why native sql query can't run in hibernate and got exception - java

When I run the following SQL query in Hibernate I got org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: could not execute query:
select cast(DECRYPTBYKEY(cc.EncryptCardno) as varchar(30)) as cardNo
from stmtOfAccounts s, creditCards cc
where s.creditCardId = cc.id and s.id = :stmtOfAccountId
This is the HQL:
String hqlQuery = String.format(
"select cast(DECRYPTBYKEY(cc.EncryptCardno) as varchar(30)) as cardNo " +
"from stmtOfAccounts s, creditCards cc " +
"where s.creditCardId = cc.id and s.id = :stmtOfAccountId");


unexpected end of subtree JPQL

I have a query which count a given code from 4 tables. I tested this query first in postgresql, it worked as I expected so I tried to translate it to JPQL and I got this error :
org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: unexpected end of
subtree [ select ((select count(*) from *.Record r where
r.codeCampaign =?1 ) + (select count(*) from *.AccountAssociationAction aaa where aaa.codeCampaign = ?1) +
(select count(*) from *.CampaignPayment cp where cp.pk.campaignCode = ?1) + (select count(*) from
*.ActionPeriodDepartment apd
where apd.id.codeCampaign = ?1))]
I can't figure out what is wrong and what does Hibernate mean by "unexpected end of subtree"
The postgresql query :
select (select count(*) from account_association_action aaa where
aaa.code_campaign = 'CAMP01') + (select count(*) from _campaign_payment cp
where cp.campaign_code = 'CAMP01') + (select count(*) from record r where
r.code_campaign ='CAMP01') + (select count(*) from action_period_department apd
where apd.code_campaign = 'CAMP01');
the JPQL query :
#Query(value=" select (select count(*) from Record r where r.codeCampaign =?1 ) + " +
" (select count(*) from AccountAssociationAction aaa where aaa.codeCampaign = ?1) +" +
" (select count(*) from CampaignPayment cp where cp.pk.campaignCode = ?1) +" +
" (select count(*) from ActionPeriodDepartment apd where apd.id.codeCampaign = ?1)")
int countCampaignCodeUses(String campaignCode);
It looks like you need to add nativeQuery=true to #Query annotation otherwise JPA is failing to make sense of a query without from

Hibernate or HQL Select on the result of another SELECT

Is there a way using HQL on the following query?
SELECT userId, pwd, pwdDate FROM
(SELECT userId, AES_DECRYPT(pwd, 'key_str') as pwd, pwdDate
FROM UserHistory order by pwdDate desc limit 5 ) AS A
WHERE pwd = :pwd
The following worked.
FROM UserHistory order by pwdDate desc limit 5
The above sql can be the following in hibernate.
Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(UserHistory.class);
List<UserHistory> list = criteria.setMaxResults(5).list();
The following worked. The key is to createSQLQuery for Native SQL.
String SQL =
"SELECT A.* FROM \n" +
"(select * \n" +
" from user_history$ order by pwdDate desc limit 5 ) AS A \n" +
"where pwd = AES_ENCRYPT(:pwd, 'key_str') \n";
Query query = session.createSQLQuery(SQL);
query.setParameter("pwd", psw);
List<UserHistory> list = query.list();

Hibernate Group By Query

Please help me understand whats wrong with this query.
String sql = "select d.arc_alrt_cde, d.alrt_desc, count(d.arc_alrt_cde) " +
"from arc_alrt a, arc_alrt_def d " +
"where d.arc_alrt_cde = a.alrt_cde " +
"and (a.stat_cde = 'OPEN' or a.stat_cde = 'RE-OPENED') " +
"group by d.arc_alrt_cde, d.alrt_desc "+
"order by count(d.arc_alrt_cde) desc"
println sql
Query query = session.createQuery(sql);
Printing SQL
sql = select d.arc_alrt_cde, d.alrt_desc, count(d.arc_alrt_cde) from arc_alrt a, arc_alrt_def d where d.arc_alrt_cde = a.alrt_cde and (a.stat_cde = 'OPEN' or a.stat_cde = 'RE-OPENED') group by d.arc_alrt_cde, d.alrt_desc order by count(d.arc_alrt_cde) desc
Getting the following error. Tried IN clause also.. Not working..
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: node to traverse cannot be null!
at org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.util.NodeTraverser.traverseDepthFirst(NodeTraverser.java:64)
at org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl.parse(QueryTranslatorImpl.java:300)
at org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl.doCompile(QueryTranslatorImpl.java:203)
at org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl.compile(QueryTranslatorImpl.java:158)
at org.hibernate.engine.query.spi.HQLQueryPlan.<init>(HQLQueryPlan.java:126)
at org.hibernate.engine.query.spi.HQLQueryPlan.<init>(HQLQueryPlan.java:88)
That's an SQL query not a HQL one, so you should use:
SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sql);
That exception you got is thrown because Hibernate expects an HQL query but receives an SQL query instead.
You are to name the count field such as count(d.arc_alrt_cde) as countOfXXX
and also your entity should be aligned with that query or you should remove that count field at all.
Changed it to use object properties and it worked. Thanks for your inputs.
String sql = "select alert.alertCode, def.alertDesc, count(alert.alertCode) " +
"from ArcAlert as alert, ArcAlertDef as def " +
"where alert.alertCode = def.alertCode " +
"and alert.status in ('OPEN', 'RE-OPENED') " +
"and alert.assignedTo = '"+assignedTo+"' " +
"group by alert.alertCode, def.alertDesc " +
"order by count(alert.alertCode) desc"
Query query = session.createQuery(sql);
lst = query.list()

Is it hibernate bug?

I write
String sql = "select candidate_skill.candidate_id from candidate_skill " +
"inner join skill on skill.id = candidate_skill.skill_id " +
"where skill_id in (:skillIdList) group by candidate_skill.candidate_id " +
"Having count(candidate_skill.candidate_id) = (select count(*) from skill where skill.id in (:skillIdList) )";
sql = sql.replace(":skillIdList", generateSkillIdList(skills));
Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sql);
List<Candidate> candidates = query.list();
It works good
second situation:
String sql = "select candidate_skill.candidate_id from candidate_skill " +
"inner join skill on skill.id = candidate_skill.skill_id " +
"where skill_id in :skillIdList group by candidate_skill.candidate_id " +
"Having count(candidate_skill.candidate_id) = (select count(*) from skill where skill.id in :skillIdList )";
Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sql).setParameterList("skillIdList", skills);
List<Candidate> candidates = query.list()
Hibernate: select candidate_skill.candidate_id from candidate_skill inner join skill on skill.id = candidate_skill.skill_id where skill_id in (?, ?) group by candidate_skill.candidate_id Having count(candidate_skill.candidate_id) = (select count(*) from skill where skill.id in ?, ? )
it doesn't works
and third:
String sql = "select candidate_skill.candidate_id from candidate_skill " +
"inner join skill on skill.id = candidate_skill.skill_id " +
"where skill_id in :skillIdList group by candidate_skill.candidate_id " +
"Having count(candidate_skill.candidate_id) = (select count(*) from skill where skill.id in (:skillIdList) )";
Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sql).setParameterList("skillIdList", skills);
List<Candidate> candidates = query.list();
Hibernate: select candidate_skill.candidate_id from candidate_skill inner join skill on skill.id = candidate_skill.skill_id where skill_id in (?, ?) group by candidate_skill.candidate_id Having count(candidate_skill.candidate_id) = (select count(*) from skill where skill.id in (?, ?) )
it works good
P.S. Pay attention to the Brackets around :skillIdList
if I use setParameterList("argument",value) and argument in query 2 times, then first time hibernate substitutes brackets and in second - none
The syntax of IN requires the brackets.
As of why the 3rd example is working, two guesses:
hibernate has a functionality to automatically append missing brackets, but somehow this doesn't extend to subqueries
the sql server executes the sub-select first, and then the other query becomes redundant with the parameters you've passed, and so is not executed.

HQL: variable column

I'm able to set variable values for "where" restrictives:
Query criteria = session.createQuery(
"select test.col1, test.col2, test.col3
"from Test test " +
"where test.col = :variableValue ");
criteria.setInteger("variableValue", 10);
But is it possible to set variable column like this?
String variableColumn = "test.col1";
Query criteria = session.createQuery(
"select test.col1, test.col2, test.col3
"from Test test " +
"where :variableColumn = :variableValue ");
criteria.setInteger("variableValue", 10);
criteria.setString("variableColumn", variableColumn);
This is the result:
Exception in thread "main" Hibernate: select .... where ?=? ...
org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not execute query
at org.hibernate.exception.SQLStateConverter.convert(SQLStateConverter.java:92)
at _test.TestCriteria.main(TestCriteria.java:44)
Caused by: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'test.col1' to data type int.
UPDATE (working solution):
Query criteria = session.createQuery(
"select test.col1, test.col2, test.col3
"from Test test " +
"where (:value1 is null OR test.col1 = :value1) AND
(:value2 is null OR test.col2 = :value2) "
Does this make sense in your application:
String query = "select test.col1, test.col2, test.col3" +
"from Test test " +
"where {columnName} = :variableValue ";
Object variableValue = // retrieve from somewhere
String columnName = // another retrieve from somewhere
query = query.replace("{columnName}", columName);
// Now continue as always
This is generally a naive query constructor. You may need to refactor this idea to a separate utility/entity-based class to refine (e.g. SQL injection) the queries before execution.
You can set the column name as part of the string. For security you may do the SQL escaping manually, but at the end you can achieve this.
To avoid SQL injection you can use commons class:
String escapedVariableColumn = org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(variableColumn);
Query criteria = session.createQuery(
"select test.col1, test.col2, test.col3
"from Test test " +
"where " + escapedVariableColumn + " = :variableValue ");
criteria.setInteger("variableValue", 10);

