I try to deploy java on Heroku. I follow the steps on Heroku
,But I get error on
java -cp target\classes;"target\dependency\*" HelloWorld
the error is :
Error: Could not find or load main class HelloWorld
How can I solve it? Is it case sensitive?
I found helloworld key word in pom.xml, so I try to change it to HelloWorld. It still does not work. btw, I am running windows 7(64 bit) with jdk1.7.0_05.
Looks like you are using Windows-style path for the -cp flag. Heroku runs on Linux, so you probably need to change that to java -cp target/classes:"target/dependency/*" HelloWorld in the Procfile you are deploying to Heroku.
For any avid readers who are trying to follow Heroku's getting started tutorial and are attempting to deploy locally and are receiving this error...
It is likely that you haven't built the target classes locally (they don't explain it very well in the tutorial).
If you are following the getting started guide with Maven then execute the following maven command in your project root folder to build your target locally:
mvn clean install
After that the local deployment commands like:
heroku local web -f Procfile.windows
should work as expected. (Obviously substitute Procfile.windows with just Procfile if you are not deploying under Windows)
You should then see something like:
Started ServerConnector#4d29c891{HTTP/1.1}{}
and can access your application locally by navigating to localhost on the port that was displayed:
Using STS my cloud function works fine locally using the below command:
mvn function:run -Drun.functionTarget=functions.Gcpfunc
However, when doing a local Source or pre-packaged Lite JAR deployment, the build logs on GCP show error at the below stage:
"builder": Running "javap -classpath sts2gcphttpfunc-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar functions.Gcpfunc"
"builder": Error: class not found: functions.Gcpfunc.
However, if I create a function directly on GCP and deploy the same, the above line shows success in the logs.
My System specs: Java 8, Maven 3.6.3, Windows 8.1
Attachments: Screenshots of pom.xml, build log error of "Source" and "JAR" deployment
Command for source deploy:
gcloud functions deploy Gcpfunction3 --region=us-east1 --entry-point=functions.Gcpfunc --runtime=java11 --trigger-http --allow-unauthenticated
Command for Lite JAR deployment:
gcloud functions deploy Gcpfunction3 --region=us-east1 --entry-point=functions.Gcpfunc --runtime=java11 --trigger-http --source=target/deployment --allow-unauthenticated
POM.xml Image
When you take a look in the example from google documentation syntax of local test is:
mvn function:run -Drun.functionTarget=your.package.yourFunction
But in the gcloud deploy command example from documentation sytax is:
gcloud functions deploy NAME --entry-point NAME --runtime RUNTIME TRIGGER [FLAGS...]
So please notice that --entry-point in gcloud command is should contain class name while in mvn function:run command it's with package. I think this is main problem, so verify this value. Exact infomation how to use it you may find here.
One more, honestly not sure if important, is that you are using java 8 in maven, while in GCF you can use only java 11, and actually you are using it in the gcloud command.
This has been resolved. Had to remove Spring-boot-maven-plugin from pom.xml so that Class files are not created in Boot-inf folder
I've got no previous experience with java. Trying to run project from github - https://github.com/ESPD/ESPD-Service. The Service uses Maven for building multi-module Maven project. I'm using mvn clean package in order to generate the project.war file. Then type java -Dspring.profiles.active=prod -Xms768m -Xmx768m -jar project.war and the app is running in a Tomcat container with port 8080 and it shows on the cmd console that the app is running perfectly but the problem comes when i try to access the localhost:8080. It says Not Found and I've been looking all over the internet to find a solution but without success. Will appreciate a lot if someone gives me a hand on that one.
Java version should be JDK 1.8,
Maven version must be no greater than 3.5.0
Then add 2 libraries to ESPD-Service\espd-web\target\espd-web\WEB-INF\lib folder: mail-1.4.7.jar and activation-1.1.1.jar cuz they are currently missing.
After that run mvn install in order to install all the jars files and then run the java -Dspring.profiles.active=prod -Xms768m -Xmx768m -jar espd-web.war as it's written on the docs. And also when the app is running on localhost:8080 make sure you add localhost:8080/espd
I have a Java web app with Tomcat embedded in my jar file. I can containerize the app with Docker and run it with command java -jar -myapp.jar, but I can't run that container in Heroku. I tried using heroku CLI to dockerize and deploy, but Heroku gives me an error of "can't access jarfile".
I tried to fix this by using heroku deploy:jar to deploy my fat jar, but this erroneously gives me an error:
heroku deploy:jar target/*.jar -a medscanner2
-----> Packaging application...
- app: medscanner2
- including: target/medscanner2.jar
! ERROR: Could not get API key! Please install the Heroku CLI and run
`heroku login` or set the HEROKU_API_KEY environment variable.
! Re-run with HEROKU_DEBUG=1 for more info.
!There was a problem deploying to medscanner2.
!Make sure you have permission to deploy by running: heroku apps:info -a
I am signed into Heroku and I can use heroku auth:whoami to verify that, I can push containers and deploy them, so this error doesn't make any sense. I reran with HEROKU_DEBUG=1 and it did not return any more info.
I further tried to set the HEROKU_API_KEY variable in the CLI with a token I got from Heroku and this still caused the same error when I try to deploy the jar.
I am using a Procfile (although I am not sure it is necessary):
web: java -Dserver.port=$PORT -jar target/medscanner2.jar
Since the issue seems to be indicating there is an issue with access I don't see how the Procfile could be influencing it.
What is the best way for me to deploy a Java web app that does not using Spring Boot to Heroku? I have separately deployed the docker container successfully to Google app engine, so all this work for Heroku is very frustrating.
I ended up fixing this by using webapp-runner to deploy my app. It runs the webapp-runner jar which can run your .war files. This required adding the heroku-maven-plugin and maven-dependency-plugin.
I could then add a Procfile: web: java -jar target/dependency/webapp-runner.jar target/*.war --port $PORT
and use the Heroku CLI to add the app using git. The link with webapp-runner is a guide to deploying tomcat java apps with webapp-runner.
I'm getting an error when trying to compile a GWT application on an AWS EC2 Instance under AMI Linux.
I already installed Java and have it in directory /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk.x86_64.
I also set up the enviroment variables:
$JAVA_HOME = /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk.x86_64
$PATH = /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/opt/aws/bin;/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk.x86_64/bin
So, when I try to run the command:
java -cp
com.google.gwt.dev.Compiler com.mypackage.MyClass
I'm getting this error:
Error: Could not find or load main class com.google.gwt.dev.Compiler
I downloaded and unziped GWT 2.6.1 again but the files are fine. The same command is working perfectly in my Windows machine. Do you know what's happening?
Ok, this is embarrassing.
Here is the answer:
I was separating the paths with ; (Windows) instead of : (Linux). BTW, who would think in separate things with :, you Linux guys know how to make hard the easy...
I've made my first clojure app and I've built it with leiningen by running lein ring uberjar. I can run this on my dev machine (fedora 23) and I can run this on my ubuntu production machine java -jar tomahawk.jar. I've followed the digital ocean tutorial here that describes how to set up the environment. My supervisor conf is the following:
command=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -jar tomahawk.jar
However, when using this through nginx, i get the error
2016-03-19 23:34:08.594:WARN:oejs.AbstractHttpConnection:/
java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:sqlserver:$
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:596)
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:187)
at clojure.java.jdbc$get_connection.invoke(jdbc.clj:255)
This comes from the com.microsoft.sqldbc4.jar file. However, I can run this standalone jar file, as well as I can run sudo -u www-data env TOMAHAWK_DB=$TOMAHAWK_DB java -jar tomahawk.jar just fine. Also, while this is running, I can hit it through the nginx reverse proxy.
I've searched around and found an unanswered email on the supervisor mailing list from 2011. Why can I only sometimes see the missing jar file?
I've tried putting it inside of the /usr/lib/jvm/.../lib/ext location for my jvm, bundled inside of the jar file, running from Tomcat, etc. I've made an upstart script as well with identical results as well. I am not sure what other paths I can try and was wondering if anyone had any insights.