Using wkhtmltopdf with JBoss form based authentication - java

I am trying to use wkhtml2pdf in JBoss with Java to create PDF files. I was successful, but it only creates a PDF file from my login-page, rather than from the jsp file.
I read that it is possible to add parameters like username or password, and this is what I did:
String command = applicationLocation + "wkhtmltopdf.exe " + "--post j_username=" + username +" --post j_password=" + password + " " + reqURL + "?" + reqQuery + " c:/PDF/" + folderName + "/" + id + "/" + folderName + ".pdf";
But that doesn't create a PDF file, not even an error output. This is how my class looks like:
public class GeneratePDF {
String logUserId = "0";
public String path = "c:/PDF";
String applicationLocation = "C:\\Program Files\\wkhtmltopdf\\";
* This method creates a command which calls wkhtmltopdf from Google in order to create a PDF file.
* #param reqURL
* #param reqQuery
* #param folderName
* #param id
public void genrateCmd(String reqURL, String username, String password, String reqQuery, String folderName, String id) {
try {
// make sure c:/eGP exists
File destFoldereGP = new File("c:/eGP");
if (destFoldereGP.exists() == false) {
System.out.println("successfully created c:/eGP");
// make sure c:/PDF exists
File destFolderPDF = new File("c:/PDF/");
if (destFolderPDF.exists() == false) {
System.out.println("successfully created c:/PDF");
// make sure c:/PDF/foldername exists
File destFolder = new File("c:/PDF/" + folderName);
if (destFolder.exists() == false) {
System.out.println("successfully created c:/PDF/foldername");
// make sure c:/PDF/foldername/id exists
File destFolder2 = new File("c:/PDF/" + folderName + "/" + id);
if (destFolder2.exists() == false) {
System.out.println("successfully created c:/PDF/foldername/id");
//For Image change 'wkhtmltopdf.exe' to 'wkhtmltoimage.exe' and '.pdf' to '.jpeg'
String command = applicationLocation + "wkhtmltopdf.exe " + "--post j_username=" + username +" --post j_password=" + password + " " + reqURL + "?" + reqQuery + " c:/PDF/" + folderName + "/" + id + "/" + folderName + ".pdf";
System.out.println("Command to create PDF: " + command);
System.out.println("Successfully created a new PDF file.");
} catch (IOException e1) {
System.out.println("Exception: " + e1);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception: " + e);
Any idea how to create PDFs with wkhtml2pdf and form based authentication in JBoss?
Thanks a lot.


Parsing csv line to Java objects

I was wondering if someone here could help me, I can't find a solution for my problem and I have tried everything.
What I am trying to do is read and parse lines in a csv file into java objects and I have succeeded in doing that but after it reads all the lines it should insert the lines into the database but it only inserts the 1st line the entire time and I don't no why. When I do a print it shows that it is reading all the lines and placing them in the objects but as soon as I do the insert it wants to insert only the 1st line.
Please see my code below:
public boolean lineReader(File file){
BufferedReader br = null;
String line= "";
String splitBy = ",";
storeList = new ArrayList<StoreFile>();
try {
br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
while((line = br.readLine())!=null){
line = line.replace('|', ',');
//split on pipe ( | )
String[] array = line.split(splitBy, 14);
//Add values from csv to store object
//Add values from csv to storeF objects
StoreFile StoreF = new StoreFile();
if (array[0].equals("H") || array[0].equals("T")) {
return false;
} else {
StoreF.setRetailID(array[1].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setStoreID(array[3].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setStoreName(array[4].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setAddress1(array[5].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setAddress2(array[6].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setAddress3(array[7].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setProvince(array[8].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setAddress4(array[9].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setCountry(array[10].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setCurrency(array[11].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setAddress5(array[12].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setTelNo(array[13].replaceAll("/", ""));
//Add stores to list
} //print list stores in file
} catch (Exception ex) {
nmtbatchservice.NMTBatchService2.LOG.error("An exception accoured: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
//copy to error folder
return false;
public void printStoreList(List<StoreFile> storeListToPrint) {
for(int i = 0; i <storeListToPrint.size();i++){
System.out.println( storeListToPrint.get(i).getRetailID()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getChain()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getStoreID()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getStoreName()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getAddress1()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getAddress2()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getAddress3()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getProvince()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getAddress4()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getCountry()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getCurrency()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getAddress5()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getTelNo());
public void unzip(String source, String destination) {
try {
ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(source);
} catch (ZipException ex) {
nmtbatchservice.NMTBatchService2.LOG.error("Error unzipping file : " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
public void deleteStoreFile(String directory) {
try {
File file = new File(directory);
} catch (Exception ex) {
nmtbatchservice.NMTBatchService2.LOG.error("An exception accoured when trying to delete file " + directory + " : " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
public void executeStoredPro(List<StoreFile> storeListToInsert) {
Connection con = null;
CallableStatement st = null;
try {
String connectionURL = MSSQLConnectionURL;
con = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionURL, MSSQLUsername, MSSQLPassword);
for(int i = 0; i <storeListToInsert.size();i++){
st = con.prepareCall( "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tblPay#RetailStores WHERE StoreID = " + storeListToInsert.get(i).getStoreID() + " AND RetailID = "+ storeListToInsert.get(i).getRetailID() + ")"
+ " UPDATE tblPay#RetailStores "
+ " SET RetailID = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getRetailID() + "',"
+ " StoreID = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getStoreID() + "',"
+ " StoreName = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getStoreName() + "',"
+ " TestStore = 0,"
+ " Address1 = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress1() + "',"
+ " Address2 = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress2() + "',"
+ " Address3 = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress3() + "',"
+ " Address4 = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress4() + "',"
+ " Address5 = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress5() + "',"
+ " Province = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getProvince() + "',"
+ " TelNo = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getTelNo() + "',"
+ " Enabled = 1"
+ " ELSE "
+ " INSERT INTO tblPay#RetailStores ( [RetailID], [StoreID], [StoreName], [TestStore], [Address1], [Address2], [Address3], [Address4], [Address5], [Province], [TelNo] , [Enabled] ) "
+ " VALUES "
+ "('" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getRetailID() + "',"
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getStoreID() + "',"
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getStoreName() + "',"
+ "0,"
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress1() + "',"
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress2() + "',"
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress3() + "',"
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress4() + "',"
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress5() + "',"
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getProvince() + "',"
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getTelNo() + "',"
+ "1)");
} catch (Exception ex) {
nmtbatchservice.NMTBatchService2.LOG.error("Error executing Stored proc with error : " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
nmtbatchservice.NMTBatchService2.mailingQueue.addToQueue(new Mail("", "Service Email Error", "An error occurred during Store Import failed with error : " + ex.getMessage()));
Any advise would be appreciated.
Formatting aside, your code is wrong (I truncated the part of the query):
for(int i = 0; i <storeListToInsert.size();i++){
st = con.prepareCall( "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tblPay#RetailStores ...
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getTelNo() + "',"
+ "1)");
Don't do a classical for loop while foreach exists and can be better to use, and even if you do a classical for loop, use local variables, eg:
for(int i = 0; i <storeListToInsert.size();i++){
StoreFile item = storeListToInsert.get(i);
st = con.prepareCall( "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tblPay#RetailStores ...
+ "'" + item.getTelNo() + "',"
+ "1)");
Which could translate as:
for (StoreFile item : storeListToInsert) {
st = con.prepareCall( "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tblPay#RetailStores ...
+ "'" + item.getTelNo() + "',"
+ "1)");
Now, the second problem is your PreparedStatement. A PreparedStatement allow reusing, which means you don't need to create PreparedStatement per item which is what you are doing.
Also, you need to close the statement otherwise, you will exhaust resources..
You must not create it in the for loop, but before, like this:
PreparedStatement st = null;
try {
st = con.prepareCall( "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tblPay#RetailStores ...
+ "SET RetailID = :RetailID ,"
+ "1)");
for (StoreFile item : storeListToInsert) {
st.setString(":RetailID", item.getRetailID());
} finally {
if (null != st) {st.close();}
In brief:
You need to close the PreparedStatement after usage, because it is a memory leak otherwise.
You need to rewrite your query using either named parameters, either positional parameter (like: ? or ?1 for first parameter, and so on). I favor named parameters, but they are not always available. The example I linked all use positional parameters.
You need to set the value for each parameters in the for loop, and care about the type. I expected here that getRetailID() is a String, but it might be a Long in that case that would be st.setLong.
Your query is reusable, avoiding the need to reparse it/resend it to the SQL Server. You just send the parameter's values. Beside, you can also batch update.
A PreparedStatement for a statement that you generate (like you are doing) is overkill, and beside, it is missing SQL escapement to protect the String you inject to your query to avoid it being badly interpreted (aka SQL errors) or worst, to do what it was not intended for (like, even if it is far fetched, dropping the whole database, etc).
The executeUpdate() return the number of updated rows. You can check it to see if there was updates.
You can also use Batch statement, which can help performances.
And finally, you can use opencsv to parse common CSV files.

MySql back-up dump file not restored into MySQL database

I have created MySQL backup dump file using Java code. While restoring dump file into MySQL Administrator it is giving MySQL error:
The selected file was generated by mysqldump and cannot be restored by this application.
Below my code for creating MySQL dump file:
public class MysqlBackup {
public boolean backupDataWithDatabase(String dumpExePath, String host, String port, String user, String password, String database, String backupPath) {
boolean status = false;
try {
Process p = null;
DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
Date date = new Date();
String filepath = "backup(with_DB)-" + database + "-" + host + "-(" + dateFormat.format(date) + ").sql";
String batchCommand = "";
if (password != "") {
batchCommand = dumpExePath + " -h " + host + " --port " + port + " -u " + user + "< --password=" + password + " --add-drop-database -B " + database + " -r \"" + backupPath + "" + filepath + "\"";
} else {
batchCommand = dumpExePath + " -h " + host + " --port " + port + " -u " + user + " --add-drop-database -B " + database + " -r \"" + backupPath + "" + filepath + "\"";
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
p = runtime.exec(batchCommand);
int processComplete = p.waitFor();
if (processComplete == 0) {
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(backupPath + "" + filepath);
ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("D:\\desktop13\\"));
out.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("serverdb.sql"));
byte[] b = new byte[1024];
int count;
while ((count = > 0) {
out.write(b, 0, count);
status = true;
} else {
status = false;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
} catch (Exception e) {
return status;
public static void main(String[] args) {
MysqlBackup b = new MysqlBackup();
b.backupDataWithDatabase("D:\\xampp1\\mysql\\bin\\mysqldump.exe", "localhost", "3306", "root", "", "serverdb", "D:\\desktop13");

Java can't do system call

I am using Java to format a poem in LaTeX and then compile it. The LaTeX-ization works perfectly fine, but I somehow can't run the command. Is this a problem with my LaTeX invocation? For some reason, when I use Java to write an equivalent batch file and then run it, Java will do nothing but when I run the batch file from the shell, it works.
* #param title the title of the poem
* #param poem a <code>List</code> with one string for each line of the
* poem.
* #throws FileNotFoundException
protected static void writePDF(final String title, List<String> poem) throws FileNotFoundException {
final StringBuilder latex = new StringBuilder(0);
// I know I shouldn't concatenate like this; I'll fix it later.
// eeeewww escapes
+ "\\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}\n"
+ "\\usepackage{ebgaramond}\n"
+ "\\usepackage{hyperref}\n"
+ "\\usepackage[protrusion,expansion,kerning,tracking,spacing]{microtype}\n"
+ "\\linespread{1.3}\n"
+ "\\nonfrenchspacing\n"
+ "\\microtypecontext{spacing=nonfrench}\n"
+ "\\begin{document}\n"
+ "\\title{" + title + "}\n"
+ "\\author{}\n"
+ "\\date{\\today}\n"
+ "\\maketitle\n"
+ "\\setlength{\\parindent}{0pt}\n"
+ "\\setlength{\\parskip}{\\baselineskip}\n");
// Go Java 8!
.map((String s)
// Original poem's in HTML
-> s.replace("<p>", "\n\n").replace("<br>", "\\\\\n"))
final String latexstr = latex.toString().replace("...", "\\ldots");
final String filename = title + ".tex";
final File file = new File(filename);
try (final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)))) {
final String path = file.getAbsolutePath()
.substring(0, file.getAbsolutePath().lastIndexOf("\\")) + "\\";
System.out.println("Path: " + path);
final String LaTeXcmd = "pdflatex \""
+ path
+ title + "\"";
final File script = new File(""
+ rand.nextDouble()
+ "compile"
+ title.replace(" ", "_")
+ ".bat");
//I originally wanted just to write a batch file and run it from Java.
// try (final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(script)))) {
// pw.print(""
// //"#echo off\n"
// + "cd " + path + "\n"
// + LaTeXcmd + "\n"
// // + "del \"" + path + title + ".aux\"\n"
// // + "del \"" + path + title + ".log\"\n"
// // + "del \"" + path + title + ".out\"\n"
// // + "del \"" + path + title + ".tex\"\n"
// // + "start /b \"\" cmd /c del \"%~f0\"&exit /b\n"
// + "msg * all\n"
// );
// }
try {
System.out.println("latexcmd " + LaTeXcmd);
final File workingdir = new File(path);
System.out.println("workingdir " + workingdir);
// >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IS THIS CORRECT? <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Runtime.getRuntime().exec(LaTeXcmd, new String[]{}, workingdir);
// This statement works perfectly fine (Windows).
// Runtime.getRuntime().exec("msg * all");
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(PoetryBackend.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
It's not correct. Try
String command = new String[] {"cmd", "/c", LaTeXcmd };
Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command, new String[]{}, workingdir);
since otherwise you're not executing it through command interpreter, which is what you want if you want it to behave like you would run it from cmd prompt.
This applies to running .bat files as well.

Calling a function that already works for a radiobutton so it prints the details

Having a tiny issue where not sure how to call a specific function to print its details.
I created a Radio button that checks the Total physical Memory on a PC, also have one for GPU and both work just fine.
Now I am lost on how to call that same function so it prints in the bigger window when I do a system scan of specific system properties.
if (isWindows()) {
jTextArea1.setText(header + "User Name : " + name
+ "\nOperating System :" + jComboBox1.getSelectedItem()
+ "\nSelected Gamer Ability : " + this.jComboBox4.getSelectedItem()
+ "\nSelected Age Group :" + this.jComboBox5.getSelectedItem()
+ "\nSystem Version : " + System.getProperty("os.version")
+ "\nSystem Architecture : " + System.getProperty("os.arch")
PROBLEM PART + "\nSystem Total Ram : " + this.jRadioButton2......
+ "\nScan ID : " + n + "\n \n")
private void jRadioButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
String filepath = "..\\Checker\\src\\batchchecker\\memory.bat";
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(filepath); // filepath
InputStream in = p.getInputStream();
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int c = -1;
while ((c = != -1)
String response = new String(baos.toByteArray());
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "" + evt.getActionCommand()
+ response);
catch (Exception e)
As you can see from above code, my radio does what it needs to and tested. I am just not sure how to call the same result into the bigger picture where it actual prints all the details along with the rest. The line of code is + "\nSystem Total Ram : " + this.jRadioButton2......
Seems like you just need to move your implementation to a separate method that can be called from both your actionPerformed() method and your other call. For example:
public String findMemoryDetails() {
// ... put code here
Then call it here:
private void jRadioButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
String memDetails = findMemoryDetails();
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "" + evt.getActionCommand() + memDetails);
And here:
+ "\nSystem Total Ram : " + findMemoryDetails()

java database function removed - still executing

I have a java web application that I removed a function from the code and yet the database entries that this function writes are still being written to the database.
Inside the IssueWarrant function there is a call to insertWarrantFee that has been commented out.
private void issueWarrant(String CasePrefix, String CaseNumber, String HearingType, String Suspend)
int i = 0, intDivision = 0, pos = 0;
String SummSeq = getSummSeq(CasePrefix, CaseNumber);
String Charges = getCharges(CasePrefix, CaseNumber, HearingType);
boolean isVacated = false, isHearingFound = false;
NextBWNumber warrNbr = new NextBWNumber();
String WarrantNumber = warrNbr.getNextBWNumber();
String warrStatus = warrNbr.getNextBWNStatus();
String HearingDesc = "", Division = "";
isVacated = getVacatedStatus(CasePrefix, CaseNumber, HearingType);
isHearingFound = getHearingStatus (CasePrefix, CaseNumber, HearingType);
HearingDesc = getFormatToday() + " " + getHearingDesc(HearingType);
if (HearingDesc.length() > 30)
HearingDesc = HearingDesc.substring(0,30);
Division = getHearingJudge(CasePrefix,CaseNumber,HearingType);
intDivision = Integer.parseInt(Division);
if (intDivision < 10)
{ Division = "0" + Division; }
Statement localstmt = null;
String localqueryString;
localqueryString = "INSERT INTO " + library7 + "CMPBWPND" +
" VALUES ('" + CasePrefix + "', " + CaseNumber + ", 1, " + Charges.substring(i, i + 1) +
", " + SummSeq + ", 9, " + getShortDate() + ", 'RCP 12-A TA', 'WARRANT', '" +
WarrantNumber + "', " + intDivision + ", 'N', 1, '" + Division + "', " +
BondAmt + ", '" + BondType + "', '" + HearingDesc + "', 'TAAD', 'TAAD', " +
getShortDate() + ", " + getShortDate() + ", " + getLongDate() + ", " + getLongDate() +
", " + getLongDate() + ")";
if (!isVacated && isHearingFound)
localstmt = conn.createStatement();
StatusMsg = "Client No Show-WI";
if (isVacated)
StatusMsg = "Client Vacated Case";
if (!isHearingFound)
StatusMsg = "Client Hearing Missing";
} catch (SQLException e)
System.out.println("IssueWarr - Error in IssueWarrant");
ReturnInfo = "Issuing Warrants Failed.";
success = false;
if (!localstmt.isClosed())
} catch (SQLException sql2)
System.out.println("Error trying to close connections. Exception: " + sql2.getMessage());
**//insertWarrantFee(CasePrefix, CaseNumber, SummSeq, WarrantNumber);**
updateHearingRecord(CasePrefix, CaseNumber, HearingType, Charges.substring(i, i + 1), Suspend);
for ( i = 1; i < Charges.length(); i++ )
insertBWPTFRecord(CasePrefix, CaseNumber, SummSeq, Charges.substring(i, i + 1));
if (!success)
StatusMsg = "Client Iss. Warrant Failure";
Here is the code that the insertWarrantFee called before it was commented out:
private void insertWarrantFee(String CasePrefix, String CaseNumber, String SummSeq, String WarrantNumber)
Statement localstmt = null;
String localqueryString;
ResultSet localrSet = null;
String feeAmt = null;
localqueryString = "SELECT AUTO$$ FROM " + library3 + "CMPDKTTP WHERE DKTTYP = 'W'";
localstmt = conn.createStatement();
localrSet = localstmt.executeQuery(localqueryString);
while (
feeAmt = localrSet.getString("AUTO$$");
} catch (SQLException e)
System.out.println("IssueWarr - Error in Insert Warrant Fee SQL1");
ReturnInfo = "Issuing Warrants Failed.";
success = false;
if (!localstmt.isClosed())
} catch (SQLException sql2)
System.out.println("Error trying to close connections. Exception: " + sql2.getMessage());
localqueryString = "INSERT INTO " + library7 + "CMPBWTRN"
+ " VALUES ('" + CasePrefix + "', " + CaseNumber + ", 1, " + SummSeq + ", '" + WarrantNumber
+ "', " + feeAmt + ", 'W', 'TAAD', " + getShortDate() + ")";
localstmt = conn.createStatement();
} catch (SQLException e)
System.out.println("IssueWarr - Insert Warrant Fee SQL2");
ReturnInfo = "Issuing Warrants Failed.";
success = false;
if (!localstmt.isClosed())
} catch (SQLException sql2)
System.out.println("Error trying to close connections. Exception: " + sql2.getMessage());
So even though the line that called insertWarrantFee is commented out a record is still being inserted into CMPBWTRN.
Any ideas how this could happen? The developer is indicating it could be a tomcat connection cache issue? Any other suggestion beside magical code?
A couple of things to try:
Make sure you've redeployed the application and have restarted Tomcat. Check the timestamp of the deployed class in question.
Clean Tomcat's tmp and work directories
Open the deployed Java class using a decompiler to see whether the removed code is still in there.
Add a logging (or System.out.println) statement to the method that's commented out, and to the method calling it. See whether one or both are printed after redeploying the changes.

