Updated JDO objects will not persist in GWT - java

I'm writing a small application using GWT and JDOs to store persistent data. I've been trying to write a function that updates multiple JDO objects based on a query. Its body looks something like this:
PersistenceManager pm = getPersistenceManager();
try {
q = pm.newQuery(MyObject.class, query);
List<MyObject> objects = (List<MyObject>) q.execute();
for (MyObject object: objects) {
System.out.println(objects); //[1]
} finally {
If I look at the output of the print statement at [1], the objects all have the correctly updated values. When I make an RPC to retrieve the updated objects, however, the values are the same as they were before the update method was called. If I check the datastore in the admin panel, the updates also do not appear.
All the other persistence behaviour in my application works fine (e.g. adding new objects, removing objects, querying objects), but I can't seem to figure out what's wrong here. Most of the resources I've found (like http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/java/datastore/jdo/creatinggettinganddeletingdata.html#Updating_an_Object) suggest that just having the PersistenceManager open should persist any changes you make to retrieved objects.
Any suggestions? I am truly baffled.
Thank you!
PersistenceManager pm = getPersistenceManager();
try {
q = pm.newQuery(MyObject.class, query);
List<MyObject> objects = (List<MyObject>) q.execute();
for (MyObject object: objects) {
JDOHelper.makeDirty(object, myField);
} finally {

The proper way to update JDOs is to use a transaction, e.g. (w/o proper handling)
PersistenceManager pm = getPersistenceManager();
try {
q = pm.newQuery(MyObject.class, query);
List<MyObject> objects = (List<MyObject>) q.execute();
pm.currentTransaction().begin(); // <-------
for (MyObject object: objects) {
pm.currentTransaction().commit(); // <-------
System.out.println(objects); //[1]
} finally {
I'd recommend you do that for other all other update scenario including add/delete operations.


Hibernate criteria, using associations to return results by restrictions

Hi guys i have this mapping inside the Customer entity:
private Address address;
And then i have this method in my DAO class:
public List<Customer> getCustomersFromThisAddress() throws Exception{
sessao = null;
sessao = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession();
Customer customer= new Customer();
Criteria criteria = sessao.createCriteria(customer.getClass())
.createAlias("address", "a")
.add(Restrictions.ilike("a.area", "bedford"));
return (List<Customer>) criteria.setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY).list();
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
} finally {
I would like to return all customers from the bedford area... I am new to Hibernate and Criteria, please help.
You have to remember about two things when using the ilike:
a) The underlying database must be able to support it or have an equivalent function.
b) Without specifying MatchMode or adding % symbols to the second argument, your statement is just a case-insensitive equals.
So if you want to search for a text that simply contains somewhere the bedford string then use one of the following:
.add(Restrictions.ilike("a.area", "%bedford%"));
.add(Restrictions.ilike("a.area", "bedford", MatchMode.ANYWHERE));
I was getting an empty list '[]' I realized that I made a mistake in the .add(Restriction.. line!!
the 'area' column data, in the Address table are all recorded as 'Bedford'..
after reading this: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/hibernate/hibernate_criteria_queries.htm
I found that I just needed to change
Criteria criteria = sessao.createCriteria(customer.getClass())
.createAlias("address", "a")
.add(Restrictions.ilike("a.area", "bedford"));
Criteria criteria = sessao.createCriteria(customer.getClass())
.createAlias("address", "a")
.add(Restrictions.like("a.area", "bedford"));
to return my list... Hope this will help others!!

GreenDao - Saving an Entity and related - "Entity is detached from DAO context"

I'm trying to save with GreenDAO an entity called hotel. Each hotel has a relation one-to-many with some agreements and each agreement has got... well, a picture is worth a thousand words.
Now, what I do is the following:
daoSession.runInTx(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
ArrayList<Hotel> listOfHotels = getData().getAvailability();
for(Hotel h : listOfHotels)
List<HotelAgreement> hotelAgreements = h.getAgreements();
for(HotelAgreement ha : hotelAgreements) {
HotelAgreementDeadline hotelAgreementDeadline = ha.getDeadline();
List<HotelRemark> hr = hotelAgreementDeadline.getRemarks();
List<HotelAgreementDeadlinePolicies> hadp = hotelAgreementDeadline.getPolicies();
daoSession.getHotelReportDao().insertOrReplaceInTx( h.getReports() );
daoSession.getHotelPictureDao().insertOrReplaceInTx( h.getPictures() );
// daoSession.getHotelReportsDao().insertOrReplace( getData().getReports() );
This, of course, does not work. I get a "Entity is detached from DAO context" error on the following line:
HotelAgreementDeadline hotelAgreementDeadline = ha.getDeadline();
I understand this is because I try to get the Agreements from a Hotel entity which does not come from the database, but from another source (a web service, in this case). But why does this happen with ha.getDeadline() and not with h.getAgreements()?
Now, I have the Hotel object and it does include pretty much all data: agreements, deadline, policies, remarks, pictures, report. I'd just like to tell GreenDAO: save it! And if I can't and I have to cycle through the tree - which is what I'm trying to do with the code above - how am I supposed to do it?
Here I read that I have to "store/load the object first using a Dao". Pretty awesome, but... how does it work? I read the greenDAO documentation about relations but couldn't find anything.
Thank you to everybody who's willing to help :-)
At some point, when you get the response from the webservice, you are creating new entity objects and filling them with the info. Try inserting each new object in the DB just after that.
If you want, you can insert, for example, all n Agreement for an Hotel using insertOrReplaceInTx, but you shouldn't use any relation before all the involved objects are in the DB.
I think that greendao team have to add the following control in the method
getToOneField() like in the getToManyList()
if(property == null){
code already generated by greendao plugin
return property;
so in your case in HotelAgreements class
public DeadLine getDeadLine {
if(deadLine == null) {
long __key = this.deadLineId;
if (deadLine__resolvedKey == null || !deadLine__resolvedKey.equals(__key)) {
final DaoSession daoSession = this.daoSession;
if (daoSession == null) {
throw new DaoException("Entity is detached from DAO context");
DeadLineDao targetDao = daoSession.getDeadLineDao();
DeadLine deadLineNew = targetDao.load(__key);
synchronized (this) {
deadLine = deadLineNew;
deadLine__resolvedKey = __key;
return deadLine;
adding the control
if(deadLine == null) {
so if you receive data from rest json
the object is populated and getProperty() method return property field from object not from database just like it does with Lists
then you can insert or replace it
Then, when you load or load deeply object from db the property is null and greendao take it from DB

Removing entities from Collection in hibernate

I'm trying to manually delete every entity that's in a collection on an entity. The problem is, the entities don't get deleted from the database, even though they get removed from the collection on the task.
Below is the code im using to achieve this:
public int removeExistingCosts(final DataStoreTask task) {
int removedAccumulator = 0;
Query query = entityManager.createNamedQuery(DataStoreCost.GET_COSTS_FOR_TASK);
query.setParameter(DataStoreCost.TASK_VARIABLE_NAME, task);
try {
List costsForTask = query.getResultList();
for(Object cost : costsForTask) {
} catch (NoResultException e) {
logger.debug("Couldn't costs for task: {}", task.getId());
return removedAccumulator;
Any ideas?
P.S the collection is represented as:
#OneToMany(targetEntity = DataStoreCost.class, mappedBy = "task", cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private Collection<DataStoreCost> costs;
I think you need to explicitly remove the Cost entity via the entityManager. When you remove the Cost from the Tasks cost list you actually only remove the reference to that instance. It does not know that that particular Cost will not be used anywhere else.
It's not deleting the entity, because it doesn't know if something else is referring to it.
You need to enable delete orphan. In jpa2, use the orphanRemoval attribute. If you're using hibernate annotations, use CascadeStyle delete orphan.

How to eagerly load lazy fields with JPA 2.0?

I have an entity class that has a lazy field like this:
public Movie implements Serializable {
#Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private String story;
The story field should normally be loaded lazily because it's usually large. However sometimes, I need to load it eagerly, but I don't write something ugly like movie.getStory() to force the loading. For lazy relationship I know a fetch join can force a eager loading, but it doesn't work for lazy field. How do I write a query to eagerly load the story field?
I'd try Hibernate.initialize(movie). But calling the getter (and adding a comment that this forces initialization) is not that wrong.
The one possible solution is:
SELECT movie
FROM Movie movie LEFT JOIN FETCH movie.referencedEntities
Other could be to use #Transactional on method in ManagedBean or Stateless and try to access movie.getReferencedEntities().size() to load it but it will generate N+1 problem i.e. generating additional N queries for each relationship which isn't too efficient in many cases.
You can use the fetch all properties keywords in your query:
SELECT movie
To quote the JPA spec (2.0, 11.1.6):
The LAZY strategy is a hint to the persistence provider runtime that data should be fetched
lazily when it is first accessed. The implementation is permitted to eagerly fetch data for which the
LAZY strategy hint has been specified.
Hibernate only supports what you are trying if you use its bytecode enhancement features. There are a few ways to do that. First is to use the build-time enhancement tool. The second is to use (class-)load-time enhancement. In Java EE environments you can enable that on Hibernate JPA using the 'hibernate.ejb.use_class_enhancer' setting (set it to true, false is the default). In Java SE environments, you need to enhance the classes as they are loaded, either on your own or you can leverage org.hibernate.bytecode.spi.InstrumentedClassLoader
If you don't mind having a POJO as a query result you can use constructor query. This will require your object to have constructor with all needed parameters and a query like this:
select new Movie(m.id, m.story) from Movie m
I would suggest to traverse the objects using Java reflection calling all methods starting with "get" and repeat this for all the gotten object, if it has an #Entity annotation.
Not the most beautiful way, but it must be a robust workaround. Something like that (not tested yet):
public static <T> void deepDetach(EntityManager emanager, T entity) {
IdentityHashMap<Object, Object> detached = new IdentityHashMap<Object, Object>();
try {
deepDetach(emanager, entity, detached);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error deep detaching entity [" + entity + "].", e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error deep detaching entity [" + entity + "].", e);
private static <T> void deepDetach(EntityManager emanager, T entity, IdentityHashMap<Object, Object> detached) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
if (entity == null || detached.containsKey(entity)) {
Class<?> clazz = entity.getClass();
Entity entityAnnotation = clazz.getAnnotation(Entity.class);
if (entityAnnotation == null) {
return; // Not an entity. No need to detach.
detached.put(entity, null); // value doesn't matter. Using a map, because there is no IdentitySet.
Method[] methods = clazz.getMethods();
for (Method m : methods) {
String name = m.getName();
if (m.getParameterTypes().length == 0) {
if (name.length() > 3 && name.startsWith("get") && Character.isUpperCase(name.charAt(3))) {
Object res = m.invoke(entity, new Object[0]);
deepDetach(emanager, res, detached);
// It is actually not needed for searching for lazy instances, but it will load
// this instance, if it was represented by a proxy
if (name.length() > 2 && name.startsWith("is") && Character.isUpperCase(name.charAt(2))) {
Object res = m.invoke(entity, new Object[0]);
deepDetach(emanager, res, detached);

How do you make query results available after closing the persistence manager

I am learning GAE and am getting a bit stuck. If I use the following, with a finally to make sure the persistence manager is closed, I get an exception when trying to actually read the Note objects:
public class Notes {
public List<Note> getAll() {
PersistenceManager pm = PMF.instance().getPersistenceManager();
try {
Query query = pm.newQuery("select from com.uptecs.google1.model.Note order by subject");
return (List<Note>) query.execute();
} finally {
The exception I get is this:
Object Manager has been closed
org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUserException: Object Manager has been closed
at org.datanucleus.ObjectManagerImpl.assertIsOpen(ObjectManagerImpl.java:3876)
at org.datanucleus.ObjectManagerImpl.getFetchPlan(ObjectManagerImpl.java:376)
at org.datanucleus.store.query.Query.getFetchPlan(Query.java:497)
Try detaching the object from the graph with detachable="true":
#PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION, detachable="true")
public class Note {
#Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
private Long key;
Note: I totally understand the need for this, sometimes you need to retrieve the objects and lists in a controller, close the PM in the controller, then pass the models to the views. Until better solutions are known to me, this is what I am doing this on JDO/GAE with no problems so far.
It seems to me that you will have to detach all the items in the list if you want to be able to use them after the PM is closed. I'd use this to get specific lists of items. A full getAll() can be very big in size.
public List<Note> getList(){
List<Note> detachedList=null, list=null;
try {
String query = "select from " + Note.class.getName();
pm = PMF.get().getPersistenceManager();
list = (List<Note>)pm.newQuery(query).execute();
detachedList = new ArrayList<Note>();
for(Note obj : list){
} finally {
return detachedList;
By Key:
public Note findByKey(Long key) {
Note detachedCopy=null, object=null;
pm= PMF.get().getPersistenceManager();
object = pm.getObjectById(Note.class,key);
detachedCopy = pm.detachCopy(object);
}catch (JDOObjectNotFoundException e) {
return null; // or whatever
finally {
pm.close(); // close here
return detachedCopy;
Afer the close, you have a detached copy, with which you can work.
Reference: http://www.datanucleus.org/products/accessplatform_1_1/jdo/attach_detach.html
When result is returned in the list - objects are retrieved lazily (only when you ask for them). Since your persistence manager is closed you get an exception. By "detaching" the objects your are effectively telling the persistence manager to retrieve them eagerly.
In addition to the answer from bakkal, I would say that you absolutely need the detachable="true" annotation parameter, otherwise you will never get it to work.
To detach a list of objects, you can also use pm.detachCopyAll(your_query_result_list), wich will be a bit faster than your implementation of the iteration to detach, and will let you spare a few lines of code. Thanks JDO ! ;-) But be aware, this method requires explicit cast of its results.
Here's a working example I currently use in my last App (the Key used in the query is an Encoded String) :
pm = PMF.get().getPersistenceManager();
Query query = pm.newQuery(TandemSubscription.class);
query.setOrdering("dateRDV desc");
query.declareParameters("String groupSubscriptionKeyParam");
// Get Data
List<TandemSubscription> savedSubscriptions =
(List<TandemSubscription>) query.execute(Key);
// Detach all objects in the list
savedSubscriptions =
(List<TandemSubscription>) pm.detachCopyAll(savedSubscriptions);
// Now you can use the list and its content.
I Hope this helps a bit.

