How to pass array values to and from Android RenderScript using Allocations - java

I've been working with RenderScript recently with the intent of creating an API that a programmer can use with ease, similar to the way that Microsoft Accelerator works.
The trouble I'm stuck with at the moment as that I want to pass values to and from the RenderScript layer and have everything run in the most efficient way possible, this is an extract of my source code so far:
int[] A = new int[10];
int[] B = new int[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
A[i] = 2;
B[i] = i;
intAdd(A, B);
This just creates two basic arrays and fills them with values and calls the functions that will send them to RenderScript.
private void intAdd(int[] A, int[] B) {
RenderScript rs = RenderScript.create(this);
ScriptC_rsintadd intaddscript = new ScriptC_rsintadd(rs, getResources(), R.raw.rsintadd);
mScript = intaddscript;
for(int i = 0; i < A.length; i++) {
setNewValues(mScript, A[i], B[i]);
int C = getResult(mScript);
notifyUser.append(" " + C);
public void setNewValues(Script script, int A, int B) {
public int getResult(Script script) {
int C = mScript.get_numberC();
return C;
This will send a pair of values to the following RenderScript code:
int numberA;
int numberB;
int numberC;
void intAdd() {
/*Add the two together*/
numberC = numberA + numberB;
/*Send their values to the logcat*/
rsDebug("Current Value", numberC);
But there are two problems with this, the first one is the Asynchronous nature of RenderScript means that when the Java layer requests the value, the script either hasn't done the operation yet, or it's already done it, destroyed the value of the output and started on the next one. And thanks to the low debugging visibility of RenderScript there's no way of telling.
The other problem is that it's not very efficient, the code is constantly calling the RenderScript function to add two numbers together. Ideally I'd want to pass the array to RenderScript and store it in a struct and have the entire operation done in one script call rather than many. But in order to get it back I reckon I'll need to user the rsSendtoClient function, but I've not found any material on how to use it. And preferably I'd like to use the rsForEach strategy, but again information is scare.
If anyone has any ideas I'd be very grateful. Thanks.
Will Scott-Jackson

I'm not sure if this will be of help to you at this point but since I know how much of a pain it can be to work through RenderScript, here is the help I can offer. In order to use the rsSendToClient function, you need to instruct the RenderScript instance you created where to send messages to. This is accomplished by something such as:
private void intAdd(int[] A, int[] B) {
RenderScript rs = RenderScript.create(this);
MySubclassedRSMessageHandler handler = new MySubclassedRSMessageHandler();
ScriptC_rsintadd intaddscript = new ScriptC_rsintadd(rs, getResources(), R.raw.rsintadd);
mScript = intaddscript;
for(int i = 0; i < A.length; i++) {
setNewValues(mScript, A[i], B[i]);
int C = getResult(mScript);
notifyUser.append(" " + C);
It will be necessary to subclass RenderScript.RSMessageHandler and override the run() method. See if you havn't already. Basically there is no way to get around the asynchronous nature which I find to be a double edged sword.
As for the inefficiency, I would consider creating a RenderScript instance, leave it running (you can pause it when not needed, will stay in memory but stop the threads, thus not incurring the construction cost each time you call a function). From here you can have your structures and then use invoke_myFunction(some arguments here) from the reflected Java layer.
Hopefully this helps at least a little bit.

I had the same problem.
The problem with your program is that doesn't know when the add function in rs file should run
,try this it should work
public void setNewValues(Script script, int A, int B) {

I had the same problem with you. I think rsSendtoClient function is not useful and creates many bugs. Instead, using a pointer and allocate it a memory to bring result back to you is much easier.
I recommend the solution of your problem like this:
In use this snippet:
int32_t *a;
int32_t *b;
int32_t *c;
void intAdd() {
for(int i = 0; i<10;i++){
c[i] = a[i] + b[i];
In your JAVA code use this snippet:
int[] B = new int[10];
int[] A = new int[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
A[i] = 2;
B[i] = 1;
// provide memory for b using data in B
Allocation b = Allocation.createSized(rs, Element.I32(rs), B.length);
// provide memory for a using data in A
Allocation a = Allocation.createSized(rs, Element.I32(rs), A.length);
// create blank memory for c
inv.bind_c(Allocation.createSized(rs, Element.I32(rs), 10));
// call intAdd function
// get result
int[] C = new int[10];
for (int i = 0; i < C.length; i++) {
And this is your result on Logcat:
Your first question is about Asynchronous, you can use thread to wait result. In this example, the function is fast enough and instantly gives the output to C array so result can show on logcat.
Your second question is about implement intAdd() function without recalling it. The code above is the answer. You can access any part of int array in Java until the method is done ( different from root() function ).
Hope this can help someone :)


Foobar code working in IDE but not in Solution file

I've written code for a foobar challenge that works in my IDE but not in the solutions file provided by foobar. Also, is there anyway to show the output even if the test fails? Possibly to with it being a static method or the input being {1, 2, 3, 4} whereas mine is working with new int {1,2,3,4,5}? My code is:
public static int solution(int[] l) {
List<Integer> numberList =;
while (true) {
StringBuilder number = new StringBuilder();
int i = 0;
while (i < numberList.size()) {
List<Integer> startingList =;
int testValue = numberList.size();
for (Integer integer : numberList) {
if (startingList.contains(integer)) {
if (testValue == 0) {
int f = 0;
int total = 0;
while (f < numberList.size()) {
total = total + numberList.get(f);
if (total % 3 == 0) {
StringBuilder answer = new StringBuilder();
int c = 0;
while (c < numberList.size()) {
return Integer.parseInt(answer.toString());
Integer nextNumber = Integer.parseInt(number.toString()) - 1;
String[] stringArray = valueOf(nextNumber).split("");
numberList = new ArrayList<>();
for (String s : stringArray) {
Pretty rubbish but it does the job (at least in my IDE!)
As mentioned in a comment on the question, you should undoubtedly give some more context for your questions (since it is pretty unclear what your code is intended to do). I'm pretty sure I've inferred the actual question from context though, and I can suggest a couple of problems. In short (and a pretty good assumption for coding in general) the issue is not the environment running your code incorrectly, but rather your code having missed bugs due to lack of comprehensive testing. If you had presented a number of sample inputs and results I would guess you would have seen that your solution does not work locally.
The Java List.remove() method takes an index rather than a value to be removed ( The way it is used in your sample will result in throwing exceptions in a number of circumstances. Proper testing would have identified this (and will pick up most of your problems if fixed)
What happens if there is no solution? For example, an input of {1, 1} is going to get into a pretty messy state as the 'nextNumber' value slips below 0. You should know what the desired behavior is in this situation, and your tests should cover it before you try to upload a solution
This happened to me as well, but I then realized that my compilation was not successful because I have not imported the package that I am using at the top of the source code file like all java programs are write

When to close DL4J INDArrays

I created a custom DataSetIterator. It works by randomly generating two INDArrays (one for input and one for output) in the next method and creating a DataSet out of it:
int[][] inputArray = new int[num][NUM_INPUTS];
int[][] expectedOutputArray = new int[num][];
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {//just fill the arrays with some data
int sum = 0;
int product = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < inputArray[i].length; j++) {
inputArray[i][j] = rand.nextInt();
sum += inputArray[i][j];
product *= inputArray[i][j];
expectedOutputArray[i] = new int[] { sum, product, sum / inputArray[i].length };
INDArray inputs = Nd4j.createFromArray(inputArray);//never closed
INDArray desiredOutputs = Nd4j.createFromArray(expectedOutputArray);//never closed
return new DataSet(inputs, desiredOutputs);
However, INDArray implements AutoClosable and the javadoc for close() states:
This method releases exclusive off-heap resources uses by this INDArray instance. If INDArray relies on shared resources, exception will be thrown instead PLEASE NOTE: This method is NOT safe by any means
Do I need to close the INDArrays?
If so, when do I need to close the INDArrays?
I have tried to use a try-with-resources but it threw an exception as the INDArray is closed when using it in the fit method.
The documentation of createFromArray(int[][]) does not seem to explain this.
you don't really need to close them. We take care of that automatically with javacpp. You can choose to close them but AutoCloseable was implemented for people who wanted more control over the memory management of the ndarrays.
Edit: Javacpp is the underlying native integration that we use to connect to native libraries we maintain written in c++ and other libraries. All of our calculations and data are all based on native code and off heap memory.
close() just forces us to de allocate those buffers faster. Javacpp has automatic de allocation built in to it already though.

Getting back original signal using JTransform method realInverse

I was playing with JTransforms realForwardFull and RealInverse to test how they work.
My understanding is that after you pass say an audio signal to realForwardFull and then apply RealInverse, you should get back the same signal.
So here is what I am doing.
double[] a1 = getAudioSignal();
DoubleDDT_1D fft = new DoubleFFT_1D(a1.length);
double[] fftData = new double[a1.length * 2];
for(int i=0; i<fftData.length; i++) {
fftData[i] = a1[i]; // real part
fftData[fftData.length+i] = 0; // imaginary parts
//Do an inverse to get back the signal
fft.realInverse(fftData, false);
My question is should the fftData after the inverse fft (realInverse) contain the same data as in a1, the original audio signal?
I tested this and checked if all the even indexes (real part) fftData[2k] was the same as indexes in a1, its not so.
for(int k=0; k<a1.length; k++) {
if(a[k] == fftData[2k]) {
} else {
I see that the output in the array after realInverse is very different.
How do I get the original signal back?
As per the javadoc of realForwardFull you need to call complexInverse to recover the original signal. Since you want the original points you should enable scaling which will divide the values by N:
//Do an inverse to get back the signal
fft.complexInverse(fftData, true);
Also your checking logic is broken. You cannot check double equality like that because of rounding errors. You should check it like this using an epsilon error tolerance:
for(int k=0; k<a1.length; k++) {
if(Math.abs(a1[k] - fftData[2*k]) < 1e-6) {
} else {

What is better/faster in Java: 2 method calls or 1 object call

I'm afraid this is a terribly stupid question. However, I can't find an answer to it and therefore require some help :)
Let's start with a simplification of my real problem:
Assume I have a couple of boxes each filled with a mix of different gems.
I'm now creating an object gem which has the attribute colour and a method getColour to get the colour of the gem.
Further I'm creating an object box which has a list of gems as attribute and a method getGem to get a gem from that list.
What I want to do now is to count all gems in all boxes by colour. Now I could either do something like
int sapphire = 0;
int ruby = 0;
int emerald = 0;
for(each box = i)
for(each gem = j)
if(i.getGem(j).getColour().equals(“blue”)) sapphire++;
else if(i.getGem(j).getColour().equals(“red”)) ruby++;
else if(i.getGem(j).getColour().equals(“green”)) emerald++;
or I could do
int sapphire = 0;
int ruby = 0;
int emerald = 0;
String colour;
for(each box = i)
for(each gem = j)
colour = i.getGem(j).getColour();
if(colour.equals(“blue”)) sapphire++;
else if(colour.equals(“red”)) ruby++;
else if(colour.equals(“green”)) emerald++;
My question is now if both is essentially the same or should one be preferred over the other? I understand that a lot of unnecessary new string objects are produced in the second case, but do I get a speed advantage in return as colour is more “directly” available?
I would dare to make a third improvement:
int sapphire = 0;
int ruby = 0;
int emerald = 0;
for(each box = i) {
for(each gem = j) {
String colour = i.getGem(j).getColour();
if(“blue”.equals(colour)) sapphire++;
else if(“red”.equals(colour)) ruby++;
else if(“green”.equals(colour)) emerald++;
I use a local variable inside the for-loop. Why? Because you probably need it only there.
It is generally better to put STATIC_STRING.equals(POSSIBLE_NULL_VALUE).
This has the advantage: easier to read and should have no performance problem. If you have a performance problem, then you should consider looking somewhere else in your code. Related to this: this answer.
conceptually both codes have equal complexity i.e.: O(i*j). But if calling a method and get a returned value are considered to be two processes then the complexity of your first code will be 4*O(i*j).(consider O(i*j) as a function) and of your second code will be O(i*(j+2)). although this complexity difference is not considerable enough but if you are comparing then yes your first code is more complex and not a good programming style.
The cost of your string comparisons is going to wipe out all other considerations in this sort of approach.
You would be better off using something else (for example an enum). That would also expand automatically.
(Although your for each loop isn't proper Java syntax anyway so that's a bit odd).
enum GemColour {
Then in your count function:
Map<GemColour, Integer> counts = new EnumMap<GemColour, Integer>(GemColour.class);
for (Box b: box) {
for (Gem g: box.getGems() {
Integer count = counts.get(g.getColour());
if (count == null) {
} else {
counts.put(g.getColour(), count);
Now it will automatically extend to any new colors you add without you needing to make any code changes. It will also be much faster as it does a single integer comparison rather than a string comparison and uses that to put the correct value into the correct place in the map (which behind the scenes is just an array).
To get the counts just do, for example:
As has been pointed out in the comments the java Stream API would allow you to do all of this in one line:‌​‌​(Gem::getColour, counting()))
It's less easy to understand what it is doing that way though.

Can The 5-Op Log2(Int 32) Bit Hack be Done in Java?

Just to clarify this is NOT a homework question as I've seen similar accusations leveled against other bit-hackish questions:
That said, I have this bit hack in C:
#include <stdio.h>
const int __FLOAT_WORD_ORDER = 0;
const int __LITTLE_END = 0;
// Finds log-base 2 of 32-bit integer
int log2hack(int v)
union { unsigned int u[2]; double d; } t; // temp
t.u[__FLOAT_WORD_ORDER==__LITTLE_END] = 0x43300000;
t.d -= 4503599627370496.0;
return (t.u[__FLOAT_WORD_ORDER==__LITTLE_END] >> 20) - 0x3FF;
int main ()
int i = 25; //Log2n(25) = 4
int j = 33; //Log2n(33) = 5
return 0;
I want to convert this to Java. So far what I have is:
public int log2Hack(int n)
int r; // result of log_2(v) goes here
int[] u = new int [2];
double d = 0.0;
if (BitonicSorterForArbitraryN.__FLOAT_WORD_ORDER==
u[1] = 0x43300000;
u[0] = n;
u[0] = 0x43300000;
u[1] = n;
d -= 4503599627370496.0;
if (BitonicSorterForArbitraryN.__FLOAT_WORD_ORDER==
r = (u[1] >> 20) - 0x3FF;
r = (u[0] >> 20) - 0x3FF;
return r;
(Note it's inside a bitonic sorting class of mine...)
Anyhow, when I run this for the same values 33 and 25, I get 52 in each cases.
I know Java's integers are signed, so I'm pretty sure that has something to do with why this is failing. Does anyone have any ideas how I can get this 5-op, 32-bit integer log 2 to work in Java?
P.S. For the record, the technique is not mine, I borrowed it from here:
If you're in Java, can't you simply do 31 - Integer(v).numberOfLeadingZeros()? If they implement this using __builtin_clz it should be fast.
I think you did not get the meaning of that code. The C code uses a union - a struct that maps the same memory to two or more different fields. That makes it possible to access the storage allocated for the double as integers. In your Java code, you don't use an union but two different variables that are mapped to different parts of memory. This makes the hack fail.
As Java has no unions, you had to use serialization to get the results you want. Since that is quite slow, why not use another method to calculate the logarithm?
You are using the union to convert your pair of ints into a double with the same bit pattern. In Java, you can do that with Double.longBitsToDouble, and then convert back with Double.doubleToLongBits. Java is always (or at least gives the impression of always being) big-endian, so you don't need the endianness check.
That said, my attempt to adapt your code into Java didn't work. The signedness of Java integers might be a problem.

