Maven Dependencies in SpringSource Tool Suite - java

This is my first time using Maven and for some reason on my machine I am unable to get two of the hibernate dependencies that I need. My Pom.xml file is below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Spring -->
<!-- Exclude Commons Logging in favor of SLF4j -->
<!-- AspectJ -->
<!-- Logging -->
<!-- #Inject -->
<!-- Servlet -->
<!-- Test -->
For some reason org.hibernate hibernate-entitymanager
cannot be found. The maven setup I am using is the default that comes with springsource tool suite. I made no modifications to the version of maven they gave me. I am trying to build this on 64 bit windows machine with jdk 7 installed.
I have looked into the other solutions like updating depdencies and configuration in the menu that pops up when you right click on a project and go to maven.
Some people have said I need to enable the dependencies but there is no menu to do so on the right and I am able to download things like the hibernate core and have the dependencies be properly resolved. Just having issues with that specific dependency.
Do I need to add repositories or anything of that nature to the original settings.xml file provided with the installation of maven in SpringSource Tool Suite?

This dependency seems to be not found on your default repository maven is looking into, It exist at jboss's maven repository
So to enable maven to look for that repository too add following into your pom.xml
<project ...>
<id>JBoss repository</id>
And try mvn clean install

If you are running Maven from console, you need to do it in a directory with your pom.xml file.
For Hibernate stuff, you possibly need to declare the following in your pom.xml (or settings.xml):
<name>JBoss Repository</name>

use this
central Maven Repository Switchboard default false com.springsource.repository.libraries.release SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repository - SpringSource Library Releases


Entity cannot be resolved to a type

I'm trying to do a simple app with Spring.
I installed the plugin spring (Spring Tool Suite (STS)) for eclipse.
I added Maven dependencies in the file pom.xml but did not load the jar files. I can not import the #Entity #Id in my class Produit and I do not know where is my problem.
im getting this error:
Entity cannot be resolved to a type.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Spring -->
<!-- Exclude Commons Logging in favor of SLF4j -->
<!-- AspectJ -->
<!-- Logging -->
<!-- #Inject -->
<!-- Servlet -->
<!-- Test -->
<!-- Hibernate-->
<!-- MySQL Connector-->
im getting this error in the file pom.xml:
cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'dependency'.
You will need to import javax.persistence.Entity and javax.persistence.Id. I believe their jar is also included in
<!-- -->
Please note that some of dependency definitions are out of the scope of the dependencies element (see TODO:):
<!-- TODO: Out-of-the-scope dependency definitions! -->
<!-- Hibernate-->
<!-- MySQL Connector-->
Just move the out-of-the-scope dependency definitions into the dependencies element.
Just switched my code into the tag <dependencies> … </dependencies>
<!-- MySQL Connector-->
Keep this block inside
org.hibernate hibernate-entitymanager 3.6.0.Final org.hibernate hibernate-validator 4.1.0.Final mysql mysql-connector-java 5.1.6
And also include hibernate-core dependency..
As already mentioned above
Make sure your XML structure is valid. An open tag always need a close tag or slash(/) at the end.
In my case, the pom.xml file had a warning because I explicitly mentioned version of sql lite under . Thus, even after reload of project project was not getting updated(because of presence of warning).
To remove warning, I deleted the line that showed version number of sql lite dependency explicity and reloaded project. This fixed the issue for me.

Cannot resolve maven dependency: Failure to find javax.persistence:ejb:jar:3.0-public-draft-20060327

I'm trying to resurrect an old project. I wanted to use Maven to manage dependencies/build/etc., and I got pretty far, but now I'm running into an error that I can't seem to resolve, and that I can't seem to find anything about:
Failed to execute goal on project scanit: Could not resolve dependencies for project net.cbojar:scanit:jar:0.2: Could not find artifact javax.persistence:ejb:jar:3.0-public-draft-20060327 in maven2 (
It wants to download a ejb-3.0-public-draft-20060327.jar file, but that file does not exist in the repo.
I'm relatively new to maven, and I wanted to use this as practice, but I have now painted myself into a corner. Below is my pom.xml file.
<!-- Build an executable JAR -->
<name>Central Maven Repository</name>
<!--These are needed for Swing/Netbeans -->
<name>Netbeans Maven Repository</name>
<!-- TODO: Update to JUnit 4 -->
Given that you are converting to Maven an existing project, you should respect the original dependencies. That means adding as a Maven dependency the exact same version of the original dependencies and excluding unused transitive dependency (since the original project doesn't need it and it works correctly then we can safely exclude them from the pom).
It turns out that javax.persistence:ejb:jar:3.0-public-draft-20060327 is a transitive dependency of org.hibernate:hibernate-annotations:3.1beta9. If the original project doesn't need it, you can exclude it from the pom like this:
Remove your
And use:
That is the dependency causing you that problem. It is from 2006. I also recommend you to update your dependencies version to the most up to date.
As such an upgrade may break your code, and without further details, you should probably stick with a version closer to the one you are trying to use.
Check here for all hibernate-annotations versions available in maven repo.
You maybe need this dependecy declaration inside your project pom.xml:

JBoss will not start with Hibernate Validator 5.1.3 Final

I asked a question along these lines here
I ended up going to 4.0.2 version on validator, but our application overall uses JPA 2.0 and so I was getting errors when attempting to fire validators. So, I decided to go back to trying to get 5.x of HV working since it was based on JPA 2.0. But, my JBoss will not start, it gets :
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'org.springframework.validation.beanvalidation.LocalValidatorFactoryBean#0': Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.hibernate.validator.internal.engine.ConfigurationImpl
So, using Eclipse Luna, I created a new Spring MVC maven based project. I left the pom bone stock as the wizard created it. I compiled, deployed and started JBoss, no issues. Then I added the pom entry for HV as is indicated here and here.
After adding the indicated pom entry JBoss will not start, and the only addition is the HV pom entry as shown in the docs.
Here is the wizard generated pom including the HV entry.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Spring -->
<!-- Exclude Commons Logging in favor of SLF4j -->
<!-- AspectJ -->
<!-- Logging -->
<!-- #Inject -->
<!-- Servlet -->
<!-- Test -->
I am out of ideas. According all the doco I find and all the example project setups, the pom entry is all that is needed. The only other thing I can think of is there is something not documented that is required. Or, there is an incompatibility with Spring.
Any ideas?

What main class do I use for Java Spring?

I'm attempting to create a JAR or WAR file from SpringToolSuite using the provided MVC Spring Project template. When I try to export (via STS) or clean package (maven) my code, the jars always fail to run because there is no main manifest attribute found. There is no class with a main() supplied in the template project either. The project does run within STS on a Pivotal tc server instance I have set up. The problem arises when I try to export the project as a JAR.
This is my project's pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Spring -->
<!-- Exclude Commons Logging in favor of SLF4j -->
<!-- AspectJ -->
<!-- Logging -->
<!-- #Inject -->
<!-- Servlet -->
<!-- Test -->
A web project (war) can not just be saved as jar. But as you are working with Spring, I recommend you have a look at Spring Boot:
Spring Boot allows you to create web projects as runnable jars.
Another option would be:
This plugin allows you, to build a standalone jar out of your web project, by packing a standalone version of tomcat into the jar.

Jar maven dependency disappears from my WEB-INF/lib

I'm working on this maven web (java) application (lwl-module), and deploying it to JBoss 7 via eclipse.
When I expanded web application's node under JBoss 7, it had 2 jar files under it, just like the one above it (bhr-module):
But after I made changes to one of these jar files (commons-web) and re-installed it, that jar file was gone from my application's node. And when I redeploy my web application JBoss complains that it can't find of of its classes.
I've run mvn install on the jar file and my web application, removed the module from JBoss and added it again, but the jar file is not added to my node or copied to my web application's WEB-INF/lib directory.
My jar's pom.xml looks like this:
<name>ZiN Commons Web Utilities</name>
And my dependency declaration in my web application's pom.xml:
Both of these are projects in my eclipse workspace. And I've already tried removing the "-SNAPSHOT" from my jar and war, but no luck.
Another question is, how come JBoss/Eclipse only show me those 2 jars under my web applications when they depend on so many other jars which also get copied into their WEB-INF/lib directories?
And here's the full pom.xml for my web application:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>CVZ LWL Module</name>
<!-- Spring 4.0 proven not compatible with Spring Data. -->
<!-- ZiN artifacts -->
<!-- ZiN -->
<!-- Log4j -->
<!-- Java EE -->
<!-- Spring -->
<!-- DisplayTag -->
<!-- CXF -->
<!-- Let op deze library mag niet mee verpakt worden maar moet in de
/server/cvz/lib directory van JBoss geplaatst worden -->
<!-- Commons -->
<!-- Test -->
Apparently those nodes under my web applications are Web fragments that my applications depend on.
There was a Java EE configuration problem with my Web fragment (commons-web), as I wrote here.
This error wasn't causing a maven build to fail but Eclipse wasn't recognising my project as a web fragment for JBoss.
You need to install the JBoss maven plugin from eclipse market place and create a new maven project and add your code to the application.
Once that is done, add the project the on jboss server that is imported in eclipse and check Build Actomatically.
Whenever you change the file, application requires publishing to the serve which copies latest jar files and updated class files.
All the jars mentioned as maven dependencies will be shown in eclipse.
Hope this helps.
You can also try mvn clean compile install

