Everything was installed correctly. I am using Windows XP ,JDK 7.5 , Eclipse 4.2.
AVD is also setup correctly
When i run project it does not display it in a Virtual device.
This is the error I get:
[2012-08-05 11:49:09 - Emulator] WARNING: Data partition already in use. Changes will not persist!
[2012-08-05 11:49:09 - Emulator] WARNING: SD Card image already in use: E:\Documents and Settings\chamara\.android\avd\Gingabread1.avd/sdcard.img
[2012-08-05 11:49:09 - Emulator] ko:Snapshot storage already in use: E:\Documents and Settings\chamara\.android\avd\Gingabread1.avd/snapshots.img
Image 1
It sounds like your emulator exited rather ungracefully and left everything locked up.
Look in your E:\Documents and Settings\chamara\.android\avd\Gingabread1.avd directory and delete any directory that ends with .lock. That should allow you to start up your virtual device again.
I do not know what the exact problem is, but try removing your SD card and reboot eclipse...
We use the install4j "Update downloader with silent Version check" to periodically update our application installer.
With the introduction of the "Update downloader with silent Version check", we have noticed two problems from the Users.
Error opening media file as can be seen in the screenshot. The Media file is the file that is downloaded in the 1st Step of the updater. Screenshot below
The error log file mentions
[0:918] extracting files
[0:932] Included files: 16
[3:537] ERROR: Could not open FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 32 C:\Users\ttttttttt\Downloads\xxxxxxxxxx_7_xxxx_yy_zz_64Bit.exe
[128:104] emptying C:\Users\ttttttttt\AppData\Local\Temp\e4j8A6C.tmp_dir1662356615
The Users have not opened the downloaded file. Normally clickin on OK and a retry generally works.
The second problem some users are facing
[![enter image description here][2]][2]
The 2nd error mentions that the bgupdater.exe is already running. Even here, clicking on "Wiederholen" generally works and the update proceeds.
What we do not understand is that why these errors arise. A retry proceeds without errors in all cases normally.
The application uses install4j version 8 and java 1.8
[2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/jVl3I.png
The first problem looks like anti-virus software problem where the anti-virus software detects a .exe file that is extracted to the %TEMP% directory and immediately quarantines it.
For the second problem, please locate the log file of the running bgupdater process which is located in the %TEMP% directory. Either you start the bgupdater process too frequently or it is hanging somewhere, you would need to find that out. To install a new version, all executables of the installation must be closed.
I am trying to capture video via JMStudio.
When I try to run jmfinit it not detect my webcam and also the device is not listed in jmfregistry.
When I try to add a device manually it is giving me an error Could not add item
I have tried to run both (jmfinit and jmfregistry) as administrator and even tried to change the security settings but nothing seems to work.
I am using Windows 7
I re-installed OS also..
Please find snap shots of error message.
error popup message as shown in snapshot 1
I'm getting below error when i try to run my application
Exception in thread "VFW Request Thread" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: JMFSecurityManager: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jmvfw in java.library.path
at com.sun.media.JMFSecurityManager.loadLibrary(JMFSecurityManager.java:206)
at com.sun.media.protocol.vfw.VFWCapture.<clinit>(VFWCapture.java:19)
at com.sun.media.protocol.vfw.VFWSourceStream.doConnect(VFWSourceStream.java:241)
at com.sun.media.protocol.vfw.VFWSourceStream.run(VFWSourceStream.java:763)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
solution for above Problem..
JMF Studio is 32 bit supporting software so we must install 32bit supported JDK and also Eclipse then we not get any exceptions and errors.
Once Run your application then Automatically Your system webcam will "On".
JMF Studio is 32 bit it not support to 64bit OS/Eclipse,
and another reason is may be Environment variable not defined.
I just decided to start developing apps for Android and I encountered some problems.
I get this error when I try to build a hello world example from http://developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/hello-world.html#top:
[2011-07-17 00:22:46 - Emulator] invalid command-line parameter:
Files\Android\android-sdk\tools/emulator-arm.exe. [2011-07-17 00:22:46
- Emulator] Hint: use '#foo' to launch a virtual device named 'foo'.
[2011-07-17 00:22:46 - Emulator] please use -help for more information
I have followed everything in that tutorial, how do I fix this?
There is a bug with paths. You have your SDK in C:\Program Files, but the sdk can't work with spaces in the path (this is why you only see "parameter: Files\Android\..."). Install it into a location without spaces, e.g. directly to C:\android-sdk. I think it's ok to cut & paste the complete folder into the new location and just change the path in the eclipse preferences.
This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Why do I get a emulator-5554 disconnected message
i run mine application in eclipse and the following results found in console
[2011-09-27 12:47:58 - AndroidBlackjack] Android Launch!
[2011-09-27 12:47:58 - AndroidBlackjack] adb is running normally.
[2011-09-27 12:47:58 - AndroidBlackjack] Performing com.android.blackjack.Setup activity launch
[2011-09-27 12:47:58 - AndroidBlackjack] Automatic Target Mode: Preferred AVD 'yahoo' is not available. Launching new emulator.
[2011-09-27 12:47:58 - AndroidBlackjack] Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'yahoo'
[2011-09-27 12:49:52 - AndroidBlackjack] New emulator found: emulator-5554
[2011-09-27 12:49:52 - AndroidBlackjack] Waiting for HOME ('android.process.acore') to be launched...
[2011-09-27 12:51:12 - AndroidBlackjack] emulator-5554 disconnected! Cancelling 'com.android.blackjack.Setup activity launch'!
please help me
i do not understand this.
Solution (Eclipse IDE)
Select & Right Click on Android Project
Run Configurations
Go to tab Target
Enable option Wipe User Data on Emulator launch parameters
Run Application
If you are using other IDE, you can restart your emulator using -wipe-data flag to delete all the temporary files that the emulator created in previous runs.
the cancellation occurs because of three reasons:
i had not clean the project
emulator => project => clean
i had written the .main in small letters in manifest.xml by mistake
i had not removed windows firewall settings of window
The problem as I discovered lays in the fact the the project has no appropriate Virtual Device defined for it in the AVD manager.
So the recommended steps in eclipse are:
Go to "Project"-> Properties-> Android.
On the right pane see what line is checked in the Project build target.
Remember the target platform number that appears in the selected line.
Go to "Windows"-> AVD Manager.
Check the list of existing Android Virtual Devices for a device that matches the Platform and API level that you have set for your project (see step #2 above).
If there is no line that includes an AVD for your platform (as I suspect), add it using the "New" button.
A "Create New Android Virtual Device" window will be opened. set a new device name. in the "Target" selection box choose the right platform for your project.
Enjoy your emulator once again!
I have created an app and it runs successfully in the emulator. When I was trying to run it in any of my devices it shows the following error:
[2011-02-12 09:57:06 - FirstImage] Android Launch!
[2011-02-12 09:57:06 - FirstImage] adb is running normally.
[2011-02-12 09:57:06 - FirstImage] Performing com.gis.image.FirstImage activity launch
[2011-02-12 09:57:23 - FirstImage] Uploading FirstImage.apk onto device 'HT96WKF01291'
[2011-02-12 09:57:32 - FirstImage] Installing FirstImage.apk...
[2011-02-12 09:57:52 - FirstImage] Re-installation failed due to different application signatures.
[2011-02-12 09:57:52 - FirstImage] You must perform a full uninstall of the application. WARNING: This will remove the application data!
[2011-02-12 09:57:52 - FirstImage] Please execute 'adb uninstall com.gis.image' in a shell.
[2011-02-12 09:57:52 - FirstImage] Launch canceled!
What is the issue and how can I overcome it?
You have installed this .apk before, and it was compiled using a different signature (see here for details). To fix this you need to remove the previous installation (you have to do that only when the signature has changed - not normally).
On the device itself, go Menu->Settings->Manage Applications. Select the application which you want to Uninistall, and click on the ‘Uninstall’ button. Now try your install.
When you install the application directly from eclipse it is signed by a different certificate than the one you use when you create the application for market.
What is most likely happening is that you have the app installed with a different signature than the one you are trying to install now.
Some times this happens, when you keep on installing the app through your code then it sometimes gives such kind of error..To over come this Just Open a terminal And paste this
adb uninstall com.gis.image
This is according to your Above error log...
You Just need to Uninstall your app from the Device.. Just like it :)
Hope this Helps....