I am trying to make a select from a table, which works fine with every other table in my database, but when I try the following I recieve an error:
db.makeQuery("SELECT * FROM References");
Which calls:
public ResultSet makeQuery(String query) throws Exception
preparedStatement = connect.prepareStatement(query);
resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery(query);
return resultSet;
It then throws the following error:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your
MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'References' at line 1
I seems very strange to me, since this statement works:
db.makeQuery("select * from Products");
References is a keyword in SQL, so you better avoid it for table names. (See for instance this documentation.)
As suggested by Nishant, you can use reserved words in queries if you escape them with backticks.
Related question:
Using MySQL keywords in a query?
db.makeQuery("SELECT * FROM `References`");
if you can, better, avoid having names that are MySQL keywords. As suggested by aioobe
You might be misspelling the name of your table. MySQL gives this error when it can't find that table you're referring to.
Use SHOW TABLES; to see the names of the tables in your database, and double-check the name.
I am trying to make a project in java but I'm having problems with MySQL, after trying to get the material inside the table I get this error message:
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'table' at line 1
String sql = "SELECT Name, OS, Disk, Office, Serialnomain, Serialnotast, Serialnoscreen, Serialnomouse FROM table ";
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
Change your name from table to anything else and will work fine.
table is a reserved word in mariadb
so rename your table and it will run
The SQL Language has some keywords which you should not use in your statement, table is one of them just rename your table to myTable
I'm having trouble when trying to run the following query against an in memory H2 (version 1.4.181) table:
Object result = hibernateSession
.createSQLQuery("show columns from :myTable")
.setString("myTable", "some_table")
This query causes the following exception:
Caused by: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Syntax error in SQL statement "SHOW COLUMNS FROM ?[*] "; expected "identifier"; SQL statement: show columns from ? [42001-181]
I had done some debbuging and I found that during parse of query, the character "?" is tested to check if it is a valid identififer and it fails, causing the rise of exception (class org.h2.command.Parser, line 3027):
//currentToken is "?" at this point
if (currentTokenType != IDENTIFIER) {
throw DbException.getSyntaxError(sqlCommand, parseIndex,
I think it is a bug. What you think?
No, it is quite normal. Hibernate could not possibly make a PreparedStatement of it.
Standard JDBC has many possibilities to query schemata and such, in a database vendor independant way.
DatabaseMetaData dbMeta = connection.getMetaData();
Then getColumns can be used to receive a ResultSet of miscellaneous information.
You can try creating the required query instead of setting table name as named-parameter which won't work.
String sqlQuery = "show columns from " + tableName;
Class<?> entity = Class.forName(entityName);
Get the metadata information & then can retrieve required details from it.
String[] properties =
There are several other methods available to get meta information, can refer ClassMetaData
[I haven't checked Criteria API, will update if found anything relevant, you can try it]
I'm trying to track the amount of redo being generated during a database session with the following query:
SELECT a.name, b.VALUE
FROM v$statname a, v$mystat b
WHERE a.statistic# = b.statistic# AND a.name = 'redo size';
This query works directly in SQL*Plus and Toad, but I get an ORA-00911 exception using JDBC, and I've narrowed it down to the "statistic#" column name.
How do I get around this?
The column name statistic# is not the problem.
My bet is that you also send the terminating ; from inside your Java program.
But you may not include the the ; when executing a SQL statement through JDBC (at least not in Oracle and some other DBMS).
Remove the ; from your SQL String and it should be fine.
put it in double quotes - that should let you call a field anything in Oracle
Switch on JDBC logging, check your driver documentation for how to do this. In the JDBC log you see the actual statement prepared and executed in the DB. This eliminates one possible cause for the error.
I'm having a problem with in my class with generating delete command:
private String generateDeleteCommand() {
StringBuilder deleteCommand = new StringBuilder();
for (ForeignKey fk : exportedForeignKeys) {
deleteCommand.append("DELETE FROM ").append(fk.foreignTableName)
.append(" WHERE ").append(fk.foreignColumnName)
deleteCommand.append("DELETE FROM ").append(tableName)
.append(" WHERE ");
for (String key : primaryKeys.keySet()) {
deleteCommand.append(key).append("=:").append(key).append(" AND ");
.delete(deleteCommand.length() - 5, deleteCommand.length());
return deleteCommand.toString();
The query I get is valid when using in phpmyadmin - but when I'll try to use it with jdbc executeUpdate() i get MySQLSyntaxError, i.e. for table "trasy" with two exported foreign keys query looks like:
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DELETE FROM przystanki WHERE ID_TRASY=19;
DELETE FROM trasy WHERE ID_TRASY=19' at line 2
It doesn't matter whether there is \n between the queries or no.
Use the .addBatch() method on Statement and add each DELETE query separately and .executeBatch() them as a batch.
If using transactions, you can test the counts returned by each statement, and if anything is wrong, you can .rollback() the entire batch.
I have an open source project that shows exactly how to do this.
SQL Construction Kit on GitHub, there is an AbstractDatabase.java class that has an .executeBatch() method that you can copy and use yourself with very little modification. It even has the code for testing each command and doing the commit/rollback.
jdbc executes one statement at a time, so your statements, even if are multiple seperated by \n, are in fact executed as one instruction hence the error from mysql.
Currently i'm writing a JDBC application to manage a MySQL database. I have the delete, insert and select methods functioning with the correct queries. I'm having trouble with the Update method. When using using the following code I receive a MySQL error:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near "",Street",Town",City",PostCode",Age",email",RunningFee'false'Where PID=" at line 1...
private void updateData()
Connection con;
con = DriverManager.getConnection(
String sql = "Update participant Set password='"+txtpassword.getText()+"'," +
txtfirstName.getText()+"',HouseNumber'"+txtHouseNumber.getText()+"',Street'"+txtStreet.getText()+"',Town'"+txtTown.getText()+"',City'"+txtCity.getText()+"',PostCode'"+txtPostCode.getText()+"',Age'"+txtAge.getText()+"',email'"+txtemail.getText()+"',RunningFee'"+cbRunningFee.isSelected()+"' Where PID='"+txtPID.getText()+"'";
Statement statement = con.createStatement();
createMessageBox("Updated Successfully");
catch(Exception e)
Is there something wrong with my SQL query?
Yes, your query is wrong. You're missing = on a great big bunch of set column/value pairs.
(And please consider using prepared statements and bind variables, SQL injection is just not something you want to be open to.)
Yes there is something wrong with the query. Your way of building query is vulnerable to SQL Injection. Use Parameterized Queries instead of concatenating text like that.
Read this article: Preventing SQL Injection in Java
Not only is your query incorrect, but it may also open you to SQL Interjection Attacks.
You need to parameterize your query by replacing the pasted-in values with question marks, preparing the statement, and executing it. See the tutorial that I linked.
Finally, storing a password as plain text is a very, very bad idea.
String sql = "UPDATE participant SET "+
"password=?, lastName=?, firstName=?, HouseNumber=?, Street=?, Town=?, "+
"City=?,PostCode?,Age=?,email=?,RunningFee=? "+
PreparedStatement upd = con.prepareStatement(sql);
upd.setString(1, txtpassword.getText());
upd.setString(2, txtlastName.getText());
// ... and so on
You are forgetting some = in your query.
String sql = "Update participant Set password='"+txtpassword.getText()+"'," +
"' Where PID='"+txtPID.getText()+"'";
The error 'you have an error in your SQL syntax' is from the sql server and indicates that yes, you do have an error in your query. In these cases I often find it useful to print the constructed query itself, just to check that it is being constructed correctly.
In your case I believe the problem is that you are missing a bunch of "="s, you also probably need to escape your single quotes in the java so they are passed through correctly (replace ' with \').