Random GUID in Java (A different format) - java

One of the components that I use needs to feed an XML into it. The component provider has not provided any documentation or the specs of the XML. I am trying to generate the XMLs by trial and error using the sample XMLs from the component.
This was the story. Here is my problem.
In the XML, they have used some f_key = "b3f39bb9-3f8c-453a-bdb4-2486a887e39f-0000a008:000001e8"
Java gives me this : UUID.randomUUID().toString()
which generates random strings in this format : "22572e59-f7dc-404a-9c0c-78161e3a4df7"
Any clue, what does "0000a008:000001e8" in the f_key provided by the component mean [The random string up to 5 pieces matches in both. The 6th and 7th piece are extra in the random string provided by the component]? What sort of UUID generator would be generating that? Does it look familiar?

According to this code
Regex guidRegEx = new Regex(#"^(\{{0,1}([0-9a-fA-F]){8}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){12}\}{0,1})$");
that isn't a valid guid, its a valid guid with something on the end. I am guessing they've tacked a timestamp on the end. I've seen stuff come out of timestamp appliances in the past.
But that is a best guess.

I believe that it is just some kind of key that is generated by the provider. Although I have no idea about the rules of the key generation (that is application specific) I translated hex numbers a008 1e8 to decimal view and found that the ratio between them is 83: 40968/488=83. So, probably try to create UUID and add suffix that consists of 2 numbers in hex format so that the ration of them is 83.


how to extract numeric values from jpg file using OCR

I have created the below code and executed:
Ocr ocr = new Ocr();
ocr.startEngine("eng", Ocr.SPEED_FASTEST);
String s = ocr.recognize(theImage, Ocr.RECOGNIZE_TYPE_ALL, Ocr.OUTPUT_FORMAT_PLAINTEXT);
Result: L‘i
L‘L’Ui l
Actually the image only contains the numeric values. Is it possible to extract only numeric value by using above code?
I have 1234 numeric value displayed in jpg file, I just want to print that numeric value in o/p console. Can anybody help me out?
I have a few technology-independent observations about your code.
"SPEED_FASTEST" indicates your preference for fast OCR. Fast is the opposite of High-quality. You either get speed or quality. If the image is clear - no problem, but if the image is less than perfect, Quality mode will have more algorithms to deal with defects.
Nowhere in your code it is specified that you constrain the character set to digits only. If you do not indicate the language or character set, then usually by default the entire English character set is used. See my response on this post here: OCR why not find only character
Typically if you post a sample image along with your question and code, contributors can give you better advice.

Problems parsing iso8583 message

I've download code from here https://github.com/vikrantlabde/iso8583-Java and after some modifications I'm parsing almost fine my fields....
I defined the schema like this:
The problem is the field 55 that is a binary field. The standard documentation says it:
I'm having an error parsing a string that has the bitmap turned on for the field 55.
I'm having from the output:
But I expect:
The length of the iso payload converted is highly different too...
The program output is:
What I expect is:
One advice is:
I have to make the explicit conversion to hex from the resultant byte[] and viceversa.
It is:
String isoMessage = ISOUtil.hexString(packIsoMsg("0100", isofields).getBytes());
unpackIsoMsg(new String(ISOUtil.hex2byte(isoMessage), "UTF-8"));
What about the definition of this kind of fields in this class? I'm really a newbie with the standard but I arrived here because jpos doesn't work in an Android environment. Also I'm confused with the last mentioned conversion to hex.
Any help is really appreciated...
Kind regards.
DE55 is defined as a Tag-Lag-Value (TLV) field that is not in the normal Binary / text / or numeric packed format you see the rest of ISO-8583 messages typically but is in ASN.1 BER-TLV / X.690-0207 format.
Unless you account for the BER-TLV you will not successfully unpack DE55 unless it is for non-EMV/Tokenization purposes. It threw me at first as well as I was thinking something more straight forward. Be aware that sometimes the field transport format is actually longer in this format than the original plain text or other binary data output so it is not the most efficient.
There are a couple of other fields depending on the ISO specification may also use BER-TLV but DE55 is the industry standard field to use BER-TLV for EMV functionality replacing DE55's previous use as a generic and rarely used 'fee field'.
The ISO-7816 specification its ISO-8583 use in detail for EMV and Tokenization, as well there are other references and quick guides out there if you are just looking for something not so in-depth. All volumes of the ISO-7816 specification can be found openly on the internet for free, or can be purchased directly (spendy) from the ISO organization if you want them in the plain ISO format.
I am not familiar with the specific JAVA Git you referenced but this one has a help page on how to use BER-TLV. Oracle also has a page on dealing with BER-TLV here. BinaryFoo has a Git available as well.
For the purposes of initial testing, if your data is just test data (DO NOT USE PRODUCTION DATA!) you can use http://www.emvlab.org/tlvutils/ to verify your results. Which when I input your inputs it kicks out your expected output.
what is the field defined by sender in field 55.Assign the same in unpacking.If they are sending string it should be LLLVAR.
when sending ISO message header must be in hex format.hence they convert bytes to hex.
From the looks of it, you consider 5F2A020978 as wrong whereas you expect 5F2A020124. The EMV tag's 5F2A data (with length 02) is the transaction currency code. This means your transaction is performed in EURO currency instead of Canadian dollar as you expect. You can find a currency code list here.
Hope this helps.

How to customize number format in freemarker?

I am using freemarker and trying to display numbers in this format: $3,343,434.00 for example. This was easily taken care of by using ${total?string.currency} (assuming "total" is some number).
However, when I have negative numbers, it's showing them like this: ($343.34) instead of this: -$343.34. I need the negative sign instead of the parenthesis. Is there a way I could customize the formatting so it does everything that the string.currency did but replace the negative value behavior? I am relatively new to freemarker, so detailed responses are appreciated!
You can also try ?string(",##0.00"). However in this case you need to explicitly add $ and - sign would be after $ in case of negative numbers.
<#local total = 3343434/>
$ ${total?string(",##0.00")} //$ 3,343,434.00
<#local total = -3343434/>
$ ${total?string(",##0.00")} //$ -3,343,434.00
OR in case if you want what was expected you can replace the strings.
<#local total = -3343434/>
<#local total = "$ " + total?string(",##0.00")/>
${total?replace('$ -','- $')} //- $3,343,434.00
Update: Since FreeMarker 2.3.24 you can define named custom number formats, which can be an alias to a number format pattern (or even a formatter implemented in Java, but that level of flexibility isn't needed in this case). So add a custom number format called "money" as an alias to "¤,##0.00" to the FreeMarker configuration, and then you can write something like ${total?string.#money}. See: http://freemarker.org/docs/pgui_config_custom_formats.html
Currently FreeMarker just uses the formatting facility of the Java platform, so it's only as configurable as that (assuming you want to use ?string and ?string.somethingPredefiendHere). Which is not much... but, in general, the formatting categories provided by the Java platform is not fine-gradient enough anyway, I mean, you don't have application-domain categories like, price-of-product, a salary, a price on the stock, etc. (This demand is more frequent with non-currency numbers though.) So I think, generally, you want to make a formatter function, that you can use like ${salary(someNumber)}, ${price(someNumber)}, etc. Those functions can be implemented in a commonly #included/#imported template like a #function or in Java by using #assign salary = 'com.example.SalarayMethod'?new() in place of #function, where com.example.SalarayMethod is a TemplateMethodModelEx.
How about taking a mod of your number, convert it to the required string format and finally add a '-' prefix to the final string. You can retain the default format in just two steps.
Freemarker uses the currency formatting provided by the Java platform.
It requires a little tweaking of the DecimalFormat returned by NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance() (which is what is called when you call .currency). You can see examples of it here.
However, that said it will likely be more effective for you to create a macro in freemarker to call which will handle your specific formatting.
Sorry for not having an example of what that macro would look like, but it's a good starter into macros in freemarker since you are just learning.
You might investigate if you can supply a custom format using the exposed configuration for number formats that will meet your needs.
If you want to maintain the default currency formatting (in case you need to use a locale other than '$'), you can just replace the parentheses like so:
This will work without error regardless of if a number is negative or positive.
TIP: Make sure the number is actually a number with the ?number directive before converting to a currency format

Apache Cayenne - I cannot find code defining the constants for Token.kind field

I'm using Cayenne to parse SQL conditions, through org.apache.cayenne.exp.parser.ExpressionParser, which produces a series of org.apache.cayenne.exp.parser.Tokens, and I want to determine the type of each Token (like identifier, equal sign, number, string etc.).
The token type is definitely identified by the ExpressionParser, and it seems to me that it is stored in the int field Token.kind. The values that this field shows in my parsing tests are definitely consistent (for ex. = is always 5, literal strings are always 42, and operators are always 2 etc.).
My problem is just that I cannot find the Java class containing the constants to compare Token.kind values with.
The Javadoc for field Token.kind says:
An integer that describes the kind of this token. This numbering
system is determined by JavaCCParser, and a table of these numbers is
stored in the file ...Constants.java.
It does not specify the full name of the file, so I downloaded JavaCCParser and I checked several *Constants.* files found in javacc-5.0src.zip, javacc-6.0.zip, the two javacc.jar contained in those two zip, and cayenne-3.0.2-src.tar.gz.
None of the classes I found there seems to me to have constants that consistently match the values I see in my tests.
The closest I was able to get to that was with class org.apache.cayenne.exp.parser.ExpressionParserConstants which for ex. contains int PROPERTY_PATH = 34 and int SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING = 42 which definitely match the actual tokens of my test expressions, but other tokens have no corresponding constant in that class, for ex. the = sign (kind = 5) and the and operator (kind = 2).
So my question is if anyone knows in which Java class are those constants defined.
First I should mention that ExpressionParser is designed to parse very specific format of Cayenne expressions. It certainly can not be used to parse SQL. So you might be looking in the wrong direction.
Parser itself is generated by JavaCC based on this grammar file. Tokens for the parser are formally defined in the bottom of this file, and are very specific to the task at hand.

LibSVM Input format

I want to represent a set of labelled instances (data) in a file to be fed in to LibSVM as training data. For the problem mentioned in this question. It will include,
Login date
Login time
Location (country code?)
Day of the week
Authenticity (0 - Non Authentic, 1 - Authentic) - The Label
How can I format this data to be input to the SVM?
Are you asking about the data format or how to convert the data? For the latter you're going to have to experiment to find the right way to do this. The general idea is to convert your data into a nominal or ordinal value attribute. Some of these are simple - #4, #6 - some of these are going to be tough - #1-#3.
For example, you could represent #1 as three attributes of day, month and year, or just one by converting it to a UNIX like timestamp.
The IP is even harder - there's no straightforward way to convert that into a meaningful ordinal value. Using every IP as a nominal attribute might not be useful depending on your problem.
Once you figure this out, convert your data, check the LibSVM docs. The general format is followed by : i.e., +1 1:0 2:0 .. etc
I believe there is an unstated assumption in the previous answers. The unstated assumption is that users of libSVM know that they should avoid putting categorical data into the classifier.
For example, libSVM will not know what to do with country codes. If you are trying to predict which visitors are most likely to buy something on your site then you could have problems if USA is between Chad and Niger in your country code list. The bulge from USA will likely skew predictions for the countries located near it.
To fix this I would create one category for each country under consideration (and perhaps an 'other' category). Then for each instance you want to classify, I would set all the country categories to zero except the one to which the instance belongs. (To do this with the libSVM sparse file format, this isn't really a big deal).

