How do I clean indexes in google app engine java? - java

I read from docs that this can be done by
./appengine-java-sdk/bin/ vacuum_indexes myapp/war
But when I run it I get a error message saying "Can't open file". I tried running appcfg.cmd instead but then I get a classNotFoundException. Anyone know why this is?
I can't use any command with appcfg at all. Here's a screenshot of what happens:

The looks for appengine-tools-api.jar which has class . If you look the sh file in a text editor, you will notice that by default it looks in lib directory which is in parent of current directory (Unless you have changed it). So does your "New javakod" directory has a lib directory and does it have the jar file mentioned above? Or just edit the shell file to pick up the jar file from classpath and make sure you add the jar file to your classpath.
The reason for your first error is the same, it's not able to locate the index xml file at location where it is looking for.


How to put a java project in an exe or jar?

I want to put my java Project in a .jar or in an .exe. I can not find a solution for my problem.
That is my project structure:
1.1. pom.xml
1.2. .idea
1.2.1. libaries many maven dependency files
1.3. .GUI
1.3.1. .idea libaries many maven dependency file
1.3.2. src main java .java files recources .fxml files CSSStylesheets .css files
I follow instructions on youtube for creating a .jar in Intellij ( but the .jar was not executable. It just print this Display parameters as parsed by Maven (in canonical form) and comparison result: to the console after running java -jar file.jar. (After the double dot there does not come more information.)
Next I found another youtube video that shows me it does not work like in the first video because of the maven dependencies ( In this video I do not know what to do in 5:39. He copies something but I do not know from where that is. I tried to put the same files in there like he did but it does not work. There comes a ClassNotFoundError that it can not be found the .fxml files. Then I do not write them in the command but all other .java files but it was the same error.
On this ( site I had my next try. I follow the instructions like this: I dreated a .mf file and put all .fxml and .java and .class files in the command but it can not be found the .class files so I put them out of the command. And then ist comes a ClassNotFoundError. It can not find the Main class. Intellij mark it in the .mf file red as well and I do not know why.
Then I follow the instructions of this ( site but there an empty .jar file was created.
Now I do not know what I did wrong or what I miss so I hope someone can help me.

Settings file (settings.json) does not compile along with my program

So I have a program which allows you to edit a couple settings through a "settings.json" file as seen here:
My problem is that this file seems to not compile along with my program, as seen here:
(If you're wondering I have that error message pop up myself:
I am using IntelliJ's artifact support to compile my program.
Help is appreciated, thanks!
Edit: The program runs 100% as it should when I run it through IntelliJ but not when I try to run it through my VPS.
Your json file is not in the classpath and thus is not visible. Move it into resources folder and that should work
You are loading it from the working directory as a file, not as a resource from the classpath. Either specify/calculate the full file path so that it works on any system or change your code to load the resource from the classpath and move the file into resources directory.

JAR files created by IntelliJ IDEA do not run

I wrote a program that spans a few classes in IntelliJ and it works fine when I was testing it in the IDE. However, whenever I follow tutorials to make my project into a .jar executable, it does not run.
The file in the out folder does not run when double-click on it and says "The Java JAR file "projectName.jar" could not be launched.
When opening it from the terminal, I get the error "Could not find or load main class". I used "$ java -jar projectName.jar "
I followed these steps:
Open Project Structure, Artifacts and click the (+).
Under JAR, from modules with dependencies.
Point to the class with my main method and click OK.
Click apply and OK to exit.
Then I close project structure and open Build and then Build Artifacts...
Then I click Build.
Navigate to ~/IdeaProjects/projectName/out/artifacts/projectName_jar/projectName.jar
Then I would try to run it but it does not run. My project has both a GUI and can be run from command lines. When I compiled the main method in Terminal, it worked fine, but I need a JAR file. I'm not sure what I should include in the question, since I'm sure that my code is unrelated. I also utilize Maven, not sure if that is related. Are there other things that I should be doing or adding to my project before I build the JAR?
This can be a result of the Manifest being created in the wrong place.
First make sure it is in src/main/resources/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
(Intellij sometimes incorrectly places it in /src/main/java/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF)
Then Make sure the jar is looking for META-INF in the src dir NOT in /java OR /resources. This means:
When you set up File>Project Structure>Artifacts>+>JAR>From modules with dependencies... then your Directory for META-INF/MANIFEST.MF should end at src. Example:
ONLY C:\Users\User\StudioProjects\Project\src\
NOT THE PREPOPULATED C:\Users\User\StudioProjects\Project\src\main\java
If your Project Structure jar is already set up change the Manifest File path to:
INSTEAD OF C:\Users\User\StudioProjects\Project\src\main\java\META-INF\MANIFEST.MF
You need to make sure that the Main-Class attribute is set. One way to check this is by opening the Jar with a Zip utility and looking for META-MF/MANIFEST.MF extract or open that file with a notepad, notepad++ or any document reader. If "Main-Class" is not in their or set to the correct main class you will received the error you have received. Seeing the IntelliJ tutorial it has a Main-Class field when setting up artifact publishing. I have included the link below to the IntelliJ page.
IntelliJ Creating an Artifact Tutorial

Launch .jar with config outside of jar, but be able to do it from ANY current directory

I've been wrestling with a particular problem. I have a Java program in a .jar file, and I have a lib directory and a config directory outside of the .jar, but in the same directory as the jar itself exists in.
I am trying to reference config/foo.config from within the code. Referencing it as a relative file works if I'm in the same directory as the jar. I've also tried using getResourceAsStream and making sure config is in the classpath.
So far, so good, but I also have to be able to launch the .jar from any directory.
So, if my structure is like so:
(and a whole bunch of 3rd party jars within lib)
How do I correctly set up the classpath in my Manifest file so that config can be referenced?
The classpath in my manifest looks like so:
Class-Path: config/ lib/jar1.jar lib/jar2.jar (etc)
I am currently using getResourceAsStream("/foo.config").
This all works if I am in the /prog/util/myprog directory and run:
java -jar myproj.jar
However, I cannot, say, be in /prog and run:
java -jar util/myprog/myprog.jar
When I do this, the config file cannot be found.
How do I solve this issue?
EDIT: Some additional notes based on comments/suggestions, though I'm not sure this is feasible:
1) We can't use an absolute path for the file system, we don't know where the program will be stored, just that the config directory will be in the same directory as the jar.
2) I would like to be able to have something that works both when the code is jar'd, but also would work not-jar'd such as when I'm running in debug mode in Eclipse. At that point, the config directory is a sibling of the src, bin, and lib directories.
EDIT Part 2: Ok, between a colleague and myself, we came up with the following:
String configDirectory = new File(QueueMonitor.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath()).getParent() + "/config";
When we are in Eclipse and running in debug mode, the File object points to the bin directory, so getting the parent then appending "/config" works for our needs during development/testing.
Likewise, from a .jar file, the File object points to the jar itself, so getting the parent and appending "/config" gives us what we need as well.
I'm a little hesitant, though. I'm wondering if there's some potential problem or unintended consequence that I am not seeing in this solution. Any thoughts on that?
You should be able to use the Finding the path to a jar from a Class inside it? technique to find the location of your jar. From there it's just a matter of climbing in/out of folders.

Error running Jar File

I have created a project in java project using NetBeans IDE. I have few forms in it. The netBeans created a Jar file by its own. when i try to run that Jar file its give an error "Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from". I Have set my Starting form in application and when i run from netbeans its running correctly but when i try to run my Jar file its give me this error. Please any one can help me how to solve this netbeans.
I don't use NetBeans myself, but there's a good step-by-step guide which has screenshots for everything you need to build an executable jar file.
In particular, did you fill in the "Main Class" property in the project properties? I know you says you've filled in the "Starting form" but that may not be the same thing...
Look in the MANIFEST.MF file in the jar file. It should contain a Main-Class line containing the name of the class you want to start when invoking in this manner. If the line is there, doublecheck the spelling of both the class name and Main-Class.

