Trouble understanding Java threads - java

I learned about multiprocessing from Python and I'm having a bit of trouble understanding Java's approach. In Python, I can say I want a pool of 4 processes and then send a bunch of work to my program and it'll work on 4 items at a time. I realized, with Java, I need to use threads to achieve this same task and it seems to be working really really well so far.
But.. unlike in Python, my cpu(s) aren't getting 100% utilization (they are about 70-80%) and I suspect it's the way I'm creating threads (code is the same between Python/Java and processes are independent). In Java, I'm not sure how to create one thread so I create a thread for every item in a list I want to process, like this:
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
Runnable task = new MyRunnable(10000000L + i);
Thread worker = new Thread(task);
// We can set the name of the thread
// Start the thread, never call method run() direct
// Remember the thread for later usage
I took it from here. My question is this the correct way to launch threads or is there a way to have Java itself manage the number of threads so it's optimal? I want my code to run as fast as possible and I'm trying to understand how to tell and resolve any issues that maybe arising from too many threads being created.
This is not a major issue, just curious to how it works under the Java hood.

You use an Executor, the implementation of which handles a pool of threads, decides how many, and so forth. See the Java tutorial for lots of examples.
In general, bare threads aren’t used in Java except for very simple things. Instead, there will be some higher-level API that receives your Runnable or Task and knows what to do.

Take a look at the Java Executor API. See this article, for example.
Although creating Threads is much 'cheaper' than it used to be, creating large numbers of threads (one per runnable as in your example) isn't the way to go - there's still an overhead in creating them, and you'll end up with too much context switching.
The Executor API allows you to create various types of thread pool for executing Runnable tasks, so you can reuse threads, flexibly manage the number that are created, and avoid the overhead of thread-per-runnable.
The Java threading model and the Python threading model (not multiprocessing) are really quite similar, incidentally. There isn't a Global Interpreter Lock as in Python, so there's usually less need to fork off multiple processes.

Thread is a "low level" API.
Depending on what you want to do, and the version of java you use, their is better solution.
If you use Java 7, and if your task allow it, you can use the fork/join framework :
However, take a look at the java concurrency tutorial :


Creating Threads with java in AppEngine Standard Environment

I'm new in Google Cloud Platform. I'm using AppEngine standard Environment. I need to create Threads in java but I think it's not possible, is it?
Here is the situation:
I need to create Feeds for users.
There are three databases with names d1, d2, d3.
Whenever a user sends a request for feeds Java creates three threads, one for each database. For example t1 for d1, t2 for d2 and t3 for d3. These threads must run asynchronously for better performance and after that the data from these 3 threads is combined and sent in the response back to user.
I know how to write code for this, but as you know I need threads for this work. If AppEngine standard Env. doesn't allow it then what can I do? Is there any other way?
In GCP Documentation they said:
To avoid using threads, consider Task Queues
I read about Task Queues. There are two types of queues: Push and Pull. Both run asynchronously but they do not send a response back to the user. I think they are only designed to complete tasks in the background.
Can you please let me know how can I achieve my goal? What things I need to learn for this?
Note: the answer is based solely on documentation, I'm not a java user.
Threads are supported by the standard environment, but with restrictions. From Threads:
Caution: Threads are a powerful feature that are full of surprises. To learn more about using threads with Java, we recommend
Goetz, Java Concurrency in Practice.
A Java application can create a new thread, but there are some
restrictions on how to do it. These threads can't "outlive" the
request that creates them.
An application can
Implement java.lang.Runnable.
Create a thread factory by calling
Call the factory's newRequestThread method, passing in the Runnable, newRequestThread(runnable), or use the factory object
returned by
with an ExecutorService (e.g., call
However, you must use one of the methods on ThreadManager to create
your threads. You cannot invoke new Thread() yourself or use the
default thread factory.
An application can perform operations against the current thread, such
as thread.interrupt().
Each request is limited to 50 concurrent request threads. The Java
runtime will throw a java.lang.IllegalStateException if you try to
create more than 50 threads in a single request.
When using threads, use high level concurrency objects, such as
Executor and Runnable. Those take care of many of the subtle but
important details of concurrency like Interrupts and scheduling
and bookkeeping.
An elegant way to implement what you need would be to create a parametrable endpoint in your application
And from your "main" application code you can perform a fetchAsync call from URLFetchService that will return you a java.util.concurrent.Future<HTTPResponse>
This will allow you a better monitoring of what your application does.
This will add network latency to your application and increase its cost since urlFetchService is not free.

Java multithreading for the purpose of simulating data

So I am currently creating a data analytics and predictive program, and for testing purposes, I am simulating large amounts of data (in the range of 10,000 - 1,000,000) "trials". The data is a simulated Match for a theoretical game. Each Match has rounds. The basic psudocode for the program is this:
data = create(100000);
Data create(){
Data returnData = new Data(playTestMatch());
Match playTestMatch(){
List<Round> rounds = new List<Round>();
Match returnMatch = new Match(rounds);
Round playTestRound(){
//Do round stuff
Right now, I am wondering whether I can handle the simulation of these rounds over multiple threads to speed up the process. I am NOT familiar with the theory behind multithreading, so would someone please either help me accomplish this, OR explain to me why this won't work (won't speed up the process). Thanks!
If you are new to Java multi-threading, this explanation might seem a little difficult to understand at first but I'll try and make it seem as simple as possible.
Basically I think generally whenever you have large datasets, running operations concurrently using multiple threads does significantly speed up the process as oppose to using a single threaded approach, but there are exceptions of course.
You need to think about three things:
Creating threads
Managing Threads
Communicating/sharing results computed by each thread with main thread
Creating Threads:
Threads can be created manually extending the Thread class or you can use Executors class.
I would prefer the Executors class to create threads as it allows you to create a thread pool and does the thread management for you. That is it will allow you to re-use existing threads that are idle in the thread pool, thus reducing memory footprint of the application.
You also have to look at ExecutorService Interface as you will be using it to excite your tasks.
Managing threads:
Executors/Executors service does a great job of managing threads automatically, so if you use it you don't have to worry about thread management much.
Communication: This is the key part of the entire process. Here you have to consider in great detail about thread safety of your app.
I would recommend using two queues to do the job, a read queue to read data off and write queue to write data to.
But if you are using a simple arraylist make sure that you synchronize your code for thread safety by enclosing the arraylist in a synchronized block
// do stuff
If your code is thread-safe and you can split the task into discrete chunks that do not rely on each other then it is relatively easy. Make the class that does the work Callable and add the chunks of work to a List, and then use ExecutorService, like this:
ArrayList<Simulation> SL=new ArrayList<Simulation>();
for(int i=0; i<chunks; i++)
SL.add(new Simulation(i));
ExecutorService executor=Executors.newFixedThreadPool(nthreads);//how many threads
List<Future<Result>> results=null;
try {
results = executor.invokeAll(SL);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
for(Future<Result> result:results)
So, Simulation is callable and returns a Result, results is a List which gets filled when executor.invokeAll is called with the ArrayList of simulations. Once you've got your results you can print them or whatever. Probably best to set nthreads equal to the number of cores you available.

Java aims to be ‘Threaded’

i need help to under stand the threads in java.
A thread is a thread of execution in a program. The Java Virtual Machine allows an application to have multiple threads of execution running concurrently.
What do we mean when we say that Java aims to be ‘Threaded’
This means that various operations can and should be executed concurrently. This can be achieve by using threads. You can either use "low level" thread API (Thread, Runnable) or higher level API (Timer, Executors).
I hope this is enough to start googling and learn. I'd recommend you to start from low level threading API to understand how to work with threads and synchronization. Then go forward and learn facilities of concurrency package introduced in java 1.5. Do not start from higher level API. You need low level to understand later what happens behind the scene when you are submitting task to executor.
threads are a popular way to implement concurrency in languages. java has them. that's what it means.
"Java is threaded" means that Java could execute two or more jobs at the same time.
If you want to learn more about that look at Oracle Java concurrency tutorial:
What do we mean when we say that Java aims to be ‘Threaded’
Well, literally we don't say that, because calling a runtime environment "threaded" means something rather different; see (And note that that page takes care to distinguish between "threaded" and "multi-threaded"!)
In fact, we describe Java as being a language that supports "Multi-threaded" programming. The quotation in your question is a succinct description of what that means. A more long-winded description is as follows.
A program normally executes statements in sequence. So for example:
int i = 1;
i = i + j;
if (i < 10) {
In the above, the statements are executed one after another in sequence.
A thing that controls the execution of statements like that is called a "thread of control" or (more commonly) a thread. You can think of it as an automaton that executes statements one after another, and that is only capable of doing one at a time. It keeps a record of the state of the local variables and the procedure calls. (It typically uses a stack and a set of private registers to do this ... but that's an implementation detail.)
In a multi-threaded program, there are potentially many of these automatons, each executing a different sequence of statements (using its own stack and registers). Each thread is potentially able to communicate with other threads (by observing shared objects, etc) and can synchronize with them in various was and for various reasons.
Depending on the hardware (and the operating system), the threads may either all run on the same processor, or they may (at different times) run on different processors. It is typically a combination of the two, and it is typically up to the operating system to decide which of the threads that can do work is allowed to run. (This is handled by the thread scheduler.)
From a Java perspective, multi-threaded programming is implemented at the low level using the Thread class, synchronized methods and blocks, and the Object level wait and notify methods. Higher level APIs provide standard building blocks for solving common problems.

Clustering using Threads in Java

I have a job that takes too long time in Java. So I want to divide this job into threads and run them. After the threads finishes their jobs, returns to my service and Service give them new jobs. ThreadGroup is suitable for this or any other recommendation?
First of all, you need threads if either:
a) You have a multiprocessor machine
or b) You have a single processor but your jobs are IO-intensive (and not CPU-intensive)
Otherwise, you will gain nothing when using threads.
What you need here is ThreadPool
Check out the ExecutorCompletionService - it does exactly this.
Example: [pulled from Java 6 API JavaDocs]
void solve(Executor e, Collection<Callable<Result>> solvers)
throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
CompletionService<Result> ecs
= new ExecutorCompletionService<Result>(e);
for (Callable<Result> s : solvers)
int n = solvers.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
Result r = ecs.take().get();
if (r != null)
Not sure in what state of development your project currently is, since your problem statement is quite limited, but you might want to consider getting having a look at the fork-join project coming in JDK7:
There's a lot to gain & learn from looking at that, and since it's all open source you can already download the code as a patch and have a go at working with it.
(Might not be applicable for anything you have to implement right now, but worth a look non the less if you intend to develop / maintain your application for some time in the future)
Take a look at the java.util.concurrent package.
There's a tutorial where you should find everything you need to know here:
Focus on the High Level Concurrency Objects in particular.
ThreadGroup isn't generally of much use to application code. It's not a great deal of use to container code either. The Java PlugIn uses ThreadGroup to distinguish which applet a thread belongs to.
java.util.concurrent, in particular ExecutorService, provides amongst other things handy utilities for handling threads and concurrency.
For computationally intensive fine-grained tasks, the fork-join framework in JDK7 will be useful.
Before starting on this difficult code, you might want to consider whether it is worth it. Can you do other optimisations that doesn't require large scale thread use? Is it I/O latency you are trying to deal with? If it is CPU-intensive, there is not a great deal of point in using many more threads than you have in hardware.

Forcing multiple threads to use multiple CPUs when they are available

I'm writing a Java program which uses a lot of CPU because of the nature of what it does. However, lots of it can run in parallel, and I have made my program multi-threaded. When I run it, it only seems to use one CPU until it needs more then it uses another CPU - is there anything I can do in Java to force different threads to run on different cores/CPUs?
There are two basic ways to multi-thread in Java. Each logical task you create with these methods should run on a fresh core when needed and available.
Method one: define a Runnable or Thread object (which can take a Runnable in the constructor) and start it running with the Thread.start() method. It will execute on whatever core the OS gives it -- generally the less loaded one.
Tutorial: Defining and Starting Threads
Method two: define objects implementing the Runnable (if they don't return values) or Callable (if they do) interface, which contain your processing code. Pass these as tasks to an ExecutorService from the java.util.concurrent package. The java.util.concurrent.Executors class has a bunch of methods to create standard, useful kinds of ExecutorServices. Link to Executors tutorial.
From personal experience, the Executors fixed & cached thread pools are very good, although you'll want to tweak thread counts. Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() can be used at run-time to count available cores. You'll need to shut down thread pools when your application is done, otherwise the application won't exit because the ThreadPool threads stay running.
Getting good multicore performance is sometimes tricky, and full of gotchas:
Disk I/O slows down a LOT when run in
parallel. Only one thread should do disk read/write at a time.
Synchronization of objects provides safety to multi-threaded operations, but slows down work.
If tasks are too
trivial (small work bits, execute
fast) the overhead of managing them
in an ExecutorService costs more than
you gain from multiple cores.
Creating new Thread objects is slow. The ExecutorServices will try to re-use existing threads if possible.
All sorts of crazy stuff can happen when multiple threads work on something. Keep your system simple and try to make tasks logically distinct and non-interacting.
One other problem: controlling work is hard! A good practice is to have one manager thread that creates and submits tasks, and then a couple working threads with work queues (using an ExecutorService).
I'm just touching on key points here -- multithreaded programming is considered one of the hardest programming subjects by many experts. It's non-intuitive, complex, and the abstractions are often weak.
Edit -- Example using ExecutorService:
public class TaskThreader {
class DoStuff implements Callable {
Object in;
public Object call(){
in = doStep1(in);
in = doStep2(in);
in = doStep3(in);
return in;
public DoStuff(Object input){
in = input;
public abstract Object doStep1(Object input);
public abstract Object doStep2(Object input);
public abstract Object doStep3(Object input);
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ExecutorService exec = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());
ArrayList<Callable> tasks = new ArrayList<Callable>();
for(Object input : inputs){
tasks.add(new DoStuff(input));
List<Future> results = exec.invokeAll(tasks);
for(Future f : results) {
When I run it, it only seems to use
one CPU until it needs more then it
uses another CPU - is there anything I
can do in Java to force different
threads to run on different
I interpret this part of your question as meaning that you have already addressed the problem of making your application multi-thread capable. And despite that, it doesn't immediately start using multiple cores.
The answer to "is there any way to force ..." is (AFAIK) not directly. Your JVM and/or the host OS decide how many 'native' threads to use, and how those threads are mapped to physical processors. You do have some options for tuning. For example, I found this page which talks about how to tune Java threading on Solaris. And this page talks about other things that can slow down a multi-threaded application.
First, you should prove to yourself that your program would run faster on multiple cores. Many operating systems put effort into running program threads on the same core whenever possible.
Running on the same core has many advantages. The CPU cache is hot, meaning that data for that program is loaded into the CPU. The lock/monitor/synchronization objects are in CPU cache which means that other CPUs do not need to do cache synchronization operations across the bus (expensive!).
One thing that can very easily make your program run on the same CPU all the time is over-use of locks and shared memory. Your threads should not talk to each other. The less often your threads use the same objects in the same memory, the more often they will run on different CPUs. The more often they use the same memory, the more often they must block waiting for the other thread.
Whenever the OS sees one thread block for another thread, it will run that thread on the same CPU whenever it can. It reduces the amount of memory that moves over the inter-CPU bus. That is what I guess is causing what you see in your program.
First, I'd suggest reading "Concurrency in Practice" by Brian Goetz.
This is by far the best book describing concurrent java programming.
Concurrency is 'easy to learn, difficult to master'. I'd suggest reading plenty about the subject before attempting it. It's very easy to get a multi-threaded program to work correctly 99.9% of the time, and fail 0.1%. However, here are some tips to get you started:
There are two common ways to make a program use more than one core:
Make the program run using multiple processes. An example is Apache compiled with the Pre-Fork MPM, which assigns requests to child processes. In a multi-process program, memory is not shared by default. However, you can map sections of shared memory across processes. Apache does this with it's 'scoreboard'.
Make the program multi-threaded. In a multi-threaded program, all heap memory is shared by default. Each thread still has it's own stack, but can access any part of the heap. Typically, most Java programs are multi-threaded, and not multi-process.
At the lowest level, one can create and destroy threads. Java makes it easy to create threads in a portable cross platform manner.
As it tends to get expensive to create and destroy threads all the time, Java now includes Executors to create re-usable thread pools. Tasks can be assigned to the executors, and the result can be retrieved via a Future object.
Typically, one has a task which can be divided into smaller tasks, but the end results need to be brought back together. For example, with a merge sort, one can divide the list into smaller and smaller parts, until one has every core doing the sorting. However, as each sublist is sorted, it needs to be merged in order to get the final sorted list. Since this is "divide-and-conquer" issue is fairly common, there is a JSR framework which can handle the underlying distribution and joining. This framework will likely be included in Java 7.
There is no way to set CPU affinity in Java.
If you have to do it, use JNI to create native threads and set their affinity.
You should write your program to do its work in the form of a lot of Callable's handed to an ExecutorService and executed with invokeAll(...).
You can then choose a suitable implementation at runtime from the Executors class. A suggestion would be to call Executors.newFixedThreadPool() with a number roughly corresponding to the number of cpu cores to keep busy.
The easiest thing to do is break your program into multiple processes. The OS will allocate them across the cores.
Somewhat harder is to break your program into multiple threads and trust the JVM to allocate them properly. This is -- generally -- what people do to make use of available hardware.
How can a multi-processing program be "easier"? Here's a step in a pipeline.
public class SomeStep {
public static void main( String args[] ) {
BufferedReader stdin= new BufferedReader( );
BufferedWriter stdout= new BufferedWriter( System.out );
String line= stdin.readLine();
while( line != null ) {
// process line, writing to stdout
line = stdin.readLine();
Each step in the pipeline is similarly structured. 9 lines of overhead for whatever processing is included.
This may not be the absolute most efficient. But it's very easy.
The overall structure of your concurrent processes is not a JVM problem. It's an OS problem, so use the shell.
java -cp pipline.jar FirstStep | java -cp pipline.jar SomeStep | java -cp pipline.jar LastStep
The only thing left is to work out some serialization for your data objects in the pipeline.
Standard Serialization works well. Read for hints on how to serialize. You can replace the BufferedReader and BufferedWriter with ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream to accomplish this.
I think this issue is related to Java Parallel Proccesing Framework (JPPF). Using this you can run diferent jobs on diferent processors.
JVM performance tuning has been mentioned before in Why does this Java code not utilize all CPU cores?. Note that this only applies to the JVM, so your application must already be using threads (and more or less "correctly" at that):
You can use below API from Executors with Java 8 version
public static ExecutorService newWorkStealingPool()
Creates a work-stealing thread pool using all available processors as its target parallelism level.
Due to work stealing mechanism, idle threads steal tasks from task queue of busy threads and overall throughput will increase.
From grepcode, implementation of newWorkStealingPool is as follows
* Creates a work-stealing thread pool using all
* {#link Runtime#availableProcessors available processors}
* as its target parallelism level.
* #return the newly created thread pool
* #see #newWorkStealingPool(int)
* #since 1.8
public static ExecutorService newWorkStealingPool() {
return new ForkJoinPool
null, true);

