I have an array of numbers, now I have to find sum of elements by generating all the possible subarrays of the given array and applying some conditions.
The condition is for each subarray get the minimum and also find the total of elements in it and multiply both (minimum * total). Finally, add all these multiplied values for all subarrays.
Here is the problem statement:
Find the sum of all possible sub-arrays using the below formula:
Sum(left, right) = (min of arr[i]) * (∑ arr[i]), where i ranges from
left to right.
Array = [2,3,2,1]
The sub arrays are: [start_index, end_index]
[0,0] subarray = [2], min is 2 and total of items = 2. min * total = 2*2=4
[0,1] subarray = [2,3], min is 2 and total of items = 5. min * total = 2*5=10
[0,2] subarray = [2,3,2], min is 2 and total of items = 7. min * total = 2*7=14
[0,3] subarray = [2,3,2,1], min is 1 and total of items = 8. min * total = 1*8=8
[1,1] subarray = [3], min is 3 and total of items = 3. min * total = 3*3 = 9
[1,2] subarray = [3,2], min is 2 and total of items = 5. min * total = 2*5 = 10
[1,3] subarray = [3,2,1], min is 1 and total of items = 6. min * total = 1*6 = 6
[2,2] subarray = [2], min is 2 and total of items = 2. min * total = 2*2 = 4
[2,3] subarray = [2,1], min is 1 and total of items = 3. min * total = 1*3 = 3
[3,3] subarray = [1], min is 1 and total of items = 1. min * total = 1*1 = 1
Total = 4 + 10 + 14 + 8 + 9 + 10+ 6 + 4 + 3 + 1 = 69
So the answer is 69 in this case.
Each array element is in range 1 to 10^9. Array size 1 to 10^5. Return response in modulo 10^9+7
This is the code I tried.
public static int process(List<Integer> list) {
int n = list.size();
int mod = 7 + 1000_000_000;
long result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
long total = 0;
int min = list.get(i);
for (int j = i; j < n; j++) {
int p = list.get(j);
total = (total + p) % mod;
min = Math.min(min, p);
result = (result + (min * total) % mod) % mod;
return (int) result;
I want to reduce the time complexity of this algorithm?
What can be a better approach to solve this task?
David Eisenstat has given a great answer, but Im finding it to difficult to understand and come with a Java program, can someone provide a java solution for the approach or provide a pseudo code so i can come up with a program.
As user1984 observes, we can't achieve o(n²) by doing constant work for each sub-array. Here's how we get to O(n).
The sub-array minimum is the hardest factor to deal with, so we factor it out. Assume that the elements are pairwise distinct to avoid double counting in the math below (the code won't change). Letting A range over sub-arrays and x over elements,
sum_{A} [(sum_{y in A} y) (min A)] =
sum_{x} [x sum_{A such that min(A) = x} (sum_{y in A} y)].
Focusing on sum_{A | min(A) = x} (sum_{y in A} y) first, the picture is that we have a sub-array like
a b x c d e
where the element to the left of a (if it exists) is less than x, the element to the right of e (if it exists) is less than x, and all of the elements shown are greater than x. We want to sum over all sub-sub-arrays containing x.
a b x
b x
a b x c
b x c
x c
a b x c d
b x c d
x c d
a b x c d e
b x c d e
x c d e
We still don't have time to sum over these sub-sub-arrays, but fortunately there's a pattern. Here are the number of times each element appears in a sub-sub-array.
a: 4 = 1 * 4 appearances
b: 8 = 2 * 4 appearances
x: 12 = 3 * 4 appearances
c: 9 = 3 * 3 appearances
d: 6 = 3 * 2 appearances
e: 3 = 3 * 1 appearances
This insight reduces the processing time for one sub-array to O(n), but there are still n sub-arrays, so we need two more ideas.
Now is the right time to figure out what the sub-arrays look like. The first sub-array is the whole array. We split this array at the minimum element and recursively investigate the left sub-array and the right separately.
This recursive structure is captured by the labeled binary tree where
The in-order traversal is the array elements in order;
Every node has a label less than its children. (I'm still assuming distinct elements. In practice what we can do is to declare the array index to be a tiebreaker.)
This is called a treap, and it can be constructed in linear time by an algorithm with a family resemblance to precedence parsing. For the array [3,1,4,5,9,2,6], for example, see below.
/ \
3 2
/ \
4 6
The final piece is being able to aggregate the sum patterns above. Specifically, we want to implement an API that might look like this in C++:
class ArraySummary {
// Constructs an object with underlying array [x].
ArraySummary(int x);
// Returns an object representing the concatenation of the underlying arrays.
ArraySummary Concatenate(ArraySummary that);
// Returns the sum over i of (i+1)*array[i].
int WeirdSum();
The point of this interface is that we don't actually need to store the whole array to implement WeirdSum(). If we store
The length length of the underlying array,
The usual sum sum of the underlying array,
The weird sum weird_sum of the underlying array;
then we can implement the constructor as
length = 1;
sum = x;
weird_sum = x;
and Concatenate() as
length = length1 + length2;
sum = sum1 + sum2;
weird_sum = weird_sum1 + weird_sum2 + length1 * sum2;
We need two of these, one in each direction. Then it's just a depth-first traversal (actually if you implement precedence parsing, it's just bottom-up).
Your current solution has time complexity O(n^2), assuming that list.get is O(1). There are exactly 1 + 2 + ... + n-1 + n operations which can be expressed as n * (n + 1)/2, hence O(n^2).
Interestingly, n * (n + 1)/2 is the number of sub arrays that you can get from an array of length n, as defined in your question and evident from your code.
This implies that you are doing one operation per sub array and this is the requird minimum operations for this task, since you need to look at least once at each sub array.
My conclusion is that it isn't possible to reduce the time complexity of this task, unless there is some mathematical formula that helps to do so.
This doesn't necessary mean that there aren't ways to optimize the code, but that would need testing and may be language specific. Regardless, it wouldn't change the time complexity in terms of n where n is the length of the input array.
Appreciate any input on my logic. I'm learning myself.
The answer provided by David Eisenstat is very efficient with complexity of O(n).
I would like to share another approach, that although it has time complexity of O(n^2), it may be more simple and may be easier for some (me included) to fully understand.
initiate two dimensional array of size matrix[n][n], each cell will hold pair of Integers <sum, min>. we will denote for each Matrix[i, j] the first element of the pair as Matrix[i, j].sum and the second as Matrix[i, j].min
Initiate the diagonal of the matrix as follows:
for i in [0, n-1]:
Matrix[i][i] = <arr[i], arr[i]>
for i in [0, n-1]:
for j in[i, n-1]:
Matrix[i, j] = <
Matrix[i - 1, j].sum + arr[i, j],
Min(Matrix[i - 1, j].min, arr[i, j])
Calculate the result:
result = 0
for i in [0, n-1]:
for j in[i, n-1]:
result += Matrix[i, j].sum * Matrix[i, j].min
Time Complexity Analysis
Step 1: initiating two dimensional array ofsize [n,n] will take in theory O(n^2) as it may require to initiate all indices to 0, but if we skip the initialization of each cell and just allocate the memory this could take O(1)
Step 2 : Here we iterate from 0 to n-1 doing constant work each iteration and therefore the time complexity is O(n)
Step 3: Here we iterate over half of the matrix cells(all that are right of the diagonal), doing constant work each iteration, and therefore the time complexity is O((n - 1) + (n - 2) + .... + (1) + (0)) = O(n^2)
Step 4: Similar analysis to step 3, O(n^2)
In total we get O(n^2)
Explanation for solution
This is simple example of Dynamic programming approach.
Let's define sub[i, j] as the subarray between index i and j while 0 =< i, j <= n-1
Matrix[i, j].sum = sum x in sub[i, j]
Matrix[i, j].min = min x in sub[i, j]
for sub[i,i] it's obvious that:
sum x in sub[i, i] = arr[i]
min x in sub[i, i] = arr[i]
Just like we calculate in step 2.
Convince yourself that:
sum sub[i,j] = sum sub[i-1,j] + arr[i, j]
min sub[i,j] = Min(min sub[i-1,j], arr[i, j])
This explains step 3.
In Step 4 we just sums up everything to get the required result.
It can be with the O(n) solution.
First of all, we want to achieve all subarrays like this.
a1 a2 a3 min b1 b2 b3 where min is minimum. We will use a monotonic increasing stack to achieve it. In every iteration, if the stack's top value is greater than the next element, we will pop the stack and calculate the sum until the condition is not met.
Secondly, we want to figure out how to calculate the total sum if we have an a1 a2 a3 min b1 b2 b3 subarray. Here, we will use a prefix of prefix sum.
Prefix Sum
At first, we need the prefix sum. Assume that p indicates prefix sum, we want to achieve p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7. Our prefix sum will be like this;
p1: a1
p2: a1 + a2
p3: a1 + a2 + a3
p6 : a1 + a2 + a3 + min + b1 + b2
p7: a1 + a2 + a3 + min + b1 + b2 + b3
Within prefix sum now we can calculate the sum of between two indexes. The sum of (start, end] is pend - pstart. If start: 1 and end: 3 that means p3 - p1 = (a1 + a2 + a3) - (a1) = a2 + a3.
Prefix of Prefix Sum
How can we calculate all possible subarray sums that include our min value?
We separate this calculation to the left side and right side.
The left side included min will be a1 a2 a3 min.
The right side included min will be min b1 b2 b3.
For example, some of the possible sums can be:
a1 + a2 + a3 + min
a1 + a2 + a3 + min + b1
a3 + min + b1 + b2 + b3
min + b1 + b2 + b3
We need to find all the [bj, ai] sums. Where i means all the left side indexes and j means all the right side indexes. Now We need to use the prefix of prefix sum. It will give us all possible sums between two indexes. Let's say P. It will be sum(Pj) - sum(Pi).
Now, how do we calculate our sum(Pj) - sum(Pi)?
So Pj is P7 - P4. It is the right side possible sum.
Same way Pi is P4 - P1. It is the left side possible sum.
How many combinations for sum(Pj) are there?
leftSize * (P7 - P4). Same way for sum(Pi) it will be rightSize * (P4 - P1).
Final equation to calculate subarray [a1 a2 a3 min b1 b2 b3] is: min * ((leftSize * (P7 - P4)) - (rightSize * (P4 - P1))).
public static int process(List<Integer> list) {
int n = list.size();
int mod = (int) 1e9 + 7;
int[] preSum = new int[n + 2];
Deque<Integer> stack = new ArrayDeque<>();
int pre = 0;
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
int num = i < n ? list.get(i) : 0;
// current prefix sum
pre = (pre + num) % mod;
// prefix of prefix sum array
preSum[i + 1] = (preSum[i] + pre) % mod;
while (!stack.isEmpty() && list.get(stack.peek()) > num) {
int mid = stack.pop();
int left = stack.isEmpty() ? -1 : stack.peek();
int lSize = mid - left;
int rSize = i - mid;
long lSum = left < 0 ? preSum[mid] : preSum[mid] - preSum[left];
long rSum = preSum[i] - preSum[mid];
result = (int) (result + (list.get(mid) * ((rSum * lSize - lSum * rSize) % mod)) % mod) % mod;
return (result + mod) % mod;
Time complexity: O(n)
Space complexity: O(n)
Thanks to #lee215 for one pass solution.
Thanks to #forAc for the explanation of the final equation.
I have this algorithm that works, but I want to change it to have a dynamic ratio in order to have the distance of values for the first positions higher than those ones for the lastest positions.
So for instance if prize money = 1000, total_prizes = 5, last_prize = 50 I got:
1) 350.00
2) 275.00
3) 200.00
4) 125.00
5) 50.00
TOTAL SUM: 1000.00
What I would like to see should be:
1) 475.00
2) 250.00
3) 150.00
4) 75.00
5) 50.00
TOTAL SUM: 1000.00
Instead of having between positions always a fixed value of 75. Have an increase distance approaching the first positions, in this case
from 5) to 4) 25
from 4) to 3) 75
from 3) to 2) 100
from 2) to 1) 225
Here the current code:
public static void main(String[] aa){
float ratio;
float first_prize;
float s=0;
float money = 1000;
int total_prizes = 5;
float last_prize = 50;
float prizes[] = new float[total_prizes+1];
first_prize=2*(money/total_prizes)-last_prize; //last member of the progresion
for (int j = total_prizes-1; j >=1; j--) {
for(int k=1;k<=total_prizes;k++){
System.out.printf("%d) %.2f\n",k,prizes[k]);
System.out.printf("TOTAL SUM: %.2f\n",s);
Inside the loop:
for (int j = total_prizes-1; j >=1; j--) {
//ratio here should be calculated dynamically based on position...
Thanks! :)
If I understand you, what you want is to have the following conditions:
Fixed total sum. In this case 1000.
Approximately a geometric ratio r with n terms. In this case 1.75.
All "round" numbers. In this case to the nearest 25.
I would suggest that you solve it by first creating an exact geometric sequence, and then tweak it to be round numbers.
The first step is easy because all geometric series with n terms look like this:
x + r * x + r^2 * x + ... + r^(n-1) * x
= x * (1 + r + r^2 + ... + r^(n-1))
= x * (1 + r + r^2 + ... + r^(n-1)) * (r - 1) / (r - 1)
= x * ((r - 1) + (r^2 - r) + (r^3 - r^2) + ... + (r^(n) - r^(n-1)) / (r - 1)
= x * (-1 + (r - r) + (r^2 - r^2) + ... + (r^(n-1) - r^(n-1)) + r^n) / (r - 1)
= x * (r^n - 1) / (r - 1)
So in we want
1000 = x * (r^n - 1) / (r - 1)
= x * (1.75^5 - 1) / (1.75 - 1)
= x * (16.4130859375 - 1) / 0.75
= 20.55078125 x
That gives us the following starting solution.
After that it is a question of tweaking those numbers up and down to get the answer that you want. There are a lot of ways you can do that. One is simply to start with the smallest and move it to a rounded number, and redistribute among the others in proportion to their weights, and continue. That gives you the following sequence of partial answers.
This is not exactly your desired answer. But it is pretty darned close and hopefully acceptable as a strategy.
UPDATE I had tried 1.75 because it was close to (475/50)^(1/4). When I tried 1.8 instead I got your exact desired answer.
Furthermore note that we do not need to produce all of those intermediate answers. Each time we only need the smallest term. Which is given by target * (r-1) / (r^n - 1). Every time you find the smallest term, you subtract that from the target, reduce n by one, and repeat.
In the country of Rahmania, the cost of mailing a letter is 40 sinas for letters up to 30 grams. Between 30 g and 50 g, it is 55 sinas. Between 50 g and 100 g, it is 70 sinas. Over 100 g, it costs 70 sinas plus an additional 25 sinas for each additional 50 g (or part thereof). For example, 101 grams would cost 70 + 25 = 95 sinas. 149 g would also cost 95 sinas, because both of these packages only use the first 50 g over 100 g. Write a program that prompts the user for a mass and then gives the cost of mailing a letter having that mass.
This is the question and the only part I don't know how to do is the last part with the additional 25 sinas for each additional 50g.
Can someone show me how to write this part of the code?
I use netbeans btw.
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
double l;
l = input.nextInt();
x = l >= 100 / 50 * 25 + 70;
if (l <= 30) {
System.out.println("40 Sinas");
if (l > 30 && l < 50) {
System.out.println("55 Sinas");
if (l > 50 && l < 100) {
System.out.println("70 Sinas");
if (l >= 100) {
Here's the important part of the code. As you can see I need help on the last part.
A solution:
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
int l; // it should be int if read int
l = input.nextInt();
if (l <= 30) {
System.out.println("40 Sinas");
if (l > 30 && l < 50) {
System.out.println("55 Sinas");
if (l > 50 && l < 100) {
System.out.println("70 Sinas");
if (l >= 100) {
System.out.println(((((l - 100) / 50) + 1) * 25) + 70);
I just want to point out, there is one major problem with Krayo's solution. If the weight value is exactly 100, using that calculation, you will in fact charge the customer an extra 25 sinas. This is caused by the + 1 portion of the calculation.
If the weight is 100, then the number of 50 gram intervals above 100 is 0 (weight - 100 = 0). Therefore, the customer shouldn't be charge anything, since the wording of the question says Over 100 g.... However, because you're adding 1, before performing the additional cost calculation, the customer gets dinged an extra 25 sinas needlessly.
Instead, in order to insure the correct amount for this, and all other cases, I would use the Math.ceil(double) method instead. This method will round the value up to the nearest whole number. For example, 5.2 becomes 6.0, and 5.0 remains 5.0.
So your calculation would look like this instead:
int cost = (int) (Math.ceil((weight - 100) / 50.0f) * 25) + 70;
Note that we need use a floating point value to ensure we end up with a decimal value. And since Math.ceil returns a double, we simply cast it back to an integer.
This is a sample program to demonstrate this:
public class CalculationTesting {
public static void main(String[] args){
int weight = 100;
int good_cost = (int) (Math.ceil((weight - 100) / 50.0f) * 25) + 70;
int bad_cost = ((((weight - 100) / 50) + 1) * 25) + 70;
System.out.println("Weight = " + weight + "g");
System.out.println("Good cost calculation = $" + good_cost);
System.out.println("Bad cost calculation = $" + bad_cost);
You can change the weight value to experiment.
Which outputs:
Weight = 100g
Good cost calculation = $70
Bad cost calculation = $95
Use a modulus operator is something which all programmers must to know. I know it =).
In java we have :
int a = 100 , b = 50, c;
If we do :
c = a % b; // c = 0 because : 100 = 50*2 + 0 | D = d*q + r using simple maths
However I felt a little frustrated for not finding the Why of this operation :
c = b % a; // c = 50 ???? It seems not to have logic when a use D = d*q + r
Can someone could explain me why 50 % 100 is 50 ??? I can't understand very well.
Becuase you can multiply by 0:
c = 100*0 + 50;
It's the + 50 that is returned as modulo.
Think of it this way:
100 goes into 50 how many times?
Zero times. So there must be 50 left over. Therefore the answer is 50.
I was trying to solve this problem on SPOJ (http://www.spoj.pl/problems/REC/)
F(n) = a*F(n-1) + b where we have to find F(n) Mod (m)
0 <= a, b, n <= 10^100
1 <= M <= 100000
I am trying to solve it with BigInteger in JAVA but if I run a loop from 0 to n its getting TLE. How could I solve this problem? Can anyone give some hint? Don't post the solution. I want hint on how to solve it efficiently.
Note that the pattern of residues mod (m) should have a repeating pattern in a linear recurrence, and with length <= m by the pigeonhole principle. You need only calculate the first m entries, then figure out which of those entries will apply to F(n) for the actual value of n.
It also helps to solve a simpler problem. Let's pick really small values, say a=2, b=1, m=5, n=1000.
F(0) = 1
F(1) = 2*F(0) + 1 = 2*1 + 1 = 3 -> 3 Mod 5 = 3
F(2) = 2*F(1) + 1 = 2*3 + 1 = 7 -> 7 Mod 5 = 2
F(3) = 2*F(2) + 1 = 2*7 + 1 = 15 -> 15 Mod 5 = 0
F(4) = 2*F(3) + 1 = 2*15 + 1 = 31 -> 31 Mod 5 = 1
F(5) = 2*F(4) + 1 = 2*31 + 1 = 63 -> 63 Mod 5 = 3
Notice that the residues are [1, 3, 2, 0, 1, 3, ...], which will repeat forever. So from this example, how would you determine F(1000) Mod 5 without looping all the way to the 1000th entry?
First, I'll tell you how to solve a simpler problem. Suppose that b is zero. Then you just need to calculate an mod M. Instead of multiplying n-1 times, use a divide-and-conquer technique:
// Requires n >= 0 and M > 0.
int modularPower(int a, int n, int M) {
if (n == 0)
return 1;
int result = modularPower(a, n / 2, M);
result = (result * result) % M;
if (n % 2 != 0)
result = (result * a) % M;
return result;
So you can calculate an in terms of afloor(n/2), then square that, and multiply by a again if n is odd.
To solve your problem, first define the function f(x) = (a x + b) (mod M). You need to calculate fn(1), which is applying f n times to the initial value 1. So you can use divide-and-conquer like the previous problem. Luckily, the composition of two linear functions is also linear. You can represent a linear function by three integers (the two constants and the modulus). Write a function that takes a linear function and an exponent and returns the function composed that many times.