Hibernate - distinct results with pagination - java

This seems to be a well known problem for years as can be read here:
And even finds reference in hibernate faqs:
This has also been discussed previously on SO
How to get distinct results in hibernate with joins and row-based limiting (paging)?
The problem is that even after going through all these resources, I have not been able to resolve my issue, which seems to be a little different from this standard problem, although I am not sure.
The standard solution proposed here involves creating two queries, first one for getting distinct IDs and then using those in a higher level query to get the desired pagination. The hibernate classes in my case are something like
- aId
- Set<B>
- bId
It appears to me that the subquery seems to be working fine for me and is being able to get the distinct aIds but the outer query which is supposed to do the pagination is again fetching the duplicates and thus the distinct in subquery is having no effect.
Assuming I have one A object which has a set of four B objects, My analysis is that because of introduction of set, while fetching data for
hibernate is populating four references in the list pointing to just one object. Because of this the standard solution is failing for me.
Could someone please help in coming up with a solution for this case?
Edit: I have decided to go for doing pagination by ourselves from the distinct resultset. The other equally bad way could have been to lazy load the B objects but that would have required separate queries for all the A objects to fetch corresponding B objects

Consider using DistinctRootEntity result transformer like this
The samples of queries for one-to-many associations.
public Collection<Long> getIDsOfAs(int pageNumber, int pageSize) {
Session session = getCurrentSession();
Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(A.class)
if(pageNumber >= 0 && pageSize > 0) {
criteria.setFirstResult(pageNumber * pageSize);
Collection<Long> ids = criteria.list();
return ids;
public Collection<A> getAs(int pageNumber, int pageSize) {
Collection<A> as = Collections.emptyList();
Collection<Long> ids = getIDsOfAs(pageNumber, pageSize);
if(!ids.isEmpty()) {
Session session = getCurrentSession();
Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(A.class)
.add(Restrictions.in("id", ids))
as = criteria.list();
return as;

You mention the reason you're seeing this problem is because Set<B> is fetched eagerly. If you're paginating, chances are you don't need the B's for each A, so it might be better to fetch them lazily.
However, this same problem occurs when you join the B's into the query to make a selection.
In some cases, you will not only want to paginate, but also sort on other fields than the ID. I think the way to do this is to formulate the query like this:
Criteria filter = session.createCriteria(A.class)
.add(... any criteria you want to filter on, including aliases etc ...);
Criteria paginate = session.createCriteria(A.class)
.add(Subqueries.in("id", filter))
return paginate.list();
(pseudocode, didn't check if the syntax is exactly right but you get the idea)

I answered this here: Pagination with Hibernate Criteria and DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY
You need to do 3 things, 1) get the total count, 2) get the ids of the rows you want, and then 3) get your data for the ids found in step 2. It is really not all that bad once you get the order correct, and you can even create a generic method and send it a detached criteria object to make it more abstract.

I used groupBy property to achieve this. Hope it works.
Criteria filter = session.createCriteria(A.class);
//filter.add(Restrictions.eq()); add restrictions if any
Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(A.class);
return criteria.list();


FetchMode.JOIN to eagerly fetch a member list apparently yields cartesian product

I'm trying to optimize a complex operation involving all the Books and Videos in multiple Libraries (this is not the actual domain, for nondisclosure reasons).
The code originally used Criteria to load all the Libraries, then loaded the member Books lazily by iterating. I basically added a couple of FetchMode clauses:
List<Library> library = session
.setFetchMode("books", FetchMode.JOIN)
.setFetchMode("videoShelves.videos", FetchMode.JOIN)
The second FetchMode clause appears to work, or at least doesn't result in obvious problems.
The first, though, blows out the number of Libraries from 6 to 248. So it looks to me as if maybe each Library is replicated once for each Book it has.
What are the conditions under which Hibernate might create unexpected duplicate instances when a FetchMode is added to the query?
The reason of this behaviour is an outer join, as #TimBiegeleisen suggested.
For more information refer
Hibernate does not return distinct results for a query with outer join fetching enabled for a collection (even if I use the distinct keyword)?
Possible solutions from the link provided above
Using Set
List<Library> library = ...;
return new ArrayList<Library>(new LinkedHashSet<Library>(library));
Using the Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY result transformer
List<Library> library = session
.setFetchMode("books", FetchMode.JOIN)
.setFetchMode("videoShelves.videos", FetchMode.JOIN).
But, the best solution is not fetching all data in one request of course. For an example, if you want to show a list of libraries (with number of books, for an example) you can use projections to load only data you want to.
Using setFetchMode() will, by default, result in an outer join, which is what you are currently observing. If you want an INNER JOIN between the three tables then try this instead:
List<Library> library = session.createCriteria(Library.class, "library")
.createAlias("library.book", "books")
.createAlias("books.video", "videos").

Is there a better way than using DetachedCriteria for pagination?

Sorting and paging with Hibernate's Criteria api comes with a big restriction, it needs to retrieve distinct results from the database. Tools provided by the api like DistinctRootTransformer won't work, because it is applied after retrieving the entities from db and thus breaks paging and sorting. The only way to get distinct results of a query with restrictions on an association is by limiting the resultset by a DetachedCriteria:
DetachedCriteria dc = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Household.class, "h")
.createAlias("cats", "c", JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN)
Restrictions.ne("c.name", "Sylvester")
Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Household.class)
...apply paging, sorting and filtering to criteria.
Does anybody know a better approach such as omitting subqueries and use joins without breaking pagination? My goal is to find a solution that is reusable, like passing only a criteria to another method that applies paging, sorting and filtering.
The following code does not work. Because of the join I have to use a Resulttransformer, to get distinct results. However, it is applied after sorting and paging.
Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Household.class)
.createAlias("cats", "c", JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN)
.setFirstResult((page - 1) * pagesize)
E.g. debugging the sql the database would return something like that:
In this example, setting pagesize to 1 and viewing page 2 should return the uid 2, because there are only two distinct users. But as you can see in the database output, it returns the wrong uid 1, because Resulttransformers kicks in afterwards.
If you create DetachedCriteria in some method and then work with it, you can try to convert DetachedCriteria to Criteria using something like:
DetachedCriteria detachedCriteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Your.class);
// then add all your restrictions and convert
Criteria criteria = detachedCriteria.getExecutableCriteria(session);
And then apply you pagination
criteria.setFirstResult(pageable.getPage() * pageable.getSize());
And then execute criteria. For example:
List<T> result = criteria.list();
When I need to paginate, I never use DetachedCriteria, but instead normal Criteria, controlling first and max results.
From view I determine which page I need to show and once I have prepared the critera I configure this way:
lazyQuery is an object of my own model, used for view and business logic. This works perfect.

Hibernate update query

Any one tell me the HQL for this SQL code
UPDATE ModelClassname SET ClassVariablename=ClassVariablename+10 WHERE ClassVariableId=001;
There is no point using HQL to do that, you can use direct SQL if you want to do that, through a JDBC query (or even through a Hibernate query, you can use SQL queries).
Using HQL queries to update is only recommended when doing batch updates, not a single row.
A more object-oriented way would be to load your object using HQL, do what you need to do in the Java world (columnValue +=10, whatever else you need to do), and then persist it back using hibernate session flush.
I suppose it involves more operations so it's less efficient (in pure performance) but depending on your Hibernate configuration (caching, clustering, second-level cache, etc.) it could be a lot better. Not to mention more testable, of course.
As others say, there is better ways, but if you really have to, then for example with following syntax:
update EntityName m set m.salary = m.salary +10 where m.id = 1
In addition to Adam Batkin's answer, I would like to add that such queries are generally not used (except if you need to modify a whole loat of rows at once) in Hibernate. The goal of Hibernate is to work with objects. So you generally do:
MyEntity m = (MyEntity) session.get(MyEntity.class, "001");
m.setValue(m.getValue() + 10);
// and the new value will automatically be written to database at flush time
The HQL query should look pretty similar, except instead of using table and column names, you should use the entity and property names (i.e. whatever you use in Java).
Please try this one
Query q = session.createQuery("from ModelClassname where ClassVariableId= :ClassVariableId");
q.setParameter("ClassVariableId", 001);
ModelClassname result = (ModelClassname)q.list().get(0);
Integer i = result.getClassVariableName();
With Regards,
HQL will help you here with bringing object to you with its session's help that you can update easily.
//id of employee that you want to update
int updatedEmployeeID = 6;
//exact employee that you want to update
Employee updateEmployee = session.get(Employee.class, updatedEmployeeID);
//for debug to see is that exact data that you want to update
System.out.println("Employee before update: "+updateEmployee);
//basically we use setter to update from the #Entity class
updateEmployee.setCompany("Arthur House");

Hibernate Criteria limit select

So, I have a rather complex query I am trying to make using the Hibernate Criteria API. I have the following entity classes:
with the following relationships:
Code 1<>1 Gift
Gift 1<>* GiftVendor
GiftVendor 1<>1 GiftVendorStatus
I need to build a Criteria query that returns a List of Code objects, but that restricts it to only Codes that have a Gift that have at least one GiftVendor with a GiftVendorStatus of Online. Here is the code I am using to build the criteria:
Criteria base = CodeDao.getBaseCriteria();
base.add(Restrictions.like("giftVendorStatus.description", "Online%"));
return base.list();
This gives me a List of Code objects, restricted as I would expect. However, it also does additional queries to build out all of the unused relationships of the Gift object, even though I have all of the mappings set up with a fetch mode of Lazy. This results in 4 additional, separate queries for each of my 10000+ results.
I have code to do the query using HQL that works as expected:
String hql = "select c FROM Code c inner join c.gift g inner join g.giftVendors gv inner join gv.giftVendorStatus gvs" +
" WHERE gvs.description like :desc";
HashMap<String,Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("desc", "Online%");
return performQuery(hql, params);
That code gives me a List of Code objects, as expected, without doing all of the extra queries to populate the Gift object. How do I tell Hibernate not to do those extra queries with the Criteria API?
UPDATE: The problem here is not the retrieval of the Gift table, but rather unrelated one-to-one relationships from the Gift table. For example, Gift has a one-to-one relationship to GiftCommentAggregateCache. This table is in no way related to this particular query, so I would expect lazy initialization rules to apply, and the query to GiftCommentAggregateCache to not occur unless a read is attempted. However, with the Criteria query written out as above, it makes that separate query to populate the model object for GiftCommentAggregateCache.
If I use:
base.setFetchMode("gift.giftCommentAggregateCache", FetchMode.JOIN);
then I do not have any problems. However, that means that in order for this to work as I would expect, I need to add that line for every single unused one-to-one relationship that Gift has. Any ideas as to why the Lazy rules specified in the mappings are not coming into play here?
There are a few different things I have tried:
base.setFetchMode("gift", FetchMode.LAZY); // Still does additional queries
base.setFetchMode("gift", FetchMode.SELECT); // Still does additional queries
base.setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY); // Still does additional queries
base.setResultTransformer(Criteria.ROOT_ENTITY); // Still does additional queries
base.setResultTransformer(Criteria.ALIAS_TO_ENTITY_MAP); // Still does additional queries
base.setProjection(Projections.property("gift")); // Does not do additional queries, but incorrectly returns a List of Gift objects, instead of a List of Code objects
From the Hibernate documentation:
Join fetching: Hibernate retrieves the associated instance or collection in the same SELECT, using an OUTER JOIN.
In other words, try using base.setFetchMode("gift", FetchMode.JOIN)
I hope that helps.

How to reuse a Criteria object with hibernate?

I'm trying to do query result pagination with hibernate and displaytag, and Hibernate DetachedCriteria objects are doing their best to stand in the way. Let me explain...
The easiest way to do pagination with displaytag seems to be implementing the PaginatedList interface that has, among others, the following methods:
/* Gets the total number of results. */
int getFullListSize();
/* Gets the current page of results. */
List getList();
/* Gets the page size. */
int getObjectsPerPage();
/* Gets the current page number. */
int getPageNumber();
/* Get the sorting column and direction */
String getSortCriterion();
SortOrderEnum getSortDirection();
I'm thinking of throwing my PaginatedList implementation a Criteria object and let it work along theese lines...
getFullListSize() {
return ((Long) criteria.uniqueResult()).intValue();
getList() {
if (getSortDirection() == SortOrderEnum.ASCENDING) {
} else if (getSortDirection() == SortOrderEnum.DECENDING) {
return criteria.list((getPageNumber() - 1) * getObjectsPerPage(),
But this doesn't work, because the addOrder() or the setProjection() calls modify the criteria object rendering it in-usable for the successive calls. I'm not entirely sure of the order of the calls, but the db throws an error on getFullListSize() trying to do a "select count(*) ... order by ..." which is obviously wrong.
I think I could fix this by creating an object of my own to keep track of query conditions and rebuilding the Criteria object for each call, but that feels like reinventing yet another wheel. Is there a smarter way, possibly copying the Criteria initially passed in and working on that copy?
It looks like getList is called first, and getFullListSize is called multiple times after, so, as soon as there's an ordering passed in, getFullListSize will fail. It would make sense to hit the db only once (in getList I'd say) and cache the results, with no need to copy/reset the Criteria object, but still...
Update (again):
Forget about that, once I've done the count I can't do the select, and vice versa. I really need two distinct Criteria objects.
Will effectively "reset" the criteria between the rowCount projection and execution of the criteria itself.
I would make sure your Order hasn't been added before doing the rowCount, it'll slow things down. My implementation of PaginatedList ALWAYS runs a count query before looking for results, so ordering isn't an issue.
well, DetachedCriteria are Serializable, so you have built-in (if inelegant) deep clone support. You could serialize the initial criteria to a byte[] once on construction, then deserialize it each time you want to use it.
In that post I spotted a CriteriaTransformer.clone method.
That should copy the criteria object.
You can also set the projection on your getlist method.
Woops I didn't notice you were referring to java hibernate. Anyway, this http://forum.hibernate.org/viewtopic.php?t=939039
forum post should be able to answer your question.
Ugly as it may be I ended up using the serialization trick. I just serialize the DetachedCriteria object to a byte array on construction of the PaginatedList object and de-serialize it when needed. Ouch.
Another thing worth trying:
implement a generic DAO like the one suggested on hibernate's site and pass it to the PaginatedList object, along with a Restrictions object. The PaginatedList object would then do something like
Haven't tried that yet, but it should work.
There is a better and easy way to clone criteria, just simply:
ICriteria criteria = ...(your original criteria init here)...;
var criteriaClone = (ICriteria)criteria.Clone();
And getting back to Your problem. For pagination I've made a method, which gives me as a result:
1. Total rows count
2. Rows filtered by page & pageSize
In a single query to DB.
ICriteria criteria = ...(your original criteria init here)...;
var countCrit = (ICriteria)criteria.Clone();
countCrit.ClearOrders(); // avoid missing group by exceptions
var rowCount = countCrit
var results = criteria
.SetFirstResult(pageIndex * pageSize)
var resultsArray = results.GetEnumerable();
var totalCount = rowCount.Value;
public static DetachedCriteria Clone(this DetachedCriteria criteria)
var dummy = criteria.ToByteArray();
return dummy.FromByteArray<DetachedCriteria>();

