Complementary colours - Image Analysis [closed] - java

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am just processing an image, looking at things such as colour and contrast. How ever my issue is analysing the complementary colours in the image and trying to do this efficiently.
Firstly I have got the pixel rgb. I have then converted to HSV and increase the hue and return to rgb, hence obtaining the complementary colour. I am then looking at its closet neighbours to see if any of these are complementary colours. How ever given these are pixels, it is rare one would find the central pixel to be a complementary - hence I do not feel this is very efficient.
Or another idea... to segment the image in accordance to colour regions and work out the distance from one region to another if there is a region with the complementary colours.
Any ideas and any ideas on how to efficiently code this?

So I eventually worked out roughly how to do this, either by a very slow way or a slightly faster way:
segment image into colour regions
calculate complementary of colour region by adding 0.5 to the hue of the colour
look at closest neighbours to complementary aswell, as we may not have exact complementary colour present
calculate euclidean distance from the segment to the complementary segment (if this exits) and calculate 1/ED - this will be 1 if close and nearer to zero if far away, so acts like a weight.
calculate proportions in segment to weight pairing of complementary colours accordingly.
As opposed to segments do this for each pixel to every other pixel


Algorithm to index 2d points by clusters [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have a problem to solve for which I did not find any usable algorithms after an internet search and I have not been able to come up with a satisfying solution myself yet.
Problem definition:
I am given a set of N-many points, defined by their X- and Y-coordinates, and I am supposed to give each point a unique index between 0 and N. There are a few conditions though:
1) if the geometric distance between two points is small, the difference between their indices should be small too.
2) if point A has a higher X-coordinate as point B it should have a higher index value too.
3) if point A has a higher Y-coordinate as point B it should have a higher index value too.
The algorithm does not need to be particularly fast or efficient as the data is fairly small (50 ~ 100 points).
I need this algorithm for a user interface with only 2 buttons for navigation through a data set. With one button the user selects the next point and with the other the user selects the previous point.
All suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance.
Example Image:
This is an example of what a result could look like. Please note how the conditions are not fulfilled for all points (as that would be impossible) but how the indices are still nicely distributed among the clusters.
Sort the points by the Morton curve aka Z-order (Wikipedia).
Then assign numbers.

Efficient way of gathering 4 point subimage, matrix transformation problems + antialiasing [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm making a car that would drive itself in between the obstacles of which picture will be taken by your phone. The picture should then be cropped to the size of the "area of movement" or the area where car can move. That should have been done automatically. In my case I’d do it like this:
Before you would take picture of the "obstacle map", you would have to put a paper sheet on the ground, so the program would recognize the size of the area/the way image should be transformed to be "perpendicular" to the ground.
In program you would mark the area where car can move and it would crop it. Then it would automatically transform the selected area to be as "perpendicular" as possible, so the obstacle map would be good enough for the car to move in it as it would be an obstacle map.
Then I have 2 options: either to automate obstacle recognition or to make it manual. If I would automate it, I would have to use some sort of OpenCV obstacle recognition. Else id just make a simple program for marking obstacles. After that you would mark a point, where the car should move to and it would calculate the most optimal path with A algorithm. This algorithm only gives the points where the car should move, so I connected with some professors in my school and they are now doing some help with steering of car and calculating the right angle the car should steer to come to certain location.*
I have 2 questions, both connected with BufferedImage.
Two questions back in the past, I asked how to get a sub image that is defined by 4 random points. I got no answers for doing that so I did it myself, but I know that this method is VERY INEFFICIENT and I'd like to know how can it be done better?
My second question is about matrix transformation. I have already been discussing about that and got this code which is basically a modded version of this one. The code is limiting me to the size of the input bufferedimage and i'd like to know how can I "remove" this limit, because in some cases the image needs to be upscaled, but the code keeps cropping it. Also I’d like to have some sort of AA (Anti Aliasing) on it, because the transformed image just looks weird/pixelated.
EDIT: In first question's code, there is a method line(Point p1, Point p2) in class Place_2D which basically creates an arraylist of points connecting 2 points in place, creating a line.
Antialiasing will be achieved by a better sampling scheme than nearest-neighbor. You will get a nice improvement by switching to bilinear interpolation.
Every back-projected point falls between four pixels. The fractional part of the coordinates allow you to compute mixing weights to be assign to the color values of these four pixels.
If the scaling factor is small (transformed image being less than a quarter of the original), you can blur the image beforehand to avoid other artifacts.

Java-How to create an explosion with drawn rectangles? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I need to make an explosion animation for my 2d Java swing game.
I need it with multiple yellow rectangles, that literally "explode".
My solution was to give each rectangle a different x and y because every rectangle has to go to another direction. The problem is, that I don't how to do this efficiently. Sorry for bad English, please help me. Any help is appreaciated
Here's a very rough outline of what you need to do. For anything more complicated you'll really need a more robust physics engine.
Each piece of the rectangle is represented by an instance of a class (Piece, shall we call it?). All of these Pieces are generated when the rectangle explodes. The Piece class stores information of their x and y positions, their velocity on the x and y axes, their rotation stored in radians, and their angular velocity. All of these values can pretty much be randomly generated if you're just going for a basic explosion effect.
You're going to have to constantly calculate the physics for the game (constantly simulate physics "ticks") and constantly draw the pieces onto the component. This could mean two separate loops, or you could do them together - just don't flood the EDT.
The "tick" is an operation that is applied at a constant rate (say 30 times per second) and does the following:
Add the x and y velocity of the pieces to the position variables, respectively
Add the rotation velocity variable to the rotation angle variable
Reduce the velocity variables towards zero, if you'd like a resistance effect applied on them
And after the tick is complete, you call repaint() on your component. The component can iterate over the Piece classes however you'd like and render them on screen (don't forget about the rotation).
Hopefully this gets you started. Obviously there are a lot of changes and optomizations that need to be made when you go for scalability in a physics engine - but this should give you an idea of how the concept works. I also haven't mentioned synchronization at all which is something you definitely need to take into account if you're dealing with Swing and a physics loop.
If you'd like to look into making physics engines a little more, I'd recommend this series. Hopefully you like math.

Align the cube's nearest face to the camera [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a cube and 4x4 transformation matrix Cube is rotated randomly I need to find the nearest face of cube regarding to camera and rotate the cube by aligning that face to the camera.
How can I do that. Thanks in advance.
Without getting into a bunch of math, here is a strategy.
Identify the face nearest to the camera under some criteria. Two possible criteria for determining the closest face are:
a. Finding the closest face based on the Euclidian distance between the face centroid and the camera's centroid.
b. Determine which face normal vector is most close to parallel to the camera view vector and has a direction that is opposite to the view vector. This assumes that the face normal vectors point outwards.
Once you've identified the 'closest' face, determine the inverse transform to that will align the face normal with the camera view vector. Any decent 3D computer graphics text will serve as a reasonable guide.

Create wind rose android [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I would like to create a wind rose similar to this :
The goal is to be able to update the green area based on information from a database.
The green area should take in two degrees and then create the green area between them.
Where could i start looking for a soulution ?
I have done such a compass for ios.
Besides custom views, you should be familiar with polar coordinates:
A point then is defined by (r, phi) instead of (x,y).
You need that all the time, you loop around the rose iterating with phi from 0 to 360, in steps. When you have the drawing coordinates in polar, you have to transform to x,y and draw it.
Further you will need AffineTransformations to scale the rose from a given pixel width, and height to a neutral -1, 1 range. Then drawing is easier.
Look at how to create a custom view :
And keep in mind that you will have to optimize your drawing code : no object creation and rely as much as possible on java graphics primitives.
Happy coding, that's a very fun android development ahead, but a bit complex for novices.
Oh, and by the way, here you might be interested in using PorterDuff mode for translucency.
As has been mentioned, you'll likely want to implement a custom view.
In particular though, you'll want to divide the rendering into two. The background static image and the foreground dynamic image.
The foreground image could be generated using the Canvas class. It's quite easy to use once you get your head around it. The idea is that you'll be generating a bitmap using the canvas on whcih you draw. See the docs for more details:
For the actual rendering, you can use the drawArc method in the Canvas class:
public void drawArc (RectF oval, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, boolean useCenter, Paint paint), float, float, boolean,
All the best!

