Static factory method at EJB - java

I have an EJB which I don't want anyone to be able to instantiate explicitly. So I have a static method for instantiating it( Factory method) this class is called EmailEJB. It has an interface called EmailService.
Now as I am using jsf, I have a managed bean called EmailMB.
My questions:
Why do I have access only to the interface and not to the bean itself?
How can I instantiate that EmailEJB in EmailMB ? I cannot have an static class inside interface and I cannot instantiate interface.
Thank you.

An EJB is instanciated and its lifecycle is managed by your container.
A Managed Bean is linked to JSF and supposed to contains values from your user.
The role of the EJB is to execute the business job (retrieve data from database, save, update, insert, call another EJB, etc...).
You extract informations from your managed bean and give them to a method of your EJB as parameters. The EJB will do the job and maybe give you some information back which can be stored in the managed bean to go back to the user.
The EJB will never be instanciated in a managed bean. You don't manage the EJB : it is managed by the application server.


Spring boot instantiate multiple components

I have a callable type class. It is a annotated with #component. I would like to create multiple instances of the callable class. To do so, I am using the application context. The problem is it simply does not work.
Refer Bean scope you want to use:,method%20call%20on%20the%20container).
singleton - once for each IoC container, your application context
prototype- multiple beans for multiple object instance
request - in case of web aware app context, each bean to a particular HTTP request, and new instance for another
session- for each HTTP session.
global session - as what name says.
depending on your use select scope as well explained by #BeUndead.

Spring bean creation lifecycle : Why having multiple interaction points?

I'm learning spring and I'm stuck with the bean lifecycle !
When creating a bean, spring gives us several maners to interact with it. We can use one or all of :
Spring calls them in the order above
My question is : why all these points of interaction ? and when to use each of them (the use case) ?
A BeanFactoryPostProcessor and a BeanPostProcessor are quite different beast and also apply to different things.
A BeanFactoryPostProcessor will operate on the metadata for a bean (I like to call it the recipe) and will post process that. A well know example is the PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer which will inject/replace all #Value in configuration with the value. A BeanFactoryPostProcessor operates on the metadata and thus before any bean has been created.
The BeanPostProcessor can be applied to a bean and can even replace a bean. Spring AOP uses this quite a lot. An example is the PersistenceExceptionTranslationPostProcessor, when a bean has been created it will pass through this BeanPostProcessor and when it is annotated with #Persistence the bean will be replaced by a proxy. This proxy adds exception translation (i.e. it will convert JpaException and SQLException to the Spring DataAccessException). This is done in a BeanPostProcessor. And can be be done before the init-callbacks are called (the postProcessBeforeInitializationor after they have been called thepostProcessAfterInitialization). The PersistenceExceptionTranslationPostProcessorwill run in thepostProcessAfterInitialization` as it needs to be certain the bean has been initialized.
The ServletContextAwareProcessor will run right after the object has been created to inject the ServletContext as early as possible as the initializing of a bean might depend on it.
The 3 callbacks for initializing a bean are more or less the same but are called in sequence because they have been included in later versions. It starter with only an interface InitializingBean and init-method in xml (later also added to #Bean and the annotation support was added when annotations became a thing.
You need init methods to initialize a bean, you might want to check if all properties have been set (like a required datasource) or you might want to start something. A DataSource (especially a connection pool) is a good example to initialize. After all dependencies have been injected you want to start the pool so it will open the connections. Now as you probably cannot modify the code you want to use the init-method if you control the code you probably want to add #PostConstruct. If you are writing an framework that depends on Spring I would use the InitializingBean.
Next to those 3 init methods you also have the destruction counter-parts. The DisposableBean interface (and destroy-method) and the #PreDestroy annotation. Again when you stop your application you also want to close the connections in your connection pool and you want to probably call the close method on the DataSource. A perfect sample of a destruction callback.

Get an OSGi service instance from blueprint programmatically

I have a java class where I need to have full control the time and place of instantiation - therefore I can't initialize it as blueprint bean.
In the same bundle as that class I have a bean that I export as an OSGi-service. I would need to get access to that very service instance from the previously explained non-blueprint class.
I can't just perform a service lookup as there are other services implementing the same interface aswell. Creating a second (internal) instance of the service class will not work either.
So, as a recap:
Before I used blueprint, I had the service implementation as classic singleton, enabling me to register the same instance as service in the activator class that I could later access from within the bundle. But with blueprint (as far as I know) making the service class a "classic" singleton is not possible because it would not be possible for blueprint to create the service instance
I can't perform a service lookup because there is more than one service registered implementing the service interface.
My current solution is to query all services implementing the interface and looping the list to find the one thats instance of the one class I want.
BundleContext ctx = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(getClass()).getBundleContext();
ServiceReference<?>[] refs = ctx.getServiceReferences(ServiceInterface.class.getName(), null);
ServiceImpl provider = null;
for (ServiceReference ref : refs) {
if (ctx.getService(ref) instanceof ServiceImpl) {
provider = (ServiceImpl) ctx.getService(ref);
But I do not really like the idea of that approach.
Is there any better way to solve that? Maybe some way to request a service instance direct from the blueprint container? I found the interface BlueprintContainer with a method to get instances by the ID they got - but again the only way to get an instance of the BlueprintContainer I found is to inject the instance in the class - where I hit the initial problem of the class not possible to be a blueprint bean again.
Just set a property when exporting the service. So you can filter for it. This way you can distinguish your service impl from the others.
I also propose to use a ServiceTracker for your service. So you do not have to handle the lookup for every call to the service. If you do not use a ServiceTracker make sure to unget the service after use.

Instantiating arbitrary classes thru Spring

I'm writing a service registry class. This service registry will scan packages for annotated classes and then populate some internal map. What I need then, is to be able to query for services (by String name) using some method (let's say Object get(String name)). This method will then search internal map for a service with such name and returns instance.
What I'm doing right now, is having this ServiceRegistryBean implement ApplicationContextAware and BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor and a list of Strings (package names) given on construct.
Then, as soon as the bean is constructed, registry post processor kicks in (see note) and the registry class adds the service classes as new beans (singleton, lazy loaded) to the spring bean registry. Then, getting the service instance is as simple as requesting a bean from context, returning singleton instance.
My question is: is there a better way in Spring to do this? I've looked into bean factories, but it does not seem to me the same. Support for auto-wiring and DI in service instances is essential, that's why I want Spring to instantiate it. Also, I like the idea of Spring taking care of singletons.
Note: I've found out, that when I inline the bean creation in <constructor-arg> (that is, bean is not named and is just an instance passed as constructor argument of other bean - in my case, I'm passing registry as a parameter to other constructor), BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor interface methods (namely public void postProcessBeanDefinitionRegistry(BeanDefinitionRegistry registry)) is not called at all! I'm quite sure, it is some behavior of Spring I don't know about, but I was not able to find proper documentation for the post-processor.
Thank you for any hints or insights!
Scanning for custom annotations it's already supported, you only need to add a include-filter to <context:component-scan> tag, ie
<context:component-scan base-package="org.example">
<context:include-filter type="annotation" expression="some.Annotation"/>
If you turn on default-lazy-init I suppose that the DI Container is ready to use as Service Locator Registry.
About the note, only root bean definitions are taken into account when looking for BeanFactoryPostProcessors, inner beans are ignored.
Usually, scanning and registering beans is done by BeanDefinitionParsers instead because you known when the beans are registered and beans are visible for tools, like STS Spring Bean Explorer, but using a BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor is correct. The interface ensures that beans are defined before other BeanFactoryPostProcessors run.

How to invoke method on one #Stateless bean from another #Stateless bean

I have created stateless session bean in Java. Now I want to invoke a method of another stateless session bean. Some things are missing in my code. Usual way of invoking method does not fit here. Being invoked method at another stateless session bean retrieves data from the Internet.
Likewise, how to invoke a method from #Stateless bean of a simple Java class. I build a REST web service with Java and somehow I can't invoke methods being at simple Java class from #Stateless beans.
Just inject it with #EJB
public class StatelessBean1 {
private StatelessBean2 bean;
There's nothing special about invoking methods on a stateless session bean. You use the exact same syntax as with every other kind of bean.
As Bozho indicated, the only thing special about EJBs is that you can't construct an instance using the new operator. You need to inject an instance or alternatively do a JNDI lookup. After that, the normal Java rules apply.
It really shouldn't need to be explained but to be sure, calling a method on a stateless session bean called 'bean':

