get() methods in Java enum type - java

I have an enum type (say for arguments sake CarModel), used throughout an application (numerous classes).
public enum CarModel {
I have various methods that use this CarModel enum type in different ways, and each has a switch statement to set some String variable depending on the enum type, before going on to do other stuff. (e.g. set the Manufacturer of some model, or set the country of origin etc. These results are static at runtime)
The issue is, if I want to add a new model to the enum, I'd need to go to each method, and extend/modify the switch statement to handle its existence. This could easily lead to human error, and/or code duplication (if various methods use the same switch statements).
Rather than using switch statements all-over, I would like to have static methods, that could be edited in a single location, and would allow for behaviour similar to the following:
String country = CarModel.DIABLO.getCountry() // returns Italy
String manufacturer = CarModel.P911.getManufacturer() // returns Porsche
Is this possible with an enum, (and is an enum even the 'correct' way to do this?

You can do something like this.
public enum CarModel {
DIABLO("Lamborghini", "Italy"),
P911("Porsche", "Germany");
private String manufacturer;
private String country;
private CarModel(String manufacturer, String country) {
this.manufacturer = manufacturer; = country;
public String getManufacturer() {
return manufacturer;
public String getCountry() {
return country;

Yes, absolutely. Enums can have their own methods, and those methods can be value-specific. It looks like this:
enum CarModel {
P911 {
public String getManufacturer() { return "Porsche"; }
DB7 {
public String getManufacturer() { return "Aston Martin"; }
public abstract String getManufacturer();
You can add more methods, of course.

If you're going to use enums, I would suggest an abstract method declared in the enum, and then a provided implementation for each enum instance.
That way you don't have switch statements everywhere (from which you can easily omit cases) and you have a more reliable and OO-styled polymorphic approach.
abstract public int getEngineSize();
public int getEngineSize() {
return 6.3; // whatever it really is...
See here for more examples/discussions etc.

I would suggest adding this information directly into your enum.
Like this:
public enum CarModel {
P911 ("Porsche");
private String manufacturer;
private CarModel(String manufacturer) {
this.manufacturer = manufacturer;
public String getManufacturer() {
return manufacturer;
and in the class you'd only have to use the getManufacturer method

Moreover enums can implement an interface. You can add some get() methods like getMaxSpeed() or getWeight().
Interface can look like
interface car{
public int getMaxSpeed();
public int getWeight();

Yes, this is quite easy to do:
public enum CarModel {
private String name;
CarModel(String name){ = name;
public String getName() {
return name;

Haha, I recommend you to use "Factory" Design Pattern.
you can make a CarFactory(), to produce new model car.


Is it bad practice to return Enums in Java?

Lets say I have a class to model an item in a game like so:
public class Item {
private final EnumItem type;
public Item(EnumItem type) {
this.type = type;
public Item(String name) {
this.type = EnumItem.fromName(name);
public enum EnumItem {
private final String name;
public EnumItem(name) { = name;
public String getName() { return name; }
public static EnumItem fromName(String name) {
for(EnumItem i: EnumItem.values()) {
if( {
return i;
} else {
return EnumItem.DEFAULT;
Assume that .equals() and .hashCode() of Item are overridden correctly to compare the internal Enum.
Now I want a way to distinguish these items with a getter in Item: should I return an Enum or the String name? Is it good practice to return an Enum in general? Or is there a better way to distinguish these Items? Because returning the enum kind of looks like exposing the rep to me and I don't want my colleagues to use EnumItem directly to compare Items.
The approaches I thought of are the following:
string getName() to do something like item1.getName().equals("machine_gun");
EnumItem getEnum() to do item1.getEnum().equals(EnumItem.MACHINE_GUN);
item1.equals(new Item("machine_gun"));
static name(String name) { new Item(name) } to do item1.equals("machine_gun"));
I don't know what should I do, I'd appreciate some insight from experienced programmers.
I know they look like they would from context, but in my use case these items have no special functionality that would justify extending from the base Item class.
Is this good practice? Sure, you're using aggregation since Item doesn't depend on EnumItem, which is fine. That being said, could it be done better? Sure. Is the alternative I provide the only solution? No.
If you want this to be extensible, consider using an interface to represent an item. Then allow the interface to extend this interface to provide some standard types. Alternatively you could use composition or aggregation to define a type inside EnumItem that implements the Item interface to ensure that equals/hashcode for the Item are always override and adhere to some contract.
interface Item {
String key();
enum EnumItem implement Item {
private final String key;
EnumItem(String key) {
this.key = key;
public String key() {
return key;
class AbstractItem implements Item {
// constructor, override name()
Item item = EnumItem.FOO_BAR;
Item item2 = new AbstractItem("FooBar");
Item item3 = () -> "FooBar";

Proper Constructors to Run all Methods in Java

I have this class and need to know which constructor is needed to create an object that may immediately use all its methods without error
public class Robot {
private boolean fuelEmpty = true;
private int roboID;
private String greeting;
private String securityProtocol;
//insert robot constructor here
public void destroyAllHumans(){
while (fuelEmpty == false) {
//robot begins to destroy all humans
public int getRoboID(){
return roboID;
public void greet(){
public void setSecurityProtocol(String proto){
securityProtocol = proto;
For example should look like this:
public Robot(int id, String greet) {
roboID = id;
greeting = greet;
or this:
public Robot(int id, String greet) {
roboID = id;
greeting = greet;
fuelEmpty = false;
public Robot(boolean full, int id, String greet, String proto) {
roboID = id;
greeting = greet;
fuelEmpty = full;
securityProtocol = proto;
Which of these (or something else different) is needed so that all the other methods can run without an error?
You can overload the constructor as much as you need, the important thing is
the object gets properly instantiated after you create a new one...
a way can be:
public Robot() {
this(false, 0, "", "");
public Robot(int id) {
this(false, id, "", "");
public Robot(boolean fuelEmpty, int roboID, String greeting, String securityProtocol) {
this.fuelEmpty = fuelEmpty;
this.roboID = roboID;
this.greeting = greeting;
this.securityProtocol = securityProtocol;
so look how all other constructors will at the end call internally the
public Robot(boolean fuelEmpty, int roboID, String greeting, String securityProtocol)
that will give you the waranty that no matter which constructor is invoked, the Robot is fully created and can invoke all those methods without crashing
The solution works like this:
you look at each of your methods
you check which fields each method is using
you check more closely, if the method breaks when that field has its default value (like null for Objects, or false for booleans)
When you do that for all methods, you get a list of those fields that you need to initialize somehow. Then you could go forward and define a corresponding constructor.
But of course, that is the wrong approach.
The real answer goes like this: you don't put fields into a class because you can. You add them because they are required so that this class can implement the requirements (responsibilities) that you want it to implement. Meaning: you focus on the methods that your class should provide. Then you clarify which fields you need in order to implement these methods.
In other words: you have exactly those fields in your class that your class needs. If you have fields in there that go unused - then you get rid of them.

Creating a Java enum

I am told I need to create an enumeration Team with 2 values of Varsity and JV. Is this what it should look like? Do I need the constructor?
public enum Team {
Varsity, JV;
private String Level;
private Team(String studentLevel) {
Level = studentLevel;
It's almost correct: you need to pass values to the constructors, e.g. like this:
public enum Team {
Varsity("level_v"), JV("level_jv");
private String Level;
private Team(String studentLevel) {
Level = studentLevel;
Whether you need the constructor or not depends on whether your enum needs parameters/fields. You'd then set those fields with the constructor and since they shouldn't be changed in most cases, I'd declare them to be final as well, i.e. private final String level.
public enum Team
Varsity("someLvl"), JV("someLvl");
private String studentLevel;
Team(String studentLevel)
public String getStudentLevel() {
return studentLevel;
private void setStudentLevel(String studentLevel) {
this.studentLevel = studentLevel;
You need to set the student level right away.

Java Enum Constructor Undefined

Why am i getting an error "Constructor is undefined" is it in my eclipse IDE?
is there something wrong with my code?
public enum EnumHSClass {
If you expect your enums to have parameters, you need to declare a constructor and fields for those parameters.
public enum EnumHSClass {
private final String name;
private EnumHSClass(String name) { = name;
public String getName() {
return name;
You need to provide a constructor in your enum like:
public enum EnumHSClass {
String value;
EnumHSClass(String value) {
this.value = value;
Note: The constructor for an enum type must be package-private or
private access. It automatically creates the constants that are
defined at the beginning of the enum body. You cannot invoke an enum
constructor yourself.
Ref :
Enums have constructors too, but only with either private or default visibility:
public enum EnumHSClass {
private EnumHSClass(String s) {
// do something with s
You may want to declare a field and create a getter for it, and set the field in the constructor.
Also note that the name of the enum instance is available for free via the (implicit) name() method that all enums have - maybe you can use that instead.
Your code should look like this:
public enum EnumHSClass {
PALADIN ("Paladin"), ROUGE("ROUGE");
private String name;
private EnumHSClass(String name) { = name;
public enum Days {
int val;
Days (int val) {
this.val = val;

Good way to create a immutable class with modifiers (thread-safe)

I have a case when I want to avoid defensive copies, for data which might nevertheless be modified, but is usually simply read, and not written to. So, I'd like to use immutable objects, with functional mutator methods, which is kind of usual (java lombok is able to do it more or less automatically). The way I proceed is the following:
public class Person {
private String name, surname;
public Person(String name, String surname) {....}
// getters...
// and instead of setters
public Person withName(String name) {
Person p= copy(); // create a copy of this... name;
return p;
public Person copy() {....}
So, to get a copy of the person with a different name, I would call
p= new Person("Bar", "Alfred");
p= p.withName("Foo");
In practice, the objects are rather large (and I ended up using serialization to avoid the burden of writing the copy code).
Now, while browsing the web, I see a potential concurrency problem with this implementation, as my fields are not final, and thus, concurrent access might see the returned copy, for instance, without the new name change (as there is no warrantee on the order of operation in this context).
Of course, I can't make my fields final, with the current implementation, as I first do a copy, and then change the data in the copy.
So, I'm looking for a good solution for this problem.
I might use volatile, but I feel it's not a good solution.
Another solution would be to use the builder pattern:
class PersonBuilder {
String name, surname; ....
public class Person {
private final String name, surname;
public Person(PersonBuilder builder) {...}
private PersonBuilder getBuilder() {
return new PersonBuilder(name, surname);
public Person withName(String name) {
PersonBuilder b= getBuilder();
return new Person(b);
Is there any problem here, and above all, is there a more elegant way of doing the same thing ?
I recommend you take a look at Guava's immutable collections, such as immutable list and how they create lists from builders etc.
The idiom is the following:
List<String> list1 = ImmutableList.of("a","b","c"); // factory method
List<String> list2 = ImmutableList.builder() // builder pattern
List<String> list3 = ... // created by other means
List<String> immutableList3 = ImmutableList.copyOf(list3); // immutable copy, lazy if already immutable
I really like the idiom above. For an entity builder I would take the following approach:
Person johnWayne = Person.builder()
Person johnWayneClone = johnWayne.copy() // returns a builder!
The builder here can be obtained from an existing instance via the copy() method or via a static method on the Person class (a private constructor is recommended) that return a person builder.
Note that the above mimics a little Scala's case classes in that you can create a copy from an existing instance.
Finally, don't forget to follow the guidelines for immutable classes:
make the class final or make all getters final (if the class can be extended);
make all fields final and private;
initialize all fields in the constructor (which can be private if you provide a builder and/or factory methods);
make defensive copies from getters if returning mutable objects (mutable collections, dates, third party classes, etc.).
One possibility is to separate your interfaces surrounding such objects into an immutable variant (providing getters) and a mutable variant (providing getters and setters).
public interface Person {
String getName();
public interface MutablePerson extends Person {
void setName(String name);
It doesn't solve the mutability of the object per se but it does offer some guarantees that when you pass around the object using the immutable interface reference, you know that the code you're passing this to won't change your object. Obviously you need to control the references to the underlying object and determine the subset of functionality that has control of a reference via the mutable interface.
It doesn't solve the underlying problem and I would favour immutable objects until I definitely need a mutable version. The builder approach works nicely, and you can integrate it within the object to give a modifier thus:
Person newPerson = existingPerson.withAge(30);
Why not make your fields final and your modifier methods directly create new objects?
public class Person {
private final String name, surname;
public Person(String name, String surname) {....}
// getters...
// and instead of setters
public Person withName(String newName) {
return new Person(newName, surname);
Your problem boils down to this: You want a method that safely publishes an effectively immutable, almost-but-not-quite-faithful copy of an effectively immutable object.
I'd go with the builder solution: It's verbose as all get out, but Eclipse helps with that, and it allows all of the published objects to be actually immutable. Actual immutability makes safe publication a no-brainer.
If I wrote it, it'd look like this:
class Person {
public static final FooType DEFAULT_FOO = ...;
public static final BarType DEFAULT_BAR = ...;
public static final BazType DEFAULT_BAZ = ...;
private final FooType foo;
private final BarType bar;
private final BazType baz;
private Person(Builder builder) { =; =;
this.baz = builder.baz;
public FooType getFoo() { return foo; }
public BarType getBar() { return bar; }
public BazType getBaz() { return baz; }
public Person cloneWith(FooType foo) {
return new Builder(this).setFoo(foo).build();
public Person cloneWith(BarType bar) {
return new Builder(this).setBar(bar).build();
public Person cloneWith(FooType foo, BarType bar) {
return new Builder(this).setFoo(foo).setBar(bar).build();
public class Builder{
private FooType foo;
private BarType bar;
private BazType baz;
public Builder() {
public Builder(Person person) {
foo =;
bar =;
baz = person.baz;
public Builder setFoo(FooType foo) { = foo;
return this;
public Builder setBar(BarType bar) { = bar;
return this;
public Builder setBaz(BazType baz) {
this.baz = baz;
return this;
public Person build() {
return new Person(this);
Depends on how many fields you intend to change. You could make special Changed objects like:
interface Person {
public String getForeName();
public String getSurName();
class RealPerson implements Person {
private final String foreName;
private final String surName;
public RealPerson (String foreName, String surName) {
this.foreName = foreName;
this.surName = surName;
public String getForeName() {
return foreName;
public String getSurName() {
return surName;
public Person setSurName (String surName) {
return new PersonWithSurnameChanged(this, surName);
class PersonWithSurnameChanged implements Person {
final Person original;
final String surName;
public PersonWithSurnameChanged (Person original, String surName) {
this.original = original;
this.surName = surName;
public String getForeName() {
return original.getForeName();
public String getSurName() {
return surName;
This may also mitigate the problem you have with cloning heavy objects.

