I have this application where i want to populate a text file on the basis of entries entered from user interface.
I chose Struts1 for this and i have been able to complete most of the functionalities.But the part of keeping on populating the
text file on the basis of user entries in my JSP is something i am struggling with. The following are the flow of pages on user interface
1.'Accept user entries' http://www.image-share.com/ijpg-1178-104.html
2.'Ask for scan data on the basis of entries in page1' http://www.image-share.com/ijpg-1178-105.html
3.'Submit after entering the scandata. ' http://www.image-share.com/ijpg-1178-106.html
(I have been able to straighten the null values in the images via session variables. Thanks to Dave)
message is seen with null entries like this Post validation.
My questions is:
What should be used so that there is a scenario that the users enter the Scan Data on page 2 and can continue to enter
more scan data values by falling back on the same JSP . I was thinking on the lines of reloading the page using JavaScript
on the button click. Is it the right approach?
The relevant code for this is
<html:form action="txtwriter">
<% String itemname = (String)session.getAttribute("itemname"); %>
<% String lotnumber = (String)session.getAttribute("lotnumber"); %>
<% String godownname = (String)session.getAttribute("godownname"); %>
<% String message = (String)session.getAttribute("message");
session.setAttribute( "theFileName", message ); %>
Filename : <%= message %>
<br/> Item Name :<%= itemname %>
<br/> Lot Number :<%= lotnumber %>
<br/> Godown Name :<%= godownname %>
<br/> <bean:message key="label.scandata"/>
<html:text property="scanData" ></html:text>
<html:errors property="scanData"/>
/* How should the submit button handle the onClick event so that when the users click
after entering the text.
1. The entered text must be populated in the text file using a different action class. (I have this part working)
2.They must be on the same jsp with the scanData text box cleared waiting for the next user entry into that text
box so that this subsequest entry can also be entered into the text file.
Is there a way i can empty the 'scanData' textbox by accessing it by name inside my action so that i can empty it from my action class?
(I am looking for this answer)
I used this inside the LoginAction.java
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
session.setAttribute("message", textFile);
(Not an answer; refactored but untested code for others trying to help.)
This is a refactored action, making it easier to see what's actually going on; the original code is difficult to reason about. The trim() functionality is moved to action form setters to avoid redundancy.
public class LoginAction extends Action {
public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
LoginForm loginForm = (LoginForm) form;
if (invalidForm(loginForm)) {
return mapping.findForward("failure");
String fileName = createFile(loginForm);
request.setAttribute("message", fileName);
request.setAttribute("itemname", loginForm.getItemName());
request.setAttribute("lotnumber", loginForm.getLotNumber());
request.setAttribute("godownname", loginForm.getStockGodown());
return mapping.findForward("success");
private String createFile(LoginForm loginForm) throws IOException {
ServletContext context = getServlet().getServletContext();
String driveName = context.getInitParameter("drive").trim();
String folderName = context.getInitParameter("foldername").trim();
String pathName = driveName + ":/" + folderName;
new File(pathName).mkdirs();
String fileNamePath = pathName + createFileName(loginForm);
return fileNamePath;
private void ensureFileExists(String fileNamePath) throws IOException {
boolean fileExists = new File(fileNamePath).exists();
if (!fileExists) {
File file = new File(fileNamePath);
private boolean invalidForm(LoginForm loginForm) {
return loginForm.getItemName().equals("")
|| loginForm.getLotNumber().equals("")
|| loginForm.getStockGodown().equals("");
private String createFileName(LoginForm loginForm) {
return loginForm.getItemName() + "_"
+ loginForm.getLotNumber() + "_"
+ loginForm.getStockGodown() + "_"
+ createFileNameTimeStamp() + ".txt";
private String createFileNameTimeStamp() {
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' hh.mm.ss z");
String dateTime = sdf.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime());
String[] tempDateStore = dateTime.split("AD at");
return tempDateStore[0].trim() + "_" + tempDateStore[1].trim();
Currently when I click on Refund button the ${messages} and ${changes} are displayed on the url instead of inside the jsp body.
the url looks like this localhost:8080/name/?messages=Nice+Try%21&changes=Quarters%3A+0+%7C+Nickels%3A+0%0ADimes%3A+0+%7C+Pennies%3A+0
And nothing show up inside the jsp body at all.
I tried c:out value="${changes}", it didn't work.
I have also tried to change requestMethod into POST, no luck.
<div class='row text-center' id='change-display'>
<div id="change">
${changes} <---- should display the string, but nothing shows up here.
<div class='row text-center' id='getChangeButtonDiv'>
<a href="Money/refund">
<button class='btn btn-purchase' type='button' id='refund-button'>
<p>Refund</p> <------- refund button
#RequestMapping(value="/refund", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String refund(Model model) throws PersistenceException{
BigDecimal zero = new BigDecimal(0);
BigDecimal total = service.calculateInsertedTotal();
int quarterInt=0, dimeInt=0, nickelInt=0, pennyInt=0;
String message="Here is your refund!";
if(total.compareTo(zero) != 1){
message="Nice Try!";
while(total.compareTo(quarter)==0||total.compareTo(quarter)== 1){
quarterInt ++;
total = total.subtract(quarter);
while(total.compareTo(dime)==0||total.compareTo(dime)== 1){
dimeInt ++;
total = total.subtract(dime);
while(total.compareTo(nickel)==0||total.compareTo(nickel)== 1){
nickelInt ++;
total = total.subtract(nickel);
while(total.compareTo(nickel)==0||total.compareTo(nickel)== 1){
nickelInt ++;
total = total.subtract(nickel);
String quarterString = "Quarters: "+ quarterInt;
String dimeString = "Dimes: "+ dimeInt;
String nickelString = "Nickels: "+ nickelInt;
String pennyString = "Pennies: "+ pennyInt;
String changes = quarterString + " | " + nickelString
+"\n"+dimeString + " | " + pennyString;
model.addAttribute("messages", message);
model.addAttribute("changes", changes);
return "redirect:/";
Actually your attributes are being lost because you are using redirect:/ instead of forward, when you redirect from one request to another one a new http request is created hence the model attached to the old request will be lost which means your attributes messages and changes will be lost too, so to solve this you have to save your attributes inside RedirectAttributes :
#RequestMapping(value="/refund", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String refund(Model model, RedirectAttributes redirectModel) throws PersistenceException{
redirectModel.addFlashAttribute("messages", message);
redirectModel.addFlashAttribute("changes", changes);
return "redirect:/";
I'm trying to send an HTML email with parameters and attachments.
What i have right now is this code:
<%#include file="/libs/fd/af/components/guidesglobal.jsp" %>
<%#page import="com.day.cq.wcm.foundation.forms.FormsHelper,
org.apache.commons.mail.*" %>
<%#taglib prefix="sling" uri="http://sling.apache.org/taglibs/sling/1.0" %>
<%#taglib prefix="cq" uri="http://www.day.com/taglibs/cq/1.0"
String storeContent = "/libs/fd/af/components/guidesubmittype/store";
FormsHelper.runAction(storeContent, "post", resource, slingRequest, slingResponse);
ValueMap props = ResourceUtil.getValueMap(resource);
HtmlEmail email = new HtmlEmail();
String[] mailTo = props.get("mailto", new String[0]);
for (String toAddr : mailTo) {
String htmlEmailTemplate = props.get("templatePath");
//========Email Attachments===============
for (Map.Entry<String, RequestParameter[]> param : slingRequest.getRequestParameterMap().entrySet()) {
RequestParameter rpm = param.getValue()[0];
if(!rpm.isFormField()) {
EmailAttachment attachment = new EmailAttachment();
attachment.setDescription("Any Description");
attachment.setName("Any name you can set");
email.embed(new ByteArrayDataSource(rpm.get(), rpm.getContentType()), rpm.getFileName());
//========Email Attachment END===========
String emailTextToSend = "<p>Company Name: " + slingRequest.getParameter("company-name") + "</p>";
emailTextToSend += "<p>Message: " + slingRequest.getParameter("address") + "</p>";
MessageGatewayService messageGatewayService = sling.getService(MessageGatewayService.class);
MessageGateway messageGateway = messageGatewayService.getGateway(HtmlEmail.class);
With this code i can send the email, but i want to modify the code to use a path to an html template file (the path is on the variable htmlEmailTemplate.
This is my first question, how to change that code.
My second question is that if in that template i can have something like this:
Where company-name is one of the fields that i want to use on the template.
Is this possible?
Take a look at the com.day.cq.commons.mail.MailTemplate api
if your template is in the JCR repository, you can instantiate it with something like:
String template = values.get(TEMPLATE_PROPERTY, String.class);
Resource templateRsrc = request.getResourceResolver().getResource(template);
final MailTemplate mailTemplate = MailTemplate.create(templateRsrc.getPath(),
final HtmlEmail email = mailTemplate.getEmail(StrLookup.mapLookup(properties), HtmlEmail.class);
Where properties is simply a HashMap of Key:Values for the template's own properties.
Since the MailTemplate returns a HtmlEmail object, you can still set all the settings you set in your own code as well.
I have been finding it difficult to understand where I am going wrong. I understand that we should move with the times but I am not sure how to replace a scriptlet, that I can get to do the job, with the JSTL taglibrary functions.
I have a Model class called Ranges.class which contains a rangeName (String) and a startRange (BigDecimal) and an endRange (BigDecimal) value. I have a DAO class that handles all the db queries (crud type methods). I have a method in RangesDao.class called getAllRanges() which will get all the potential ranges from a mysql db and return a List. This will fetch all the Range objects which include the rangeName, startRange and endRange.
Q: So basically what I want to do is from my jsp page when a text input is selected I want to check if it is between the start and end value of each Range object (that was returned in the List) and when I have a match I want to update a different text input with that objects rangeName value.
This is what I have so far.
package za.co.zs6erb.model;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
public class Range {
private int range_id;
private String rangeName;
private BigDecimal startRange;
private BigDecimal endRange;
//...getters and setters for each of the above variables ...
public String toString() {
return "Ranges [range_id=" + range_id + ", Range Name=" + rangeName + ", Start Range=" + startRange
+ ", End Range=" + endRangeBand + "]";
DAO Class: This is the getAllRanges() method
public List<Range> getAllRanges() {
List<Range> rangeList = new ArrayList<Range>();
try {
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("select * from ranges order by range_id");
while (rs.next()) {
Range lRange = new Range();
} catch (SQLException e) {
return rangeList;
Controller: This class has a doGet() and a doPost() method the piece I am busy with is the doGet(). The doPost() is used when adding a "plannedRoute" object (just an object that has several other attributes that need to be added to a different table. - not the issue here) From the doGet() I list all the "plannedRoute" objects which all have one Range associated with each. When adding a new route I launch a jsp page from the doGet() method. The following part should make things a little clearer.
private static String LIST_PLANNEDROUTES = "plannedroutes.jsp";
private RangeDao rDao;
public PlannedRouteController() {
rDao = new RangeDao();
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
String forward = "";
String action = request.getParameter("action");
if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("new")) {
request.setAttribute("rd", rDao);
RequestDispatcher view = request.getRequestDispatcher(forward);
view.forward(request, response);
So now we have the crux of the issue ...
<%# page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=EUC-KR" pageEncoding="EUC-KR"%>
<%# taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c"%>
<%# taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/fmt" prefix="fmt"%>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="sj/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#range").change(function() {
alert("A Range was entered");
<c:forEach var="entry" items="${rd}">
alert( "HERE>" + ${entry.rangeName});
document.getElementById("testName").value = $("#range").val();
<form method="POST" action='<form method="POST" action='ContactController' name="frmAddContact">' name="frmAddRoute">
Range: <input type="text" id="range" name="range" />
Name: <input type="text" id="testName" name="testName" readonly />
<!-- a whole bunch of other stuff here -->
Q: So when the value in the range input text field changes (I call the method in the tag and there I want to step through the List and match what was typed in to see if it falls between the start and end range of any of the Range Objects. When I find a match I want to be able to fetch the rangeName attribute of that object and add that to the testName input text area.
I hope this is clear enough. I have tried the without success and am not sure where to go from here without using scriptlets ... Any help would be appreciated.
Kind Regards
First, you're putting the DAO object into the request, but in the jsp you want to access the list that the DAO method would return. Call the method in your controller and put the resulting list into the request.
request.setAttribute("rd", rDao.getAllRanges());
The rest all needs to be client-side code unless you want to change your design to use ajax. Try serializing the range list, in the controller, into a JSON string. Then in your jsp, you'll be giving javascript access to the data. Let's say you're using Gson to serialize in your servlet:
request.setAttribute("rd", new Gson().toJson(rDao.getAllRanges(), List.class));
So when you access ${rd} in the jsp, it will be a String in the following form:
[{"range_id":1,"rangeName":"Range 1", "startRange":10.0, "endRange":19.99},{"range_id":2,"rangeName":"Second Range", "startRange":18.75, "endRange":29.5}]
In the jsp, you set that as a javascript variable that can be accessed by your change function.
$("#range").change(function() {
var rdArray = ${rd};
alert("A Range was entered");
var floatVal = parseFloat($("#range").val());
var rangeFound = false;
var rdSize = rdArray.length;
var index = 0;
while (index < rdSize && !rangeFound)
var rangeObject = rdArray[index++];
if (floatVal >= rangeObject.startRange && floatVal <= rangeObject.endRange)
rangeFound = true;
I have created a simple servlet in which a user will be presented with 2 questions, answering either true or false. My problem lies in retrieving the answers selected by the user.
out.println("<FORM ACTION=\"Game\" METHOD = \"POST\">" +
"<b>Question 1: Are you over the age of 25? </b><br> <br>" +
"<input type = \"radio\" name = \"Q1rad1\" onclick = \"getAnswer('a')\"> True " +
"<input type = \"radio\" name = \"Q1rad2\" onclick = \"getAnswer('b')\"> False<br>" +
"<br><br><b>Question 2: Are you from earth?</b><br> <br>" +
"<input type = \"radio\" name = \"Q2rad1\" onclick = \"getAnswer('a')\"> True " +
"<input type = \"radio\" name = \"Q2rad2\" onclick = \"getAnswer('b')\"> False<br>" +
out.println("<Center><INPUT TYPE=\"SUBMIT\"></Center>");
Each question has 2 radio buttons, Q1rad1 & Q2rad2, for answering True or False. How can i know the value selected by each user when the submit button is pressed.
I understand it may be more efficient when using Javascript but for the purposes of this problem I must be using servlets.
You have to define the value you want to retrieve when the radio button is selected
The value setting defines what will be submitted if checked.
The name setting tells which group of radio buttons the field belongs to. When you select one button, all other buttons in the same group are unselected.
<input type="radio" name="Q2" onclick="getAnswer('b')" value="b">
<input type="radio" name="Q2" onclick="getAnswer('a')" value="a">
In your Servlet which will recieve the request you'll have something like
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
// get the value of the button group
String q2 = request.getParameter("Q2");
// compare selected value
if ("a".equals(q2)) {
You haven't named your radio buttons correctly. Each radio option for the same question need the same name attribute. Also, you should have a value attribute on each <input type="radio">. I'm not sure you need the onclick handler at all. You should also have a </form> closer tag. Your form might look like this:
out.println("<form action=\"Game\" method=\"POST\">" +
"<b>Question 1: Are you over the age of 25? </b><br> <br>" +
"<input type = \"radio\" name = \"Q1\" value=\"True\"> True " +
"<input type = \"radio\" name = \"Q1\" value=\"False\"> False<br>" +
"<br><br><b>Question 2: Are you from earth?</b><br> <br>" +
"<input type = \"radio\" name = \"Q2\" value=\"True\"> True " +
"<input type = \"radio\" name = \"Q2\" value=\"False\"> False<br>" +
"<Center><INPUT TYPE=\"SUBMIT\"></Center>" +
And then in the doPost() method of servlet that handles the form submission, you can access the values using request.getParameter(). Something like this:
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
String q1 = request.getParameter("Q1");
String q2 = request.getParameter("Q2");
// more processing code...
Give the same name to the radios of the same question, and set different values.
Look at this page.
Then in the request you will get a parameter with the name of the radio group and the value selected.
After submit the servlet the receives the post can use:
String value = request.getParameter("radioName");
For your HTML Code the below lines are enough
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse res){
String q1 = request.getParameter("Q1");
String q2 = request.getParameter("Q2");`
For example, Considering your HTML Code.
If Q1 is pressed
then it would be our "Input" in Servlet.
I am using RestfbApi to fetch my friends' names and display on a web page. I also want a corresponding checkbox to each friend, since from the use of table tag , I have friend's name as well as corresponding checkbox.
As I generated checkboxes dynamically , how to make sure which checkboxes are checked when my app runs. The scenario is if I checked five friends and press post to wall button, a wall should be post to all five friends. I know how to post a wall just want to know how to map user selected friends(checked ones) to java code.
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException
User user = facebookClient.fetchObject("me", User.class);
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
String docType =
out.println(docType +
"<HTML>\n" +
"<HEAD><TITLE>Hello</TITLE></HEAD>\n" +
"<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FDF5E6\">\n" +
"<H1></H1>\n" +
JsonObject accounts = facebookClient.fetchObject("me/friends",JsonObject.class);
JsonArray data = accounts.getJsonArray("data");
for(int i = 0; i < data.length(); i++)
String id = data.getJsonObject(i).getString("id");
Double int1 = Double.parseDouble(id);
String strName = data.getJsonObject(i).getString("name");
out.println("<tr><td> <input type='checkbox' name='wahtevername' value='"+int1 +"'>"+strName+" </td></tr>");
out.println("</table>" );
out.println(docType +"<form method=\"GET\">"+"<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Post to wall\" name=\"option\">"+"</form>");
Use request.gatParameterValues("whatevername") to get an array of the values of selected checkboxes.
(Btw, it would be better to place the html code in JSP. Set the list as request attribute and then use JSTL's <c:forEach> to iterate)