In a computer contest, I was given a problem where I had to manipulate input data. The input has been split() into an array where data[0] is the number of repetitions. There can be up to 10^18 repetitions. My program returned Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space and I failed the contest.
Here's a piece of my code that's eating up memory and CPU:
long product[][]=new long[data[0]][2];
for(int a=1;a<data[0];a++){
product[a][0]=((data[5]*product[a-1][0] + data[6]) % data[3]) + 1; // Pi = ((A*Pi-1 + B) mod M) + 1 (for all i = 2..N)
product[a][1]=((data[7]*product[a-1][1] + data[8]) % data[4]) + 1; // Wi = ((C*Wi-1 + D) mod K) + 1 (for all i = 2..N)
Here's some of the input data:
980046644627629799 9 123456 18 10000000 831918484 451864686 840000324 650000765
972766173386786486 123 1 10000000 10000000 590000001 680000000 610000001 970000002
299896237124947938 681206 164538 2280874 981991 416793690 904023823 813682336 774801135
My program can only work up to about 7 or 8 digits, then it takes minutes to run. With 18 digits, it crashed almost as soon as I clicked "Run" in Eclipse.
I'm curious as to how is it possible to manipulate that much data on a normal computer. Please let me know if my question is unclear or you need more information. Thanks!
You can't have, and don't need, an array of such a huge length. You just need to track the most recent 2values. E.g., just have product1 and product2.
Also, consider testing if either number is a NaN after each iteration. If so, throw an Exception and give the iteration number.
Because once you get a NaN they will all be NaN. Except you are using long, so scratch that. "Nevermind". :-)
long product[][]=new long[data[0]][2];
This is the only line in the code you pasted that allocates memory. You allocate an array whose length will be data[0] in length! As data grows, so does the array. What is the formula you're trying to apply here?
The first input data you provide :
is already too large to even declare an array for. Try creating a single dimension array with that as its length and see what happens....
Are you sure you don't just want a 1 x 2 matrix that you accumulate over? Explain your intended algorithm clearly and we can help you with a more optimal solution.
Let's put the numbers into perspective.
Memory: One long takes 8 bytes. 1018 longs take 16,000,000 terabytes. Way too much.
Time: 10,000,000 operations ≈ 1 second. 1018 steps ≈ 30 centuries. Also way too much.
You can solve the memory problem by realising that you only need the most recent values at any time, and that the entire array is redundant:
long currentP = data[1];
long currentW = data[2];
for (int a = 1; a < data[0]; a++)
currentP = ((data[5] * currentP + data[6]) % data[3]) + 1;
currentW = ((data[7] * currentW + data[8]) % data[4]) + 1;
The time problem is a bit trickier to solve. Since modulus is used, you can observe that the numbers must enter a cycle at some point. Once you find the cycle, you can predict what the value will be after n iterations without having to do each iteration manually.
The simplest method for finding cycles is to keep track of whether or not you visited each element, and then go through until you encounter an element you've seen before. In this situation, the amount of memory required is proportional to M and K (data[3] and data[4]). If they are too large, a more space-efficient cycle detection algorithm must be used.
Here is an example which finds the value for P:
public static void main(String[] args)
// value = (A * prevValue + B) % M + 1
final long NOT_SEEN = -1; // the code used for values not visited before
long[] data = { 980046644627629799L, 9, 123456, 18, 10000000, 831918484, 451864686, 840000324, 650000765 };
long N = data[0]; // the number of iterations
long S = data[1]; // the initial value of the sequence
long M = data[3]; // the modulus divisor
long A = data[5]; // muliply by this
long B = data[6]; // add this
int max = (int) Math.max(M, S); // all the numbers (except first) must be less than or equal to M
long[] seenTime = new long[max + 1]; // whether or not a value was seen and how many iterations it took
// initialize the values of 'seenTime' to 'not seen'
for (int i = 0; i < seenTime.length; i++)
seenTime[i] = NOT_SEEN;
// find the cycle
long count = 0;
long cycleValue = S; // the current value in the series
while (seenTime[(int)cycleValue] == NOT_SEEN)
seenTime[(int)cycleValue] = count;
cycleValue = (A * cycleValue + B) % M + 1;
long cycleLength = count - seenTime[(int)cycleValue];
long cycleOffset = seenTime[(int)cycleValue];
long result;
if (N < cycleOffset)
// Special case: requested iteration occurs before the cycle starts
// Straightforward simulation
long value = S;
for (long i = 0; i < N; i++)
value = (A * value + B) % M + 1;
result = value;
// Normal case: requested iteration occurs inside the cycle
// Simulate just the relevant part of one cycle
long positionInCycle = (N - cycleOffset) % cycleLength;
long value = cycleValue;
for (long i = 0; i < positionInCycle; i++)
value = (A * value + B) % M + 1;
result = value;
I am only giving you the solution because it looks like the contest is over. The important lesson to learn from this is that you should always check the bounds to see whether your solution is practical before you start coding it up.
I am trying to create a fast prime generator in Java. It is (more or less) accepted that the fastest way for this is the segmented sieve of Eratosthenes: Lots of optimizations can be further implemented to make it faster. As of now, my implementation generates 50847534 primes below 10^9 in about 1.6 seconds, but I am looking to make it faster and at least break the 1 second barrier. To increase the chance of getting good replies, I will include a walkthrough of the algorithm as well as the code.
Still, as a TL;DR, I am looking to include multi-threading into the code
For the purposes of this question, I want to separate between the 'segmented' and the 'traditional' sieves of Eratosthenes. The traditional sieve requires O(n) space and therefore is very limited in range of the input (the limit of it). The segmented sieve however only requires O(n^0.5) space and can operate on much larger limits. (A main speed-up is using a cache-friendly segmentation, taking into account the L1 & L2 cache sizes of the specific computer). Finally, the main difference that concerns my question is that the traditional sieve is sequential, meaning it can only continue once the previous steps are completed. The segmented sieve however, is not. Each segment is independent, and is 'processed' individually against the sieving primes (the primes not larger than n^0.5). This means that theoretically, once I have the sieving primes, I can divide the work between multiple computers, each processing a different segment. The work of eachother is independent of the others. Assuming (wrongly) that each segment requires the same amount of time t to complete, and there are k segments, One computer would require total time of T = k * t, whereas k computers, each working on a different segment would require a total amount of time T = t to complete the entire process. (Practically, this is wrong, but for the sake of simplicity of the example).
This brought me to reading about multithreading - dividing the work to a few threads each processing a smaller amount of work for better usage of CPU. To my understanding, the traditional sieve cannot be multithreaded exactly because it is sequential. Each thread would depend on the previous, rendering the entire idea unfeasible. But a segmented sieve may indeed (I think) be multithreaded.
Instead of jumping straight into my question, I think it is important to introduce my code first, so I am hereby including my current fastest implementation of the segmented sieve. I have worked quite hard on it. It took quite some time, slowly tweaking and adding optimizations to it. The code is not simple. It is rather complex, I would say. I therefore assume the reader is familiar with the concepts I am introducing, such as wheel factorization, prime numbers, segmentation and more. I have included notes to make it easier to follow.
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class primeGen {
public static long x = (long)Math.pow(10, 9); //limit
public static int sqrtx;
public static boolean [] sievingPrimes; //the sieving primes, <= sqrtx
public static int [] wheels = new int [] {2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19}; // base wheel primes
public static int [] gaps; //the gaps, according to the wheel. will enable skipping multiples of the wheel primes
public static int nextp; // the first prime > wheel primes
public static int l; // the amount of gaps in the wheel
public static void main(String[] args)
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
preCalc(); // creating the sieving primes and calculating the list of gaps
int segSize = Math.max(sqrtx, 32768*8); //size of each segment
long u = nextp; // 'u' is the running index of the program. will continue from one segment to the next
int wh = 0; // the will be the gap index, indicating by how much we increment 'u' each time, skipping the multiples of the wheel primes
long pi = pisqrtx(); // the primes count. initialize with the number of primes <= sqrtx
for (long low = 0 ; low < x ; low += segSize) //the heart of the code. enumerating the primes through segmentation. enumeration will begin at p > sqrtx
long high = Math.min(x, low + segSize);
boolean [] segment = new boolean [(int) (high - low + 1)];
int g = -1;
for (int i = nextp ; i <= sqrtx ; i += gaps[g])
if (sievingPrimes[(i + 1) / 2])
long firstMultiple = (long) (low / i * i);
if (firstMultiple < low)
firstMultiple += i;
if (firstMultiple % 2 == 0) //start with the first odd multiple of the current prime in the segment
firstMultiple += i;
for (long j = firstMultiple ; j < high ; j += i * 2)
segment[(int) (j - low)] = true;
//if (g == l) //due to segment size, the full list of gaps is never used **within just one segment** , and therefore this check is redundant.
//should be used with bigger segment sizes or smaller lists of gaps
//g = 0;
while (u <= high)
if (!segment[(int) (u - low)])
u += gaps[wh];
if (wh == l)
wh = 0;
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Solution took "+(endTime - startTime) + " ms");
public static boolean [] simpleSieve (int l)
long sqrtl = (long)Math.sqrt(l);
boolean [] primes = new boolean [l/2+2];
Arrays.fill(primes, true);
int g = -1;
for (int i = nextp ; i <= sqrtl ; i += gaps[g])
if (primes[(i + 1) / 2])
for (int j = i * i ; j <= l ; j += i * 2)
primes[(j + 1) / 2]=false;
if (g == l)
return primes;
public static long pisqrtx ()
int pi = wheels.length;
if (x < wheels[wheels.length-1])
if (x < 2)
return 0;
int k = 0;
while (wheels[k] <= x)
return k;
int g = -1;
for (int i = nextp ; i <= sqrtx ; i += gaps[g])
if(sievingPrimes[( i + 1 ) / 2])
if (g == l)
return pi;
public static void preCalc ()
sqrtx = (int) Math.sqrt(x);
int prod = 1;
for (long p : wheels)
prod *= p; // primorial
nextp = BigInteger.valueOf(wheels[wheels.length-1]).nextProbablePrime().intValue(); //the first prime that comes after the wheel
int lim = prod + nextp; // circumference of the wheel
boolean [] marks = new boolean [lim + 1];
Arrays.fill(marks, true);
for (int j = 2 * 2 ;j <= lim ; j += 2)
marks[j] = false;
for (int i = 1 ; i < wheels.length ; i++)
int p = wheels[i];
for (int j = p * p ; j <= lim ; j += 2 * p)
marks[j]=false; // removing all integers that are NOT comprime with the base wheel primes
ArrayList <Integer> gs = new ArrayList <Integer>(); //list of the gaps between the integers that are coprime with the base wheel primes
int d = nextp;
for (int p = d + 2 ; p < marks.length ; p += 2)
if (marks[p]) //d is prime. if p is also prime, then a gap is identified, and is noted.
gs.add(p - d);
d = p;
gaps = new int [gs.size()];
for (int i = 0 ; i < gs.size() ; i++)
gaps[i] = gs.get(i); // Arrays are faster than lists, so moving the list of gaps to an array
l = gaps.length;
sievingPrimes = simpleSieve(sqrtx); //initializing the sieving primes
Currently, it produces 50847534 primes below 10^9 in about 1.6 seconds. This is very impressive, at least by my standards, but I am looking to make it faster, possibly break the 1 second barrier. Even then, I believe it can be made much faster still.
The whole program is based on wheel factorization: I have noticed I am getting the fastest results using a wheel of all primes up to 19.
public static int [] wheels = new int [] {2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19}; // base wheel primes
This means that the multiples of those primes are skipped, resulting in a much smaller searching range. The gaps between numbers which we need to take are then calculated in the preCalc method. If we make those jumps between the the numbers in the searching range we skip the multiples of the base primes.
public static void preCalc ()
sqrtx = (int) Math.sqrt(x);
int prod = 1;
for (long p : wheels)
prod *= p; // primorial
nextp = BigInteger.valueOf(wheels[wheels.length-1]).nextProbablePrime().intValue(); //the first prime that comes after the wheel
int lim = prod + nextp; // circumference of the wheel
boolean [] marks = new boolean [lim + 1];
Arrays.fill(marks, true);
for (int j = 2 * 2 ;j <= lim ; j += 2)
marks[j] = false;
for (int i = 1 ; i < wheels.length ; i++)
int p = wheels[i];
for (int j = p * p ; j <= lim ; j += 2 * p)
marks[j]=false; // removing all integers that are NOT comprime with the base wheel primes
ArrayList <Integer> gs = new ArrayList <Integer>(); //list of the gaps between the integers that are coprime with the base wheel primes
int d = nextp;
for (int p = d + 2 ; p < marks.length ; p += 2)
if (marks[p]) //d is prime. if p is also prime, then a gap is identified, and is noted.
gs.add(p - d);
d = p;
gaps = new int [gs.size()];
for (int i = 0 ; i < gs.size() ; i++)
gaps[i] = gs.get(i); // Arrays are faster than lists, so moving the list of gaps to an array
l = gaps.length;
sievingPrimes = simpleSieve(sqrtx); //initializing the sieving primes
At the end of the preCalc method, the simpleSieve method is called, efficiently sieving all the sieving primes mentioned before, the primes <= sqrtx. This is a simple Eratosthenes sieve, rather than segmented, but it is still based on wheel factorization, perviously computed.
public static boolean [] simpleSieve (int l)
long sqrtl = (long)Math.sqrt(l);
boolean [] primes = new boolean [l/2+2];
Arrays.fill(primes, true);
int g = -1;
for (int i = nextp ; i <= sqrtl ; i += gaps[g])
if (primes[(i + 1) / 2])
for (int j = i * i ; j <= l ; j += i * 2)
primes[(j + 1) / 2]=false;
if (g == l)
return primes;
Finally, we reach the heart of the algorithm. We start by enumerating all primes <= sqrtx, with the following call:
long pi = pisqrtx();`
which used the following method:
public static long pisqrtx ()
int pi = wheels.length;
if (x < wheels[wheels.length-1])
if (x < 2)
return 0;
int k = 0;
while (wheels[k] <= x)
return k;
int g = -1;
for (int i = nextp ; i <= sqrtx ; i += gaps[g])
if(sievingPrimes[( i + 1 ) / 2])
if (g == l)
return pi;
Then, after initializing the pi variable which keeps track of the enumeration of primes, we perform the mentioned segmentation, starting the enumeration from the first prime > sqrtx:
int segSize = Math.max(sqrtx, 32768*8); //size of each segment
long u = nextp; // 'u' is the running index of the program. will continue from one segment to the next
int wh = 0; // the will be the gap index, indicating by how much we increment 'u' each time, skipping the multiples of the wheel primes
long pi = pisqrtx(); // the primes count. initialize with the number of primes <= sqrtx
for (long low = 0 ; low < x ; low += segSize) //the heart of the code. enumerating the primes through segmentation. enumeration will begin at p > sqrtx
long high = Math.min(x, low + segSize);
boolean [] segment = new boolean [(int) (high - low + 1)];
int g = -1;
for (int i = nextp ; i <= sqrtx ; i += gaps[g])
if (sievingPrimes[(i + 1) / 2])
long firstMultiple = (long) (low / i * i);
if (firstMultiple < low)
firstMultiple += i;
if (firstMultiple % 2 == 0) //start with the first odd multiple of the current prime in the segment
firstMultiple += i;
for (long j = firstMultiple ; j < high ; j += i * 2)
segment[(int) (j - low)] = true;
//if (g == l) //due to segment size, the full list of gaps is never used **within just one segment** , and therefore this check is redundant.
//should be used with bigger segment sizes or smaller lists of gaps
//g = 0;
while (u <= high)
if (!segment[(int) (u - low)])
u += gaps[wh];
if (wh == l)
wh = 0;
I have also included it as a note, but will explain as well. Because the segment size is relatively small, we will not go through the entire list of gaps within just one segment, and checking it - is redundant. (Assuming we use a 19-wheel). But in a broader scope overview of the program, we will make use of the entire array of gaps, so the variable u has to follow it and not accidentally surpass it:
while (u <= high)
if (!segment[(int) (u - low)])
u += gaps[wh];
if (wh == l)
wh = 0;
Using higher limits will eventually render a bigger segment, which might result in a neccessity of checking we don't surpass the gaps list even within the segment. This, or tweaking the wheel primes base might have this effect on the program. Switching to bit-sieving can largely improve the segment limit though.
As an important side-note, I am aware that efficient segmentation is
one that takes the L1 & L2 cache-sizes into account. I get the
fastest results using a segment size of 32,768 * 8 = 262,144 = 2^18. I am not sure what the cache-size of my computer is, but I do
not think it can be that big, as I see most cache sizes <= 32,768.
Still, this produces the fastest run time on my computer, so this is
why it's the chosen segment size.
As I mentioned, I am still looking to improve this by a lot. I
believe, according to my introduction, that multithreading can result
in a speed-up factor of 4, using 4 threads (corresponding to 4
cores). The idea is that each thread will still use the idea of the
segmented sieve, but work on different portions. Divide the n
into 4 equal portions - threads, each in turn performing the
segmentation on the n/4 elements it is responsible for, using the
above program. My question is how do I do that? Reading about
multithreading and examples, unfortunately, did not bring to me any
insight on how to implement it in the case above efficiently. It
seems to me, as opposed to the logic behind it, that the threads were
running sequentially, rather than simultaneously. This is why I
excluded it from the code to make it more readable. I will really
appreciate a code sample on how to do it in this specific code, but a
good explanation and reference will maybe do the trick too.
Additionally, I would like to hear about more ways of speeding-up
this program even more, any ideas you have, I would love to hear!
Really want to make it very fast and efficient. Thank you!
An example like this should help you get started.
An outline of a solution:
Define a data structure ("Task") that encompasses a specific segment; you can put all the immutable shared data into it for extra neatness, too. If you're careful enough, you can pass a common mutable array to all tasks, along with the segment limits, and only update the part of the array within these limits. This is more error-prone, but can simplify the step of joining the results (AFAICT; YMMV).
Define a data structure ("Result") that stores the result of a Task computation. Even if you just update a shared resulting structure, you may need to signal which part of that structure has been updated so far.
Create a Runnable that accepts a Task, runs a computation, and puts the results into a given result queue.
Create a blocking input queue for Tasks, and a queue for Results.
Create a ThreadPoolExecutor with the number of threads close to the number of machine cores.
Submit all your Tasks to the thread pool executor. They will be scheduled to run on the threads from the pool, and will put their results into the output queue, not necessarily in order.
Wait for all the tasks in the thread pool to finish.
Drain the output queue and join the partial results into the final result.
Extra speedup may (or may not) be achieved by joining the results in a separate task that reads the output queue, or even by updating a mutable shared output structure under synchronized, depending on how much work the joining step involves.
Hope this helps.
Are you familiar with the work of Tomas Oliveira e Silva? He has a very fast implementation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
How interested in speed are you? Would you consider using c++?
$ time ../c_code/segmented_bit_sieve 1000000000
50847534 primes found.
real 0m0.875s
user 0m0.813s
sys 0m0.016s
$ time ../c_code/segmented_bit_isprime 1000000000
50847534 primes found.
real 0m0.816s
user 0m0.797s
sys 0m0.000s
(on my newish laptop with an i5)
The first is from #Kim Walisch using a bit array of odd prime candidates.
The second is my tweak to Kim's with IsPrime[] also implemented as bit array, which is slightly less clear to read, although a little faster for big N due to the reduced memory footprint.
I will read your post carefully as I am interested in primes and performance no matter what language is used. I hope this isn't too far off topic or premature. But I noticed I was already beyond your performance goal.
I am trying to prepare for a contest but my program speed is always dreadfully slow as I use O(n). First of all, I don't even know how to make it O(log n), or I've never heard about this paradigm. Where can I learn about this?
For example,
If you had an integer array with zeroes and ones, such as [ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 ], and now you wanted to replace every 0 with 1 only if one of it's neighbors has the value of 1, what is the most efficient way to go about doing if this must occur t number of times? (The program must do this for a number of t times)
Here's my inefficient solution:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
static Scanner input = new Scanner(;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int n;
long t;
n = input.nextInt();
t = input.nextLong();
int[] units = new int[n + 2];
String inputted = input.nextLine();
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
units[i] = Integer.parseInt((""+inputted.charAt(i - 1)));
int[] original;
for(int j = 0; j <= t -1; j++) {
units[0] = units[n];
units[n + 1] = units[1];
original = units.clone();
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
if(((original[i - 1] == 0) && (original[i + 1] == 1)) || ((original[i - 1] == 1) && (original[i + 1] == 0))) {
units[i] = 1;
} else {
units[i] = 0;
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
This is an elementary cellular automaton. Such a dynamical system has properties that you can use for your advantages. In your case, for example, you can set to value 1 every cell at distance at most t from any initial value 1 (cone of light property). Then you may do something like:
get a 1 in the original sequence, say it is located at position p.
set to 1 every position from p-t to p+t.
You may then take as your advantage in the next step that you've already set position p-t to p+t... This can let you compute the final step t without computing intermediary steps (good factor of acceleration isn't it?).
You can also use some tricks as HashLife, see 1.
As I was saying in the comments, I'm fairly sure you can keep out the array and clone operations.
You can modify a StringBuilder in-place, so no need to convert back and forth between int[] and String.
For example, (note: This is on the order of an O(n) operation for all T <= N)
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(conway1d("0000001", 7, 1));
System.out.println(conway1d("01011", 5, 3));
private static String conway1d(CharSequence input, int N, long T) {
System.out.println("Generation 0: " + input);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(input); // Will update this for all generations
StringBuilder copy = new StringBuilder(); // store a copy to reference current generation
for (int gen = 1; gen <= T; gen++) {
// Copy over next generation string
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
conwayUpdate(sb, copy, i, N);
input = sb.toString(); // next generation string
System.out.printf("Generation %d: %s\n", gen, input);
return input.toString();
private static void conwayUpdate(StringBuilder nextGen, final StringBuilder currentGen, int charPos, int N) {
int prev = (N + (charPos - 1)) % N;
int next = (charPos + 1) % N;
// **Exactly one** adjacent '1'
boolean adjacent = currentGen.charAt(prev) == '1' ^ currentGen.charAt(next) == '1';
nextGen.setCharAt(charPos, adjacent ? '1' : '0'); // set cell as alive or dead
For the two samples in the problem you posted in the comments, this code generates this output.
Generation 0: 0000001
Generation 1: 1000010
Generation 0: 01011
Generation 1: 00011
Generation 2: 10111
Generation 3: 10100
The BigO notation is a simplification to understand the complexity of the Algorithm. Basically, two algorithms O(n) can have very different execution times. Why? Let's unroll your example:
You have two nested loops. The outer loop will run t times.
The inner loop will run n times
For each time the loop executes, it will take a constant k time.
So, in essence your algorithm is O(k * t * n). If t is in the same order of magnitude of n, then you can consider the complexity as O(k * n^2).
There is two approaches to optimize this algorithm:
Reduce the constant time k. For example, do not clone the whole array on each loop, because it is very time consuming (clone needs to do a full array loop to clone).
The second optimization in this case is to use Dynamic Programing ( that can cache information between two loops and optimize the execution, that can lower k or even lower the complexity from O(nˆ2) to O(n * log n).
This question already has answers here:
nth fibonacci number in sublinear time
(16 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I was required to write a simple implementation of Fibonacci's algorithm and then to make it faster.
Here is my initial implementation
public class Fibonacci {
public static long getFibonacciOf(long n) {
if (n== 0) {
return 0;
} else if (n == 1) {
return 1;
} else {
return getFibonacciOf(n-2) + getFibonacciOf(n-1);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner (;
while (true) {
System.out.println("Enter n :");
long n = scanner.nextLong();
if (n >= 0) {
long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long fibo = getFibonacciOf(n);
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long delta = endTime - beginTime;
System.out.println("F(" + n + ") = " + fibo + " ... computed in " + delta + " milliseconds");
} else {
As you can see I am using System.currentTimeMillis() to get a simple measure of the time elapsed while computed Fibonacci.
This implementation get rapidly kind of exponentially slow as you can see on the following picture
So I've got a simple optimisation idea. To put previous values in a HashMap and instead of re-computing them each time, to simply take them back from the HashMap if they exist. If they don't exist, we then put them in the HashMap.
Here is the new version of the code
public class FasterFibonacci {
private static Map<Long, Long> previousValuesHolder;
static {
previousValuesHolder = new HashMap<Long, Long>();
previousValuesHolder.put(Long.valueOf(0), Long.valueOf(0));
previousValuesHolder.put(Long.valueOf(1), Long.valueOf(1));
public static long getFibonacciOf(long n) {
if (n== 0) {
return 0;
} else if (n == 1) {
return 1;
} else {
if (previousValuesHolder.containsKey(Long.valueOf(n))) {
return previousValuesHolder.get(n);
} {
long newValue = getFibonacciOf(n-2) + getFibonacciOf(n-1);
previousValuesHolder.put(Long.valueOf(n), Long.valueOf(newValue));
return newValue;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner (;
while (true) {
System.out.println("Enter n :");
long n = scanner.nextLong();
if (n >= 0) {
long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long fibo = getFibonacciOf(n);
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long delta = endTime - beginTime;
System.out.println("F(" + n + ") = " + fibo + " ... computed in " + delta + " milliseconds");
} else {
This change makes the computing extremely fast. I computes all the values from 2 to 103 in no time at all and I get a long overflow at F(104) (Gives me F(104) = -7076989329685730859, which is wrong). I find it so fast that **I wonder if there is any mistakes in my code (Thank your checking and let me know please) **. Please take a look at the second picture:
Is my faster fibonacci's algorithm's implementation correct (It seems it is to me because it gets the same values as the first version, but since the first version was too slow I could not compute bigger values with it such as F(75))? What other way can I use to make it faster? Or is there a better way to make it faster? Also how can I compute Fibonacci for greater values (such as 150, 200) without getting a **long overflow**? Though it seems fast I would like to push it to the limits. I remember Mr Abrash saying 'The best optimiser is between your two ears', so I believe it can still be improved. Thank you for helping
[Edition Note:] Though this question adresses one of the main point in my question, you can see from above that I have additionnal issues.
Dynamic programming
Idea:Instead of recomputing the same value multiple times you just store the value calculated and use them as you go along.
f(n)=f(n-1)+f(n-2) with f(0)=0,f(1)=1.
So at the point when you have calculated f(n-1) you can easily calculate f(n) if you store the values of f(n) and f(n-1).
Let's take an array of Bignums first. A[1..200].
Initialize them to -1.
if(A[n]!=-1) return A[n];
for i=2 to n
A[i]= addition of A[i],A[i-1];
return A[n]
This runs in O(n) time. Check it out yourself.
This technique is also called memoization.
Dynamic programming (usually referred to as DP ) is a very powerful technique to solve a particular class of problems. It demands very elegant formulation of the approach and simple thinking and the coding part is very easy. The idea is very simple, If you have solved a problem with the given input, then save the result for future reference, so as to avoid solving the same problem again.. shortly 'Remember your Past'.
If the given problem can be broken up in to smaller sub-problems and these smaller subproblems are in turn divided in to still-smaller ones, and in this process, if you observe some over-lappping subproblems, then its a big hint for DP. Also, the optimal solutions to the subproblems contribute to the optimal solution of the given problem ( referred to as the Optimal Substructure Property ).
There are two ways of doing this.
1.) Top-Down : Start solving the given problem by breaking it down. If you see that the problem has been solved already, then just return the saved answer. If it has not been solved, solve it and save the answer. This is usually easy to think of and very intuitive. This is referred to as Memoization. (I have used this idea).
2.) Bottom-Up : Analyze the problem and see the order in which the sub-problems are solved and start solving from the trivial subproblem, up towards the given problem. In this process, it is guaranteed that the subproblems are solved before solving the problem. This is referred to as Dynamic Programming. (MinecraftShamrock used this idea)
There's more!
(Other ways to do this)
Look our quest to get a better solution doesn't end here. You will see a different approach-
If you know how to solve recurrence relation then you will find a solution to this relation
f(n)=f(n-1)+f(n-2) given f(0)=0,f(1)=1
You will arrive at the formula after solving it-
f(n)= (1/sqrt(5))((1+sqrt(5))/2)^n - (1/sqrt(5))((1-sqrt(5))/2)^n
which can be written in more compact form
f(n)=floor((((1+sqrt(5))/2)^n) /sqrt(5) + 1/2)
You can get the power a number in O(logn) operations.
You have to learn the Exponentiation by squaring.
EDIT: It is good to point out that this doesn't necessarily mean that the fibonacci number can be found in O(logn). Actually the number of digits we need to calculate frows linearly. Probably because of the position where I stated that it seems to claim the wrong idea that factorial of a number can be calculated in O(logn) time.
[Bakurui,MinecraftShamrock commented on this]
If you need to compute n th fibonacci numbers very frequently I suggest using amalsom's answer.
But if you want to compute a very big fibonacci number, you will run out of memory because you are storing all smaller fibonacci numbers. The following pseudocode only keeps the last two fibonacci numbers in memory, i.e. it requires much less memory:
fibonacci(n) {
if n = 0: return 0;
if n = 1: return 1;
a = 0;
b = 1;
for i from 2 to n: {
sum = a + b;
a = b;
b = sum;
return b;
This can compute very high fibonacci numbers with quite low memory consumption: We have O(n) time as the loop repeats n-1 times. The space complexity is interesting as well: The nth fibonacci number has a length of O(n), which can easily be shown:
Fn <= 2 * Fn-1
Which means that the nth fibonacci number is at most twice as big as its predecessor. Doubling a number in binary is equivalent with a single left-shift, which increases the number of necessary bits by one. So representing the nth fibonacci number takes at most O(n) space. We have at most three successive fibonacci numbers in memory which makes O(n) + O(n-1) + O(n-2) = O(n) total space consumption. In contrast to this the memoization algorithm always keeps the first n fibonacci numbers in memory, which makes O(n) + O(n-1) + O(n-2) + ... + O(1) = O(n^2) space consumption.
So which way should one use?
The only reason to keep all lower fibonacci numbers in memory is if you need fibonacci numbers very frequently. It is a question of balancing time with memory consumption.
Get away from the Fibonacci recursion and use the identities
(F(2n), F(2n-1)) = (F(n)^2 + 2 F(n) F(n-1), F(n)^2+F(n-1)^2)
(F(2n+1), F(2n)) = (F(n+1)^2+F(n)^2, 2 F(n+1) F(n) - F(n)^2)
This allows you to compute (F(m+1), F(m)) in terms of (F(k+1), F(k)) for k half the size of m. Written iteratively with some bit shifting for division by 2, this should give you the theoretical O(log n) speed of exponentiation by squaring while staying entirely within integer arithmetic. (Well, O(log n) arithmetic operations. Since you will be working with numbers with roughly n bits, it won't be O(log n) time once you are forced to switch to a large integer library. After F(50), you will overflow the integer data type, which only goes up to 2^(31).)
(Apologies for not remembering Java well enough to implement this in Java; anyone who wants to is free to edit it in.)
Fibonacci(0) = 0
Fibonacci(1) = 1
Fibonacci(n) = Fibonacci(n - 1) + Fibonacci(n - 2), when n >= 2
Usually there are 2 ways to calculate Fibonacci number:
public long getFibonacci(long n) {
if(n <= 1) {
return n;
} else {
return getFibonacci(n - 1) + getFibonacci(n - 2);
This way is intuitive and easy to understand, while because it does not reuse calculated Fibonacci number, the time complexity is about O(2^n), but it does not store calculated result, so it saves space a lot, actually the space complexity is O(1).
Dynamic Programming:
public long getFibonacci(long n) {
long[] f = new long[(int)(n + 1)];
f[0] = 0;
f[1] = 1;
for(int i=2;i<=n;i++) {
f[i] = f[i - 1] + f[i - 2];
return f[(int)n];
This Memoization way calculated Fibonacci numbers and reuse them when calculate next one. The time complexity is pretty good, which is O(n), while space complexity is O(n). Let's investigate whether the space complexity can be optimized... Since f(i) only requires f(i - 1) and f(i - 2), there is not necessary to store all calculated Fibonacci numbers.
The more efficient implementation is:
public long getFibonacci(long n) {
if(n <= 1) {
return n;
long x = 0, y = 1;
long ans;
for(int i=2;i<=n;i++) {
ans = x + y;
x = y;
y = ans;
return ans;
With time complexity O(n), and space complexity O(1).
Added: Since Fibonacci number increase amazing fast, long can only handle less than 100 Fibonacci numbers. In Java, we can use BigInteger to store more Fibonacci numbers.
Precompute a large number of fib(n) results, and store them as a lookup table inside your algorithm. Bam, free "speed"
Now if you need to compute fib(101) and you already have fibs 0 to 100 stored, this is just like trying to compute fib(1).
Chances are this isn't what this homework is looking for, but it's a completely legit strategy and basically the idea of caching extracted further away from running the algorithm. If you know you're likely to be computing the first 100 fibs often and you need to do it really really fast, there's nothing faster than O(1). So compute those values entirely out of band and store them so they can be looked up later.
Of course, cache values as you compute them too :) Duplicated computation is waste.
Here is a snippet of code with an iterative approach instead of recursion.
Output example:
Enter n: 5
F(5) = 5 ... computed in 1 milliseconds
Enter n: 50
F(50) = 12586269025 ... computed in 0 milliseconds
Enter n: 500
F(500) = ...4125 ... computed in 2 milliseconds
Enter n: 500
F(500) = ...4125 ... computed in 0 milliseconds
Enter n: 500000
F(500000) = 2955561408 ... computed in 4,476 ms
Enter n: 500000
F(500000) = 2955561408 ... computed in 0 ms
Enter n: 1000000
F(1000000) = 1953282128 ... computed in 15,853 ms
Enter n: 1000000
F(1000000) = 1953282128 ... computed in 0 ms
Some pieces of results are omitted with ... for a better view.
Code snippet:
public class CachedFibonacci {
private static Map<BigDecimal, BigDecimal> previousValuesHolder;
static {
previousValuesHolder = new HashMap<>();
previousValuesHolder.put(BigDecimal.ZERO, BigDecimal.ZERO);
previousValuesHolder.put(BigDecimal.ONE, BigDecimal.ONE);
public static BigDecimal getFibonacciOf(long number) {
if (0 == number) {
return BigDecimal.ZERO;
} else if (1 == number) {
return BigDecimal.ONE;
} else {
if (previousValuesHolder.containsKey(BigDecimal.valueOf(number))) {
return previousValuesHolder.get(BigDecimal.valueOf(number));
} else {
BigDecimal olderValue = BigDecimal.ONE,
oldValue = BigDecimal.ONE,
newValue = BigDecimal.ONE;
for (int i = 3; i <= number; i++) {
newValue = oldValue.add(olderValue);
olderValue = oldValue;
oldValue = newValue;
previousValuesHolder.put(BigDecimal.valueOf(number), newValue);
return newValue;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
while (true) {
System.out.print("Enter n: ");
long inputNumber = scanner.nextLong();
if (inputNumber >= 0) {
long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
BigDecimal fibo = getFibonacciOf(inputNumber);
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long delta = endTime - beginTime;
System.out.printf("F(%d) = %.0f ... computed in %,d milliseconds\n", inputNumber, fibo, delta);
} else {
System.err.println("You must enter number > 0");
System.out.println("try, enter number again, please:");
This approach runs much faster than the recursive version.
In such a situation, the iterative solution tends to be a bit faster, because each
recursive method call takes a certain amount of processor time. In principle, it is
possible for a smart compiler to avoid recursive method calls if they follow simple
patterns, but most compilers don’t do that. From that point of view, an iterative
solution is preferable.
After Java 8 releases and Stream API is available one more way is available for calculating Fibonacci.
Checked with JDK 17.0.2.
public static BigInteger streamFibonacci(long n) {
return Stream.iterate(new BigInteger[]{BigInteger.ONE, BigInteger.ONE},
p -> new BigInteger[]{p[1], p[0].add(p[1])})
.reduce((a, b) -> b)
Test output:
Enter n (q for quit): 5
F(5) = 5 ... computed in 2 ms
Enter n (q for quit): 50
F(50) = 1258626902 ... computed in 0 ms
Enter n (q for quit): 500
F(500) = 1394232245 ... computed in 3 ms
Enter n (q for quit): 500000
F(500000) = 2955561408 ... computed in 4,343 ms
Enter n (q for quit): 1000000
F(1000000) = 1953282128 ... computed in 19,280 ms
The results are pretty good.
Keep in mind that ... just cuts all following digits of the real numbers.
Having followed a similar approach some time ago, I've just realized there's another optimization you can make.
If you know two large consecutive answers, you can use this as a starting point. For example, if you know F(100) and F(101), then calculating F(104) is approximately as difficult (*) as calculating F(4) based on F(0) and F(1).
Calculating iteratively up is as efficient calculation-wise as doing the same using cached-recursion, but uses less memory.
Having done some sums, I have also realized that, for any given z < n:
F(n)=F(z) * F(n-z) + F(z-1) * F(n-z-1)
If n is odd, and you choose z=(n+1)/2, then this is reduced to
It seems to me that you should be able to use this by a method I have yet to find, that you should be able use the above info to find F(n) in the number of operations equal to:
the number of bits in n doublings (as per above) + the number of 1 bits in n addings; in the case of 104, this would be (7 bits, 3 '1' bits) = 14 multiplications (squarings), 10 additions.
(*) assuming adding two numbers takes the same time, irrelevant of the size of the two numbers.
Here's a way of provably doing it in O(log n) (as the loop runs log n times):
* Fast doubling method
* F(2n) = F(n) * (2*F(n+1) - F(n)).
* F(2n+1) = F(n+1)^2 + F(n)^2.
* Adapted from:
private static long getFibonacci(int n) {
long a = 0;
long b = 1;
for (int i = 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(n); i >= 0; i--) {
long d = a * ((b<<1) - a);
long e = (a*a) + (b*b);
a = d;
b = e;
if (((n >>> i) & 1) != 0) {
long c = a+b;
a = b;
b = c;
return a;
I am assuming here (as is conventional) that one multiply / add / whatever operation is constant time irrespective of number of bits, i.e. that a fixed-length data type will be used.
This page explains several methods of which this is the fastest. I simply translated it away from using BigInteger for readability. Here's the BigInteger version:
* Fast doubling method.
* F(2n) = F(n) * (2*F(n+1) - F(n)).
* F(2n+1) = F(n+1)^2 + F(n)^2.
* Adapted from:
private static BigInteger getFibonacci(int n) {
BigInteger a = BigInteger.ZERO;
BigInteger b = BigInteger.ONE;
for (int i = 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(n); i >= 0; i--) {
BigInteger d = a.multiply(b.shiftLeft(1).subtract(a));
BigInteger e = a.multiply(a).add(b.multiply(b));
a = d;
b = e;
if (((n >>> i) & 1) != 0) {
BigInteger c = a.add(b);
a = b;
b = c;
return a;
As an additional question to an assignment, we were asked to find the 10 starting numbers (n) that produce the longest collatz sequence. (Where 0 < n < 10,000,000,000) I wrote code that would hopefully accomplish this, but I estimate that it would take a full 11 hours to compute an answer.
I have noticed a couple of small optimisations like starting from biggest to smallest so adding to the array is done less, and only computing between 10,000,000,000/2^10 (=9765625) and 10,000,000,000 because there has to be 10 sequences of longer length, but I can't see anything more I could do. Can anyone help?
Relevant Code
The Sequence Searching Alg
long[][] longest = new long[2][10]; //terms/starting number
long max = 10000000000l; //10 billion
for(long i = max; i >= 9765625; i--) {
long n = i;
long count = 1; //terms in the sequence
while(n > 1) {
if((n & 1) == 0) n /= 2; //checks if the last bit is a 0
else {
n = (3*n + 1)/2;
if(count > longest[0][9]) {
longest = addToArray(count, i, longest);
currentBest(longest); //prints the currently stored top 10
The storage alg
public static long[][] addToArray(long count, long i, long[][] longest) {
int pos = 0;
while(count < longest[0][pos]) {
long TEMP = count; //terms
long TEMPb = i; //starting number
for(int a = pos; a < longest[0].length; a++) {
long TEMP2 = longest[0][a];
longest[0][a] = TEMP;
long TEMP2b = longest[1][a];
longest[1][a] = TEMPb;
return longest;
You can do something like
while (true) {
int ntz = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(n);
count += ntz;
n >>>= ntz; // Using unsigned shift allows to work with bigger numbers.
if (n==1) break;
n = 3*n + 1;
which should be faster as it does multiple steps at once and avoids unpredictable branches. numberOfTrailingZeros is JVM intrinsic taking just one cycle on modern desktop CPUs. However, it's not very efficient as the average number of zeros is only 2.
The Wikipedia explains how to do multiple steps at once. This is based on the observation that knowing k least significant bits is sufficient to determine the future steps up to the point when the k-th halving happens. My best result based on this (with k=17) and filtering out some non-promising values is 57 seconds for the determination of the maximum in range 1 .. 1e10.
I am working on a projecteuler problem, and I have run into an OutOfMemoryError.
And I don't understand why because my code was working beautifully (to my novice eyes at least :P).
Everything works just fine until the loop reaches 113383.
If someone could help me debug this it would be greatly appreciated because I don't understand at all why it is failing.
My Code
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Stack;
* The following iterative sequence is defined for the set of positive integers:
n = n/2 (n is even)
n = 3n + 1 (n is odd)
Using the rule above and starting with 13, we generate the following sequence:
13 40 20 10 5 16 8 4 2 1
It can be seen that this sequence (starting at 13 and finishing at 1) contains
10 terms. Although it has not been proved yet (Collatz Problem), it is thought
that all starting numbers finish at 1. Which starting number, under one million,
produces the longest chain?
NOTE: Once the chain starts the terms are allowed to go above one million.
public class Problem14 {
static Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
final static int NUMBER = 1000000;
public static void main(String[] args) {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
map.put(1, 1);
for (int loop = 2; loop < NUMBER; loop++) {
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Time: " + ((end - start) / 1000.) + " seconds" );
private static void compute(int currentNumber) {
Stack<Integer> temp = new Stack<Integer>();
* checks to see if current value is already
* part of the map. if it isn't, add to temporary
* stack. also if current value exceeds 1 million,
* don't check map or add to stack.
while (!map.containsKey(currentNumber)){
currentNumber = realCompute(currentNumber);
while (currentNumber > NUMBER){
currentNumber = realCompute(currentNumber);
* adds members of the temporary stack to the map
* based on when they were placed in the stack
int initial = map.get(currentNumber) + 1;
int size = temp.size();
for (int loop = 1; loop <= size; loop++){
map.put(temp.pop(), initial);
//key is the top of stack
//value is initially 1 greater than the current number that was
//found at the map, then incremented by 1 afterwards;
private static int realCompute(int currentNumber) {
if (currentNumber % 2 == 0) {
currentNumber /= 2;
} else {
currentNumber = (currentNumber * 3) + 1;
return currentNumber;
Seems to me it's just what the error says: you're running out of memory. Increase the heap size with -Xmx (eg java -Xmx512m).
If you want to reduce the memory footprint, take a look at GNU Trove for a more compact (and faster) implementation of primitive maps (instead of using HashMap<Integer,Integer>).
I have the exactly same problem as you had...
The problem actually lies with the "Stack temp", and change it to Long would be fine.
It is a simple overflow.
Which OutOfMemory error is it? Heap, PermGen..? Probably need to increase heap size or permgen size.
you should define HashMap like: map = new HashMap(NUMBER).
you know, "Entry[] table" is the map data structure,auto capacity.
the reason for inital capacity:1,not array copy. 2,run faster.