Paypal SetExpressCheckout Soap - java

when i try to setExpressCheckout, i get ack = success but not token return.
the version of paypal api is 87.0
Here the wsdl link :
here to command i use in axis2-1.6.1 to generate java code
-uri -p com.paypal.soap
here the link to the java code that generated using axis2
here the code for SetExpressCheckout
PaymentDetailsType paymentDetails = new PaymentDetailsType();
BasicAmountType orderTotal = new BasicAmountType();
SetExpressCheckoutRequestDetailsType requestDetailsType = new SetExpressCheckoutRequestDetailsType();
requestDetailsType.setPaymentDetails(new PaymentDetailsType[]{paymentDetails});
SetExpressCheckoutRequestType requestType = new SetExpressCheckoutRequestType();
SetExpressCheckoutReq req = new SetExpressCheckoutReq();
RequesterCredentials requesterCredentials = new RequesterCredentials();
CustomSecurityHeaderType customSecurityHeaderType = new CustomSecurityHeaderType();
UserIdPasswordType userIdPasswordType = new UserIdPasswordType();
String endPoint = null;
endPoint = ""; //sandbox API Signature
PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceStub stub = new PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceStub(endPoint);
stub._getServiceClient().getOptions().setProperty(HTTPConstants.CHUNKED, false);
SetExpressCheckoutResponse setExpressCheckout = stub.setExpressCheckout(req, requesterCredentials);
SetExpressCheckoutResponseType checkoutResponse = setExpressCheckout.getSetExpressCheckoutResponse();
Calendar timestamp = checkoutResponse.getTimestamp();
String strdate = null;
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss");
if (timestamp != null) {
strdate = sdf.format(timestamp.getTime());
System.out.println("Date:" + strdate);
System.out.println("CorrelationID:" + checkoutResponse.getCorrelationID());
System.out.println("ack :" + checkoutResponse.getAck());
if (checkoutResponse.getErrors() != null && checkoutResponse.getErrors().length > 0) {
PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceStub.ErrorType[] errors = checkoutResponse.getErrors();
for (int i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) {
System.out.println("token:" + checkoutResponse.getToken());
here the result that i get
Date:17/04/2012 12:33:38
ack :Success
how i get ack success but token is null?
the contact person for paypal said that there is an EC token already be generated for CorrelationID:a7c9fe7283bd .
thanks in advance.

i have to use setExpressCheckoutResponse.getExtraElement().getText() to get the token. why setExpressCheckoutResponse.getToken() return null?

If you look into mentioned wsdl file, at the beginning you'll notice the following:
... >
Meaning that the version of API which should be used is 89.0 - don't remember where it's specified in PayPal API documentation, but this was mentioned there for sure.
Let me know if you still encounter this issue, since I've managed to set up PayPal Express Checkout using SOAP in Java recently and can help with that.

I just came across this issue and found the answer (this is for C#, I am not sure if it applies to Java):
Look in the generated code for the web service (Reference.cs) and find the AbstractResponseType. The last property is Any(). Change the attribute to match this (to ignore the property):
public System.Xml.XmlElement Any {
get {
return this.anyField;
set {
this.anyField = value;
Following this, recompile and test again and you should now receive the Token property set correctly.
If you regenerate the web service code, this change will of course get replaced and you will have to re-do it unless PayPal fixes this. BTW, my WSDL Version number is 98.0 at this time.
Gary Davis


Converting assertion to string in OpenSAML 4

I am trying to follow this example: How to create a valid SAML 2.0 Assertion with OpenSAML library in Java and trying to create a SAML response. The code shown is for an older version of OpenSAML. I am using OpenSAML 4.1.1. Apparently XMLHelper is no longer in v.4. I have searched high and low and not found a solution, at least one that makes sense where I can convert the assertion into a string.
Below is the code I have right out of the sample:
SAMLInputContainer input = new SAMLInputContainer();
input.strIssuer = "";
input.strNameID = "UserJohnSmith";
input.strNameQualifier = "My Website";
input.sessionId = "abcdedf1234567";
Map<String,String> customAttributes = new HashMap<String, String>();
customAttributes.put("FirstName", "John");
customAttributes.put("LastName", "Smith");
customAttributes.put("Email", "");
customAttributes.put("PhoneNumber", "76373898998");
customAttributes.put("Locality", "USA");
customAttributes.put("Username", "John.Smith");
input.attributes = customAttributes;
Assertion assertion = GenSAMLAssertion.buildDefaultAssertion(input);
AssertionMarshaller marshaller = new AssertionMarshaller();
assert assertion != null;
Element plaintextElement = marshaller.marshall(assertion);
String originalAssertionString = XMLHelper.nodeToString(plaintextElement);
System.out.println("Assertion String: " + originalAssertionString);
The SerializeSupport class is now used to print XML in OpenSAML.
String originalAssertionString = SerializeSupport.prettyPrintXML(plaintextElement)
As for more current sample code for OpenSAML 4 I have a ongoing series on my blog. As well as accompanying source samples on my Github
A few years ago I also wrote a book on OpenSAML 3. It has not been updated but there are very few changes between 3 and 4.

Plaid Springboot webhook listener

I am wondering if anyone knows best practices for handling Plaid webhooks with Java Springboot?
Does the Plaid SDK offer any easy way to convert the webhook request object to a model object for the given event type? I only see they have Node Express examples which seems to only deconstruct the JSON request object by key.
Also wondering if their is anyway to verify the incoming webhook request is actually from Plaid
#PostMapping(value = "/webhook/plaid", produces =
public ResponseEntity plaidWebhook(#RequestBody String payload) {
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(payload);
JSONObject plaidWebhookRequest = null;
try {
plaidWebhookRequest = (JSONObject) parser.parse();
String webhookType = plaidWebhookRequest.has("webhook_type") ? (String) plaidWebhookRequest.get("webhook_type") : null;
String webhookCode = plaidWebhookRequest.has("webhook_code") ? (String) plaidWebhookRequest.get("webhook_code") : null;
String error = plaidWebhookRequest.has("error") ? (String) plaidWebhookRequest.get("error") : null;
String itemID = plaidWebhookRequest.has("item_id") ? (String) plaidWebhookRequest.get("item_id") : null;
if (webhookType != null && webhookCode != null && webhookType.equals( {
switch (webhookCode) {
case ERROR_WEBCODE:"Plaid webhook received: " + ERROR_WEBCODE);
case PENDING_EXPIRATION:"Plaid webhook received: " + PENDING_EXPIRATION);
} catch (ParseException e) {
log.debug("Plaid webhook object failed to convert to JSONObject");
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.OK).body("");
I am not a Java expert but I can speak to some of the other parts of your question:
You can use the webhook verification endpoint to verify that the webhook is from Plaid: although I will admit the process is not as easy as most of the other things you can do with the Plaid API.
As an alternative option -- for a situation like this, you can always check the Item status by calling /item/get to confirm that the Item needs to be updated before sending the user through update mode. As a rule, Plaid doesn't ever send sensitive information in webhooks, and information in webhooks can be verified by calling endpoints that are free to call, so you should never need to "trust" a Plaid webhook without verifying it if you don't want to. This is generally smart to do anyway, for example: even if you got a webhook indicating that the Item is in an error state, the user may have resolved it or it may have self-healed in the interim.

AWS SSM parameter store not fetching all key/values

Could someone let me know why the below code only fetching few entries from the parameter store ?
GetParametersByPathRequest getParametersByPathRequest = new GetParametersByPathRequest();
GetParametersByPathResult result = client.getParametersByPath(getParametersByPathRequest);
result.getParameters().forEach(parameter -> {
System.out.println(parameter.getName() + " - > " + parameter.getValue());
GetParametersByPath is a paged operation. After each call you must retrieve NextToken from the result object, and if it's not null and not empty you must make another call with it added to the request.
Here's an example using DescribeParameters, which has the same behavior:
DescribeParametersRequest request = new DescribeParametersRequest();
DescribeParametersResult response;
response = client.describeParameters(request);
for (ParameterMetadata param : response.getParameters())
// do something with metadata
while ((response.getNextToken() != null) && ! respose.getNextToken.isEmpty());
Here is the code, based on the code above, for the new 2.0 version of AWS SSM manager. Notice I have set the maxResults to 1 to prove out the loop. You will want to remove that. AWS has mentioned that in the new code they wanted to emphasize immutability.
Using this dependency:
I came up with this code:
private void refreshCache() {
StopWatch sw = StopWatch.createStarted();
GetParametersByPathRequest request = GetParametersByPathRequest.builder()
GetParametersByPathResponse response;
do {
response = ssm.getParametersByPath(request);
for (Parameter p : response.parameters()) {
//do something with the values.
request = GetParametersByPathRequest.builder()
while (StringUtils.isNotBlank(response.nextToken()));
LOG.trace("Refreshed parameters in {}ms", sw.getTime());
private void getSsmParams() {
AWSSimpleSystemsManagement client = AWSSimpleSystemsManagementClientBuilder.defaultClient();
GetParametersByPathRequest request = new GetParametersByPathRequest();
GetParametersByPathResult response;
do {
response = client.getParametersByPath(request);
for (Parameter p : response.parameters()) {
//do something with the values. maybe add to a list
while (StringUtils.isNotBlank(response.getNextToken()));
Above piece of code worked for me .ssm only sends 10 parameters at a time, so if you want to fetch more than 10 parameters from ssm parameter store programatically you will have to use multiple calls to fetch them. here the token is important , if there are more values in the path (request.withPath('/your/path/parameterName')) you have given, it will send a token indicating that there are more values in the given path ,and you will have to make the following request with the token received from the previous request in order to get the rest of the values.

Android-Magento- How to Get the Details of Multiple Products in Android using XML-RPC

How to get the details of Multiple products in a Single Call in Android using XMLRPC from Magento.I am able to get the list of products using the function catalog_product.list using XMLRPC.
Now, i have the SKU id's of all the products.I am able to get the media details of each product using the function product_media.list.
If suppose I have 10 products,i have to call 10 times product_media.list method for each product which takes long time.
So,how can I call the multiCall function of Magento in Android. Many tutorials in php for calling the multiCall function are posted but I am not able to imitate the same in Android.
So please help me if you have similar code snippet that can make me understand multiCall function(for Android) so that I can Advance further using that.
PHP code Example from Josua Marcel C 's Answer:
$session = $client->call('login', array('apiUser', 'apiKey'));
$client->call('call', array($session,'somestuff.method', array('arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3')));
$client->call('call', array($session, 'somestuff.method', 'arg1'));
$client->call('call', array($session, 'somestuff.method'));
array('somestuff.method', 'arg1'),
array('somestuff.method', array('arg1', 'arg2')),
I would like to imitate the above php code in Android that calls the multiCall() function of the Magento.
After making long long Research, I got half-way Solution that calls the multiCall() method without any Error,but Still I don't know how to get the response of the Server in a variable and use it.
AnyOne who has knowledge of it can Edit my Answer, I will be thankful to him.
The Code that I have Used is :
Object[] skuid=new Object[product_list.size()];
Object calling[]=new Object[product_list.size()];
for(int m=0;m<product_list.size();m++)
skuid[m]=new Object[]{product_list.get(m).getp_Sku()};
calling[m]=new Object[]{"catalog_product_attribute_media.list",skuid[m]};
client.callEx("multiCall",new Object[]{Utils.sessionId,calling});
catch (XMLRPCException e)
AcknowledgeMents :
I have worked on the Answer posted by Iain.
The Answer
since android is based java application, You can use this.
package org.apache.xmlrpc;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;
public class MultiCall
implements ContextXmlRpcHandler
public Object execute(String method, Vector params, XmlRpcContext context)
throws Exception
if ("multicall".equals(method))
return multicall(params, context);
throw new NoSuchMethodException("No method '" + method + "' in " + this.getClass().getName());
public Vector multicall(Vector requests, XmlRpcContext context)
// The array of calls is passed as a single parameter of type array.
Vector response = new Vector();
XmlRpcServerRequest request;
for (int i = 0; i < requests.size(); i++)
Hashtable call = (Hashtable) requests.elementAt(i);
request = new XmlRpcRequest((String) call.get("methodName"),
(Vector) call.get("params"));
Object handler = context.getHandlerMapping().getHandler(request.getMethodName());
Vector v = new Vector();
v.addElement(XmlRpcWorker.invokeHandler(handler, request, context));
catch (Exception x)
String message = x.toString();
int code = (x instanceof XmlRpcException ?
((XmlRpcException) x).code : 0);
Hashtable h = new Hashtable();
h.put("faultString", message);
h.put("faultCode", new Integer(code));
return response;
Since Magento support SOAP API why didn't you use SOAP API v1? because SOAP is powerful. try to go here What's the difference between XML-RPC and SOAP?
Parsing of Soap messages is not included in Android runtime, so it isn't really straightforward. You should use an external library. I'm using ksoap2.
If you search here on StackOverflow you'll see many examples on how to use it. For instance here
more references: link 1 link 2
MultiCall with PHP
$client = new Zend_XmlRpc_Client('http://magentohost/api/xmlrpc/');
// If somestuff requires api authentification,
// we should get session token
$session = $client->call('login', array('apiUser', 'apiKey'));
$client->call('call', array($session, 'somestuff.method', array('arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3')));
$client->call('call', array($session, 'somestuff.method', 'arg1'));
$client->call('call', array($session, 'somestuff.method'));
$client->call('multiCall', array($session,
array('somestuff.method', 'arg1'),
array('somestuff.method', array('arg1', 'arg2')),
// If you don't need the session anymore
$client->call('endSession', array($session));
First login in whatever way works for calling catalog_product.list. Make sure session, client and product_ids have the right values. If you don't need to log in for these operations, set session = null (and if that doesn't work, try not passing session at all :) ). Then:
Object[][] calls = new Object[product_ids.length];
for (int i = 0; i < product_ids.length; i++) {
calls[i] = new Object[] { "product_media.list", product_ids[i] };
product_media_ids ="multiCall", new Object[] { session, calls });
product_media_ids should then be an array of arrays of product images - that is, each element of product_media_ids will be a return value from product_media.list.
The code is untested, I'm afraid.

Getting all ActiveDirectory groups using OpenSSO Client SDK

I hope someone here has experience with Sun OpenSSO (now ForgeRock OpenAM).
I'm trying to get all groups in ActiveDirectory using the OpenSSO Client SDK in Java / JBoss EAP 5.0.
I tried the following by combining various samples and code snippets I could find on the web, but this fails and eventually logs "Memberships for identities other than Users is not allowed." The basic approach was to use AMIdentityRepository -> getRealmIdentity() -> getMemberships(IdType.GROUP) :
SSOTokenManager manager = SSOTokenManager.getInstance();
String tokenString = URLDecoder.decode(tokenID, "ISO-8859-1");
SSOToken token = manager.createSSOToken(tokenString);
if (manager.isValidToken(token)) {
SSOToken adminToken = (SSOToken)AccessController.
AMIdentityRepository rep = new AMIdentityRepository(adminToken, "/");
AMIdentity identity = rep.getRealmIdentity();
Set groups = identity.getMemberships(IdType.GROUP);
Note I'm not trying to determine if a user is a member of a group or to retrieve a user's groups - I'm trying to get a list of ALL groups.
Any suggestions would be appreciated - thanks!
Instead of rep.getRealmIdentity() and then calling getMemberships(IdType.GROUP), use searchIdentities and getSearchResults like:
SSOToken token = (SSOToken) AccessController.doPrivileged(AdminTokenAction.getInstance());
AMIdentityRepository ir = new AMIdentityRepository(token, "/");
IdSearchResults results = ir.searchIdentities(IdType.GROUP, "*", new IdSearchControl());
Set<AMIdentity> groups = results.getSearchResults();
for (AMIdentity group : groups) {
logger.debug("Group Name : " + group.getName());

