How to inject with Guice `Module` where constructor accepts Class? - java

The title describes my problem.
public class EntryDAOModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
bind(EntryDAO.class).to(EntryDTOMongoImpl.class); // what should this be?
As shown, what should be the parameter to .to, given the below:
public class GenericDAOMongoImpl<T, K extends Serializable> extends BasicDAO<T, K> {
public GenericDAOMongoImpl(Class<T> entityClass) throws UnknownHostException {
super(entityClass, ConnectionManager.getDataStore());
public class EntryDAOMongoImpl extends GenericDAOMongoImpl<EntryDTOMongoImpl, ObjectId> implements EntryDAO<EntryDTOMongoImpl> {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(EntryDAOMongoImpl.class);
public EntryDAOMongoImpl(Class<EntryDTOMongoImpl> entityClass) throws UnknownHostException {
How can I instantiate the EntryDAOMongoImpl class like so:
Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new EntryDAOModule());
this.entryDAO = injector.getInstance(EntryDAO.class); // what should this be?

What you are going to need here is to create a factory. Using assisted injection can help you here.
You can see my previous post regarding assisted injection
but here's the exact solution for your case:
public class EntryDAOMongoImpl extends GenericDAOMongoImpl<EntryDTOMongoImpl, ObjectId> implements EntryDAO<EntryDTOMongoImpl> {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(EntryDAOMongoImpl.class);
public EntryDAOMongoImpl(#Assisted Class<EntryDTOMongoImpl> entityClass) throws UnknownHostException {
public interface EntryDAOFactory {
public EntryDAOMongoImpl buildEntryDAO(Class<EntryDTOMongoImpl> entityClass);
public class EntryDAOModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
//bind(EntryDAO.class).to(EntryDAOMongoImpl.class); // what should this be?
FactoryModuleBuilder factoryModuleBuilder = new FactoryModuleBuilder();
Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new EntryDAOModule());
EntryDAOFactory factory = injector.getInstance(EntryDAOFactory.class);
this.entryDAO = factory.buildEntryDAO(entityClass);
If you are going to be using the EntryDAOMongoImpl as a singelton (natural usage of a singleton imo) then you can do the following without assisted injection within your module:
public class EntryDAOModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
EtnryDTOMongoImpl dto = new EntryDTOMongoImpl(TargetEntry.class); //guessing here
bind(EntryDAO.class).toInstance(new EntryDAOMongoImpl(dto)); // singleton
Let me know if that helps


google guice injecting null

I am trying to inject a vertx instance
public ServiceBinder(Vertx vertx) {
this.vertx = vertx;
I am binding like this
protected void configure() {
And I am invoking injection like this
public class BaseVerticle extends AbstractVerticle{
public void start(Future<Void> startFuture) {
Guice.createInjector(new ServiceBinder(vertx)).injectMembers(this);
Now I try to inject this in another class
public class DelegateFactory {
private Vertx vertx;
However here the value of vertx is null. Do I need inject DelegateFactory too?
I tried annotating DelegateFactory with #Singleton, but it did not help
Make sure that :
Your ServiceBinder class extends
Your DelegateFactory is binded in your ServiceBinder or another guice's AbstractModule subclass like that :
P.S : it's better to be fail-fast in your ServiceBinder constructor :
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
public ServiceBinder(Vertx vertx) {
this.vertx = requireNonNull(vertx, "vertx must not be null");

Creating Singleton in java using guice

import static;
public final class BatchFactory {
private static class Holder {
private static final Injector INJECTOR = createInjector(new BatchModule());
private static final batchProvider PROVIDER_INSTANCE = INJECTOR
public static BatchProvider getProviderInstance() {
public class BatchModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
BatchProvider is the Interface and BatchProviderImpl is the class implementation.
Here I am using a class BatchFactory to create the #Singleton instance of BatchProviderImpl class.
Can I use #Singleton annotation of google guice to make BatchFactory class #Singleton
See the duplicate question, you can do
#Provides #Singleton
public ServiceImpl providesService() {
return new ServiceImpl();

Spring Bean Factory Using Class Name

I have an interface/implementation like so:
public interface Processor {
void processMessage(Message m);
public class FooAProcessor implements Processor {
private FooA fooA;
public FooAProcessor(FooA fooA) {
this.fooA = fooA;
public void processMessage(Message m) {
//do stuff
public class FooBProcessor implements Processor {
private FooA fooA;
public FooBProcessor(FooA fooA) {
this.fooA = fooA;
public void processMessage(Message m) {
//do stuff
The FooA bean is simple, like this:
public class FooA {
And the message class:
public class Message {
private Class clazz;
I am pulling messages off a queue. I need to provide a concrete Processor to handle the different types of messages appropriately. Here's the message receiver:
public class MessageReceiver {
public void handleMessage(Message m) {
Processor processor = //get concrete implementation from Message clazz
How exactly can I use the class name/object to define a concrete implementation of Processor?
My first thought was to develop some sort of a factory that takes in a class and provides the concrete implementation. Something like this:
public class ProcessorFactory {
private FooAProcessor fooAProcessor;
private FooBProcessor fooBProcessor;
public ProcessorFactory(FooAProcessor fooAProcessor, FooBProcessor fooBProcessor) {
this.fooAProcessor = fooAProcessor;
this.fooBProcessor = fooBProcessor;
public Processor getFactory(Class clazz) {
if(clazz.isAssignableFrom(FooAProcessor.class)) {
return fooAProcessor;
Or to use the application context like this:
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext();
Is this the best way to go about this problem? Is there a better practice?
You can inject ApplicationContext into your factory and get beans from there:
public class Factory {
#Autowired ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public Object getBean(String beanName) {
return applicationContext.getBean(beanName);
Or you can put your processors into map and get them from it:
public class ProcessorFactory {
private final Processor fooAProcessor;
private final Processor fooBProcessor;
private final Map<Class<T extends Processor>, Processor> beanMap;
public ProcessorFactory (Processor fooAProcessor, Processor fooBProcessor) {
this.fooAProcessor = fooAProcessor;
this.fooBProcessor = fooBProcessor;
this.beanMap = new HashMap(2);
public void init() {
beanMap.put(FooAProcessor.class, fooAProcessor);
beanMap.put(FooBProcessor.class, fooBProcessor);
public Processor getProcessor(Class<T extends Processor> clazz) {
return beanMap.get(clazz);
I recommend to not rely on class when working with spring context but use beanNames instead.

Modern Akka DI with Guice

Java 8, Guice 4.0 and Akka 2.3.9 here. I am trying to figure out how to annotate my actor classes with JSR330-style #Inject annotations, and then wire them all up via Guice.
But literally every single article I have read (some examples below) either uses Scala code examples, a criminally-old version of Guice, or a criminally-old version of Akka:
Let It Crash
So, given the following Guice module:
public interface MyService {
void doSomething();
public class MyServiceImpl implements MyService {
public void doSomething() {
System.out.println("Something has been done!");
public class MyActorSystemModule extends AbstractModule {
public void configure() {
And given the FizzActor that gets injected with a MyService:
public class FizzActor extends UntypedActor {
private final MyService myService;
public FizzActor(MyService myService) {
this.myService = myService;
public void onReceive(Object message) {
// .. Do fizz stuff inside here.
Then I ask: How do I rig up MyActorSystemModule to create instances of FizzActor and properly inject them with Java (not Scala!)?
Please note: FizzActor is not the only actor in my actor system!
Use Creator to create ActorRefs in provider methods of your guice module. To distinguish between the different ActorRefs, which are untyped, use annotations on your provider methods and injection points as you would any guice system. For example,
In your guice module:
protected void configure() {
bind(FizzService.class).toInstance(new FizzServiceImpl());
#Provides #Singleton #Named("fizzActor")
ActorRef serviceActorRef(final ActorSystem system, final FizzService fizzService) {
return system.actorOf(Props.create(new Creator<Actor>() {
public Actor create() throws Exception {
return new FizzActor(fizzService);
Then to use the actor service, inject a specific ActorRef:
class ClientOfFizzActor {
ClientOfFizzActor(#Named("fizzActor") ActorRef fizzActorRef) {..}
It looks cleaner if the Props.create(..) clause is a static factory method in your actor class.
Unless you are trying to bind UntypedActor to FizzActor, then you can just inject it into other classes as is:
class SomeOtherClass {
public SomeOtherClass(FizzActor fizzActor) {
//do stuff
If you're trying to bind it to the interface, you'll need to specifically do that in the module:
public class MyActorSystemModule extends AbstractModule {
public void configure() {
What about using #Named to distinguish the UntypedActor, e.g.:
class SomeOtherClass {
public SomeOtherClass(#Named("fizzActor")UntypedActor fizzActor, #Named("fooActor") UntypedActor fooActor) {
//do stuff
Then in your module you could do the akka lookups:
public class MyActorSystemModule extends AbstractModule {
ActorSystem system = ActorSystem.create("MySystem");
public void configure() {
public UntypedActor getFizzActor() {
return system.actorOf(Props.create(FizzActor.class), "fizzActor");
public UntypedActor getFooActor() {
return system.actorOf(Props.create(FooActor.class), "fooActor");
Use an akka Creator:
public class GuiceCreator<T> implements Creator<T> {
Class<T> clz;
Module module;
public T create() {
Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(this.module);
return injector.getInstance(this.clz);
Then use Props.create with your shiny new guice-based creator.
Disclaimer: I don't actually know Akka, the mentioned information comes from browsing the documentation and JavaDoc.
In case anyone found this question, you need to use IndirectActorProducer, I referred to the Spring example and changed it to use Guice instead.
* An actor producer that lets Guice create the Actor instances.
public class GuiceActorProducer implements IndirectActorProducer {
final String actorBeanName;
final Injector injector;
final Class<? extends Actor> actorClass;
public GuiceActorProducer(Injector injector, String actorBeanName, Class<? extends Actor> actorClass) {
this.actorBeanName = actorBeanName;
this.injector = injector;
this.actorClass = actorClass;
public Actor produce() {
return injector.getInstance(Key.get(Actor.class, Names.named(actorBeanName)));
public Class<? extends Actor> actorClass() {
return actorClass;
In the module
public class BookingModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
// Raw actor class, meant to be used by GuiceActorProducer.
// Do not use this directly
ActorRef systemActorRouter(Injector injector, ActorSystem actorSystem) {
Props props = Props.create(GuiceActorProducer.class, injector, BookingActor.ACTOR_BEAN_NAME, actorClass);
actorSystem.actorOf(props.withRouter(new RoundRobinPool(DEFAULT_ROUTER_SIZE)), BookingActor.ACTOR_ROUTER_BEAN_NAME);
So I have been playing around with Akka and Guice recently alot and I feel that those two don't play too well together.
What I suggest is you take a similar approach what Play is doing.
Kutschkem's answer comes closest to that.
use the ActorCreator interface
make sure you have an argumentless Creator. Don't try to do #AssisstedInject in your Creator as this will imply that you will need a new creator for every Actor that you want to create. Personally I believe that initializing this in the actor is better done through messaging.
let the ActorCreator consume an injector such that you can easily create the Actor Object within the Creator.
Here is a code example using current Akka 2.5. This is the preferred setup we chose for our Akka 2.5 deployment. For brevity I did not provide the Module, but it should be clear from the way the Members are injected, what you want to provide.
class ActorCreator implements Creator<MyActor>
Injector injector;
public MyActor create() {
return injector.getInstance(MyActor.class);
class MyActor extends AbstractActor {
SomeController object;
MyDataObject data;
public ReceiveBuilder createReceiveBuilder() {
return receiveBuilder()
.match(MyDataObject.class, m -> { /* doInitialize() */ })
class MyParentActor extends AbstractActor {
ActorCreator creator;
void createChild() {
getContext().actorOf(new Props(creator));
void initializeChild(ActorRef child, MyDataObject obj) {
Generic Akka Guice integration without dependency on Play,
keeping in mind, not the only actor should be created in the actor system.
public abstract class AkkaGuiceModule extends AbstractModule {
protected <T extends Actor> void bindActor(Class<T> actorClass, String name) {
Provider<ActorSystem> actorSystemProvider = getProvider(ActorSystem.class);
Provider<T> actorProvider = getProvider(actorClass);
.toProvider(ActorRefProvider.of(actorSystemProvider, actorProvider, name))
Generic ActorRefProvider to create ActorRef for each Actor
import akka.japi.Creator;
import lombok.Value;
#Value(staticConstructor = "of")
public class ActorRefProvider<T extends Actor> implements Provider<ActorRef> {
private Provider<ActorSystem> actorSystemProvider;
private Provider<T> actorProvider;
private String name;
public final class ActorCreator implements Creator<Actor> {
public Actor create() {
return actorProvider.get();
public ActorRef get() {
return actorSystemProvider.get().actorOf(Props.create(new ActorCreator()), name);
Usage example
import com.typesafe.config.Config; // optional
public class MyAkkaModule extends AkkaGuiceModule {
ActorSystem actorSystem(Config config) {
return ActorSystem.create("actor-system-name", config);
protected void configure() {
bindActor(SomeActor1.class, "actorName1");
bindActor(SomeActor2.class, "actorName2");

Override jersey resource with guice

I'm looking for a method to override jersey resources bounded with guice in GuiceServletContextListener. My code, which I'm trying to get working:
//Define Jersey resource interface
public interface BookDocument {
public BookDAO getDao();
public void setDao(BookDAO dao);
//Define default implementation
public class BookImpl implements Book {
public BookDAO getDao() {
return dao;
public void setDao(BookDAO dao) {
this.dao = dao;
//User wants to inject his implementation, so he define it
public class BookUserImpl implements Book {
public BookDAO getDao() {
return dao;
public void setDao(BookDAO dao) {
this.dao = dao;
//Inject default implementation of resource
public class ApplicationResourcesModule extends AbstractModule
protected void configure()
//But user wants to inject his implementation, so he bind it in users AbstractModule
public class ApplicationResourcesModuleUser extends AbstractModule
protected void configure()
//Bind all resources
public class JerseyGuiceConfig extends GuiceServletContextListener
protected Injector getInjector()
//Override default binding by user bindings.
return Guice.createInjector(Modules.override(new ApplicationResourcesModule()).with(new ApplicationResourcesModuleUser()), new JerseyServletModule());
But unfortunately this doesn't work, while I can't bind jersey resources in guice like interface to implementation, only bind(BookImpl.class) work's. But such binding is impossible to overwrite. If I try to override bind(BookImpl.class) with bind(BookUserImpl.class) I get an error Conflicting URI templates. The URI template /books/{key} for root resource class. while #Path should be unique. So is there any solution for my use case?
i just wan't to warn you Modules.override does not work on Guice.createInjector(Stage.PRODUCTION,...) so you should use it carefully only for Development. You should create two context listeners and somehow (trough maven profiles lets say) setup the web.xml with proper implementation.
Better to use:
//Inject default implementation of resource
public class MainModule extends AbstractModule
protected void configure()
if(currentStage().equals(Stage.PRODUCTION) {
install(new ApplicationResourcesModuleUser());
} else {
install(new ApplicationResourcesModule());
//Bind all resources
public class JerseyGuiceConfigPROD extends GuiceServletContextListener
protected Injector getInjector()
//Override default binding by user bindings.
return Guice.createInjector(Stage.PRODUCTION, new MainModule(), new JerseyServletModule());
public class JerseyGuiceConfigDEV extends GuiceServletContextListener
protected Injector getInjector()
//Override default binding by user bindings.
return Guice.createInjector(Stage.DEVELOPMENT, new MainModule(), new JerseyServletModule());
You can use #ImplementedBy annotation to your interface to say the default implementation should be. So, you don't have to bind it explicitly and you, if you bind it, it will override the annotation binding.
public interface Book {
public BookDAO getDao();
#Inject //it is enough to put the injection here, i think
public void setDao(BookDAO dao);
I think this problem is not related to Book and Book implementations binding, but to a binding/registering of the servlets to the Jersey container. Could you paste whole stacktrace, the guice stacktraces are verbose and very helpful.

