Is it possible to upload a txt/pdf/png file to Amazon S3 in a single action, and get the uploaded file URL as the response?
If so, is AWS Java SDK the right library that I need to add in my java struts2 web application?
Please suggest me a solution for this.
No you cannot get the URL in single action but two :)
First of all, you may have to make the file public before uploading because it makes no sense to get the URL that no one can access. You can do so by setting ACL as Michael Astreiko suggested.
You can get the resource URL either by calling getResourceUrl or getUrl.
AmazonS3Client s3Client = (AmazonS3Client)AmazonS3ClientBuilder.defaultClient();
s3Client.putObject(new PutObjectRequest("your-bucket", "some-path/some-key.jpg", new File("somePath/someKey.jpg")).withCannedAcl(CannedAccessControlList.PublicRead))
s3Client.getResourceUrl("your-bucket", "some-path/some-key.jpg");
The different between getResourceUrl and getUrl is that getResourceUrl will return null when exception occurs.
getUrl method is not defined in the AmazonS3 interface. You have to cast the object to AmazonS3Client if you use the standard builder.
You can work it out for yourself given the bucket and the file name you specify in the upload request.
e.g. if your bucket is mybucket and your file is named myfilename:
The s3 bit will be different depending on which region your bucket is in. For example, I use the south-east asia region so my urls are like:
For AWS SDK 2+
String key = "filePath";
String bucketName = "bucketName";
PutObjectResponse response = s3Client
.putObject(PutObjectRequest.builder().bucket(bucketName ).key(key).build(), RequestBody.fromFile(file));
GetUrlRequest request = GetUrlRequest.builder().bucket(bucketName ).key(key).build();
String url = s3Client.utilities().getUrl(request).toExternalForm();
#hussachai and #Jeffrey Kemp answers are pretty good. But they have something in common is the url returned is of virtual-host-style, not in path style. For more info regarding to the s3 url style, can refer to AWS S3 URL Styles. In case of some people want to have path style s3 url generated. Here's the step. Basically everything will be the same as #hussachai and #Jeffrey Kemp answers, only with one line setting change as below:
AmazonS3Client s3Client = (AmazonS3Client) AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard()
// Upload a file as a new object with ContentType and title specified.
PutObjectRequest request = new PutObjectRequest(bucketName, stringObjKeyName, fileToUpload);
URL s3Url = s3Client.getUrl(bucketName, stringObjKeyName);"S3 url is " + s3Url.toExternalForm());
This will generate url like:
Similarly if you want link through s3Client you can use below.
System.out.println("filelink: " + s3Client.getUrl("your_bucket_name", "your_file_key"));
a bit old but still for anyone stumbling upon this in the future:
you can do it with one line assuming you already wrote the CredentialProvider and the AmazonS3Client.
it will look like this:
String ImageURL = String.valueOf(s3.getUrl(
ConstantsAWS3.BUCKET_NAME, //The S3 Bucket To Upload To
file.getName())); //The key for the uploaded object
and if you didn't wrote the CredentialProvider and the AmazonS3Client then just add them before getting the URL like this:
CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider(
"POOL_ID", // Identity pool ID
Regions.US_EAST_1 // Region
Below method uploads file in a particular folder in a bucket and return the generated url of the file uploaded.
private String uploadFileToS3Bucket(final String bucketName, final File file) {
final String uniqueFileName = uploadFolder + "/" + file.getName();"Uploading file with name= " + uniqueFileName);
final PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(bucketName, uniqueFileName, file);
return ((AmazonS3Client) amazonS3).getResourceUrl(bucketName, uniqueFileName);
If you're using AWS-SDK, the data object returned contains the Object URL in data.Location
const AWS = require('aws-sdk')
const s3 = new AWS.S3(config)
System.out.println("Link : " + s3Object.getObjectContent().getHttpRequest().getURI());
With this code you can retrieve the link of already uploaded file to S3 bucket.
To make the file public before uploading you can use the #withCannedAcl method of PutObjectRequest:
myAmazonS3Client.putObject(new PutObjectRequest('some-grails-bucket', 'somePath/someKey.jpg', new File('/Users/ben/Desktop/photo.jpg')).withCannedAcl(CannedAccessControlList.PublicRead))
String url = myAmazonS3Client.getUrl('some-grails-bucket', 'somePath/someKey.jpg').toString();
I am testing with Amazon S3 compatible Minio using "aws-java-sdk-s3" in Java (Servlet).
Minio wants to set this as "Prefix: *, Read Only" because the initial value of the bucket policy is None.
I added the source code when creating the bucket
I wrote as follows, but it did not change.
BasicAWSCredentials awsCreds = new BasicAWSCredentials(awsId, awsKey);
AmazonS3 s3Client = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard()
.withCredentials(new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(awsCreds))
.withEndpointConfiguration(new EndpointConfiguration(endpoint, null))
s3client.createBucket(new CreateBucketRequest(bucketName));
+ "\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\","
+ "\"Statement\":["
+ "{"
+ "\"Sid\":\"Statement1\","
+ "\"Effect\":\"Allow\","
+ "\"Principal\":\"*\","
+ "\"Action\":[\"s3:GetObject\"],"
+ "\"Resource\":[\"arn:aws:s3:::*\"]"
+ "}"
+ "]"
+ "}"
What did I mistake? please tell me.
If it is possible to change the initial value of bucket policy for all buckets, such as with Minio's environment setting, there is no problem.
Thank you.
This is how you can get the general public access policy programmatically.
// Gets a public read policy on the bucket.
public static String getPublicReadPolicy(String bucket_name) {
Policy bucket_policy = new Policy().withStatements(
new Statement(Statement.Effect.Allow)
.withResources(new Resource(
"arn:aws:s3:::" + bucket_name + "/*")));
return bucket_policy.toJson();
Then you can use this policy text to the desired s3 bucket
String policy_text = getPublicReadPolicy(bucket_name);
setBucketPolicy(bucket_name, policy_text);
However in the minio console this will not show with public access. It shows as a custom policy, but it works as public access only.(ref. below image)
Also this logic can be extended by applying wildcard * instead of specific bucket.
I have a AWS S3 with the following structure or hierarchy:
I need to get count of all the gz files in customer/name/firstname using java sdk.
Can I please have a Java code on how to do it?
There are several ways to get list of files from S3. This is one of them:
* #bucketName bucket name (i.e. customer)
* #path path within given bucket (i.e. name/firstname)
* #pattern pattern that matches required files (i.e. "\\w+\\.gz")
private List<String> getFileList(String bucketName, String path, Pattern pattern) throws AmazonS3Exception {
ListObjectsV2Request request = createRequest(bucketName, path);
return s3.listObjectsV2(request).getObjectSummaries().stream()
.map(file -> FilenameUtils.getName(file.getKey()))
.filter(fileName -> pattern.matcher(fileName).matches())
private static ListObjectsV2Request createRequest(String bucketName, String path) {
ListObjectsV2Request request = new ListObjectsV2Request();
return request;
P.S. I suppose that you already have S3 credentials in your home directory and successfully initialized AmazonS3 s3 instance.
I am trying to use Lambda function for S3 Put event notification. My Lambda function should be called once I put/add any new JSON file in my S3 bucket.
The challenge I have is there are not enough documents for this to implement such Lambda function in Java. Most of doc I found are for Node.js
I want, my Lambda function should be called and then inside that Lambda function, I want to consume that added json and then send that JSON to AWS ES Service.
But what all classes I should use for this? Anyone has any idea about this? S3 abd ES are all setup and running. The auto generated code for lambda is
public Object handleRequest(S3Event input, Context context) {
context.getLogger().log("Input: " + input);
// TODO: implement your handler
return null;
What next??
Handling S3 events in Lambda can be done, but you have to keep in mind, the the S3Event object only transports the reference to the object and not the object itself. To get to the actual object you have to invoke the AWS SDK yourself.
Requesting a S3 Object within a lambda function would look like this:
public Object handleRequest(S3Event input, Context context) {
AmazonS3Client s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain());
for (S3EventNotificationRecord record : input.getRecords()) {
String s3Key = record.getS3().getObject().getKey();
String s3Bucket = record.getS3().getBucket().getName();
context.getLogger().log("found id: " + s3Bucket+" "+s3Key);
// retrieve s3 object
S3Object object = s3Client.getObject(new GetObjectRequest(s3Bucket, s3Key));
InputStream objectData = object.getObjectContent();
//insert object into elasticsearch
return null;
Now the rather difficult part to insert this object into ElasticSearch. Sadly the AWS SDK does not provide any functions for this. The default approach would be to do a REST call against the AWS ES endpoint. There are various samples out their on how to proceed with calling an ElasticSearch instance.
Some people seem to go with the following project:
Jest - Elasticsearch Java Rest Client
Finally, here are the steps for S3 --> Lambda --> ES integration using Java.
Have your S3, Lamba and ES created on AWS. Steps are here.
Use below Java code in your lambda function to fetch a newly added object in S3 and send it to ES service.
public Object handleRequest(S3Event input, Context context) {
AmazonS3Client s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain());
for (S3EventNotificationRecord record : input.getRecords()) {
String s3Key = record.getS3().getObject().getKey();
String s3Bucket = record.getS3().getBucket().getName();
context.getLogger().log("found id: " + s3Bucket+" "+s3Key);
// retrieve s3 object
S3Object object = s3Client.getObject(new GetObjectRequest(s3Bucket, s3Key));
InputStream objectData = object.getObjectContent();
//Start putting your objects in AWS ES Service
String esInput = "Build your JSON string here using S3 objectData";
HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpPut putRequest = new HttpPut(AWS_ES_ENDPOINT + "/{Index_name}/{product_name}/{unique_id}" );
StringEntity input = new StringEntity(esInput);
return "success";}
Use either Postman or Sense to create Actual index & corresponding mapping in ES.
Once done, download and run proxy.js on your machine. Make sure you setup ES Security steps suggested in this post
Test setup and Kibana by running http://localhost:9200/_plugin/kibana/ URL from your machine.
All is set. Go ahead and set your dashboard in Kibana. Test it by adding new objects in your S3 bucket
How to set the app properties of a file using Google Drive v3 in java?
The reference says: "files.update with {'appProperties':{'key':'value'}}", but I don't understand how to apply that to my java code.
I've tried things like
file = service.files().create(body).setFields("id").execute();
Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>();
properties.put(DEVICE_ID_KEY, deviceId);
service.files().update(file.getId(), file).setFields("appProperties").execute();
but then I get an error that "The resource body includes fields which are not directly writable."
And to get the data:
File fileProperty = service.files().get(sFileId).setFields("appProperties").execute();
So how to set and get the properties for the file?
Thanks! :)
I tried
file = service.files().create(body).setFields("id").execute();
Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>();
properties.put(DEVICE_ID_KEY, deviceId);
service.files().update(file.getId(), file).execute();
but I still get the same error message.
To avoid this error on v3
"The resource body includes fields which are not directly writable."
when calling update, you need to create an empty File with the new changes and pass that to the update function.
I wrote this and other notes as a v3 Migration Guide here.
The Drive API client for Java v3 indicates that the File.setAppProperties will require a Hashmap<String,String> parameter. Try to remove the setFields("appProperties") call since you are trying to overwrite appProperties itself (you're still calling Update at this time).
When retrieving appProperties, you'll just need to call getAppProperties.
Hope this helps!
File fileMetadata = new File(); filePath = new;
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put(YOUR_KEY, YOUR_VALUE); //can be filled with custom String
FileContent mediaContent = new FileContent(YOUR_IMPORT_FORMAT, filePath);
File file = service.files().create(fileMetadata, mediaContent)
.setFields("id, appProperties").
YOUR_IMPORT_FORMAT, fill this with the value in this link,, there is explanation below the example code
setFields("id, appProperties"), fill this with the value in this link:, this the most important part I think, if you don't set the value in the setFields method your additional input will not be written
With version v3, to add or update appProperties for an existing file and without this error:
"The resource body includes fields which are not directly writable."
You should do:
String fileId = "Your file id key here";
Map<String, String> appPropertiesMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
appPropertiesMap.put("MyKey", "MyValue");
appPropertiesMap.put("MySecondKey", "any value");
//set only the metadata you want to change
//do not set "id" !!! You will have "The resource body includes fields which are not directly writable." error
File fileMetadata = new File();
File updatedFileMetadata = driveService.files().update(fileId, fileMetadata).setFields("id, appProperties").execute();
System.out.printf("Hey, I see my appProperties :-) %s \n", updatedFileMetadata.toPrettyString());
I'm looking to leverage RackSpace's CloudFiles platform for large object storage (word docs, images, etc). Following some of their guides, I found a useful code snippet, that looks like it should work, but doesn't in my case.
Iterable<Module> modules = ImmutableSet.<Module> of(
new Log4JLoggingModule());
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty(LocationConstants.PROPERTY_ZONE, ZONE);
properties.setProperty(LocationConstants.PROPERTY_REGION, "ORD");
CloudFilesClient cloudFilesClient = ContextBuilder.newBuilder(PROVIDER)
.credentials(username, apiKey)
The problem is that when this code executes, it tries to log me in the IAD (Virginia) instance of CloudFiles. My organization's goal is to use the ORD (Chicago) instance as primary to be colocated with our cloud and use DFW as a back up environment. The login response results in the IAD instance coming back first, so I'm assuming JClouds is using that. Browsing around, it looks like the ZONE/REGION attributes are ignored for CloudFiles. I was wondering if there is any way to override the code that comes back for authentication to loop through the returned providers and choose which one to login to.
The accepted answer is mostly good, with some more info available in this snippet:
RestContext<CommonSwiftClient, CommonSwiftAsyncClient> swift = cloudFilesClient.unwrap();
CommonSwiftClient client = swift.getApi();
SwiftObject object = client.newSwiftObject();
object.getInfo().setName(FILENAME + SUFFIX);
object.setPayload("This is my payload."); //input stream.
String id = client.putObject(CONTAINER, object);
SwiftObject obj2 = client.getObject(CONTAINER,FILENAME + SUFFIX);
We are working on the next version of jclouds (1.7.1) that should include multi-region support for Rackspace Cloud Files and OpenStack Swift. In the meantime you might be able to use this code as a workaround.
private void uploadToRackspaceRegion() {
Iterable<Module> modules = ImmutableSet.<Module> of(new Log4JLoggingModule());
String provider = "swift-keystone"; //Region selection is limited to swift-keystone provider
String identity = "username";
String credential = "password";
String endpoint = "";
String region = "ORD";
Properties overrides = new Properties();
overrides.setProperty(LocationConstants.PROPERTY_REGION, region);
overrides.setProperty(Constants.PROPERTY_API_VERSION, "2");
BlobStoreContext context = ContextBuilder.newBuilder(provider)
.credentials(identity, credential)
RestContext<CommonSwiftClient, CommonSwiftAsyncClient> swift = context.unwrap();
CommonSwiftClient client = swift.getApi();
SwiftObject uploadObject = client.newSwiftObject();
uploadObject.setPayload("This is my payload."); //input stream.
String eTag = client.putObject("jclouds", uploadObject);
System.out.println("eTag = " + eTag);
SwiftObject downloadObject = client.getObject("jclouds", "test.txt");
System.out.println("downloadObject = " + downloadObject.getPayload());
Use swift as you would Cloud Files. Keep in mind that if you need to use Cloud Files CDN stuff, the above won't work for that. Also, know that this way of doing things will eventually be deprecated.