I;m making a game in which I have to move little squares on an n by n grid, and they have to transition smoothly. This is the swap method I made which should be able to paint my transition on screen, but for some reason it is not doing it. I tried a much simpler version of my code on a simple project to move a Square back and forth and it worked like a charm, so I'm really not sure why this isn't repainting. This is just a bit of my code so if there's doubts about anything else on my code, ask away.
Thanks in advance. (:
public void swap( int y, int x ) {
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
int counter = 0;
swapNum = tiles[y][x];
rect = (Rectangle) rectangles[y][x].clone();
while(counter < rect.height) {
if(System.currentTimeMillis() - time > 5) {
rect.translate(this.y-y, this.x-x);
time = System.currentTimeMillis();
swapNum = 0;
rect = new Rectangle();
int temporary = tiles[this.y][this.x];
tiles[this.y][this.x] = tiles[y][x];
tiles[y][x] = temporary;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
If this block of code is running on the Event/Dispatch thread, which is used for drawing to the screen, then this will block the screen from updating.
Instead of doing the entire animation in one loop, consider designing an update method to do the animation, that will be called once every 15-30 milliseconds, and update the rectangle's position accordingly. Even better for smooth graphics is to draw to an image buffer and then have the actual draw method paint that buffer to the screen (double buffering).
Java3D has animations built-in, so it may be worth a look.
I'm trying to write a class that shows vectors. If I create one vector object everything works as intended. In my example code the object lin1 gets drawn with the help of the draw() function.
If I now create a second vector object, the (unchanged) draw-function doesnt do anything anymore, even though the object itself is unchanged. It's the same the other way around: Is the second object the only one existing, then it can be drawn, but only as long as lin1 doesnt exist.
Does anyone know where my mistake is?
vector lin;
vector lin2;
void setup()
cenX = width/2;
cenY = height/2;
void draw()
lin = new vector(0,0,100,100);
lin2 = new vector(0,0,-200,-200);
class vector
float x1,y1,x2,y2;
float length;
float angle;
float gegenK, anK;
vector(float nx1, float ny1, float nx2, float ny2)
x1 = nx1; y1 = -ny1; x2 = nx2; y2 = -ny2;
// Gegenkathete
gegenK = ny2 - ny1;
// Ankathete
anK = x2 - x1;
// length and angle
length = sqrt(sq(anK) + sq(gegenK));
angle = winkel(gegenK, anK);
void draw()
Please use standard naming conventions when writing code. Specifically, your class should be Vector with an upper-case V. Also, please post your code in the form of an MCVE that compiles and runs.
Anyway, the first call in your Vector() constructor is this:
This moves the origin of the window halfway across the window. When you do this once, this simply makes your drawing calls relative to the center of the window. But when you do this twice, it moves the origin to the bottom-right corner of the window, so all of your drawings are moved off the edge of the screen.
To fix your problem, you need to move this line so it only happens once (perhaps at the beginning of the draw() function) instead of every single time you draw a Vector. Another way to approach this would be to use the pushMatrix() and popMatrix() functions to avoid this stacking of window translations.
My first posted question here, so I'm begging forgiveness in advance for my question-formatting inexperience.
My 2D graphics game normally runs perfectly on my system. But when Norton Internet Security’s ccSvcHst.exe process is running with very high CPU utilization, it has strange interactions with the game. I have identified the specific lines of Java code which are impacted.
// Graphics setup, just trying to give some background
GraphicsEnvironment e = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
GraphicsDevice device = e.getDefaultScreenDevice();
GraphicsConfiguration grafConf = device.getDefaultConfiguration();
Frame f = new JFrame(grafConf);
BufferStrategy buffStrat = f.getBufferStrategy();
Graphics grafx = buffStrat.getDrawGraphics();
// Create some sprites to draw here...
// Launch a game loop to execute every 15ms
Timer timer = new Timer();
TimerTask task = new TimerTask() { public void run() { gameLoop(); }};
public void gameLoop() {
BufferedImage erase = getEraseBI();
// Erase each the 64x64 sprites...
int x, y; x = getX(1); y = getY(1);
long t1start = System.currentTimeMillis();
grafx.drawImage(erase, x, y, null);
long t1end = System.currentTimeMillis();
x = getX(2); y = getY(2);
long t2start = System.currentTimeMillis();
grafx.drawImage(erase, x, y, null);
long t2end = System.currentTimeMillis();
// and so on, for each sprite to erase
// Move stuff and redraw it; no problems here...
// Now flip the page to show what we’ve drawn
long show1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
long show2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
grafx = buffStrat.getDrawGraphics();
Normally, the drawImage() and buffStrat.show() calls execute so fast that the difference between the two times shows as 0. But after a couple of minutes, when there are more than about a dozen sprites to erase, one or more of the drawImage() calls (but not all of them), as well as the buffStrat.show() call suddenly take 25-35ms instead of 0. This behavior persists until the game is stopped. Rebooting the system clears the high-CPU ccSvcHst condition, restoring normal, stable, play-for-3-hours-straight-without-any-issues game performance.
Without getting into a political discussion about the merits of Norton tools, I'm just curious - has anyone else seen this interaction between Java graphics and NIS ccSvcHst.exe?
I'm writing a tank game . I want to have a method called shoot that when I press Space the tank have to shoot . my problem is that when the program calls this method it goes through the while loop and after that it prints the end location of the ball . I need to implement something in the while loop that every time it calculates dx and dy it goes to the paint method and paint the new location of the ball. I tried adding paintImmediately() but it throws stackoverflow error. thanks for helping me.
actually I'm changing dx and dy and I want the paint method to draw the ball at that place...
public void shoot(Image img, double fromx, double fromy, double ydestination, int speed) {
int time = 0;
double speedy, speedx;
while (dy!=ydestination) {
speedy = speed * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle));
speedx = speed * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle));
dy = (int) ((-5) * time * time + speedy * time + fromy);
dx = (int) (speedx * time + fromx);
// paintImmediately((int)dx,(int) dy, 10, 10);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
and here is my overrided paint method the last line is for the bullet that is my question :
public void paint(Graphics g) {
g.drawImage(bufferedScreen, 0, 0, null);
// System.out.println(x1);
BufferedImage buff = rotateImage(mile1, angle);
BufferedImage buf = rotateImage(mile2, angle);
g.drawImage(buff, mx1 - 40, my1, null);
g.drawImage(buf, mx2 , my2, null);
g.drawImage(bullet, (int) dx, (int) dy, null);
You are using the wrong approach. You are tying 3 events together: user input (click to shoot), game state update (bullet moves) and draw refresh rate (paint).
In general trying to make these work at the same speed is a nightmare and you'll never achieve it. The most common, easy and robust approach is to have an event loop. User input events trigger changes to the game state, the game state is updated periodically either by turns or by some elapsed time (and state update will depend on how much time has elapsed), the state is drawn every time it is needed, which is periodically but also for some other events like minimizing the windows, etc etc...
For Java, you can find a good library for this here. With a sample hello world that shows the different parts here.
P.S: Also, be very careful when manually sending threads to sleep. That might make your entire program unresponsive.
If your drawing code has sleep() in it to introduce waits, you are doing things very wrong indeed. You are trying to sleep there because you want the screen to keep on updating with new positions... but you are actually making the screen freeze completely, because there is only 1 thread drawing things in Java Swing; and if you sleep that thread, nothing gets drawn (and you can't even press keys or use the mouse).
What you should do instead is to update the position of your bullet over several calls to your paint() method. In pseudocode:
paint(Graphics g) {
// calls paint() on all objects in the game world
// you should call this once per frame
update(World w) {
// call update() on each game-world object
// in Tank
fire(Tank t, Point target) {
// creates a bullet at the tanks' position, and adds it to the World
// within Bullet
update() {
// moves this bullet along its path to its target;
// if target reached, add an explosion there and destroy the bullet
// within Explosion
update() {
// advance to next explosion frame;
// or if finished, destroy the explosion object
You can read more on game event loops here and here.
I am trying to animate a propeller in java and have come to this code:
int x = 0;
int y = 230;
int h = 40;
int i = 0;
int center = 250;
void setup() {
size(500, 400);
void draw () {
if (i == 0) {
if(y>200) {
ellipse(x, y, 20, h);
} else { i = i + 1; }
if (i == 1) {
if(y<=230) {
ellipse(x, y, 20, h);
} else { i = i + 1; }
if (i == 2) {
if(h<70) {
ellipse(x, y, 20, h);
} else { i = i + 1; }
if (i == 3) {
if(h>=40) {
ellipse(x, y, 20, h);
} else { i = 0; }
Is there a way of making this shorter, because I want to have 4 propellers and dont want to have so much code for this part.
You're going about this the wrong way. Very wrong, in fact. And the reason might be that you think you're doing this in "Java...in the program 'processing'"
The reason this sort of thinking is wrong is because it is equivalent to someone working with C++ saying, "I am creating classes in C using the program 'C++'". Processing is based on Java but it is a different programming language. If you're uncomfortable stretching the idea of Processing to that of a "programming language" then at least think of it as a framework...a framework that provides you with its own implementation of various tools that are put together to help with the creation of art using computers.
Now your thinking seems to have affected you in your particular case a lot. Just like Jose Gonzalez above suggested, you haven't even thought about rotate(), which is a function built into Processing. Tim B's suggestion about Objects is spot on as well but if you want to do things in Processing, try to do them the Processing way.
Here's a very quick sketch that I did for you to understand what I mean:
Prop myProp1;
Prop myProp2;
Prop myProp3;
Prop myProp4;
float angle;
void setup() {
size(500, 500);
angle = 0;
myProp1 = new Prop(50,50);
myProp2 = new Prop(75,75);
myProp3 = new Prop(100,100);
myProp4 = new Prop(125,125);
void draw() {
angle = ((angle + 0.1) % 360);
myProp1.buildAndRotate(angle, width*3/4, height/4);
myProp2.buildAndRotate(angle, width/4, height/4);
myProp3.buildAndRotate(angle, width*3/4, height*3/4);
myProp4.buildAndRotate(angle, width/4, height*3/4);
class Prop {
int propX;
int propY;
int propW;
int propH;
Prop() {
propX = 0;
propY = 0;
propW = 50;
propH = 50;
Prop(int w, int h) {
propX = 0;
propY = 0;
propW = w;
propH = h;
void buildAndRotate(float angle, float moveToX, float moveToY) {
translate(moveToX, moveToY);
ellipse(propX, propY, propW, propH);
ellipse(propX+propW/2, propY+propH/2, propW, propH);
ellipse(propX-propW/2, propY+propH/2, propW, propH);
ellipse(propX+propW/2, propY-propH/2, propW, propH);
ellipse(propX-propW/2, propY-propH/2, propW, propH);
Now, this is by no means meant to be the way to do things in Processing but it uses various tools provided by the programming language to do exactly what you want to do. Also, the Object Prop can be built in various different ways and my implementation is not supposed to be top-notch at all.
So what is going on? Well, run the sketch and you will see four propellers rotating on their own axes. I just put four of them there, you can delete them or add more as you please.
What the hell is a Prop made of? It is made of five ellipses. The concept, and this may be different than yours, is based on the idea of a ceiling fan (or other fans for that matter or even a prop engine). These fans have a circular thing in the middle to which all the blades are attached. The center circle rotates and that results in all the blades around it rotating with it. What you get in the end is a rotating fan.
How is this thing rotating? Similar to the fan analogy above, there is an ellipse in the middle that rotates around its center. There are four ellipses "attached" to it that rotate around this center ellipses. This gives the illusion of a prop rotating. What you have to understand is that in Processing rotate() rotates things around the origin. This is the reason the center ellipse starts at (0,0). Then later in buildAndRotate() it is translated using translate(). Using translate() does not move the object, it instead moves the origin resulting in the object moving with it, and then when you execute rotate() it rotates the object around its center. Since all the other ellipses are built around this center ellipse, they all rotate around it too (in actual implementation, they're just rotating around the origin, you can see that by removing the center ellipse). pushMatrix() and popMatrix() are used so all the translate() and rotate() commands don't affect everything else in the sketch and keep all movements and rotations applied to each object to that very object.
What else is going on? The rest is pretty simple (this is all very simple once you get the hang of it). Background is being cleared constantly which is a common animation technique to give the illusion of movement. You can delete the statement for background() from draw() but I wouldn't recommend it because it will leave a big black round circle after a while and you won't be able to see the props. The angle is being changed constantly in the draw() method which is why you see the props rotating. You can speed up or slow down the rotation by changing that + 0.1 value being added to angle if you want.
What else do I do? Read the reference (not the Java reference, Processing has its own reference) by using Google or following links such as: http://www.processing.org/reference/rotate_.html, http://www.processing.org/reference/pushMatrix_.html, http://www.processing.org/reference/popMatrix_.html, http://www.processing.org/reference/translate_.html, and many more.
Hope this helps and leave questions in the comment if you need clarification on something.
You need to think in terms of objects and iteration rather than writing out everything explicitly. You are correct that the code you have above contains a lot of un-needed duplication, which is a bad thing.
For a more complex case you would define each part of the propeller as an object. Have an array of parts within the Propeller object. Each time to do the draw you run through the list of objects and render each one out.
In this case it can be even simpler, just use a for loop.
At the top of your program define:
private static final int NUM_BLADES = 4;
Then you want a loop that looks something like this:
for (int i=0;i<360;i+=360/NUM_BLADES) {
// Draw elipse at current rotation position + the angle for this blade
Now you can change the number of blades just by changing the static define as well.
I'm working on trying to make an image move in processing, but the image is leaving a trail. The important part which is tripping me up is that I cannot declare the background in draw(), because I have other functions which place images. Here is the relevant code:
void setup()
background = loadImage("prairie.jpg");
animal = loadImage("squirrel.png");
bird = loadImage("bird.gif");
rock = loadImage("rock.png");
cloud = loadImage("cloud.png");
jeep = loadImage("jeep.png");
flower = loadImage("flower.png");
float jeepX = 752;
float jeepY = 250;
float size = 100;
void draw()
jeepY = jeepY + .25;
size += .25;
image(jeep,jeepX + 1,jeepY - .25, size -.25, size - .25, 0,0,0,0);
if(jeepY > height)
jeepX = 752;
jeepY = 250;
size = 100;
This is for lab and the TA didn't know how, and I didn't have a chance to ask the professor yet.
If no one knows the answer and/or it has something to do with other functions (which place images), i'll post the relevant code.
For moving objects not to leave a trail, you must first clear the frame before redrawing the picture.(don't forget to reset the background if you don't have one)
As it is, it draws one jeep, then another on top of it.
If you don't want the trail, you got clear the background. If not completely, at least part of it, or redraw every image not supposed to move every frame.
Like this:
Sample Code
PImage bg, still, moving;
void setup() {
while ( bg == null) {// got wait as size depends on this...
println("loading bg image...");
bg = loadImage("http://dc489.4shared.com/img/f9EaWk5w/s3/13757197c08/Black_Background_Metal_Hole_-_.jpg");
size(bg.width, bg.height);
still = loadImage("http://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/photos/Thumb85619.jpg");
moving = loadImage("https://cdn1.iconfinder.com/data/icons/humano2/128x128/apps/alienblaster.png");
void draw() {
image(still, 100, 100);
image(moving, 200, frameCount%height);
You need to redraw your background in the 'draw' method. To do this, simply add the following line of code to your 'draw' method:
You can use the Colour Selector in Processing (found under Tools) to find the correct rgb code for the colour you want.
The reason for this is that the draw method is run 60 times a second, whereas the 'setup' method is only run once when the program is executed. As such, when you move the image, if the background colour is not in the 'draw' method, then it will not be redrawn when the image is moved, thus leaving a trail.