We have an application which, as its first UI action, displays a modal JDialog without a parent frame.
public LoginDialog(Frame owner, Config config, Object... params) {
super((Frame)null, true);
It unfortunately has the annoying characteristic that when it appears, although it comes to the front, it does not grab the focus.
So the user, after launching the application by double-clicking on the start menu, has to use the mouse to select the "login" dialog and type in information.
Is there a way to make this JDialog grab the focus when it appears in the front?
I've tried calls to "requestFocus" before, after and via invokeLater "during" the call to setVisible(true) - but none of these seems to have any effect.
How do we make a modal dialog grab the focus?
UPDATE: The issue was the code used to try to present a background "wait window". This window was displayed "behind" the login dialog as a hack so that when the dialog disappeared the user would see the "Please wait" message. As it was the first window created by the application, it got the focus. I am not sure if there would have been a way to make the dialog gain the focus again inside the event dispatch thread with this hack - but I fixed it by un-hacking it and doing things properly.
First, it a little strange that modal dialog is parent-less. The point in modal dialog is that it is displayed on its parent and does not allow to access parent.
So, the first recommendation is to make it non-modal. I believe it will work.
BTW I have just tried to create such dialog and have not problems with focus. Try probably to simplify your code:
JDialog d = new JDialog();
d.setSize(200, 200);
This works for me and I believe will work for you. Now start changing this simple code towords your real application code. At some point it will stop working and you will see where the problem is.
If nothing helps try to use the trick I described in this article. Look for title "Portable window activation". I hope it will help.
See Dialog Focus for a potential fix using a RequestFocusListener. I have used it successfully for setting focus in JOptionPane dialogs.
1) you have to create JDialog contents and showing container wrapped inside invokeLater()
or best and safiest way is
2) you have to set for ModalityTypes or Modal for parent
3) only one from containers could be Modal in applications lifecycle
I'm using Windows builder for create an application in Java. I create a frame with the login interface. What i want is that if the user insert correct information he will write something.
I don't want to open another JFrame I would like that the Login frame will be substitute with another one in order to have only one windows.
Could you tell me the correct object that I must use?
The best options are using either a JOptionPane or a JDialog
JOptionPane works as a message box, and can be customized to your linking and usage. For example, if what you wanna show is a sucessfully logged in message, you could use:
JOptionPane.ShowMessageDialog(null, "Logged in sucessfully", "Logged in", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
You can find out about each parameter here. It's a pretty complete documentation of the JOptionPane.
JDialog is another time of window used by Window Builder, and is works as a window that cannot be switched, a classic modal dialog. While this screen is in usage you cannot acess others (as your JFrame), unless you command it to close. And to use this you can simply create it as you would with your Frame. It's modality is set by default.
From what I get of your message the first option would be the best alternative, but that decision's up to you.
I highly recommend you to look into some Window Builder documentation before you'd resort to Stack Overflow. This would be helpfull, it explains everything you need to know about the usage of Window Builder's windows and it's funcionalities.
you can close your current frame by using the command
this will just close your current window. Just make sure you open the other window too.
JFrame frame = new [yourClassname]();
that should work just fine :)
Im trying to make a java program that will popup/notify me to stop what I am currently doing and do something. more like a reminder. My question is how will I make a pop up in java.
I found this docs, but dont know how to implement for the parent component.
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(??,"this is a modal dialog.");
The answer depends, do you have a parent component (like a JFrame or other component) or are you simply display the JOptionPane independently?
If you are simply displaying the JOptionPane independently, you can simply pass it null.
If you are displaying the JOptionPane as part of a large application, with windows and other components, you can simply pass it a reference of what ever component you want the JOptionPane to displayed relative to, such as the window or most accessible container/component
The parent argument (if supplied) simply allows the dialog to act as a modal (blocking) dialog for the window which contains the supplied component. This requires the user to have to dismiss the dialog before they can continue to interact with the parent window/component
Take a closer look at How to Make Dialogs for more details
I've got a JDialog that's created and set to visible whenever the button is clicked.
My problem is that the button keeps the focus and doesn't give it to the JDialog.
Is this a normal behaviour or there's something wrong going on ?
JDialogs aren't modal (are "modeless") by default:
Creates a modeless dialog without a title and without a specified Frame owner.
Try constructing it as:
new JDialog(owner, title, ModalityType.APPLICATION_MODAL);
(Or the equivalent super() call if you're subclassing JDialog. Or whichever modality type you want.)
Try using dialog.requestFocus() if dialog is the newly created JDialog.
See requestFocus() or requestFocusInWindow() for more information.
I'm developing the Java Swing application. I'm quite new to Java, so got some questions. I have a modal window with some set of controls (text fields, buttons etc).
I want to handle click on the button in the parent window. I think the most efficient and accurate way is first to handle it in modal window, then raise some another event from the model form and handle it in the parent form.
Is this approach right and what are the best practices on doing that?
Thanks for your help!
In general, the dialog that contains the button should handle the button click.
However, maybe you can use a JOptionPane. It is designed to return which button was clicked and then you can do custom processing based on the clicked button. Check out the section from the Swing tutorial on How to Make Dialogs for some examples. Also not that you can add a panel to an option pane. In this case you may find the Dialog Focus tip usefull.
I suppose what you want is for the action (or an action listener) of a button in the parent window to process a mouse click on a button (or anything) in the modal dialog.
There are infinite ways to do that. You can pass the action to the modal dialog, pass the button and call doClick(), pass an implementation of an interface that can redirect mouse click (or anything), etc.
Or if instead you want to click the actual button in the parent window when the modal dialog is up, look up the definition of modal.
I have a Java network application and this is what I want to do:
After user logs out, his interface window closes.
Now, I want for another window to show up that will say something like: "Thank you for using our application".
This final window should be borderless and without any available option, more like a plain picture (jpeg? why not?). By clicking on it, user will be sure to close this final window.
I googled and couldn't fin anything on this matter, it's hard to phrase the question.
I hope someone helps me...
A JWindow is a borderless, undecorated JFrame (no titlebar or buttons).
This should be what you need.
This should help:
You're interested in the windowClosing and windowClosed events
You have various possibilities, depending on when you want this dialog to display :
if you want it to display juste before the app closes, use addShutdownHook
if you want it to display when the last window closes, use addWindowListener
You can then use a JWindow with your image inside, and use addMouseListener to wait for the user to click on it.