that's the model that I use for the table. Let's suppose that the class is called ClientesTableModel.
Then I put a event in the text field, the KeyReleased one, which does the following:
private void EventFiredInTextField() {
RowFilter<ClientesTableModel, Object> rf;
try {
rf = RowFilter.regexFilter("(?i)" + jTextFieldFiltro.getText());
} catch (PatternSyntaxException ex) {
Already the filter is case insensitive. Any way to make it accent insensitive?
Tried what follows already, but it doesn't works if a cell has a string with accents.
private void Filtrar() {
RowFilter<ClientesTableModel, Object> rf;
try {
rf = RowFilter.regexFilter("(?i)" + Normalizer.normalize(jTextFieldFiltro.getText(), Normalizer.Form.NFD).replaceAll("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+", ""));
} catch (PatternSyntaxException ex) {
And also tried at least 20+ solutions that appears here on SO and another sites, with no luck. None of them seem to be working with a table...
Edit 1:
Tried something more:
private void Filtrar() {
RowFilter<ClientesTableModel, Object> rf;
try {
Map<String, String> replacements = new HashMap();
replacements.put("a", "[aá]");
replacements.put("e", "[eé]");
replacements.put("i", "[ií]");
replacements.put("o", "[oó]");
replacements.put("u", "[uú]");
String regex = "";
for (char c : jTextFieldFiltro.getText().toCharArray()) {
String replacement = replacements.get(Normalizer.normalize(Character.toString(Character.toLowerCase(c)), Normalizer.Form.NFD).replaceAll("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+", ""));
if (replacement == null) {
regex += c;
} else {
regex += replacement;
rf = RowFilter.regexFilter("(?i)" + regex);
} catch (PatternSyntaxException ex) {
It just makes some changes in the regex text before it's applied, with the following idea:
If the filter text is edit it will be transformed into [eé]d[ií]t, and it will be a regex that's accent indiferent for Central American letters.
However, I'm experiencing one big problem. I've the flag (?i) in the regex so it's supposed to be case insensitive. But if a cell has for example the text edÍt, the í and Í doesn't catch the (?i) flag, they aren't treated as they should, case insensitive...
A simple solution is to change replacements.put("i", "[ií]"); by replacements.put("i", "[iíÍ]");, but hey... what's the point on putting the (?i) flag then?
Anyway, this solution isn't so elegant, and it will fail for other accent types (like ¨). Ideas?
And sorter variable is of type TableRowSorter<ClientesTableModel>.
SO doesn't allows more than 30000 characters by response, so, I'm going to split this in three answers.
Part 1/3:
After try and error for 4+ hours, found a way. Not so sexy, but it's efficient and it's a real accent indiferent solution for jTables filtering with regexes.
I'd to modify some source files of JDK version 7 update 7. They're DefaultRowSorter and TableRowSorter.
I added a extra class called RowFilterSpecialFilter for coding simplification.
The modified DefaultRowSorter and TableRowSorter classes are called DefaultRowSorterSpecialFilter and TableRowSorterSpecialFilter respectively.
DefaultRowSorterSpecialFilter and RowFilterSpecialFilter are in a package called javax.swing.
TableRowSorterSpecialFilter is in a package called javax.swing.table.
TableRowSorterSpecialFilter is basically the same as TableRowSorter. The only change is that all the ocurrences of TableRowSorter where replaced by TableRowSorterSpecialFilter, and now it inherits from DefaultRowSorterSpecialFilter. Modified file source (TableRowSorterSpecialFilter.java):
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
package javax.swing.table;
import java.text.Collator;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.DefaultRowSorterSpecialFilter;
import javax.swing.RowFilter;
* An implementation of
* <code>RowSorter</code> that provides sorting and filtering using a
* <code>TableModel</code>. The following example shows adding sorting to a
* <code>JTable</code>:
* <pre>
* TableModel myModel = createMyTableModel();
* JTable table = new JTable(myModel);
* table.setRowSorter(new TableRowSorterSpecialFilter(myModel));
* </pre> This will do all the wiring such that when the user does the
* appropriate gesture, such as clicking on the column header, the table will
* visually sort. <p>
* <code>JTable</code>'s row-based methods and
* <code>JTable</code>'s selection model refer to the view and not the
* underlying model. Therefore, it is necessary to convert between the two. For
* example, to get the selection in terms of
* <code>myModel</code> you need to convert the indices:
* <pre>
* int[] selection = table.getSelectedRows();
* for (int i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) {
* selection[i] = table.convertRowIndexToModel(selection[i]);
* }
* </pre> Similarly to select a row in
* <code>JTable</code> based on a coordinate from the underlying model do the
* inverse:
* <pre>
* table.setRowSelectionInterval(table.convertRowIndexToView(row),
* table.convertRowIndexToView(row));
* </pre> <p> The previous example assumes you have not enabled filtering. If
* you have enabled filtering
* <code>convertRowIndexToView</code> will return -1 for locations that are not
* visible in the view. <p>
* <code>TableRowSorterSpecialFilter</code> uses
* <code>Comparator</code>s for doing comparisons. The following defines how a
* <code>Comparator</code> is chosen for a column: <ol> <li>If a
* <code>Comparator</code> has been specified for the column by the
* <code>setComparator</code> method, use it. <li>If the column class as
* returned by
* <code>getColumnClass</code> is
* <code>String</code>, use the
* <code>Comparator</code> returned by
* <code>Collator.getInstance()</code>. <li>If the column class implements
* <code>Comparable</code>, use a
* <code>Comparator</code> that invokes the
* <code>compareTo</code> method. <li>If a
* <code>TableStringConverter</code> has been specified, use it to convert the
* values to
* <code>String</code>s and then use the
* <code>Comparator</code> returned by
* <code>Collator.getInstance()</code>. <li>Otherwise use the
* <code>Comparator</code> returned by
* <code>Collator.getInstance()</code> on the results from calling
* <code>toString</code> on the objects. </ol> <p> In addition to sorting
* <code>TableRowSorterSpecialFilter</code> provides the ability to filter. A
* filter is specified using the
* <code>setFilter</code> method. The following example will only show rows
* containing the string "foo":
* <pre>
* TableModel myModel = createMyTableModel();
* TableRowSorterSpecialFilter sorter = new TableRowSorterSpecialFilter(myModel);
* sorter.setRowFilter(RowFilter.regexFilter(".*foo.*"));
* JTable table = new JTable(myModel);
* table.setRowSorter(sorter);
* </pre> <p> If the underlying model structure changes (the
* <code>modelStructureChanged</code> method is invoked) the following are reset
* to their default values:
* <code>Comparator</code>s by column, current sort order, and whether each
* column is sortable. The default sort order is natural (the same as the
* model), and columns are sortable by default. <p>
* <code>TableRowSorterSpecialFilter</code> has one formal type parameter: the
* type of the model. Passing in a type that corresponds exactly to your model
* allows you to filter based on your model without casting. Refer to the
* documentation of
* <code>RowFilter</code> for an example of this. <p> <b>WARNING:</b>
* <code>DefaultTableModel</code> returns a column class of
* <code>Object</code>. As such all comparisons will be done using
* <code>toString</code>. This may be unnecessarily expensive. If the column
* only contains one type of value, such as an
* <code>Integer</code>, you should override
* <code>getColumnClass</code> and return the appropriate
* <code>Class</code>. This will dramatically increase the performance of this
* class.
* #param <M> the type of the model, which must be an implementation of
* <code>TableModel</code>
* #see javax.swing.JTable
* #see javax.swing.RowFilter
* #see javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
* #see java.text.Collator
* #see java.util.Comparator
* #since 1.6
public final class TableRowSorterSpecialFilter<M extends TableModel> extends DefaultRowSorterSpecialFilter<M, Integer> {
* Comparator that uses compareTo on the contents.
private static final Comparator COMPARABLE_COMPARATOR =
new ComparableComparator();
* Underlying model.
private M tableModel;
* For toString conversions.
private TableStringConverter stringConverter;
* Creates a
* <code>TableRowSorterSpecialFilter</code> with an empty model.
public TableRowSorterSpecialFilter() {
* Creates a
* <code>TableRowSorterSpecialFilter</code> using
* <code>model</code> as the underlying
* <code>TableModel</code>.
* #param model the underlying <code>TableModel</code> to use,
* <code>null</code> is treated as an empty model
public TableRowSorterSpecialFilter(M model) {
* Sets the
* <code>TableModel</code> to use as the underlying model for this
* <code>TableRowSorterSpecialFilter</code>. A value of
* <code>null</code> can be used to set an empty model.
* #param model the underlying model to use, or <code>null</code>
public void setModel(M model) {
tableModel = model;
setModelWrapper(new TableRowSorterModelWrapper());
* Sets the object responsible for converting values from the model to
* strings. If non-
* <code>null</code> this is used to convert any object values, that do not
* have a registered
* <code>Comparator</code>, to strings.
* #param stringConverter the object responsible for converting values from
* the model to strings
public void setStringConverter(TableStringConverter stringConverter) {
this.stringConverter = stringConverter;
* Returns the object responsible for converting values from the model to
* strings.
* #return object responsible for converting values to strings.
public TableStringConverter getStringConverter() {
return stringConverter;
* Returns the
* <code>Comparator</code> for the specified column. If a
* <code>Comparator</code> has not been specified using the
* <code>setComparator</code> method a
* <code>Comparator</code> will be returned based on the column class
* (
* <code>TableModel.getColumnClass</code>) of the specified column. If the
* column class is
* <code>String</code>,
* <code>Collator.getInstance</code> is returned. If the column class
* implements
* <code>Comparable</code> a private
* <code>Comparator</code> is returned that invokes the
* <code>compareTo</code> method. Otherwise
* <code>Collator.getInstance</code> is returned.
* #throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {#inheritDoc}
public Comparator<?> getComparator(int column) {
Comparator comparator = super.getComparator(column);
if (comparator != null) {
return comparator;
Class columnClass = getModel().getColumnClass(column);
if (columnClass == String.class) {
return Collator.getInstance();
if (Comparable.class.isAssignableFrom(columnClass)) {
return Collator.getInstance();
* {#inheritDoc}
* #throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {#inheritDoc}
protected boolean useToString(int column) {
Comparator comparator = super.getComparator(column);
if (comparator != null) {
return false;
Class columnClass = getModel().getColumnClass(column);
if (columnClass == String.class) {
return false;
if (Comparable.class.isAssignableFrom(columnClass)) {
return false;
return true;
* Implementation of DefaultRowSorterSpecialFilter.ModelWrapper that
* delegates to a TableModel.
private class TableRowSorterModelWrapper extends ModelWrapper<M, Integer> {
public M getModel() {
return tableModel;
public int getColumnCount() {
return (tableModel == null) ? 0 : tableModel.getColumnCount();
public int getRowCount() {
return (tableModel == null) ? 0 : tableModel.getRowCount();
public Object getValueAt(int row, int column) {
return tableModel.getValueAt(row, column);
public String getStringValueAt(int row, int column) {
TableStringConverter converter = getStringConverter();
if (converter != null) {
// Use the converter
String value = converter.toString(
tableModel, row, column);
if (value != null) {
return value;
return "";
// No converter, use getValueAt followed by toString
Object o = getValueAt(row, column);
if (o == null) {
return "";
String string = o.toString();
if (string == null) {
return "";
return string;
public Integer getIdentifier(int index) {
return index;
private static class ComparableComparator implements Comparator {
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
return ((Comparable) o1).compareTo(o2);
In the case of DefaultRowSorterSpecialFilter, it has more changes than TableRowSorterSpecialFilter. Basically it has a extra property, public boolean accentIndiferent which starts in false and the overrided method public String getStringValue(int index) of the nested class private class FilterEntry extends RowFilter.Entry<M, I> has been modified to return a string without accents based on the accentIndiferent value. Modified source (DefaultRowSorterSpecialFilter.java):
SO doesn't allows more than 30000 characters by response, so, I'm going to split this in three answers.
Part 2/3:
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
package javax.swing;
import java.text.Collator;
import java.text.Normalizer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
* An implementation of
* <code>RowSorter</code> that provides sorting and filtering around a
* grid-based data model. Beyond creating and installing a
* <code>RowSorter</code>, you very rarely need to interact with one directly.
* Refer to {#link javax.swing.table.TableRowSorter TableRowSorter} for a
* concrete implementation of
* <code>RowSorter</code> for
* <code>JTable</code>. <p> Sorting is done based on the current
* <code>SortKey</code>s, in order. If two objects are equal (the
* <code>Comparator</code> for the column returns 0) the next
* <code>SortKey</code> is used. If no
* <code>SortKey</code>s remain or the order is
* <code>UNSORTED</code>, then the order of the rows in the model is used. <p>
* Sorting of each column is done by way of a
* <code>Comparator</code> that you can specify using the
* <code>setComparator</code> method. If a
* <code>Comparator</code> has not been specified, the
* <code>Comparator</code> returned by
* <code>Collator.getInstance()</code> is used on the results of calling
* <code>toString</code> on the underlying objects. The
* <code>Comparator</code> is never passed
* <code>null</code>. A
* <code>null</code> value is treated as occuring before a non-
* <code>null</code> value, and two
* <code>null</code> values are considered equal. <p> If you specify a
* <code>Comparator</code> that casts its argument to a type other than that
* provided by the model, a
* <code>ClassCastException</code> will be thrown when the data is sorted. <p>
* In addition to sorting,
* <code>DefaultRowSorterSpecialFilter</code> provides the ability to
* filterInclude rows. Filtering is done by way of a
* <code>RowFilter</code> that is specified using the
* <code>setRowFilter</code> method. If no filterInclude has been specified all
* rows are included. <p> By default, rows are in unsorted order (the same as
* the model) and every column is sortable. The default
* <code>Comparator</code>s are documented in the subclasses (for example, {#link
* javax.swing.table.TableRowSorter TableRowSorter}). <p> If the underlying
* model structure changes (the
* <code>modelStructureChanged</code> method is invoked) the following are reset
* to their default values:
* <code>Comparator</code>s by column, current sort order, and whether each
* column is sortable. To find the default
* <code>Comparator</code>s, see the concrete implementation (for example, {#link
* javax.swing.table.TableRowSorter TableRowSorter}). The default sort order is
* unsorted (the same as the model), and columns are sortable by default. <p> If
* the underlying model structure changes (the
* <code>modelStructureChanged</code> method is invoked) the following are reset
* to their default values:
* <code>Comparator</code>s by column, current sort order and whether a column
* is sortable. <p>
* <code>DefaultRowSorterSpecialFilter</code> is an abstract class. Concrete
* subclasses must provide access to the underlying data by invoking
* {#code setModelWrapper}. The {#code setModelWrapper} method <b>must</b> be
* invoked soon after the constructor is called, ideally from within the
* subclass's constructor. Undefined behavior will result if you use a {#code
* DefaultRowSorterSpecialFilter} without specifying a {#code ModelWrapper}. <p>
* <code>DefaultRowSorterSpecialFilter</code> has two formal type parameters.
* The first type parameter corresponds to the class of the model, for example
* <code>DefaultTableModel</code>. The second type parameter corresponds to the
* class of the identifier passed to the
* <code>RowFilter</code>. Refer to
* <code>TableRowSorter</code> and
* <code>RowFilter</code> for more details on the type parameters.
* #param <M> the type of the model
* #param <I> the type of the identifier passed to the <code>RowFilter</code>
* #see javax.swing.table.TableRowSorter
* #see javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
* #see java.text.Collator
* #since 1.6
public abstract class DefaultRowSorterSpecialFilter<M, I> extends RowSorter<M> {
public boolean accentIndiferent = false;
* Whether or not we resort on TableModelEvent.UPDATEs.
private boolean sortsOnUpdates;
* View (JTable) -> model.
private Row[] viewToModel;
* model -> view (JTable)
private int[] modelToView;
* Comparators specified by column.
private Comparator[] comparators;
* Whether or not the specified column is sortable, by column.
private boolean[] isSortable;
* Cached SortKeys for the current sort.
private SortKey[] cachedSortKeys;
* Cached comparators for the current sort
private Comparator[] sortComparators;
* Developer supplied Filter.
private RowFilter<? super M, ? super I> filter;
* Value passed to the filterInclude. The same instance is passed to the
* filterInclude for different rows.
private FilterEntry filterEntry;
* The sort keys.
private List<SortKey> sortKeys;
* Whether or not to use getStringValueAt. This is indexed by column.
private boolean[] useToString;
* Indicates the contents are sorted. This is used if getSortsOnUpdates is
* false and an update event is received.
private boolean sorted;
* Maximum number of sort keys.
private int maxSortKeys;
* Provides access to the data we're sorting/filtering.
private ModelWrapper<M, I> modelWrapper;
* Size of the model. This is used to enforce error checking within the
* table changed notification methods (such as rowsInserted).
private int modelRowCount;
* Creates an empty
* <code>DefaultRowSorterSpecialFilter</code>.
public DefaultRowSorterSpecialFilter() {
sortKeys = Collections.emptyList();
maxSortKeys = 3;
* Sets the model wrapper providing the data that is being sorted and
* filtered.
* #param modelWrapper the model wrapper responsible for providing the data
* that gets sorted and filtered
* #throws IllegalArgumentException if {#code modelWrapper} is {#code null}
protected final void setModelWrapper(ModelWrapper<M, I> modelWrapper) {
if (modelWrapper == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"modelWrapper most be non-null");
ModelWrapper<M, I> last = this.modelWrapper;
this.modelWrapper = modelWrapper;
if (last != null) {
} else {
// If last is null, we're in the constructor. If we're in
// the constructor we don't want to call to overridable methods.
modelRowCount = getModelWrapper().getRowCount();
* Returns the model wrapper providing the data that is being sorted and
* filtered.
* #return the model wrapper responsible for providing the data that gets
* sorted and filtered
protected final ModelWrapper<M, I> getModelWrapper() {
return modelWrapper;
* Returns the underlying model.
* #return the underlying model
public final M getModel() {
return getModelWrapper().getModel();
* Sets whether or not the specified column is sortable. The specified value
* is only checked when
* <code>toggleSortOrder</code> is invoked. It is still possible to sort on
* a column that has been marked as unsortable by directly setting the sort
* keys. The default is true.
* #param column the column to enable or disable sorting on, in terms of the
* underlying model
* #param sortable whether or not the specified column is sortable
* #throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if <code>column</code> is outside the
* range of the model
* #see #toggleSortOrder
* #see #setSortKeys
public void setSortable(int column, boolean sortable) {
if (isSortable == null) {
isSortable = new boolean[getModelWrapper().getColumnCount()];
for (int i = isSortable.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
isSortable[i] = true;
isSortable[column] = sortable;
* Returns true if the specified column is sortable; otherwise, false.
* #param column the column to check sorting for, in terms of the underlying
* model
* #return true if the column is sortable
* #throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if column is outside the range of the
* underlying model
public boolean isSortable(int column) {
return (isSortable == null) ? true : isSortable[column];
* Sets the sort keys. This creates a copy of the supplied {#code List};
* subsequent changes to the supplied {#code List} do not effect this
* {#code DefaultRowSorterSpecialFilter}. If the sort keys have changed this
* triggers a sort.
* #param sortKeys the new <code>SortKeys</code>; <code>null</code> is a
* shorthand for specifying an empty list, indicating that the view should
* be unsorted
* #throws IllegalArgumentException if any of the values in
* <code>sortKeys</code> are null or have a column index outside the range
* of the model
public void setSortKeys(List<? extends SortKey> sortKeys) {
List<SortKey> old = this.sortKeys;
if (sortKeys != null && sortKeys.size() > 0) {
int max = getModelWrapper().getColumnCount();
for (SortKey key : sortKeys) {
if (key == null || key.getColumn() < 0
|| key.getColumn() >= max) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid SortKey");
this.sortKeys = Collections.unmodifiableList(
new ArrayList<>(sortKeys));
} else {
this.sortKeys = Collections.emptyList();
if (!this.sortKeys.equals(old)) {
if (viewToModel == null) {
// Currently unsorted, use sort so that internal fields
// are correctly set.
} else {
* Returns the current sort keys. This returns an unmodifiable
* {#code non-null List}. If you need to change the sort keys, make a copy
* of the returned {#code List}, mutate the copy and invoke
* {#code setSortKeys} with the new list.
* #return the current sort order
public List<? extends SortKey> getSortKeys() {
return sortKeys;
* Sets the maximum number of sort keys. The number of sort keys determines
* how equal values are resolved when sorting. For example, assume a table
* row sorter is created and
* <code>setMaxSortKeys(2)</code> is invoked on it. The user clicks the
* header for column 1, causing the table rows to be sorted based on the
* items in column 1. Next, the user clicks the header for column 2, causing
* the table to be sorted based on the items in column 2; if any items in
* column 2 are equal, then those particular rows are ordered based on the
* items in column 1. In this case, we say that the rows are primarily
* sorted on column 2, and secondarily on column 1. If the user then clicks
* the header for column 3, then the items are primarily sorted on column 3
* and secondarily sorted on column 2. Because the maximum number of sort
* keys has been set to 2 with
* <code>setMaxSortKeys</code>, column 1 no longer has an effect on the
* order. <p> The maximum number of sort keys is enforced by
* <code>toggleSortOrder</code>. You can specify more sort keys by invoking
* <code>setSortKeys</code> directly and they will all be honored. However
* if
* <code>toggleSortOrder</code> is subsequently invoked the maximum number
* of sort keys will be enforced. The default value is 3.
* #param max the maximum number of sort keys
* #throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>max</code> < 1
public void setMaxSortKeys(int max) {
if (max < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid max");
maxSortKeys = max;
* Returns the maximum number of sort keys.
* #return the maximum number of sort keys
public int getMaxSortKeys() {
return maxSortKeys;
* If true, specifies that a sort should happen when the underlying model is
* updated (
* <code>rowsUpdated</code> is invoked). For example, if this is true and
* the user edits an entry the location of that item in the view may change.
* The default is false.
* #param sortsOnUpdates whether or not to sort on update events
public void setSortsOnUpdates(boolean sortsOnUpdates) {
this.sortsOnUpdates = sortsOnUpdates;
* Returns true if a sort should happen when the underlying model is
* updated; otherwise, returns false.
* #return whether or not to sort when the model is updated
public boolean getSortsOnUpdates() {
return sortsOnUpdates;
* Sets the filterInclude that determines which rows, if any, should be
* hidden from the view. The filterInclude is applied before sorting. A
* value of
* <code>null</code> indicates all values from the model should be included.
* <p>
* <code>RowFilter</code>'s
* <code>include</code> method is passed an
* <code>Entry</code> that wraps the underlying model. The number of columns
* in the
* <code>Entry</code> corresponds to the number of columns in the
* <code>ModelWrapper</code>. The identifier comes from the
* <code>ModelWrapper</code> as well. <p> This method triggers a sort.
* #param filterInclude the filterInclude used to determine what entries
* should be included
public void setRowFilter(RowFilter<? super M, ? super I> filter) {
this.filter = filter;
* Returns the filterInclude that determines which rows, if any, should be
* hidden from view.
* #return the filterInclude
public RowFilter<? super M, ? super I> getRowFilter() {
return filter;
* Reverses the sort order from ascending to descending (or descending to
* ascending) if the specified column is already the primary sorted column;
* otherwise, makes the specified column the primary sorted column, with an
* ascending sort order. If the specified column is not sortable, this
* method has no effect.
* #param column index of the column to make the primary sorted column, in
* terms of the underlying model
* #throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {#inheritDoc}
* #see #setSortable(int,boolean)
* #see #setMaxSortKeys(int)
public void toggleSortOrder(int column) {
if (isSortable(column)) {
List<SortKey> keys = new ArrayList<>(getSortKeys());
SortKey sortKey;
int sortIndex;
for (sortIndex = keys.size() - 1; sortIndex >= 0; sortIndex--) {
if (keys.get(sortIndex).getColumn() == column) {
if (sortIndex == -1) {
// Key doesn't exist
sortKey = new SortKey(column, SortOrder.ASCENDING);
keys.add(0, sortKey);
} else if (sortIndex == 0) {
// It's the primary sorting key, toggle it
keys.set(0, toggle(keys.get(0)));
} else {
// It's not the first, but was sorted on, remove old
// entry, insert as first with ascending.
keys.add(0, new SortKey(column, SortOrder.ASCENDING));
if (keys.size() > getMaxSortKeys()) {
keys = keys.subList(0, getMaxSortKeys());
private SortKey toggle(SortKey key) {
if (key.getSortOrder() == SortOrder.ASCENDING) {
return new SortKey(key.getColumn(), SortOrder.DESCENDING);
return new SortKey(key.getColumn(), SortOrder.ASCENDING);
* {#inheritDoc}
* #throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {#inheritDoc}
public int convertRowIndexToView(int index) {
if (modelToView == null) {
if (index < 0 || index >= getModelWrapper().getRowCount()) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Invalid index");
return index;
return modelToView[index];
* {#inheritDoc}
* #throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {#inheritDoc}
public int convertRowIndexToModel(int index) {
if (viewToModel == null) {
if (index < 0 || index >= getModelWrapper().getRowCount()) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Invalid index");
return index;
return viewToModel[index].modelIndex;
private boolean isUnsorted() {
List<? extends SortKey> keys = getSortKeys();
int keySize = keys.size();
return (keySize == 0 || keys.get(0).getSortOrder()
== SortOrder.UNSORTED);
* Sorts the existing filtered data. This should only be used if the
* filterInclude hasn't changed.
private void sortExistingData() {
int[] lastViewToModel = getViewToModelAsInts(viewToModel);
if (isUnsorted()) {
if (getRowFilter() == null) {
viewToModel = null;
modelToView = null;
} else {
int included = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < modelToView.length; i++) {
if (modelToView[i] != -1) {
viewToModel[included].modelIndex = i;
modelToView[i] = included++;
} else {
// sort the data
// Update the modelToView array
* Sorts and filters the rows in the view based on the sort keys of the
* columns currently being sorted and the filterInclude, if any, associated
* with this sorter. An empty
* <code>sortKeys</code> list indicates that the view should unsorted, the
* same as the model.
* #see #setRowFilter
* #see #setSortKeys
public void sort() {
sorted = true;
int[] lastViewToModel = getViewToModelAsInts(viewToModel);
if (isUnsorted()) {
// Unsorted
cachedSortKeys = new SortKey[0];
if (getRowFilter() == null) {
// No filterInclude & unsorted
if (viewToModel != null) {
// sorted -> unsorted
viewToModel = null;
modelToView = null;
} else {
// unsorted -> unsorted
// No need to do anything.
} else {
// There is filterInclude, reset mappings
} else {
if (getRowFilter() != null) {
} else {
// sort them
// Update the modelToView array
* Updates the useToString mapping before a sort.
private void updateUseToString() {
int i = getModelWrapper().getColumnCount();
if (useToString == null || useToString.length != i) {
useToString = new boolean[i];
for (--i; i >= 0; i--) {
useToString[i] = useToString(i);
* Resets the viewToModel and modelToView mappings based on the current
* Filter.
private void initializeFilteredMapping() {
int rowCount = getModelWrapper().getRowCount();
int i, j;
int excludedCount = 0;
// Update model -> view
for (i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
if (include(i)) {
modelToView[i] = i - excludedCount;
} else {
modelToView[i] = -1;
// Update view -> model
createViewToModel(rowCount - excludedCount);
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
if (modelToView[i] != -1) {
viewToModel[j++].modelIndex = i;
* Makes sure the modelToView array is of size rowCount.
private void createModelToView(int rowCount) {
if (modelToView == null || modelToView.length != rowCount) {
modelToView = new int[rowCount];
* Resets the viewToModel array to be of size rowCount.
private void createViewToModel(int rowCount) {
int recreateFrom = 0;
if (viewToModel != null) {
recreateFrom = Math.min(rowCount, viewToModel.length);
if (viewToModel.length != rowCount) {
Row[] oldViewToModel = viewToModel;
viewToModel = new Row[rowCount];
System.arraycopy(oldViewToModel, 0, viewToModel,
0, recreateFrom);
} else {
viewToModel = new Row[rowCount];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < recreateFrom; i++) {
viewToModel[i].modelIndex = i;
for (i = recreateFrom; i < rowCount; i++) {
viewToModel[i] = new Row(this, i);
* Caches the sort keys before a sort.
private void cacheSortKeys(List<? extends SortKey> keys) {
int keySize = keys.size();
sortComparators = new Comparator[keySize];
for (int i = 0; i < keySize; i++) {
sortComparators[i] = getComparator0(keys.get(i).getColumn());
cachedSortKeys = keys.toArray(new SortKey[keySize]);
* Returns whether or not to convert the value to a string before doing
* comparisons when sorting. If true
* <code>ModelWrapper.getStringValueAt</code> will be used, otherwise
* <code>ModelWrapper.getValueAt</code> will be used. It is up to
* subclasses, such as
* <code>TableRowSorter</code>, to honor this value in their
* <code>ModelWrapper</code> implementation.
* #param column the index of the column to test, in terms of the underlying
SO doesn't allows more than 30000 characters by response, so, I'm going to split this in three answers.
Part 3/3:
* model
* #throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if <code>column</code> is not valid
protected boolean useToString(int column) {
return (getComparator(column) == null);
* Refreshes the modelToView mapping from that of viewToModel. If
* <code>unsetFirst</code> is true, all indices in modelToView are first set
* to -1.
private void setModelToViewFromViewToModel(boolean unsetFirst) {
int i;
if (unsetFirst) {
for (i = modelToView.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
modelToView[i] = -1;
for (i = viewToModel.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
modelToView[viewToModel[i].modelIndex] = i;
private int[] getViewToModelAsInts(Row[] viewToModel) {
if (viewToModel != null) {
int[] viewToModelI = new int[viewToModel.length];
for (int i = viewToModel.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
viewToModelI[i] = viewToModel[i].modelIndex;
return viewToModelI;
return new int[0];
* Sets the
* <code>Comparator</code> to use when sorting the specified column. This
* does not trigger a sort. If you want to sort after setting the comparator
* you need to explicitly invoke
* <code>sort</code>.
* #param column the index of the column the <code>Comparator</code> is to
* be used for, in terms of the underlying model
* #param comparator the <code>Comparator</code> to use
* #throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if <code>column</code> is outside the
* range of the underlying model
public void setComparator(int column, Comparator<?> comparator) {
if (comparators == null) {
comparators = new Comparator[getModelWrapper().getColumnCount()];
comparators[column] = comparator;
* Returns the
* <code>Comparator</code> for the specified column. This will return
* <code>null</code> if a
* <code>Comparator</code> has not been specified for the column.
* #param column the column to fetch the <code>Comparator</code> for, in
* terms of the underlying model
* #return the <code>Comparator</code> for the specified column
* #throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if column is outside the range of the
* underlying model
public Comparator<?> getComparator(int column) {
if (comparators != null) {
return comparators[column];
return null;
// Returns the Comparator to use during sorting. Where as
// getComparator() may return null, this will never return null.
private Comparator getComparator0(int column) {
Comparator comparator = getComparator(column);
if (comparator != null) {
return comparator;
// This should be ok as useToString(column) should have returned
// true in this case.
return Collator.getInstance();
private RowFilter.Entry<M, I> getFilterEntry(int modelIndex) {
if (filterEntry == null) {
filterEntry = new FilterEntry();
filterEntry.modelIndex = modelIndex;
return filterEntry;
* {#inheritDoc}
public int getViewRowCount() {
if (viewToModel != null) {
// When filtering this may differ from getModelWrapper().getRowCount()
return viewToModel.length;
return getModelWrapper().getRowCount();
* {#inheritDoc}
public int getModelRowCount() {
return getModelWrapper().getRowCount();
private void allChanged() {
modelToView = null;
viewToModel = null;
comparators = null;
isSortable = null;
if (isUnsorted()) {
// Keys are already empty, to force a resort we have to
// call sort
} else {
* {#inheritDoc}
public void modelStructureChanged() {
modelRowCount = getModelWrapper().getRowCount();
* {#inheritDoc}
public void allRowsChanged() {
modelRowCount = getModelWrapper().getRowCount();
* {#inheritDoc}
* #throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {#inheritDoc}
public void rowsInserted(int firstRow, int endRow) {
checkAgainstModel(firstRow, endRow);
int newModelRowCount = getModelWrapper().getRowCount();
if (endRow >= newModelRowCount) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Invalid range");
modelRowCount = newModelRowCount;
if (shouldOptimizeChange(firstRow, endRow)) {
rowsInserted0(firstRow, endRow);
* {#inheritDoc}
* #throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {#inheritDoc}
public void rowsDeleted(int firstRow, int endRow) {
checkAgainstModel(firstRow, endRow);
if (firstRow >= modelRowCount || endRow >= modelRowCount) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Invalid range");
modelRowCount = getModelWrapper().getRowCount();
if (shouldOptimizeChange(firstRow, endRow)) {
rowsDeleted0(firstRow, endRow);
* {#inheritDoc}
* #throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {#inheritDoc}
public void rowsUpdated(int firstRow, int endRow) {
checkAgainstModel(firstRow, endRow);
if (firstRow >= modelRowCount || endRow >= modelRowCount) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Invalid range");
if (getSortsOnUpdates()) {
if (shouldOptimizeChange(firstRow, endRow)) {
rowsUpdated0(firstRow, endRow);
} else {
sorted = false;
* {#inheritDoc}
* #throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {#inheritDoc}
public void rowsUpdated(int firstRow, int endRow, int column) {
rowsUpdated(firstRow, endRow);
private void checkAgainstModel(int firstRow, int endRow) {
if (firstRow > endRow || firstRow < 0 || endRow < 0
|| firstRow > modelRowCount) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Invalid range");
* Returns true if the specified row should be included.
private boolean include(int row) {
RowFilter<? super M, ? super I> filterInclude = getRowFilter();
if (filterInclude != null) {
return filterInclude.include(getFilterEntry(row));
// null filterInclude, always include the row.
return true;
private int compare(int model1, int model2) {
int column;
SortOrder sortOrder;
Object v1, v2;
int result;
for (int counter = 0; counter < cachedSortKeys.length; counter++) {
column = cachedSortKeys[counter].getColumn();
sortOrder = cachedSortKeys[counter].getSortOrder();
if (sortOrder == SortOrder.UNSORTED) {
result = model1 - model2;
} else {
// v1 != null && v2 != null
if (useToString[column]) {
v1 = getModelWrapper().getStringValueAt(model1, column);
v2 = getModelWrapper().getStringValueAt(model2, column);
} else {
v1 = getModelWrapper().getValueAt(model1, column);
v2 = getModelWrapper().getValueAt(model2, column);
// Treat nulls as < then non-null
if (v1 == null) {
if (v2 == null) {
result = 0;
} else {
result = -1;
} else if (v2 == null) {
result = 1;
} else {
result = sortComparators[counter].compare(v1, v2);
if (sortOrder == SortOrder.DESCENDING) {
result *= -1;
if (result != 0) {
return result;
// If we get here, they're equal. Fallback to model order.
return model1 - model2;
* Whether not we are filtering/sorting.
private boolean isTransformed() {
return (viewToModel != null);
* Insets new set of entries.
* #param toAdd the Rows to add, sorted
* #param current the array to insert the items into
private void insertInOrder(List<Row> toAdd, Row[] current) {
int last = 0;
int index;
int max = toAdd.size();
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
index = Arrays.binarySearch(current, toAdd.get(i));
if (index < 0) {
index = -1 - index;
System.arraycopy(current, last,
viewToModel, last + i, index - last);
viewToModel[index + i] = toAdd.get(i);
last = index;
System.arraycopy(current, last, viewToModel, last + max,
current.length - last);
* Returns true if we should try and optimize the processing of the
* <code>TableModelEvent</code>. If this returns false, assume the event was
* dealt with and no further processing needs to happen.
private boolean shouldOptimizeChange(int firstRow, int lastRow) {
if (!isTransformed()) {
// Not transformed, nothing to do.
return false;
if (!sorted || (lastRow - firstRow) > viewToModel.length / 10) {
// We either weren't sorted, or to much changed, sort it all
return false;
return true;
private void rowsInserted0(int firstRow, int lastRow) {
int[] oldViewToModel = getViewToModelAsInts(viewToModel);
int i;
int delta = (lastRow - firstRow) + 1;
List<Row> added = new ArrayList<>(delta);
// Build the list of Rows to add into added
for (i = firstRow; i <= lastRow; i++) {
if (include(i)) {
added.add(new Row(this, i));
// Adjust the model index of rows after the effected region
int viewIndex;
for (i = modelToView.length - 1; i >= firstRow; i--) {
viewIndex = modelToView[i];
if (viewIndex != -1) {
viewToModel[viewIndex].modelIndex += delta;
// Insert newly added rows into viewToModel
if (added.size() > 0) {
Row[] lastViewToModel = viewToModel;
viewToModel = new Row[viewToModel.length + added.size()];
insertInOrder(added, lastViewToModel);
// Update modelToView
// Notify of change
private void rowsDeleted0(int firstRow, int lastRow) {
int[] oldViewToModel = getViewToModelAsInts(viewToModel);
int removedFromView = 0;
int i;
int viewIndex;
// Figure out how many visible rows are going to be effected.
for (i = firstRow; i <= lastRow; i++) {
viewIndex = modelToView[i];
if (viewIndex != -1) {
viewToModel[viewIndex] = null;
// Update the model index of rows after the effected region
int delta = lastRow - firstRow + 1;
for (i = modelToView.length - 1; i > lastRow; i--) {
viewIndex = modelToView[i];
if (viewIndex != -1) {
viewToModel[viewIndex].modelIndex -= delta;
// Then patch up the viewToModel array
if (removedFromView > 0) {
Row[] newViewToModel = new Row[viewToModel.length
- removedFromView];
int newIndex = 0;
int last = 0;
for (i = 0; i < viewToModel.length; i++) {
if (viewToModel[i] == null) {
System.arraycopy(viewToModel, last,
newViewToModel, newIndex, i - last);
newIndex += (i - last);
last = i + 1;
System.arraycopy(viewToModel, last,
newViewToModel, newIndex, viewToModel.length - last);
viewToModel = newViewToModel;
// Update the modelToView mapping
// And notify of change
private void rowsUpdated0(int firstRow, int lastRow) {
int[] oldViewToModel = getViewToModelAsInts(viewToModel);
int i, j;
int delta = lastRow - firstRow + 1;
int modelIndex;
int last;
int index;
if (getRowFilter() == null) {
// Sorting only:
// Remove the effected rows
Row[] updated = new Row[delta];
for (j = 0, i = firstRow; i <= lastRow; i++, j++) {
updated[j] = viewToModel[modelToView[i]];
// Sort the update rows
// Build the intermediary array: the array of
// viewToModel without the effected rows.
Row[] intermediary = new Row[viewToModel.length - delta];
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < viewToModel.length; i++) {
modelIndex = viewToModel[i].modelIndex;
if (modelIndex < firstRow || modelIndex > lastRow) {
intermediary[j++] = viewToModel[i];
// Build the new viewToModel
insertInOrder(Arrays.asList(updated), intermediary);
// Update modelToView
} else {
// Sorting & filtering.
// Remove the effected rows, adding them to updated and setting
// modelToView to -2 for any rows that were not filtered out
List<Row> updated = new ArrayList<>(delta);
int newlyVisible = 0;
int newlyHidden = 0;
int effected = 0;
for (i = firstRow; i <= lastRow; i++) {
if (modelToView[i] == -1) {
// This row was filtered out
if (include(i)) {
// No longer filtered
updated.add(new Row(this, i));
} else {
// This row was visible, make sure it should still be
// visible.
if (!include(i)) {
} else {
modelToView[i] = -2;
// Sort the updated rows
// Build the intermediary array: the array of
// viewToModel without the updated rows.
Row[] intermediary = new Row[viewToModel.length - effected];
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < viewToModel.length; i++) {
modelIndex = viewToModel[i].modelIndex;
if (modelToView[modelIndex] != -2) {
intermediary[j++] = viewToModel[i];
// Recreate viewToModel, if necessary
if (newlyVisible != newlyHidden) {
viewToModel = new Row[viewToModel.length + newlyVisible
- newlyHidden];
// Rebuild the new viewToModel array
insertInOrder(updated, intermediary);
// Update modelToView
// And finally fire a sort event.
private void checkColumn(int column) {
if (column < 0 || column >= getModelWrapper().getColumnCount()) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
"column beyond range of TableModel");
* <code>DefaultRowSorterSpecialFilter.ModelWrapper</code> is responsible
* for providing the data that gets sorted by
* <code>DefaultRowSorterSpecialFilter</code>. You normally do not interact
* directly with
* <code>ModelWrapper</code>. Subclasses of
* <code>DefaultRowSorterSpecialFilter</code> provide an implementation of
* <code>ModelWrapper</code> wrapping another model. For example,
* <code>TableRowSorter</code> provides a
* <code>ModelWrapper</code> that wraps a
* <code>TableModel</code>. <p>
* <code>ModelWrapper</code> makes a distinction between values as
* <code>Object</code>s and
* <code>String</code>s. This allows implementations to provide a custom
* string converter to be used instead of invoking
* <code>toString</code> on the object.
* #param <M> the type of the underlying model
* #param <I> the identifier supplied to the filterInclude
* #since 1.6
* #see RowFilter
* #see RowFilter.Entry
protected abstract static class ModelWrapper<M, I> {
* Creates a new
* <code>ModelWrapper</code>.
protected ModelWrapper() {
* Returns the underlying model that this
* <code>Model</code> is wrapping.
* #return the underlying model
public abstract M getModel();
* Returns the number of columns in the model.
* #return the number of columns in the model
public abstract int getColumnCount();
* Returns the number of rows in the model.
* #return the number of rows in the model
public abstract int getRowCount();
* Returns the value at the specified index.
* #param row the row index
* #param column the column index
* #return the value at the specified index
* #throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the indices are outside the
* range of the model
public abstract Object getValueAt(int row, int column);
* Returns the value as a
* <code>String</code> at the specified index. This implementation uses
* <code>toString</code> on the result from
* <code>getValueAt</code> (making sure to return an empty string for
* null values). Subclasses that override this method should never
* return null.
* #param row the row index
* #param column the column index
* #return the value at the specified index as a <code>String</code>
* #throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the indices are outside the
* range of the model
public String getStringValueAt(int row, int column) {
Object o = getValueAt(row, column);
if (o == null) {
return "";
String string = o.toString();
if (string == null) {
return "";
return string;
* Returns the identifier for the specified row. The return value of
* this is used as the identifier for the
* <code>RowFilter.Entry</code> that is passed to the
* <code>RowFilter</code>.
* #param row the row to return the identifier for, in terms of the
* underlying model
* #return the identifier
* #see RowFilter.Entry#getIdentifier
public abstract I getIdentifier(int row);
* RowFilter.Entry implementation that delegates to the ModelWrapper.
* getFilterEntry(int) creates the single instance of this that is passed to
* the Filter. Only call getFilterEntry(int) to get the instance.
private class FilterEntry extends RowFilter.Entry<M, I> {
* The index into the model, set in getFilterEntry
int modelIndex;
public M getModel() {
return getModelWrapper().getModel();
public int getValueCount() {
return getModelWrapper().getColumnCount();
public Object getValue(int index) {
return getModelWrapper().getValueAt(modelIndex, index);
public String getStringValue(int index) {
/* Original code here was:
* return getModelWrapper().getStringValueAt(modelIndex, index);
if (accentIndiferent) {
return Normalizer.normalize((String) getModelWrapper().getStringValueAt(modelIndex, index), Normalizer.Form.NFD).replaceAll("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+", "");
} else {
return getModelWrapper().getStringValueAt(modelIndex, index);
public I getIdentifier() {
return getModelWrapper().getIdentifier(modelIndex);
* Row is used to handle the actual sorting by way of Comparable. It will
* use the sortKeys to do the actual comparison.
// NOTE: this class is static so that it can be placed in an array
private static class Row implements Comparable<Row> {
private DefaultRowSorterSpecialFilter sorter;
int modelIndex;
public Row(DefaultRowSorterSpecialFilter sorter, int index) {
this.sorter = sorter;
modelIndex = index;
public int compareTo(Row o) {
return sorter.compare(modelIndex, o.modelIndex);
And finally, a helper class, RowFilterSpecialFilter. Source (RowFilterSpecialFilter.java):
* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package javax.swing;
import java.text.Normalizer;
* #author Miroslav
public abstract class RowFilterSpecialFilter {
public static <M, I> RowFilter<M, I> regexFilterAccentIndiferent(String regex) {
return RowFilter.regexFilter("(?i)" + Normalizer.normalize(regex, Normalizer.Form.NFD).replaceAll("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+", ""));
public static <M, I> RowFilter<M, I> regexFilterAccentIndiferent(String regex, int... indices) {
return RowFilter.regexFilter("(?i)" + Normalizer.normalize(regex, Normalizer.Form.NFD).replaceAll("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+", ""), indices);
Now, how to use the filter with the accent indiferent function?
Instead of attaching a TableRowSorter<MyClassThatInheritsFromAbstractModel> to the jTable via setRowSorter method, attach a TableRowSorterSpecialFilter<MyClassThatInheritsFromAbstractModel> to it via the same method.
Don't forget to set accentIndiferent property to true. A simple myTableRowSorterSpecialFilterInstance.AccentIndiferent = true; is enough;
The code that should be fired up to apply a filter is what follows, where FilterText is the string that's going to be the filter:
RowFilter<ClientesTableModel, Object> rf;
try {
rf = RowFilterSpecialFilter.regexFilterAccentIndiferent("(?i)" + FilterText);
} catch (PatternSyntaxException ex) {
I've put so many sources to help to anyone that gets the same trouble that I had. I'm pretty sure that I've modified something else but I don't remember it, so, better to be sure and make a good contribution.
And... done!!!
I would like to create a version of Java's deflater not synchronizing on its ZStreamRef instance.
I started by copying the code into a Deflater2 class. The code compiles, however, when I create an instance of that class, I get:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: net.dwst.bricolo.ResetGZip.Deflater2.initIDs()V
at net.mypackage.Deflater2.initIDs(Native Method)
at net.mypackage.Deflater2.<clinit>(Deflater2.java:65)
at net.mypackage.SpeedTest.main(SpeedTest.java:13)
How can I create an instance of Deflater2 without triggering this exception?
I am providing the code for Deflater2:
package net.mypackage;
public class Deflater2 {
private final ZStreamRef zsRef;
private byte[] buf = new byte[0];
private int off, len;
private int level, strategy;
private boolean setParams;
private boolean finish, finished;
* Compression method for the deflate algorithm (the only one currently
* supported).
public static final int DEFLATED = 8;
* Compression level for no compression.
public static final int NO_COMPRESSION = 0;
* Compression level for fastest compression.
public static final int BEST_SPEED = 1;
* Compression level for best compression.
public static final int BEST_COMPRESSION = 9;
* Default compression level.
public static final int DEFAULT_COMPRESSION = -1;
* Compression strategy best used for data consisting mostly of small
* values with a somewhat random distribution. Forces more Huffman coding
* and less string matching.
public static final int FILTERED = 1;
* Compression strategy for Huffman coding only.
public static final int HUFFMAN_ONLY = 2;
* Default compression strategy.
public static final int DEFAULT_STRATEGY = 0;
static {
/* Zip library is loaded from System.initializeSystemClass */
* Creates a new compressor using the specified compression level.
* If 'nowrap' is true then the ZLIB header and checksum fields will
* not be used in order to support the compression format used in
* both GZIP and PKZIP.
* #param level the compression level (0-9)
* #param nowrap if true then use GZIP compatible compression
public Deflater2(int level, boolean nowrap) {
this.level = level;
this.strategy = DEFAULT_STRATEGY;
this.zsRef = new ZStreamRef(init(level, DEFAULT_STRATEGY, nowrap));
* Creates a new compressor using the specified compression level.
* Compressed data will be generated in ZLIB format.
* #param level the compression level (0-9)
public Deflater2(int level) {
this(level, false);
* Creates a new compressor with the default compression level.
* Compressed data will be generated in ZLIB format.
public Deflater2() {
* Sets input data for compression. This should be called whenever
* needsInput() returns true indicating that more input data is required.
* #param b the input data bytes
* #param off the start offset of the data
* #param len the length of the data
* #see Deflater#needsInput
public void setInput(byte[] b, int off, int len) {
if (b== null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
if (off < 0 || len < 0 || off > b.length - len) {
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
synchronized (zsRef) {
this.buf = b;
this.off = off;
this.len = len;
* Sets input data for compression. This should be called whenever
* needsInput() returns true indicating that more input data is required.
* #param b the input data bytes
* #see Deflater#needsInput
public void setInput(byte[] b) {
setInput(b, 0, b.length);
* Sets preset dictionary for compression. A preset dictionary is used
* when the history buffer can be predetermined. When the data is later
* uncompressed with Inflater.inflate(), Inflater.getAdler() can be called
* in order to get the Adler-32 value of the dictionary required for
* decompression.
* #param b the dictionary data bytes
* #param off the start offset of the data
* #param len the length of the data
* #see Inflater#inflate
* #see Inflater#getAdler
public void setDictionary(byte[] b, int off, int len) {
if (b == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
if (off < 0 || len < 0 || off > b.length - len) {
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
synchronized (zsRef) {
setDictionary(zsRef.address(), b, off, len);
* Sets preset dictionary for compression. A preset dictionary is used
* when the history buffer can be predetermined. When the data is later
* uncompressed with Inflater.inflate(), Inflater.getAdler() can be called
* in order to get the Adler-32 value of the dictionary required for
* decompression.
* #param b the dictionary data bytes
* #see Inflater#inflate
* #see Inflater#getAdler
public void setDictionary(byte[] b) {
setDictionary(b, 0, b.length);
* Sets the compression strategy to the specified value.
* #param strategy the new compression strategy
* #exception IllegalArgumentException if the compression strategy is
* invalid
public void setStrategy(int strategy) {
switch (strategy) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
synchronized (zsRef) {
if (this.strategy != strategy) {
this.strategy = strategy;
setParams = true;
* Sets the current compression level to the specified value.
* #param level the new compression level (0-9)
* #exception IllegalArgumentException if the compression level is invalid
public void setLevel(int level) {
if ((level < 0 || level > 9) && level != DEFAULT_COMPRESSION) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid compression level");
synchronized (zsRef) {
if (this.level != level) {
this.level = level;
setParams = true;
* Returns true if the input data buffer is empty and setInput()
* should be called in order to provide more input.
* #return true if the input data buffer is empty and setInput()
* should be called in order to provide more input
public boolean needsInput() {
return len <= 0;
* When called, indicates that compression should end with the current
* contents of the input buffer.
public void finish() {
synchronized (zsRef) {
finish = true;
* Returns true if the end of the compressed data output stream has
* been reached.
* #return true if the end of the compressed data output stream has
* been reached
public boolean finished() {
synchronized (zsRef) {
return finished;
* Fills specified buffer with compressed data. Returns actual number
* of bytes of compressed data. A return value of 0 indicates that
* needsInput() should be called in order to determine if more input
* data is required.
* #param b the buffer for the compressed data
* #param off the start offset of the data
* #param len the maximum number of bytes of compressed data
* #return the actual number of bytes of compressed data
public int deflate(byte[] b, int off, int len) {
if (b == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
if (off < 0 || len < 0 || off > b.length - len) {
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
synchronized (zsRef) {
return deflateBytes(zsRef.address(), b, off, len);
* Fills specified buffer with compressed data. Returns actual number
* of bytes of compressed data. A return value of 0 indicates that
* needsInput() should be called in order to determine if more input
* data is required.
* #param b the buffer for the compressed data
* #return the actual number of bytes of compressed data
public int deflate(byte[] b) {
return deflate(b, 0, b.length);
* Returns the ADLER-32 value of the uncompressed data.
* #return the ADLER-32 value of the uncompressed data
public int getAdler() {
synchronized (zsRef) {
return getAdler(zsRef.address());
* Returns the total number of uncompressed bytes input so far.
* <p>Since the number of bytes may be greater than
* Integer.MAX_VALUE, the {#link #getBytesRead()} method is now
* the preferred means of obtaining this information.</p>
* #return the total number of uncompressed bytes input so far
public int getTotalIn() {
return (int) getBytesRead();
* Returns the total number of uncompressed bytes input so far.</p>
* #return the total (non-negative) number of uncompressed bytes input so far
* #since 1.5
public long getBytesRead() {
synchronized (zsRef) {
return getBytesRead(zsRef.address());
* Returns the total number of compressed bytes output so far.
* <p>Since the number of bytes may be greater than
* Integer.MAX_VALUE, the {#link #getBytesWritten()} method is now
* the preferred means of obtaining this information.</p>
* #return the total number of compressed bytes output so far
public int getTotalOut() {
return (int) getBytesWritten();
* Returns the total number of compressed bytes output so far.</p>
* #return the total (non-negative) number of compressed bytes output so far
* #since 1.5
public long getBytesWritten() {
synchronized (zsRef) {
return getBytesWritten(zsRef.address());
* Resets deflater so that a new set of input data can be processed.
* Keeps current compression level and strategy settings.
public void reset() {
synchronized (zsRef) {
finish = false;
finished = false;
off = len = 0;
* Closes the compressor and discards any unprocessed input.
* This method should be called when the compressor is no longer
* being used, but will also be called automatically by the
* finalize() method. Once this method is called, the behavior
* of the Deflater object is undefined.
public void end() {
synchronized (zsRef) {
long addr = zsRef.address();
if (addr != 0) {
buf = null;
* Closes the compressor when garbage is collected.
protected void finalize() {
private void ensureOpen() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(zsRef);
if (zsRef.address() == 0)
throw new NullPointerException("Deflater has been closed");
private static native void initIDs();
private native static long init(int level, int strategy, boolean nowrap);
private native static void setDictionary(long addr, byte[] b, int off,
int len);
private native int deflateBytes(long addr, byte[] b, int off, int len);
private native static int getAdler(long addr);
private native static long getBytesRead(long addr);
private native static long getBytesWritten(long addr);
private native static void reset(long addr);
private native static void end(long addr);
Your problem is not in java code.
There can be the following reasons:
the library that you are using or other library that your library depends on is not in library path (java.library.path option)
One of the native libraries you try to use does not match your platforms. For example you are running on 32 bit platform and trying to use 64bit library.
Take a look here: How to add native library to "java.library.path" with Eclipse launch (instead of overriding it)
Following is the source code:
//public class ConnectionPool implements Runnable
public class ConnectionPool {
private static Logger loger_error = Logger.getLogger("error");
// JDBC Driver name
String driverName;
// JDBC Connection URL
String connectionURL;
// Minimum size of the pool
int connectionPoolSize;
// Maximum size of the pool
int connectionPoolMax;
// Maximum number of uses for a single connection, or -1 for none
int connectionUseCount;
// Maximum connection idle time (in minutes)
int connectionTimeout;
// Additional JDBC properties
String userName;
String password;
// The Connection pool. This is a vector of ConnectionObject
// objects
Vector pool;
// The maximum number of simultaneous connections as reported
// by the JDBC driver
int maxConnections = -1;
// Scheduler scheduler;
// Timeout value
public static int TIMEOUT_MS = 20000;
* Initializes the ConnectionPool object using 'ConnectionPool.cfg' as the
* configuration file
* #return true if the ConnectionPool was initialized properly
* public boolean initialize() throws Exception { return
* initialize("com/omh/jdbc/ConnectionPool.cfg"); }
* Initializes the ConnectionPool object with the specified configuration
* file
* #param config
* Configuration file name
* #return true if the ConnectionPool was initialized properly
public void initialize(String driverName, String connectionURL,
int connectionPoolSize, int connectionPoolMax,
int connectionUseCount, int connectionTimeout, String userName,
String password) throws Exception {
this.driverName = driverName;
this.connectionURL = connectionURL;
this.connectionPoolSize = connectionPoolSize;
this.connectionPoolMax = connectionPoolMax;
this.connectionUseCount = connectionUseCount;
this.connectionTimeout = connectionTimeout;
this.userName = userName;
this.password = password;
// scheduler = new Scheduler();
// scheduler.schedule(this, TIMEOUT_MS);
* Destroys the pool and it's contents. Closes any open JDBC connections and
* frees all resources
public void destroy() {
try {
// Clear our pool
if (pool != null) {
// Loop throught the pool and close each connection
for (int i = 0; i < pool.size(); i++) {
((MangoDBConnection) pool.elementAt(i)).closeConnection();
pool = null;
} catch (Exception ex) {
* Gets an available JDBC Connection. Connections will be created if
* necessary, up to the maximum number of connections as specified in the
* configuration file.
* #return JDBC Connection, or null if the maximum number of connections has
* been exceeded
public synchronized MangoDBConnection getConnection() {
// If there is no pool it must have been destroyed
if (pool == null) {
return null;
MangoDBConnection connectionObject = null;
int poolSize = pool.size();
// Get the next available connection
for (int i = 0; i < poolSize; i++) {
// Get the ConnectionObject from the pool
MangoDBConnection co = (MangoDBConnection) pool.elementAt(i);
// If this is a valid connection and it is not in use,
// grab it
if (co.isAvailable()) {
connectionObject = co;
// No more available connections. If we aren't at the
// maximum number of connections, create a new entry
// in the pool
if (connectionObject == null) {
if ((connectionPoolMax < 0)
|| ((connectionPoolMax > 0) && (poolSize < connectionPoolMax))) {
// Add a new connection.
int i = addConnection();
// If a new connection was created, use it
if (i >= 0) {
connectionObject = (MangoDBConnection) pool.elementAt(i);
} else {
LogManager.log("Maximum number of connections exceeded");
loger_error.error("Maximum number of connections exceeded");
// If we have a connection, set the last time accessed,
// the use count, and the in use flag
if (connectionObject != null) {
return connectionObject;
* Places the connection back into the connection pool, or closes the
* connection if the maximum use count has been reached
* #param Connection
* object to close
public synchronized void releaseConnection(MangoDBConnection con) {
public synchronized void release(MangoDBConnection con) {
if ((connectionUseCount > 0)
&& (con.getUseCount() >= connectionUseCount)) {
// add new connection upon releasing one
} else {
* // Find the connection in the pool int index = find(con);
* System.out.println("close"); if (index != -1) { ConnectionObject co =
* (ConnectionObject) pool.elementAt(index);
* // If the use count exceeds the max, remove it from // the pool. if
* ((connectionUseCount > 0) && (co.useCount >= connectionUseCount)) {
* trace("Connection use count exceeded"); removeFromPool(index); } else { //
* Clear the use count and reset the time last used co.touch();
* co.free(); } }
* Prints the contents of the connection pool to the standard output device
public void printPool() {
printPool(new PrintWriter(System.out));
* Prints the contents of the connection pool to the given PrintWriter
public void printPool(PrintWriter out) {
if (pool != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < pool.size(); i++) {
MangoDBConnection co = (MangoDBConnection) pool.elementAt(i);
out.println("" + i + "=" + co);
* Returns an enumeration of the ConnectionObject objects that represent the
* pool
public Enumeration getConnectionPoolObjects() {
return pool.elements();
public int returnConnectionCount() {
return connectionUseCount;
public int returnMaxPoolSize() {
return connectionPoolMax;
public int returnInitPoolSize() {
return connectionPoolSize;
* Removes the ConnectionObject from the pool at the given index
* #param index
* Index into the pool vector
private synchronized void removeFromPool(MangoDBConnection con) {
// Make sure the pool and index are valid
if (pool != null) {
* Creates the initial connection pool. A timer thread is also created so
* that connection timeouts can be handled.
* #return true if the pool was created
private void createPool() throws Exception {
// Dump the parameters we are going to use for the pool.
// We don't know what type of servlet environment we will
// be running in - this may go to the console or it
// may be redirected to a log file
LogManager.log("JDBCDriver = " + driverName);
LogManager.log("JDBCConnectionURL = " + connectionURL);
LogManager.log("ConnectionPoolSize = " + connectionPoolSize);
LogManager.log("ConnectionPoolMax = " + connectionPoolMax);
LogManager.log("ConnectionUseCount = " + connectionUseCount);
LogManager.log("ConnectionTimeout = " + connectionTimeout + " seconds");
LogManager.log("Registering " + driverName);
Driver d = (Driver) Class.forName(driverName).newInstance();
// Create the vector for the pool
pool = new Vector();
// Bring the pool to the minimum size
* Adds a new connection to the pool
* #return Index of the new pool entry, or -1 if an error has occurred
public int addConnection() {
int index = -1;
try {
// Calculate the new size of the pool
int size = pool.size() + 1;
// Create a new entry
// Set the index pointer to the new connection if one
// was created
if (size == pool.size()) {
index = size - 1;
} catch (Exception ex) {
return index;
* Brings the pool to the given size
private synchronized void fillPool(int size) throws Exception {
String userID = this.userName;
String password = this.password;
// userID = getPropertyIgnoreCase(JDBCProperties, "user");
// password = getPropertyIgnoreCase(JDBCProperties, "password");
// Loop while we need to create more connections
while (pool.size() < size) {
MangoDBConnection co = new MangoDBConnectionMSSQL();
// Create the connection
co.makeConnection(connectionURL, userID, password);
// Do some sanity checking on the first connection in
// the pool
if (pool.size() == 0) {
// Get the maximum number of simultaneous connections
// as reported by the JDBC driver
maxConnections = co.getMaxConnections();
// Give a warning if the size of the pool will exceed
// the maximum number of connections allowed by the
// JDBC driver
if ((maxConnections > 0) && (size > maxConnections)) {
.log("WARNING: Size of pool will exceed safe maximum of "
+ maxConnections);
// Clear the in use flag
// Set the last access time
} // fillPool()
* Gets a the named propery, ignoring case. Returns null if not found
* #param p
* The property set
* #param name
* The property name
* #return The value of the propery, or null if not found
private String getPropertyIgnoreCase(Properties p, String name) {
if ((p == null) || (name == null))
return null;
String value = null;
// Get an enumeration of the property names
Enumeration enumeration = p.propertyNames();
// Loop through the enum, looking for the given property name
while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
String pName = (String) enumeration.nextElement();
if (pName.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
value = p.getProperty(pName);
return value;
* Called by the timer each time a clock cycle expires. This gives us the
* opportunity to timeout connections
* public synchronized void run() { // No pool means no work if (pool ==
* null) { return; }
* // Get the current time in milliseconds long now =
* System.currentTimeMillis();
* // Check for any expired connections and remove them for (int i =
* pool.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ConnectionObject co = (ConnectionObject)
* pool.elementAt(i);
* // If the connection is not in use and it has not been // used recently,
* remove it if (!co.inUse) { if ((connectionTimeout > 0) && (co.lastAccess +
* (connectionTimeout * 1000) < now)) { removeFromPool(i); } } }
* // Remove any connections that are no longer open for (int i =
* pool.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ConnectionObject co = (ConnectionObject)
* pool.elementAt(i); try { // If the connection is closed, remove it from
* the pool if (co.con.isClosed()) { trace("Connection closed
* unexpectedly"); removeFromPool(i); } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
* // Now ensure that the pool is still at it's minimum size try { if (pool !=
* null) { if (pool.size() < connectionPoolSize) {
* fillPool(connectionPoolSize); } } } catch (Exception ex) {
* ex.printStackTrace(); }
* // Reschedule ourselves scheduler.schedule(this, TIMEOUT_MS); }
Anyone have good idea ?
How to implement connection pooling?
A common cause for leakage of resources in a resource pool (like your connection pool) is that some client of the pool is failing to release the resources under some circumstances. Here's an example:
Resource resource = pool.getResource();
// do stuff
This will leak resources if an exception is thrown in the "do stuff" section and allowed to propagate. A non-leaky version of the above is:
Resource resource = pool.getResource();
try {
// do stuff
} finally {
EDIT: As #Adamski points out, there is no "magic bullet" solution that will solve this kind of problem. The best that I can suggest is to do the following:
Search through your codebase to find all places where a resource is requested from the pool. Then starting at each point, check for leaks and fix; e.g. based on the above pattern.
Create a test suite that exercise all of your request types and run it repeatedly against your service
One more thing. Don't be tempted to try to "fix" the problem by using a finalizer to deal with lost resources. That may make the problem seem to go away, only to reappear later when your system is heavily loaded, or Someone Important is watching you do a demo.
Just as suggestion database pool management can be tricky, if you have further needs like adding connection timeout or adding pool management strategy (may be the case if you have several several thread using the same connection).
So I would suggest to use open source solution such as the Apache DHCP or other open source solution. You will still have to properly close your connections (as Suggested by Stephen C) but it will be give you more flexibility, if you need to implement more complex stuff.
I would store the point in time (and the requesting thread?), when a connection is borrowed in getConnection(), and add a thread to remove them from the pool after some minutes. This could help you to find the culprit :)
You shouldn't close the connection, except there won't be any long going task. I would simply log this.