Any elegant method to build relation between string and integer in Java? - java

I have a class which has many fields of the type String. I want to write a method as a setter for all these fields, so I need a switch. Here comes my question, how to map the field name into an integer to be fit in switch? I don't want Integer.parseInt(), because I don't know what char may be and couldn't choose a appropriate radix. I don't want to manually build a map neither. Is there any handy trick?

Why don't you use strings in switch case itself? You don't need to use make any relation between string and integer for that. Java 7 maintains this internally.
case "one":
-- do something--
case "two":
-- do something --
And if you really want to maintain a nice and effective relation between string and integer so that you can use that in switch - have a look in the implementation of switch using string - and check its byte code.

You can use List which will have setter and getter. List can hold any kind of Object.
List<Employee> empList = new ArrayList(Employee);
public List<Employee> getEmpList() {
return empList;
public void setEmpList(List<Employee> empList) {
this.empList = empList;
In your Employee Class
String firstName
String lastName
String address
int age

Why don't you do what everybody else does and encode the field name into the method name instead of a parameter:
public void setXXX(int xxx) // sets XXX
public void setYYY(int yyy) // sets YYY

If you write an enum where the members are named exactly as your input strings:
enum MyEnum { CASE_1, CASE_2 }
Then you can simply switch on MyEnum.valueOf(inputString):
switch (MyEnum.valueOf(inputString)) {
case CASE_1: setCase1Field(); break;
case CASE_2: setCase2Field(); break;


What's the best way to change attributes of objects stored in an ArrayList or HashMap?

I have to do a little exercise (homework, like a friendlist) in Java, and i'm a little stuck on one of the tasks that i have to implement in my program.
The exercise is about storing some friend-objects with a variety of attributes in a container-class and implementing some methods in the container-class for various tasks on the friend-objects.
The overall exercise is not a problem at all, but i'm quite unconvinced that my solution is the way to go. I hope you can give me some tips here.
The method that is left over, should be something like a "updateFriend" method, with which you can set the value of a given attribute to a new value, straight from the container-class.
I've already set up my friend-class with a handfull of attributes (e.g. prename, lastname, date of birth, adress, and so on) an getters/setters for all of them. I've also implemented the container-class (as an ArrayList), but i can't seem to find an elegant way to implement this specific method. My updateFriend()-method right now takes three parameters.
1.The specific id of the friend-object
2.The name of the attribute that i want to change
3.The new value of the attribute
It uses an enum to check if the entered attribute is an existing attribute and if yes, the method searches the ArrayList for the object that contains that attribute and should overwrite the existing value. It gets a little bulky, as i have implemented a switch on the enum, that calls the fitting setter-method for each attribute of the friend, if the type in attribute exists at all.
So basically the friend-class looks like this:
public class Friend {
private static int friendCount = 1;
private String firstname;
private String lastname;
private LocalDate dateOfBirth;
private String phonenumber;
private String mobilenumber;
private String eMail;
private Adress home;
private int friendID;
//Getters & Setters
The method that gives me problems in the container-class looks something like this at the moment:
public void updateFriend(int id, String toChange, String newValue)
for(Attribute a : attribute.values())
for(Friend f : friends)
int counter = 1;
if(f.getID() == id)
//a case for each attribute
I'm quite certain that my take on the given method is messy, slow, and cumbersome. What would be an elegant way of solving this?
Excuse my wording and thanks in advance, greets.
I would suggest 3 performance improvements.
Use HashMap instead of List with key as id. Since, id will be unique, it will take O(1) time to get the relevant object for modification instead of spending O(n) time on List iteration.
You can change the type of toChange parameter from String to enum. This will avoid enum to String conversion and then comparing it.
Since, you are already doing validation of the attribute to be modified and you must be following standard java convention while naming your getters and setters, you can use reflection to call the method on the Friend object by creating the method name from attribute name like set{Attributename}.
Okay, lets start using the enum Attribute to handle all the changes (Since you already holding the attribute values)
Attribute Enum
public enum Attribute {
FIRSTNAME("fname", (friend, name) -> friend.setFirstname(String.valueOf(name))),
LASTNAME("lname", (friend, lname) -> friend.setLastname(String.valueOf(lname))),
DATEOFBIRTH("dob", (friend, dob) -> friend.setDateOfBirth((LocalDate) dob)),
PHONENUMBER("pno", (friend, pno) -> friend.setFirstname(String.valueOf(pno))),
MOBILENUMBER("mno", (friend, mno) -> friend.setFirstname(String.valueOf(mno)));
private String attributeName;
private BiConsumer<Friend, Object> attributeSetter;
public static Attribute getAttributeSetterByName(String attributeName) {
.filter(attribute -> attribute.getAttributeName().equalsIgnoreCase(attributeName))
.orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException(String.format("Invalid Attribute name - %s", attributeName)));
//Getter, Setter & Args Constructor (Use Lombok to reduce Boiler Plate code)
Update Logic
public void updateFriend(int id, String toChange, String newValue) {
Attribute attribute = Attribute.getAttributeSetterByName(toChange);
for (Friend friend : friends) {
if (friend.getId() == id) {
attribute.getAttributeSetter().accept(friend, newValue);
You can use a java.util.function.Consumer<T> object to change an object inside your container where you have all the type safety you get. Instead of having magic strings and string arguments for values, which might not be even for string fields, you can work directly on the objects type:
public void updateFriend(int id, Consumer<Friend> c) {
// find the friend object
Friend found = null;
for (Friend f: this.friends) {
if (f.getId() == id) {
found = f;
if (found == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is no friend object with the given id");
// use the friend object.
You can use this method like this:
container.updateFriend(42, f -> f.setVorName("abc"));
container.updateFriend(9, f -> f.setAddress(some_address_object));

Find index of an object in a list

I have situation where I have a list(required items) that holds a table column result like:
In my method I get a User object that contains values for user.getName(), user.getAge() etc. I want to know the best way to ensure that every item in the list is present in the user object. The no of items in the list are variable.
public boolean isUserInfoComplete(User user, ArrayList list){
//so, if the list has AGE, the user.getAge() must have some value
One way I thought of is maintaining another list that holds values of every user info and checking that against my db list but that is not scalable.
It's not possible to dynamically match your method names with the list contents without reflection (which can be expensive and fragile). You may want to consider keeping your User values in a central Map cache. Here's one way to do that:
public class User {
private enum Field {
private Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<>();
private void putValue(Field field, Object value) {
values.put(, value);
private Object getValue(Field field) {
return values.get(;
public void setName(String name) {
putValue(Field.NAME, name);
public String getName() {
return (String)getValue(Field.NAME);
public void setAge(int age) {
putValue(Field.AGE, age);
public Integer getAge() {
return (Integer)getValue(Field.AGE);
public boolean isUserInfoComplete(List<String> fields) {
return values.keySet().containsAll(fields);
You could use reflection to solve this problem if the items in the list match the getters in your User object.
For example, if AGE is in the list, you could use reflection to look for the getAge() method on the User class, call it on the object, and then check the result for null (or switch on the method return type to perform other types of checks).
Here's a starting point for you to experiment with (I haven't compiled or tested it):
public boolean isUserInfoComplete(User user, ArrayList list){
for(String attribute : list) {
String methodName = "get" + attribute.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + attribute.substring(1).toLowerCase();
Method method = User.class.getMethod(methodName, null);
if(method != null) {
Object result = method.invoke(user);
if(result == null) {
return false;
return true;
This seems like a case where you need reflection. This gives you the opportunity to inspect methods and field from your objects at runtime.
If you know your User-objects etc will follow a java bean standard then you will be able to use the getters for checking, though I see now problem in making your fields public final and checking directly on the fields themselves.
Take a look at
You can check it using contains() while looping. This process will be very resource-consuming.
Maybe you can redesign something and simply compare two User objects? Will be faster. You can do it by providing your own implementation of equals and hashcode methods.

get Hibernate Entity field with column name

I was looking arround for this, but I couldn´t find a right answer.
I´m trying to get any field from an entity based on it´s column name.
Like a generic get, in which it receives a String columnName and returns an Object field that represents the Class field which is mapped by that columnName by Hibernate.
For example
public class EntityExample{
private String name;
private String surname;
public EntityExample(String name, String surname){;
//getters and setters
public Object getField(String columnName){
Object field=//some way to map the columnName with the field;
return field;
public main(String[] args){
EntityExample example=new EntityExample("John", "Doe");
String exampleName=(String) example.getField("COL_NAME");
String exampleSurname=(String) example.getField("COL_SURNAME");
System.out.println("NAME: "+ exampleName+ ", SURNAME: "+exampleSurname);
and that main when runs should print:
The way I´m doing now is with ifs that checks if the parameter is equal to each annotated column and inside returns the field if equals, but it should be a propper way to do that.
way I'm doing now:
public Object getField(String columnName){
return name;
return surname;
Thanks in advance.
As far as I know, the way you're doing it, is the only way. With the exception being, to use a switch statement instead of multiple if statements:
switch (columnName) {
case 1: columnName = "COL_NAME";
case 2: columnName= "COL_SURNAME";
return this.surname;
default: columnName= "COL_BLAHBLAH";
return this.blahblhblah;
The only possible way to what you want (and this is a big stretch), is if you did something along the lines of:
public Object getField(String columnName){
Object field= (Object)columnName;
return field;
Note: You would need to pass in the object name (aka: name,surname) and not the column name.
But I honestly don't think this is going to work. Regardless, you would need to cast a string as an object in such a way that the compiler would know how to handle the casting properly (don't think it's possible).
Good luck either way. Maybe someone else will have more ideas.
You can , of course, use reflection to go through the fields of your entity, looking for which one has the #Column annotation with the corresponding name. However, many people will tell you that Reflection is slow.
What we did to accomplish this was to create a set of public static integer constants for each of the columns. Thus in your entity you would have the following:
public static final int COL_NAME = 1;
public static final int COL_SURNAME = 2;
and in the Entity you also have a getFieldValue method as follows:
public Object getFieldValue(int fieldNo) {
switch (fieldNo) {
case COL_NAME:
return this.surname;
throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Field Number: " + fieldNo);
and you would use these to get fields values as follows:
String name = entityExample.getFieldValue(EntityExample.COL_NAME);
Of course, the problem you have now is maintaining both the list of constants and the switch cases when columns are added/removed/renamed. We get round this by using a script to generate both the constants and the method. You could also use Java's annotation processing to generate the same code.

How to map a database row to a class

Lets assume I have a database table like:
Table Building
ID int (primary key)
title varchar
And to fetch this, I have a Java Class like:
class Building{
private Integer ID;
private String title;
(Add some JPA annotations in your imagination if that helps you).
But now, depending on the actual Building, I want to execute some logic.
My first thought was to create a big switch/case like:
case 1:
BuildingA buildingLogic = new BuildingA(building);
case 2:
BuildingB buildingLogic = new BuildingB(building);
But that would end in an endless switch/case, which would not be very clear to "read".
My next thougt (already covered by the answer of Mark Elliot) was to write the actual Class name into the database as an additional field (BuildingClass) and with some (to me currently unknown) java magic, create the object from the building.getBuildingclass() String, but I already assume that would have some sort of disadvantages...
So I thought maybe you people could give me some more ideas or comments on my thoughts.
Supposing you did have the class name, you could use reflection to instantiate a new instance, though there are some security and performance risks for going down this path.
String className = "";
// gets the actual class (might throw an Exception if the class doesn't exist)
Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(className);
// probably want to have some common interface these conform to, so
// let's assume you have one, you can test this is the right kind of class
CommonBuildingType buildingLogic = null;
if (CommonBuildingType.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
// get the constructor to invoke (might throw if no match)
Constructor constructor = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(Building.class);
// safe to cast, we checked above
buildingLogic = (CommonBuildingType) constructor.newInstance(building);
} else {
// throw an exception?
You should use hibernate to achieve it more sophistically

take the value of enum and covert it to String

I should take from a variable enum its value and transform it to can i do?
here it is the type enum:
public enum State{
now i have to insert into an object String one value.
You might use orenum.toString to get the name of the enum constant, or enum.ordinal to get the ordinal position.
you can use name() or toString(), so :
State aState = State.c;
String strState =;
See here the official java reference for more information...
State.b.toString() will return "b". The same goes for the other ones.
State state = ...;
String string = state.toString();
should work, but it is not recommended since someone might override toString for some other purpose.
Instead the method you are looking for is
String string =;
As an aside, your enumerated stated should always be all in capitals, and they should have descriptive names. It's not a language rule, but a convention. For example enum State { ON, OFF, PAUSED; }.
I tend to do something more complicated, but I find that it's more flexible:
public enum MyEnumeration {
SOME_NAME("Some Name"),
OTHER_THING("Other Thing"),
MORE_VALUES("More Values"),
private final String displayName;
private MyEnumeration(String displayName) {
this.displayName = displayName;
public String getDisplayName() {
return displayName;
This way, I use standard capitalization for my enums in code, but can have a more presentable name for them.
This trick can also be used to replace ordinal, by initializing a number, and then you don't need to worry about rearranging your enums.
Method #1: Using the built-in toString() and name() methods
If you want to print a String that is the same as the value of the State, then you can use the toString() method, or the name() method.
System.out.println(State.b); // Prints "b"
System.out.println(State.c); // Prints "c"
System.out.println(State.p); // Prints "p"
Method #2: Using a constructor to create a custom mapping
If you want to have a custom String associated with each of those states, you can use a constructor to associate a particular value with each enum value:
public enum State{
b("State B"), c("State C"), p("State P");
private String longName;
private State(String longName) {
this.longName = longName;
public String toString() {
return this.longName;
Of course, if you don't want to break the default toString() usage, you can create a different method called getFullName(), for example, to return the custom value.

