In brief - I am having a hard time with the float left overs
(i.e. 10.00000123 instead of 10)
Here I go :
I need to generate list of floats with constant gap as follows
(actually its a map , I need to retreive the object nut nevermind that)
List A: 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, ...
List B: 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, ...
every time I get a number and I round it to the neerest cell in the list.
lets say I get 0.051 to retreive a cell in list A - I return 0.05.
lets say I get 0.21 to retreive a cell in list B - I return 0.25.
So I started be doing this
float a = Math.round(Value / step) * step;
but than I get a lot of time 0.2500001 (float leftovers )
I need a smart way to round it .
Maybe by taking the number of digits after the dot and doing again
Math.round(Value / 100) * 100;?
Is there a smarter way?
I tried doig this
final float factor = Math.round(1 / step);
final float value = (float) Math.round(value * factor) / factor;
but I sometimes have a list like this
List A: 10, 15 , 20, 25, 30, ...
and when I get 22 I retreive the cell of 20.
the problem is that When I get a gap of 10
Math.round(1 / baseAssetStep)
returns 0 - and I get NaN
Use BigDecimal instead of float.
From the Java Tutorials of Primitive Data Types:
float: [...] This data type should never be used for precise values, such as currency. For that, you will need to use the
java.math.BigDecimal class instead. Numbers and Strings covers
BigDecimal and other useful classes provided by the Java platform.
Firstly, I would use double or long instead as these have much more digits of accuracy. If you really need to, use BigDecimal, but its pretty rare to find a real world situation where double or long would not do the job.
double d = 10.00000123;
double r = Math.round(d * 10000) / 10000.0;
or using long with fixed point precision.
long l = 100000; // the actual value * 10000
A common use case for fixed point precision is money. Instead of using dollars with double use cents with long or even int instead.
In short, "these are not the numbers you're looking for."
Floating points are represented as binary fractional numbers, and some numbers that can be easily represented in base-10 (0.01, for instance) can't be represented with a finite number of binary digits. This is similar to how 1/3 is easy in base 3 (it's just 0.1), but requires an infinite number of digits in base 10 (0.333...).
If you tried to represent 1/3 with a finite number of digits in base 10, you'd get an approximation. Similarly, if you try to represent 1/10 with a finite number of digits in base 2 (which is what float and double do), you'll get an approximation, and similarly with 1/100. What you think is 0.01 in the code is actually a number that's very close, but not exactly equal to, 1/100.
There are many resources out there concerning floating points and the difficulty in working with them. is a good place to start.
you need a constant gap, so maybe try another solution. Take your gap, let's name it G. Draw a randow int - let's call it R, (if you know maximum number in your list you can draw it properly). Now the only thing to do would be R*G which will give you a number from your list - of course with some precision because this is inevitable using float - to print it just use format. You can also combine this with BigDecimal ;)
I'm writing a bank program with a variable long balance to store cents in an account. When users inputs an amount I have a method to do the conversion from USD to cents:
public static long convertFromUsd (double amountUsd) {
if(amountUsd <= maxValue || amountUsd >= minValue) {
return (long) (amountUsd * 100.0)
} else {
//no conversion (throws an exception, but I'm not including that part of the code)
In my actual code I also check that amountUsd does not have more than 2 decimals, to avoid inputs that cannot be accurately be converted (e.g 20.001 dollars is not exactly 2000 cents). For this example code, assume that all inputs has 0, 1 or 2 decimals.
At first I looked at Long.MAX_VALUE (9223372036854775807 cents) and assumed that double maxValue = 92233720368547758.07 would be correct, but it gave me rounding errors for big amounts:
convertFromUsd(92233720368547758.07) gives output 9223372036854775807
convertFromUsd(92233720368547758.00) gives the same output 9223372036854775807
What should I set double maxValue and double minValue to always get accurate return values?
You could use BigDecimal as a temp holder
If you have a very large double (something between Double.MAX_VALUE / 100.0 + 1 and Double.MAX_VALUE) the calculation of usd * 100.0 would result in an overflow of your double.
But since you know that every possible result of <any double> * 100 will fit in a long you could use a BigDecimal as a temporary holder for your calculation.
Also, the BigDecimal class defines two methods which come in handy for this purpose:
By using a BigDecimal you don't have to bother about specifying a max-value at all -> any given double representing USD can be converted to a long value representing cents (assuming you don't have to handle cent-fractions).
double usd = 123.45;
long cents = BigDecimal.valueOf(usd).movePointRight(2).setScale(0).longValueExact();
Attention: Keep in mind that a double is not able to store the exact USD information in the first place. It is not possible to restore the information that has been lost by converting the double to a BigDecimal.
The only advantage a temporary BigDecimal gives you is that the calculation of usd * 100 won't overflow.
First of all, using double for monetary amounts is risky.
I'd recommend to stay below $17,592,186,044,416.
The floating-point representation of numbers (double type) doesn't use decimal fractions (1/10, 1/100, 1/1000, ...), but binary ones (e.g. 1/128, 1/256). So, the double number will never exactly hit something like $1.99. It will be off by some fraction most of the time.
Hopefully, the conversion from decimal digit input ("1.99") to a double number will end up with the closest binary approximation, being a tiny fraction higher or lower than the exact decimal value.
To be able to correctly represent the 100 different cent values from $xxx.00 to $xxx.99, you need a binary resolution where you can at least represent 128 different values for the fractional part, meaning that the least significant bit corresponds to 1/128 (or better), meaning that at least 7 trailing bits have to be dedicated to the fractional dollars.
The double format effectively has 53 bits for the mantissa. If you need 7 bits for the fraction, you can devote at most 46 bits to the integral part, meaning that you have to stay below 2^46 dollars ($70,368,744,177,664.00, 70 trillions) as the absolute limit.
As a precaution, I wouldn't trust the best-rounding property of converting from decimal digits to double too much, so I'd spend two more bits for the fractional part, resulting in a limit of 2^44 dollars, $17,592,186,044,416.
Code Warning
There's a flaw in your code:
return (long) (amountUsd * 100.0);
This will truncate down to the next-lower cent if the double value lies between two exact cents, meaning that e.g. "123456789.23" might become 123456789.229... as a double and getting truncated down to 12345678922 cents as a long.
You should better use
return Math.round(amountUsd * 100.0);
This will end up with the nearest cent value, most probably being the "correct" one.
Remarks on "Precision"
You often read statements that floating-point numbers aren't precise, and then in the next sentence the authors advocate BigDecimal or similar representations as being precise.
The validity of such a statement depends on the type of number you want to represent.
All the number representation systems in use in today's computing are precise for some types of numbers and imprecise for others. Let's take a few example numbers from mathematics and see how well they fit into some typical data types:
42: A small integer can be represented exactly in virtually all types.
1/3: All the typical data types (including double and BigDecimal) fail to represent 1/3 exactly. They can only do a (more or less close) approximation. The result is that multiplication with 3 does not exactly give the integer 1. Few languages offer a "ratio" type, capable to represent numbers by numerator and denominator, thus giving exact results.
1/1024: Because of the power-of-two denominator, float and double can easily do an exact representation. BigDecimal can do as well, but needs 10 fractional digits.
14.99: Because of the decimal fraction (can be rewritten as 1499/100), BigDecimal does it easily (that's what it's made for), float and double can only give an approximation.
PI: I don't know of any language with support for irrational numbers - I even have no idea how this could be possible (aside from treating popular irrationals like PI and E symbolically).
123456789123456789123456789: BigInteger and BigDecimal can do it exactly, double can do an approximation (with the last 13 digits or so being garbage), int and long fail completely.
Let's face it: Each data type has a class of numbers that it can represent exactly, where computations deliver precise results, and other classes where it can at best deliver approximations.
So the questions should be:
What's the type and range of numbers to be represented here?
Is an approximation okay, and if yes, how close should it be?
What's the data type that matches my requirements?
Using a double, the biggest, in Java, would be: 70368744177663.99.
What you have in a double is 64 bit (8 byte) to represent:
Decimals and integers
Problem is to get it to not round of 0.99 so you get 46 bit for the integer part and the rest need to be used for the decimals.
You can test with the following code:
double biggestPossitiveNumberInDouble = 70368744177663.99;
for(int i=0;i<130;i++){
System.out.printf("%.2f\n", biggestPossitiveNumberInDouble);
If you add 1 to biggestPossitiveNumberInDouble you will see it starting to round off and lose precision.
Also note the round off error when subtracting 0.01.
First iterations
The best way in this case would not to parse to double:
System.out.println("Enter amount:");
String input = new Scanner(;
int indexOfDot = input.indexOf('.');
if (indexOfDot == -1) indexOfDot = input.length();
int validInputLength = indexOfDot + 3;
if (validInputLength > input.length()) validInputLength = input.length();
String validInput = input.substring(0,validInputLength);
long amout = Integer.parseInt(validInput.replace(".", ""));
System.out.println("Converted: " + amout);
This way you don't run into the limits of double and just have the limits of long.
But ultimately would be to go with a datatype made for currency.
You looked at the largest possible long number, while the largest possible double is smaller. Calculating (amountUsd * 100.0) results in a double (and afterwards gets casted into a long).
You should ensure that (amountUsd * 100.0) can never be bigger than the largest double, which is 9007199254740992.
Floating values (float, double) are stored differently than integer values (int, long) and while double can store very large values, it is not good for storing money amounts as they get less accurate the bigger or more decimal places the number has.
Check out How many significant digits do floats and doubles have in java? for more information about floating point significant digits
A double is 15 significant digits, the significant digit count is the total number of digits from the first non-zero digit. (For a better explanation see Significant figures rules explained)
Therefor in your equation to include cents and make sure you are accurate you would want the maximum number to have no more than 13 whole number places and 2 decimal places.
As you are dealing with money it would be better not to use floating point values. Check out this article on using BigDecimal for storing currency:
As you mentioned users are inputting an amount, you could read it in as a String rather than a floating point value and pass that into a BigDecimal.
I am in a situation where I will have a lot of numbers around about 0 - 15. The vast majority are whole numbers, but very few will have decimal values. All of the ones with decimal value will be "#.5", so 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, etc. but never 1.1, 3.67, etc.
I'm torn between using float and int (with the value multiplied by 2 so the decimal is gone) to store these numbers.
Because every value will be .5, can I safely use float without worrying about the wierdness that comes along with floating point numbers? Or do I need to use int? If I do use int, can every smallish number be divided by 2 to safely give the absolute correct float?
Is there a better way I am missing?
Other info
I'm not considering double because I don't need that kind of precision or range.
I'm storing these in a wrapper class, if I go with int whenever I need to get the value I am going to be returning the int cast as a float divided by 2.
What I went with in the end
float seems to be the way to go.
This is not a theoretical proof but you can test it empirically:
public static void main(String[] args) {
BigDecimal half = new BigDecimal("0.5");
for (int i = 0; i < Integer.MAX_VALUE; i++) {
float f = i + 0.5f;
if (new BigDecimal(f).compareTo(new BigDecimal(i).add(half)) != 0) {
System.out.println(new BigDecimal(i).add(half) + " => " + new BigDecimal(f));
8388608.5 => 8388608
Meaning that all xxx.5 can be exactly represented as a float between 0.5 and 8388607.5.
For larger numbers float's precision is not enough to represent the number and it is rounded to something else.
Let's refer to the subset of floating point numbers which have a decimal portion of .0 or .5 as point-five floats, or PFFs.
The following properties are guaranteed:
Any number up to 8 million or so (2^23, to be exact) which ends in .0 or .5 is representable as a PFF.
Adding/subtracting two PFFs results in a PFF, unless there's overflow.
Multiplying a PFF by an integer results in a PFF, unless there's overflow.
These properties are guaranteed by the IEEE-754 rules, which give a 24-bit mantissa and guarantee exact rounding of exact results.
Using ints will give you a somewhat larger range.
There will be no accuracy issues with .5's with float for that range, so both approaches will work.
If these represent actual number values, I would chose the float simply because it consumes the same amount of memory and I don't need to write code to convert between some internal int representation and the exposed float value.
If these numbers represent something other than a value, e.g. a grade from a very limited set, I would consider modelling them as an enum, depending on how these are ultimately used.
I have a float-based storage of decimal by their nature numbers. The precision of float is fine for my needs. Now I want is to perform some more precise calculations with these numbers using double.
An example:
float f = 0.1f;
double d = f; //d = 0.10000000149011612d
// but I want some code that will convert 0.1f to 0.1d;
Update 1:
I know very well that 0.1f != 0.1d. This question is not about precise decimal calculations. Sadly, the question was downvoted. I will try to explain it again...
Let's say I work with an API that returns float numbers for decimal MSFT stock prices. Believe or not, this API exists:
interface Stock {
float[] getDayPrices();
int[] getDayVolumesInHundreds();
It is known that the price of a MSFT share is a decimal number with no more than 5 digits, e.g. 31.455, 50.12, 45.888. Obviously the API does not work with BigDecimal because it would be a big overhead for the purpose to just pass the price.
Let's also say I want to calculate a weighted average of these prices with double precision:
float[] prices = msft.getDayPrices();
int[] volumes = msft.getDayVolumesInHundreds();
double priceVolumeSum = 0.0;
long volumeSum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < prices.length; i++) {
double doublePrice = decimalFloatToDouble(prices[i]);
priceVolumeSum += doublePrice * volumes[i];
volumeSum += volumes[i];
System.out.println(priceVolumeSum / volumeSum);
I need a performant implemetation of decimalFloatToDouble.
Now I use the following code, but I need a something more clever:
double decimalFloatToDouble(float f) {
return Double.parseDouble(Float.toString(f));
EDIT: this answer corresponds to the question as initially phrased.
When you convert 0.1f to double, you obtain the same number, the imprecise representation of the rational 1/10 (which cannot be represented in binary at any precision) in single-precision. The only thing that changes is the behavior of the printing function. The digits that you see, 0.10000000149011612, were already there in the float variable f. They simply were not printed because these digits aren't printed when printing a float.
Ignore these digits and compute with double as you wish. The problem is not in the conversion, it is in the printing function.
As I understand you, you know that the float is within one float-ulp of an integer number of hundredths, and you know that you're well inside the range where no two integer numbers of hundredths map to the same float. So the information isn't gone at all; you just need to figure out which integer you had.
To get two decimal places, you can multiply by 100, rint/Math.round the result, and multiply by 0.01 to get a close-by double as you wanted. (To get the closest, divide by 100.0 instead.) But I suspect you knew this already and are looking for something that goes a little faster. Try ((9007199254740992 + 100.0 * x) - 9007199254740992) * 0.01 and don't mess with the parentheses. Maybe strictfp that hack for good measure.
You said five significant figures, and apparently your question isn't limited to MSFT share prices. Up until doubles can't represent powers of 10 exactly, this isn't too bad. (And maybe this works beyond that threshold too.) The exponent field of a float narrows down the needed power of ten down to two things, and there are 256 possibilities. (Except in the case of subnormals.) Getting the right power of ten just needs a conditional, and the rounding trick is straightforward enough.
All of this is all going to be a mess, and I'd recommend you stick with the toString approach for all the weird cases.
If your goal is to have a double whose canonical representation will match the canonical representation of a float converting the float to string and converting the result back to double would probably be the most accurate way of achieving that result, at least when it's possible (I don't know for certain whether Java's double-to-string logic would guarantee that there won't be a pair of consecutive double values which report themselves as just above and just-below a number with five significant figures).
If your goal is to round to five significant figures a value which is known to have been rounded to five significant figures while in float form, I would suggest that the simplest approach is probably to simply round to five significant figures. If your magnitude of your numbers will be roughly within the range 1E+/-12, start by finding the smallest power of ten which is smaller than your number, multiply that by 100,000, multiply your number by that, round to the nearest unit, and divide by that power of ten. Because division is often much slower than multiplication, if performance is critical, you might keep a table with powers of ten and their reciprocals. To avoid the possibility of rounding errors, your table should store for each power of then the closest power-of-two double to its reciprocal, and then the closest double to the difference between the first double and the actual reciprocal. Thus, the reciprocal of 100 would be stored as 0.0078125 + 0.0021875; the value n/100 would be computed as n*0.0078125 + n*0.0021875. The first term would never have any round-off error (multiplying by a power of two), and the second value would have precision beyond that needed for the final result, so the final result should thus be rounded accurately.
how to keep only 3 value after point in BigDecimal ?
i found a solution but it requirt a RoundingMode
BigDecimal d = BigDecimal.valueOf(0.5649);
System.out.println(d.remainder(BigDecimal.ONE).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(1), 3, RoundingMode.CEILING));
i want to keep a number exact without rounding.
Just use setScale and RoundingMode.DOWN
Rounding mode to round towards zero. Never increments the digit prior
to a discarded fraction (i.e., truncates).
for example
BigDecimal.valueOf(0.5649).setScale(3, RoundingMode.DOWN)
BigDecimal isn't intended to be used with such limitations. Only ever wanting 3 decimals is a strange requirement. Maybe you only want to present 3 decimals to the users?
If so I suggest using: java.text.DecimalFormat
If you really want to make sure that you never do calculations with higher precission than 3 decimals I suggest making your own reprensentation/class. Internally you hold the value as a long (or appropriate class/primitive) but at a value 1000 times the actual value. All calculations are done with the internal reprensentation and when asked for a value, divide the internal value with 1000.0d and convert to double (or appropriate) and return.
I would use double for this.
double d = 0.5649;
d = (long) (d * 1000) / 1000.0; // round down.
d = (long) (d * 1000 + 0.5) / 1000.0; // round half up.
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Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Why not use Double or Float to represent currency?
I'm writing a basic command-line program in Java for my high school course. We're only working with variables right now. It's used to calculate the amount of bills and coins of whatever type in your change after a purchase. This is my program:
class Assign2c {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double cost = 10.990;
int paid = 20;
double change = paid - cost;
int five, toonie, loonies, quarter, dime, nickel, penny;
five = (int)(change / 5.0);
change -= five * 5.0;
toonie = (int)(change / 2.0);
change -= toonie * 2.0;
loonies = (int)change;
change -= loonies;
quarter = (int)(change / 0.25);
change -= quarter * 0.25;
dime = (int)(change / 0.1);
change -= dime * 0.1;
nickel = (int)(change / 0.05);
change -= nickel * 0.05;
penny = (int)(change * 100);
change -= penny * 0.01;
System.out.println("$5 :" + five);
System.out.println("$2 :" + toonie);
System.out.println("$1 :" + loonies);
System.out.println("$0.25:" + quarter);
System.out.println("$0.10:" + dime);
System.out.println("$0.05:" + nickel);
System.out.println("$0.01:" + penny);
It should all work but at the last step when there's $0.01 leftover, number of pennies should be 1 but instead, it's 0. After a few minutes of stepping into the code and outputting the change value to the console, I've found out that at the last step when change = 0.01, it changes to 0.009999999999999787. Why is this happening?
Using double for currency is a bad idea, Why not use Double or Float to represent currency?. I recommend using BigDecimal or doing every calculation in cents.
0.01 does not have an exact representation in floating-point (and neither do 0.1 nor 0.2, for that matter).
You should probably do all your maths with integer types, representing the number of pennies.
doubles aren't kept in decimal internally, but in binary. Their storage format is equivalent to something like "100101 multiplied by 10000" (I'm simplifying, but that's the basic idea). Unfortunately, there's no combination of these binary values that works out to exactly decimal 0.01, which is what the other answers mean when they say that floating point numbers aren't 100% accurate, or that 0.01 doesn't have an exact representation in floating point.
There are various ways of dealing with this problem, some more complicated than others. The best solution in your case is probably to use ints everywhere and keep the values in cents.
As the others already said, do not use doubles for financial calculations.
This paper (What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic) is a must-read to understand floating point math in computers.
Floating point numbers are never 100% accurate (not quite true, see comments below). You should never compare them directly. Also integer rounding. The best way to do this would probably be to do it in cents and convert to dollars later (1 dollar == 100 cents). By converting to an integer you are losing precision.
its a float(double)
You should not use it to compute money....
I recommend using int values and operate on pennys
This is a problem that's arisen many times over. The bottom line is that on a computer that uses binary floating point (which Java requires), only fractions in which the denominator is a power of 2 can be represented precisely.
The same problem arises in decimal. 1/3, for example, turns into 0.3333333..., because 3 isn't a factor of 10 (the base we're using in decimal). Likewise 1/17, 1/19, etc.
In binary floating point, the same basic problem arises. The main difference is that in decimal, since 5 is a factor of 10, 1/5 can be represented precisely (and so can multiples of 1/5). Since 5 is not a factor of 2, 1/5 cannot be represented precisely in binary floating point.
Contrary to popular belief, however, some fractions can be represented precisely -- specifically those fractions whose denominators with only 2 as a prime factor (e.g., 1/8 or 1/256 can be represented precisely).
I'm sure you know that some fractions' decimal representations terminate (e.g. .01) while some don't (e.g. 2/3=.66666...). The thing is that which fractions terminate changes depending on what base you're in; in particular, .01 doesn't terminate in binary, so even though double provides a lot of precision it can't represent .01 exactly. As others said, using BigDecimal or fixed-point integer computations (converting everything to cents) is probably best for currency; to learn more about floating point, you could start at The Floating-Point Guide- What Every Programmer Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic.