Binary Search Trees, how do you find maximum? - java

I've been working with Binary Search Trees in my spare time, and I want to be able to delete nodes from a tree.
In order to get this to work, I need to find the maximum value. How do you go about doing that? Pseudo-code or hints would be appreciated. I'm stuck and not exactly sure how to even begin this.

A binary search tree has the following properties:
The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys less than the node's key.
The right subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys greater than the node's key.
Both the left and right subtrees must also be binary search trees.
With that definition in mind, it should be very easy to find the max.

A simple pseudocode would be this. It it is indepandant to binary search I think.
int maxi = 0
foreach(array as item) // or any other loop
if item>maxi then maxi = item


Finding Index of a Node in a Huffman Tree

Assume we have a tree of nodes (Huffman-tree) that hold string values in them. How would I go about traversing the tree and spitting out an index of a specific node if I had a tree like this? The numbers I drew inside the circles would be the index I want (especially 12 or 13).
Note: Due to miscommunication, I will repeat: the #'s I wrote inside the circles are not the values that the nodes hold. They are the index of that node. My problem was that I couldn't find the index, since the trees are structured weirdly - not a classic BST tree, and the values inside aren't numerical.
Edit: I redrew the image to make my question more clear.
Either way, I figured it out. I'll write up the answer after my finals.
The tree you are showing is not a binary search tree. The central property of a binary search tree that allows it to be searched efficiently is that the left descendants of a node are smaller, and the right descendants bigger than the node itself (in terms of the index value).
If you have a proper binary search tree, you can find a node with given index by comparing with nodes and following the corresponding branch, starting with the root.

How to most efficiently find multiple duplicate values in Binary Search Tree

How can I write an algorithm that finds all multiple duplicate values in Binary Search Tree when you are allowed to add duplicate values either on the left subtree or right subtree after applying balanced tree algorithm to an unbalanced tree?
Normally in a tree search, you stop when you have found the desired element. In this case, you keep the recursion going when the values match. Instead of returning the node found, you return a count that is accumulated in the recursive calls.

Binary Tree traversal maze

I'm creating a binary tree maze. The tree has 8 leaves and the goal is to traverse the tree and find "food" at one or more of the leaves. At each node, the participant can either chose the left or right node to go to next. Or, it can traverse both, but at some cost (maybe 1 time step versus 2 by choosing on or the other). If it reaches a leaf with no food, it has to backtrack and remake its decision. This is eventually going to turn into an evolutionary algorithm where the strategies are stored and evolved over multiple generations. What is the most efficient way to store the path traversed (so the participant may backtrack if food is not found)?
There are many ways to approach this. One thing that comes to mind is to have a boolean flag at each node, and if the node is visited return and store the node's index or key value in this array.
1. Start tree traversal
2. User picks direction(right/left)
3. flag which node was visited
4. store node's index or key in an array

Dealing with "Keys" in Binary Search Trees

Should I always, use some data as a key value while dealing with the Binary Search trees? I'm asking this becasue I would need key at some point of time
if I want to search an element in the tree. Is thre any other alternative?
For example, please consider the following code:
class Node {
int iData; // data used as key value
double fData; // other data
Node leftChild; // this node's left child
Node rightChild; // this node's right child
My Second Question:
Is there any way I can find elements in a Binary Tree as Binary Tree doesn't have any property just like Binary Search Tree where left node of parent must be less than the parent and right node must be greater.
I don't see why you always need a key. You can just use double fData as the value you use to determine which node is bigger / smaller (if your requirement suits).
I believe Binary Seach Tree is a Binary Tree where the elements are ordered. Hence nodes on a Binary Tree is not necessarily ordered. So yes you can still find elements on a Binary Tree -- but you have to scan the entire node. You lose the performance benefit of a BST

Is this list a Binary Search Tree?

Is the following list a BST or not?
Is there a way I can determine this?
Consider that my list will have 100000 elements.
Quick answer is: no. BST is a tree and you have a list.
Long answer is: it may be possible to encode a tree as a list, in which case, whether your list can be decoded into a tree or not will depend on the encoding algorithm. See BST wiki page for more details
In fact your list may be an encoded version of BST. If you read elements from left to right pushing them onto a stack, and whenever you stack has 3 elements do:
parent = pop()
right = pop()
left = pop()
push new Node(parent, left, right)
then you should get a valid BST. But I am only speculating here.
you are having a list , you need to construct BST from this list
A BST has following properties
1- Each node has two children or it is a leaf node
2- For each node its left subtree is smaller than node's value
3- For each node its right subtree is greater than node's value
a bst MUST BE BALANCED i.e. while inserting nodes in a BST , code must respect above 3 conditions.
Searching in a BST is O(log n) operation that is because , each search step divide the search space into two halfs and choose one of the half.
There is a case where search will take O(N) time
Consider following
node = {1,2,3,4,5}
if we make the BST from this node set it will be right alifned that means every next node will be on the right subtree , here if we want to search for a item , we need to traverse whole right sub tree like a link list.

