How to retrieve one servlet session attributes in another servlet - java

I have two servlets in my project 2nd being called from the 1st servlet. Im creating http session in first servlet and setting some attributes to that session object. How do i get the values of these attributes in second servlet?
Thanks in advance.

Object value = request.getSession().getAttribute("nameOfTheAttributeUsedInTheFirstServlet");
If two servlets are in the same webapp, they share the same session context, and the session is the same for both servlets. Of course, remember that a session is tight to a particular user.


How to retrieve session value from one servlet to another servlet?

In one servlet I have four variables. I want all those four variables to be retrieved to another servlet.
I used the code in servlet 1 as follows.
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
In the other servlet I tried to get the value by using the code..
String id = HttpSession.getAttribute("id").toString();
I think there is a clear way to do the tracking of the session variables.
I have seen in net but all are confusing to me..
Please help me..
First you need to get the Session object from the request.
This is the HTTPServletRequest object sent to the servlet (you will have access to this in the doGet or doPost method).
to set:
ses = request.getSession(true);
to retrieve:
getSession(true) means create session if one does not exist. getSession(false) is equal to getSession. Finally if you wish to remove the attribute from the session from that point you can use
I hope this makes sense to you if you need more look at Java Set, Get and Remove Session Attributes.

JSP and Java Servlet problems

I am new to JSP and Java Servlet. I am quite confusing about Session object. I saw session When I learned PHP session and cookie. Are there complete different things? And how a Session object is created, structured and used. This object is in JSP or Java Servlet? could somebody tell me this by words(like concept). In addition, in what situation a JSP page would be appropriate for?(when should I use a Java Servlet and when should I use a Java Servlet Page).For Java Servlet object, for example, ran an email site. There will be a lot of users. How does one Java Servlet object deal with interactions from so many browsers?(like hundreds of logging, reading, etc.)I know there should be only one copy of Java Servlet object exists. But why? If only one there, when is it created and destroyed. Ah... So many questions. If someone can help me I will really grateful for this. Thanks a million!
? And how a Session object is created, structured and used.
It depends on the implementation of it, here is the contract
This object is in JSP or Java Servlet?
This is as an implicit object in jsp and it can be retrieved from request instance from servlet's service method
what situation a JSP page would be appropriate for?(when should I use a Java Servlet and when should I use a Java Servlet Page).For Java Servlet object, for example, ran an email site. There will be a lot of users. How does one Java Servlet object deal with interactions from so many browsers
Use jsp as view servlet as controller, See MVC
now there should be only one copy of Java Servlet object exists. But why? If only one there, when is it created and destroyed.
each request is served in different thread so why to create different instance, we can have one instance of servlet doing all this for us. and its alive until garbage collection clears it
See : Head First
You can think about a session object as a file . every user have a session with id called jsessionid , the structure of a session is normally a map data structure which store key value
in Servlert you can construct a session object like this
HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
then you can add item to the session like this
session.setAttribute(string ,object); ex : session.setAttribute("username","foo");
the session object exist in servlet and jsp , and btw jsp eventually is a servlet
but the difference is that when u want to use session in a jsp page there is no need to construct it. its defeind by default just use it
JSP page used when a page contains a lot of html element and have a lot of design
and jsp let you maintain the page easily on the other hand you can use servlet as jsp page
but you will deal with every line o html source code
JSP is preferred as a view in the MVC model
and the servlet as controller .
the server keeps one object for each servlet and when a new request come the servlet object put the new request (client ) in a new thread so if you have 100 client at a time the is
100 thread in server . but you can configure the server to construct more than one object of a servlet .
i hope i could help u ..
I think many of your questions would be answered if you had a look at the Java Servlet Life Cycle.

Sending the Session

I am currently doing a system on Google App Engine and am very new to it, I am developing using the Java plattform . I have a problem about sending the session object between servlets. I have already enabled sessions on the appengine.webxml. I can send the session object from my login page to a VIEW page but after which the session object cannot be passed any longer.
Any possible answers?
You do not need to "pass" a session object from one Servlet to another. The session object can always be retrieved via the HttpServletRequest e.g. like this HttpSession session = request.getSession();. In JSPs (I guess that's your view technology) you can access the session via the implicit variable session.
To make sure your session doesn't expire to early set an appropriate value for <session-timeout/> in your web.xml.

What is session in Java? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do servlets work? Instantiation, sessions, shared variables and multithreading
(8 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
So far I understand Httpsession concepts in Java.
HttpSession ses = req.getSession(true);
will create a session object, according to the request.
setAttribute("String", object);
will, bind the 'String', and value with the Session object.
will return an object associated with the string, specified.
What I am not able to understand is: I am creating a session object like
HttpSession ses = req.getSession(true);
and setting a name for it by calling setAttribute("String", object);.
Here, This code resides inside the server. For every person, when he tries to login the same code in the server will be executed. setAttribute("String", object); in this method the string value is a constant one. So, each session object created will be binded by the same string which I have provided. When I try to retrieve the string to validate his session or while logout action taken the getAttribute("String"); ll return the same constant string value(Am I right!!?? Actually I don't know, I'm just thinking of its logic of execution). Then, how can I be able to invalidate.
I saw this type of illustration in all of the tutorials on the WEB. Is it the actual way to set that attribute? Or, real application developers will give a variable in the "String" field to set it dynamically
(ie. session.setAttribut(userName, userName); //Setting the String Dynamically.. I dono is it right or not.)
And my final question is
WebContext ctx = WebContextFactory.get();
request = ctx.getHttpServletRequest();
What do the two lines above do? What will be stored in ctx & request?
HttpSession ses = req.getSession(true); will creates new session means. What value stored in ses.
Some [random] precisions:
You don't need login/logout mechanisms in order to have sessions.
In java servlets, HTTP sessions are tracked using two mechanisms, HTTP cookie (the most commonly used) or URL rewriting (to support browsers without cookies or with cookies disabled). Using only cookies is simple, you don't have to do anything special. For URL re-writing, you need to modify all URLs pointing back to your servlets/filters.
Each time you call request.getSession(true), the HttpRequest object will be inspected in order to find a session ID encoded either in a cookie OR/AND in the URL path parameter (what's following a semi-colon). If the session ID cannot be found, a new session will be created by the servlet container (i.e. the server).
The session ID is added to the response as a Cookie. If you want to support URL re-writing also, the links in your HTML documents should be modified using the response.encodeURL() method. Calling request.getSession(false) or simply request.getSession() will return null in the event the session ID is not found or the session ID refers to an invalid session.
There is a single HTTP session by visit, as Java session cookies are not stored permanently in the browser. So sessions object are not shared between clients. Each user has his own private session.
Sessions are destroyed automatically if not used for a given time. The time-out value can be configured in the web.xml file.
A given session can be explicitly invalidated using the invalidate() method.
When people are talking about JSESSIONID, they are referring to the standard name of the HTTP cookie used to do session-tracking in Java.
I suggest you read a tutorial on Java sessions. Each user gets a different HttpSession object, based on a JSESSIONID request/response parameter that the Java web server sends to the browser. So every user can have an attribute with the same name, and the value stored for this attribute will be different for all users.
Also, WebContextFactory and WebContext are DWR classes that provide an easy way to get the servlet parameters.
As I understand it, your concerns are about separation of the different users when storing things in the HttpSession.
The servlet container (for example Tomcat) takes care of this utilizing its JSESSIONID.
The story goes like this :
User first logs onto website.
Servlet container sets a COOKIE on
the user's browser, storing a UNIQUE
Every time the user hits the
website, the JSESSIONID cookie is
sent back.
The servlet container uses this to
keep track of who is who.
Likewise, this is how it keeps track
of the separation of data. Every
user has their own bucket of
objects uniquely identified by the
Hopefully that (at least partially) answers your question.
Your basic servlet is going to look like
public class MyServlet{
public doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res){
//Parameter true:
// create session if one does not exist. session should never be null
//Parameter false:
// return null if there is no session, used on pages where you want to
// force a user to already have a session or be logged in
//only need to use one of the two getSession() options here.
//Just showing both for this test
HttpSession sess = req.getSession(true);
HttpSession sess2 = req.getSession(false);
//set an Attribute in the request. This can be used to pass new values
//to a forward or to a JSP
req.setAttribute("myVar", "Hello World");
There is no need to set any attribute names for your session that is already done. As others have suggested in other answers, use cookies or URL re-writing to store the sessionID for you.
When you are dealing with the DWR WebContext, it is simply doing the same thing as above, just normally the Request object isn't passed into the method, so you use the WebContext to get that request for you
public class DWRClass {
public doSomething(){
WebContext ctx = WebContextFactory.get();
HttpServletRequest req = ctx.getHttpServletRequest();
HttpSession sess = req.getSession(); //no parameter is the same as passing true
//Lets set another attribute for a forward or JSP to use
ArrayList<Boolean> flags = new ArrayList<Boolean>();
req.setAttribute("listOfNames", flags);

How can I share a variable or object between two or more Servlets?

I would like to know if there is some way to share a variable or an object between two or more Servlets, I mean some "standard" way. I suppose that this is not a good practice but is a easier way to build a prototype.
I don't know if it depends on the technologies used, but I'll use Tomcat 5.5
I want to share a Vector of objects of a simple class (just public attributes, strings, ints, etc). My intention is to have a static data like in a DB, obviously it will be lost when the Tomcat is stopped. (it's just for Testing)
I think what you're looking for here is request, session or application data.
In a servlet you can add an object as an attribute to the request object, session object or servlet context object:
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
String shared = "shared";
request.setAttribute("sharedId", shared); // add to request
request.getSession().setAttribute("sharedId", shared); // add to session
this.getServletConfig().getServletContext().setAttribute("sharedId", shared); // add to application context
request.getRequestDispatcher("/URLofOtherServlet").forward(request, response);
If you put it in the request object it will be available to the servlet that is forwarded to until the request is finished:
If you put it in the session it will be available to all the servlets going forward but the value will be tied to the user:
Until the session expires based on inactivity from the user.
Is reset by you:
Or one servlet removes it from scope:
If you put it in the servlet context it will be available while the application is running:
Until you remove it:
Put it in one of the 3 different scopes.
request - lasts life of request
session - lasts life of user's session
application - lasts until applciation is shut down
You can access all of these scopes via the HttpServletRequest variable that is passed in to the methods that extend from the HttpServlet class
Depends on the scope of the intended use of the data.
If the data is only used on a per-user basis, like user login info, page hit count, etc. use the session object
(httpServletRequest.getSession().get/setAttribute(String [,Object]))
If it is the same data across multiple users (total web page hits, worker threads, etc) use the ServletContext attributes. servlet.getServletCongfig().getServletContext().get/setAttribute(String [,Object])). This will only work within the same war file/web applicaiton. Note that this data is not persisted across restarts either.
Another option, share data betwheen contexts...
<Context path="/myApp1" docBase="myApp1" crossContext="true"/>
<Context path="/myApp2" docBase="myApp2" crossContext="true"/>
On myApp1:
ServletContext sc = getServletContext();
sc.setAttribute("attribute", "value");
On myApp2:
ServletContext sc = getServletContext("/myApp1");
String anwser = (String)sc.getAttribute("attribute");
Couldn't you just put the object in the HttpSession and then refer to it by its attribute name in each of the servlets?
getSession().setAttribute("thing", object);
...then in another servlet:
Object obj = getSession.getAttribute("thing");
Here's how I do this with Jetty.
Uses the server context, where a singleton is written to during startup of an embedded Jetty server and shared among all webapps for the life of the server. Can also be used to share objects/data between webapps assuming there is only one writer to the context - otherwise you need to be mindful of concurrency.

