Locking a process in Java - java

I have a Java servlet which calls another software (say S) over a TCP connection. This software S uses a network resource, and the output has to be retrived from a hyperlink(using wget).
Since it's the same hyperlink I need to download my result from (irrespective of the request), it results into incorrect results few requests. I basically need to lock the use of this network resource across different processes (I believe each call from the servlet is going to create a new process).
I tried to use ReentrantLock (but I guess it only works with threads and not accross processes).
Please let me know how can this be achieved.

Here is how to do cross-process locking in Java. Adjust to your needs and add error/exception checking/handling as necessary.
// Tester
try {
if (crossProcessLockAcquire(SomeClassInYourApp.class, 3000)) {
// Success - This process now has the lock. (Don't keep it too long.)
else {
// Fail (Timeout) - Another process still had the lock after 3 seconds.
} finally {
crossProcessLockRelease(); // try/finally is very important.
// Acquire - Returns success ( true/false )
private static boolean crossProcessLockAcquire(final Class<?> c, final long waitMS) {
if (fileLock == null && c != null && waitMS > 0) {
try {
long dropDeadTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + waitMS;
File file = new File(lockTempDir, c.getName() + ".lock");
RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw");
FileChannel fileChannel = randomAccessFile.getChannel();
while (System.currentTimeMillis() < dropDeadTime) {
fileLock = fileChannel.tryLock();
if (fileLock != null) {
Thread.sleep(250); // 4 attempts/sec
} catch (Exception e) {
return fileLock == null ? false : true;
// Release
private static void crossProcessLockRelease() {
if (fileLock != null) {
try {
fileLock = null;
} catch (IOException e) {
// Some class vars and a failsafe lock release.
private static File lockTempDir = new File(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + File.separator + "locks");
private static FileLock fileLock = null;
static {
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
public void run(){

Why are you reusing this TCP connection? If it's easy to set up, just set one up every time you need it. For example, with an HTTP request, you should just make a new request every time.
My guess is that you have something static that shouldn't be, so multiple threads are using it when they should all have their own version.
If they're expensive, consider creating one-per-thread with ThreadLocal.
If even that doesn't work, and you don't mind threads blocking, just add "synchronized" to the method that's causing the problem.

The resource you are trying to lock has to support looking. It would be better if the service didn't need to be locked externally.
As a work around you can use a ServerSocket to lock a resource between processes.


read/write to the same file from multiple docker containers

I have 4 containers(java app) in 4 docker hosts. they need to read/write to the same file.
file lock cannot be used because of different OS.
So, I tried to create a .lock file, if one of the 4 containers created the .lock file, the other containers will have to wait.
But this still isn't working well. The other containers cannot see the .lock file created by other containers sometimes(not real-time).
Are there other solutions?
I suggest you rethink your assumptions:
What if you have not 4 but 400 containers?
What if they are on servers not sharing a file system?
The clean way to do this is to write a very basic server (if the load allows it, this can be nginx+PHP and be done in 10 minutes) that does the file writing, run this in another container and connect to it from the other containers. This will give you:
file locking easy and reliable, as the file is seen only by one server
Try File lock api to implement this. Demo in Java.
public void modifyFile() {
try {
File file = new File("/tmp/fileToLock.dat");
// Creates a random access file stream to read from, and optionally to write to
FileChannel channel = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw").getChannel();
// Acquire an exclusive lock on this channel's file (blocks until lock can be retrieved)
FileLock lock = null;
// Attempts to acquire an exclusive lock on this channel's file (returns null or throws
// an exception if the file is already locked.
try {
lock = channel.tryLock();
if (null != lock) {
List<String> fileToString = FileUtils.readLines(file, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
long l = 0l;
if (null != fileToString && fileToString.size() > 0) {
l = Long.valueOf(fileToString.get(fileToString.size() - 1));
FileUtils.writeStringToFile(file, String.valueOf(l) + "\r\n", StandardCharsets.UTF_8, true);
} catch (OverlappingFileLockException e) {
// thrown when an attempt is made to acquire a lock on a a file that overlaps
// a region already locked by the same JVM or when another thread is already
// waiting to lock an overlapping region of the same file
System.out.println("Overlapping File Lock Error: " + e.getMessage());
// release the lock
if (null != lock) {
// close the channel
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("I/O Error: " + e.getMessage());

I have tried to optimize (memory) my program, but GC is still making it lag

I have written a piece of software in Java that checks if proxies are working by sending a HTTP request using the proxy.
It takes around 30,000 proxies from a database, then attempts to check if they are operational. The proxies received from the database used to be returned as an ArrayList<String>, but have been changed to Deque<String> for reasons stated below.
The way the program works is there is a ProxyRequest object that stores the IP & Port as a String and int respectively. The ProxyRequest object has a method isWorkingProxy() which attempts to send a request using a proxy and returns a boolean on whether it was successful.
This ProxyRequest object is wrapped around by a RunnableProxyRequest object that calls super.isWorkingProxy() in the overrided run() method. Based on the response from super.isWorkingProxy(), the RunnableProxyRequest object updates a MySQL database.
Do note that the updating of the MySQL database is synchronized().
It runs on 750 threads using a FixedThreadPool (on a VPS), but towards
the end, it becomes very slow (stuck on ~50 threads), which obviously
implies the garbage collector is working. This is the problem.
I have attempted the following to improve the lag, it does not seem to work:
1) Using a Deque<String> proxies and using Deque.pop() to obtain the String in which the proxy is. This (I believe), continuously makes the Deque<String> smaller, which should improve lag caused by the GC.
2) Set the con.setConnectTimeout(this.timeout);, where this.timeout = 5000; This way, the connection should return a result in 5 seconds. If not, the thread is completed and should no longer be active in the threadpool.
Besides this, I don't know any other way I can improve performance.
Can anyone recommend a way for me to improve performance to avoid / stop lagging towards the end of the threads by the GC? I know there is a Stackoverflow question about this (Java threads slow down towards the end of processing), but I have tried everything in the answer and it has not worked for me.
Thank you for your time.
Code snippets:
Loop adding threads to the FixedThreadPool:
//This code is executed recursively (at the end, main(args) is called again)
//Create the threadpool for requests
//Threads is an argument that is set to 750.
ThreadPoolExecutor executor = (ThreadPoolExecutor)Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threads);
Deque<String> proxies = DB.getProxiesToCheck();
while(proxies.isEmpty() == false) {
try {
String[] split = proxies.pop().split(":");
Runnable[] checks = new Runnable[] {
//HTTP check
new RunnableProxyRequest(split[0], split[1], Proxy.Type.HTTP, false),
//SSL check
new RunnableProxyRequest(split[0], split[1], Proxy.Type.HTTP, true),
//SOCKS check
new RunnableProxyRequest(split[0], split[1], Proxy.Type.SOCKS, false)
//Add more checks to this list as time goes...
for(Runnable check : checks) {
} catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
ProxyRequest class:
//Proxy details
private String proxyIp;
private int proxyPort;
private Proxy.Type testingType;
//Request details
private boolean useSsl;
public ProxyRequest(String proxyIp, String proxyPort, Proxy.Type testingType, boolean useSsl) {
this.proxyIp = proxyIp;
try {
this.proxyPort = Integer.parseInt(proxyPort);
} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
this.proxyPort = -1;
this.testingType = testingType;
this.useSsl = useSsl;
public boolean isWorkingProxy() {
//Case of an invalid proxy
if(proxyPort == -1) {
return false;
HttpURLConnection con = null;
//Perform checks on URL
//IF any exception occurs here, the proxy is obviously bad.
try {
URL url = new URL(this.getTestingUrl());
//Create proxy
Proxy p = new Proxy(this.testingType, new InetSocketAddress(this.proxyIp, this.proxyPort));
//No redirect
//Open connection with proxy
con = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection(p);
//Set the request method
//Set max timeout for a request.
} catch(MalformedURLException e) {
System.out.println("The testing URL is bad. Please fix this.");
return false;
} catch(Exception e) {
return false;
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
) {
String inputLine = null; StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder();
while((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
//A valid proxy!
return con.getResponseCode() > 0;
} catch(Exception e) {
return false;
RunnableProxyRequest class:
public class RunnableProxyRequest extends ProxyRequest implements Runnable {
public RunnableProxyRequest(String proxyIp, String proxyPort, Proxy.Type testingType, boolean useSsl) {
super(proxyIp, proxyPort, testingType, useSsl);
public void run() {
String test = super.getTest();
if(super.isWorkingProxy()) {
System.out.println("-- Working proxy: " + super.getProxy() + " | Test: " + test);
this.updateDB(true, test);
} else {
System.out.println("-- Not working: " + super.getProxy() + " | Test: " + test);
this.updateDB(false, test);
private void updateDB(boolean success, String testingType) {
switch(testingType) {
case "SSL":
DB.updateSsl(super.getProxyIp(), super.getProxyPort(), success);
case "HTTP":
DB.updateHttp(super.getProxyIp(), super.getProxyPort(), success);
case "SOCKS":
DB.updateSocks(super.getProxyIp(), super.getProxyPort(), success);
DB class:
//Locker for async
private static Object locker = new Object();
private static void executeUpdateQuery(String query, String proxy, int port, boolean toSet) {
synchronized(locker) {
//Some prepared statements here.
Thanks to Peter Lawrey for guiding me to the solution! :)
His comment:
#ILoveKali I have found network libraries are not aggressive enough in
shutting down a connection when things go really wrong. Timeouts tend
to work best when the connection is fine. YMMV
So I did some research, and found that I had to also use the method setReadTimeout(this.timeout);. Previously, I was only using setConnectTimeout(this.timeout);!
Thanks to this post (HttpURLConnection timeout defaults) that explained the following:
Unfortunately, in my experience, it appears using these defaults can
lead to an unstable state, depending on what happens with your
connection to the server. If you use an HttpURLConnection and don't
explicitly set (at least read) timeouts, your connection can get into
a permanent stale state. By default. So always set setReadTimeout to
"something" or you might orphan connections (and possibly threads
depending on how your app runs).
So the final answer is: The GC was doing just fine, it was not responsible for the lag. The threads were simply stuck FOREVER at a single number because I did not set the read timeout, and so the isWorkingProxy() method never got a result and kept reading.

How can I prevent my UDP keepalive from using 100% CPU?

I have a Runnable that watches for data to send out UDP as well as to send a keep alive every 10 seconds. The process is taking 100% CPU. I tried setting the thread to low priority but didn't seem to make any difference.
private Runnable keepAliveRunnable = new Runnable() {
long nextSend = 0;
byte[] sendData;
public void run() {
System.out.println("Starting keepAlive.");
while (socket != null) {
synchronized (socketLock) {
try {
sendData = sendQueue.poll();
if (sendData != null) {
socket.send(new DatagramPacket(sendData, sendData.length,
InetAddress.getByName(Main.ipAddress), 10024));
} else if (nextSend < System.currentTimeMillis()) {
if(DEBUG && nextSend < System.currentTimeMillis())
System.out.println("Update keepAlive.");
// Send /xremote
socket.send(new DatagramPacket(("/xremote").getBytes(),
InetAddress.getByName(Main.ipAddress), 10024));
nextSend = System.currentTimeMillis() + keepAliveTimeout;
// Send /info
socket.send(new DatagramPacket(("/info").getBytes(),
InetAddress.getByName(Main.ipAddress), 10024));
} catch (IOException e) {
if(!e.getMessage().contains("Socket closed")) {
System.out.println("keepAliveRunnable ended.");
Make sendQueue a LinkedBlockingQueue, and use poll timeouts.
You are busy waiting, which essentially forces your app to keep running the same logic over and over instead of giving the CPU back to the system.
Don't count on your own implementation of checking the time, that is unreliable and can result in what you're seeing. Instead, use blockingQueue.poll(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS), which automatically handles returning the CPU to the system.
I made a few other changes to your code; I put the duplicated packet construction code in a separate method, and I wrapped the synchronization of the socket only when the socket is actually being used. Notice how much cleaner it is when you let the queue do the work for you.
while(socket != null) {
try {
sendData = sendQueue.poll(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
if (sendData != null) {
} else {
} catch (IOException e) {
if (!e.getMessage().contains("Socket closed")) {
And here's sendPacket:
private static void sendPacket(byte[] data) throws UnknownHostException, IOException {
// Note, you probably only have to do this once, rather than looking it up every time.
InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(Main.ipAddress);
DatagramPacket p = new DatagramPacket(data, data.length, address, 10024);
synchronized(socketLock) {
You should add a Thread.sleep() at the bottom of your while loop, to slow down your loop. As is, you're busy-waiting and churning the CPU while you wait for the nextSend time to be reached. Thread.sleep() will actually pause the thread, allowing other threads and processes to use the CPU while this one sleeps.
Sleeping for a 10th of a second (100 milliseconds) should be a good amount of time to sleep between iterations of your loop, if your goal is to actually do work every 10 seconds.
There are more advanced techniques for dispatching work every so often, like ScheduledExecutorService, which you could also consider using. But for a small application the pattern you're using is fine, just avoid busy waiting.
I think rather than polling your sendqueue, its better to use semaphore signal and wait.
When a packet is inserted in sendqueue, call semaphore signal.
Use semaphore wait instead of call to sendqueue.poll().
I assume you have separate threads for pushing popping data from sendqueue.
This is standard consumer producer problem. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Producer%E2%80%93consumer_problem
After digging through my code, I had realized that over time I had whittled down the number of processes sending data to 1 (duh) so I really didn't need the runnable as I could just send the data directly. I also set up a separate runnable and used ScheduledExecutor. I thought I would just put that here for other to see. Durron597's code is a little prettier but since I'm only sending two packs now I decided to just put the code together.
// In main
private void pingXAir() {
System.out.println("Start keepAlive");
ScheduledExecutorService executorService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
executorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(keepAliveRunnable, 0, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
private Runnable keepAliveRunnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
synchronized (socketLock) {
try {
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("Update keepAlive.");
// Send /xremote
socket.send(new DatagramPacket(("/xremote").getBytes(),
InetAddress.getByName(Main.ipAddress), 10024));
// Send /info
socket.send(new DatagramPacket(("/info").getBytes(),
InetAddress.getByName(Main.ipAddress), 10024));
} catch (IOException e) {
if (!e.getMessage().contains("Socket closed")) {

Where to use Thread interupt

I have some old code I am working with, and I'm not too experienced with Threads (mostly work on the front end). Anyway, this Thread.sleep is causing the thread to hang and I'm unsure what to do about it. I thought about using a counter and throwing a Thread.currentThread.interupt, but unsure of where to put it or which thread it will interupt. Here is an example of the dump. As you can see the thread count is getting pretty high at 1708.
Any advice?
"Thread-1708" prio=6 tid=0x2ceec400 nid=0x2018 waiting on condition
[0x36cdf000] java.lang.Thread.State: TIMED_WAITING (sleeping) at
java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method) Locked ownable synchronizers:
- None "Thread-1707" prio=6 tid=0x2d16b800 nid=0x215c waiting on condition [0x36c8f000] java.lang.Thread.State: TIMED_WAITING
(sleeping) at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method) Locked ownable
- None
public void run()
Connection con = null;
int i = 0;
while (is_running)
con = ConnectionManager.getConnection();
while (!stack.isEmpty())
String line = (String) stack.pop();
if (this.mfr != null && !this.mfr.equals(EMPTY_STR))
lookupPart(con, line);
catch (SQLException e)
if (COUNT % 1000 == 0)
Log log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());
log.info("Processing Count: " + COUNT);
catch (NamingException e)
catch (SQLException e)
catch (SQLException e)
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
this.finished = true;
Here is where it calls the run method, as you can see it does set it to false, but I guess it is missing threads?
HarrisWorker w[] = new HarrisWorker[WORKER_POOL_SIZE];
for (int i = 0; i < w.length; i++)
w[i] = new HarrisWorker(pw);
File inputDir = new File(HARRIS_BASE);
String files[] = inputDir.list();
for (String file : files)
File f = new File(HARRIS_BASE + File.separator + file);
if (f.isDirectory())
final String workFile = workDir + File.separator + file;
f.renameTo(new File(workFile));
FileReader fr = new FileReader(workFile);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
String line = br.readLine();
boolean firstLine = true;
while (line != null)
if (firstLine)
firstLine = false;
line = br.readLine();
if (line.startsWith(","))
line = br.readLine();
// if(line.indexOf("103327-1") == -1)
// {
// line = br.readLine();
// continue;
// }
line = br.readLine();
for (int i = 0; i < w.length; i++)
w[i].is_running = false;
while (!w[i].finished)
move2Processed(file, workFile);
long etime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("UNIQUE PARTS TOTAL FOUND: " + HarrisWorker.getFoundCount() + " of " + HarrisWorker.getUniqueCount() + ", "
+ (HarrisWorker.getFoundCount() / HarrisWorker.getUniqueCount()));
System.out.println("Time: " + (etime - time));
catch (Exception e)
File f = new File(workDir + File.separator + file);
if (f.exists())
f.renameTo(new File(HARRIS_BASE + File.separator + ERROR + File.separator + file));
As a direct answer to the question in your title - nowhere. There is nowhere in this code that needs a Thread.interrupt().
The fact that the thread name is Thread-1708 does not necessarily mean there are 1708 threads. One can choose arbitrary names for threads. I usually include the name of the executor or service in the thread name. Maybe 1600 are now long stopped and there are only around a hundred alive. Maybe this particular class starts naming at 1700 to distinguish from other uses.
1708 threads may not be a problem. If you have a multi-threaded server that is serving 2000 connections in parallel, then it certainly expectable that there are 2000 threads doing that, along with a bunch of other threads.
You have to understand why the sleep is there and what purpose it serves. It's not there to just hog memory for nothing.
Translating the code to "plaintext" (btw it can be greatly simplified by using try-with-resources to acquire and close the connection):
Acquire a connection
Use the connection to send (I guess) whatever is in the stack
When failed or finished - wait 80ms (THIS is your sleep)
If run flag is still set - repeat from step 1
Finish the thread.
Now reading through this, it's obvious that it's not the sleep that's the problem. It's that the run flag is not set to false. And your thread just continues looping, even if it can't get the connection at all - it will simply spend most of its time waiting for the retry. In fact - even if you completely strip the sleep out (instead of interrupting it mid-way), all you will achieve is that the Threads will start using up more resources. Given that you have both a logger and you print to stdout via printStackTrace, I would say that you have 2 problems:
Something is spawning threads and not stopping them afterwards (not setting their run flag to false when done)
You are likely getting exceptions when getting the Connection, but you never see them in the log.
It might be that the Thread is supposed to set it's own run flag (say when the stack is drained), but you would have to decide that yourself - that depends on a lot of specifics.
Not an answer but some things you should know if you are writing code for a live, production systemn:
:-( Variable and method both have the same name, run. A better name for the variable might be keep_running Or, change the sense of it so that you can write while (! time_to_shut_down) { ... }
:-( Thread.sleep(80) What is this for? It looks like a big red flag to me. You can never fix a concurrency bug by adding a sleep() call to your code. All you can do is make the bug less likely to happen in testing. That means, when the bug finally does bite, it will bite you in the production system.
:-( Your run() method is way too complicated (the keyword try appears four times). Break it up, please.
:-( Ignoring five different exceptions catch (MumbleFoobarException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Most of those exceptions (but maybe not the InterruptedException) mean that something is wrong. Your program should do something more than just write a message to the standard output.
:-( Writing error messages to standard output. You should be calling log.error(...) so that your application can be configured to send the messages to someplace where somebody might actually see them.

java socket Object memory leak

i've a memory leak problem on java Socket Object communication.
this is my send thread.
// create a new thread to send the packet
public synchronized void run() {
logger.logMessage(PFLogging.LEVEL_WARN, "Socket is close");
int retry = 0;
boolean packetSent = false;
synchronized (objWriter) {
while ((retry < RETRY) && (!packetSent) && (genericSocket.isConnected())) {
try {
// Try until the cache is reset and the memory is free
boolean resetDone = false;
while(!resetDone) {
try {
resetDone = true;
} catch (IOException r) {
// No error and packet sent
continuousError = 0;
packetSent = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.logMessage(PFLogging.LEVEL_ERROR, "Continuous Error [" + continuousError + "] sending message [" + e.getMessage() + "," + e.getCause() + "]");
// control the number of continuous errors
if(continuousError >= CONTINUOUS_ERROR) {
logger.logMessage(PFLogging.LEVEL_WARN, "I close the socket");
// next time is the time!
the cache, when i sent about i packet per ms grow and grow!
if i add the commented part the cache is clean but when i need to send an async long message (about 3000 char) i see that the other message are lost!
There's another way to clean the cache without reset it??
ObjectOutputStream.reset() is not avoidable as it is the only means of clearing local hash tables, you can refer java source code for ObjectOutputStream for details of what happens in reset(), or else you will get OutOfMemoryError eventually
But you can very well implement a function like
private void writeObject(Object obj, ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException
However you must ensure that all writes to ObjectOutputStream happens through this method.
the only solution i find is, first of starting a sending thread, to check if the thread pool is empty and in that case i reset the output stream.
I run the software all this night to check this.
Thanks all!
I would use ObjectOutputStream.reset() periodically to clear the object cache for the stream.
You could even use it after sending every object. ;)
ciao :),
after ObjectOutputStream.flush() you can saftely use ObjectOutputStream.reset()
unless you are using the objWriter somwhere in another thread without using the synchronized (objWriter) statement.
In this case the best way IMHO is to use the objWriter in a thread, it will send object from a syncornized queue (see Queue sub-class http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/Queue.html, for example http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentLinkedQueue.html) that is filled from the other thread (remeber to use object.clone(), because the objcet itself isn't syncornized it can be modified by other thread while you are writing it or is in queue! if you clone it your clone will be a safe copy).
That way you don't need synchronized statment because data-flow between thread and ObjectOutputStream is already synchronized, and you will be less error-prone

