I am really in trouble: I want to read HUGE files over several GB using FileChannels and MappedByteBuffers - all the documentation I found implies it's rather simple to map a file using the FileChannel.map() method.
Of course there is a limit at 2GB as all the Buffer methods use int for position, limit and capacity - but what about the system implied limits below that?
In reality, I get lots of problems regarding OutOfMemoryExceptions! And no documentation at all that really defines the limits!
So - how can I map a file that fits into the int-limit safely into one or several MappedByteBuffers without just getting exceptions?
Can I ask the system which portion of a file I can safely map before I try FileChannel.map()? How?
Why is there so little documentation about this feature??
I can offer some working code. Whether this solves your problem or not is difficult to say. This hunts through a file for a pattern recognised by the Hunter.
See the excellent article Java tip: How to read files quickly for the original research (not mine).
// 4k buffer size.
static final int SIZE = 4 * 1024;
static byte[] buffer = new byte[SIZE];
// Fastest because a FileInputStream has an associated channel.
private static void ScanDataFile(Hunter p, FileInputStream f) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
// Use a mapped and buffered stream for best speed.
// See: http://nadeausoftware.com/articles/2008/02/java_tip_how_read_files_quickly
FileChannel ch = f.getChannel();
long red = 0L;
do {
long read = Math.min(Integer.MAX_VALUE, ch.size() - red);
MappedByteBuffer mb = ch.map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, red, read);
int nGet;
while (mb.hasRemaining() && p.ok()) {
nGet = Math.min(mb.remaining(), SIZE);
mb.get(buffer, 0, nGet);
for (int i = 0; i < nGet && p.ok(); i++) {
red += read;
} while (red < ch.size() && p.ok());
// Finish off.
What I use is a List<ByteBuffer> where each ByteBuffer maps to the file in block of 16 MB to 1 GB. I uses powers of 2 to simplify the logic. I have used this to map in files up to 8 TB.
A key limitation of memory mapped files is that you are limited by your virtual memory. If you have a 32-bit JVM you won't be able to map in very much.
I wouldn't keep creating new memory mappings for a file because these are never cleaned up. You can create lots of these but there appears to be a limit of about 32K of them on some systems (no matter how small they are)
The main reason I find MemoryMappedFiles useful is that they don't need to be flushed (if you can assume the OS won't die) This allows you to write data in a low latency way, without worrying about losing too much data if the application dies or too much performance by having to write() or flush().
You don't use the FileChannel API to write the entire file at once. Instead, you send the file in parts. See example code in Martin Thompson's post comparing performance of Java IO techniques: Java Sequential IO Performance
In addition, there is not much documentation because you are making a platform-dependent call. from the map() JavaDoc:
Many of the details of memory-mapped files are inherently dependent
upon the underlying operating system and are therefore unspecified.
The bigger the file, the less you want it all in memory at once. Devise a way to process the file a buffer at a time, a line at a time, etc.
MappedByteBuffers are especially problematic, as there is no defined release of the mapped memory, so using more than one at a time is essentially bound to fail.
I recently came across this article which provided a nice intro to memory mapped files and how it can be shared between two processes. Here is the code for a process that reads in the file:
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
public class MemoryMapReader {
* #param args
* #throws IOException
* #throws FileNotFoundException
* #throws InterruptedException
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, InterruptedException {
FileChannel fc = new RandomAccessFile(new File("c:/tmp/mapped.txt"), "rw").getChannel();
long bufferSize=8*1000;
MappedByteBuffer mem = fc.map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, bufferSize);
long oldSize=fc.size();
long currentPos = 0;
long xx=currentPos;
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long lastValue=-1;
currentPos +=8;
if(currentPos < oldSize)
xx = xx + mem.position();
mem = fc.map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY,xx, bufferSize);
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
long tot = end-startTime;
System.out.println(String.format("Last Value Read %s , Time(ms) %s ",lastValue, tot));
System.out.println("Waiting for message");
long newSize=fc.size();
oldSize = newSize;
xx = xx + mem.position();
mem = fc.map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY,xx , oldSize-xx);
System.out.println("Got some data");
I have, however, a few comments/questions regarding that approach:
If we execute the reader only on an empty file, i.e run
long bufferSize=8*1000;
MappedByteBuffer mem = fc.map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, bufferSize);
long oldSize=fc.size();
This will allocate 8000 bytes which will now extend the file. The buffer that this returns has a limit of 8000 and a position of 0, therefore, the reader can proceed and read empty data. After this happens, the reader will stop, as currentPos == oldSize.
Supposedly now the writer comes in (code is omitted as most of it is straightforward and can be referenced from the website) - it uses the same buffer size, so it will write first 8000 bytes, then allocate another 8000, extending the file. Now, if we suppose this process pauses at this point, and we go back to the reader, then the reader sees the new size of the file and allocates the remainder (so from position 8000 until 1600) and starts reading again, reading in another garbage...
I am a bit confused whether there is a why to synchronize those two operations. As far as I see it, any call to map might extend the file with really an empty buffer (filled with zeros) or the writer might have just extended the file, but has not written anything into it yet...
I do a lot of work with memory-mapped files for interprocess communication. I would not recommend Holger's #1 or #2, but his #3 is what I do. But a key point is perhaps that I only ever work with a single writer - things get more complicated if you have multiple writers.
The start of the file is a header section with whatever header variables you need, most importantly a pointer to the end of the written data. The writer should always update this header variable after writing a piece of data, and the reader should never read beyond this variable. A thing called "cache coherency" that all mainstream CPU's have will guarantee that the reader will see memory writes in the same sequence they are written, so the reader will never read uninitialised memory if you follow these rules. (An exception is where the reader and writers are on different servers - cache coherency doesn't work there. Don't try to implement shared memory across different servers!)
There is no limit to how frequently you can update the end-of-file pointer - it's all in memory and there won't be any i/o involved, so you can update it each record or each message you write.
ByteBuffer has versions of 'getInt()' and 'putInt()' methods which take an absolute byte offset, so that's what I use for reading & writing the end-of-file marker...I never use the relative versions when working with memory-mapped files.
There's no way you should use the file size or yet another interprocess method to communicate the end-of-file marker and no need or benefit when you already have shared memory.
Check out my library Mappedbus (http://github.com/caplogic/mappedbus) which enables multiple Java processes (JVMs) to write records in order to the same memory mapped file.
Here's how Mappedbus solves the synchronization problem between multiple writers:
The first eight bytes of the file make up a field called the limit. This field specifies how much data has actually been written to the file. The readers will poll the limit field (using volatile) to see whether there's a new record to be read.
When a writer wants to add a record to the file it will use the fetch-and-add instruction to atomically update the limit field.
When the limit field has increased a reader will know there's new data to be read, but the writer which updated the limit field might not yet have written any data in the record. To avoid this problem each record contains an initial byte which make up the commit field.
When a writer has finished writing a record it will set the commit field (using volatile) and the reader will only start reading a record once it has seen that the commit field has been set.
(BTW, the solution has only been verified to work on Linux x86 with Oracle's JVM. It most likely won't work on all platforms).
There are several ways.
Let the writer acquire an exclusive Lock on the region that has not been written yet. Release the lock when everything has been written. This is compatible to every other application running on that system but it requires the reader to be smart enough to retry on failed reads unless you combine it with one of the other methods
Use another communication channel, e.g. a pipe or a socket or a file’s metadata channel to let the writer tell the reader about the finished write.
Write at a position in the file a special marker (being part of the protocol) telling about the written data, e.g.
MappedByteBuffer bb;
// write your data
bb.force();// ensure completion of all writes
bb.put(specialPosition, specialMarkerValue);
bb.force();// ensure visibility of the marker
I'm new to Java and working on reading very large files, need some help to understand the problem and solve it. We have got some legacy code which have to be optimized to make it run properly.The file size can vary from 10mb to 10gb only. only trouble start when file starting beyond 800mb size.
InputStream inFileReader = channelSFtp.get(path); // file reading from ssh.
byte[] localbuffer = new byte[2048];
ByteArrayOutputStream bArrStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int i = 0;
while (-1 != (i = inFileReader.read(buffer))) {
bArrStream.write(localbuffer, 0, i);
byte[] data = bArrStream.toByteArray();
We are getting the error
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at java.util.Arrays.copyOf(Arrays.java:2271)
at java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream.grow(ByteArrayOutputStream.java:113)
at java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream.ensureCapacity(ByteArrayOutputStream.java:93)
at java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream.write(ByteArrayOutputStream.java:140)
Any help would be appreciated?
Try to use java.nio.MappedByteBuffer.
You can map a file's content onto memory without copying it manually. High-level Operating Systems offer memory-mapping and Java has API to utilize the feature.
If my understanding is correct, memory-mapping does not load a file's entire content onto memory (meaning "loaded and unloaded partially as necessary"), so I guess a 10GB file won't eat up your memory.
Even though you can increase the JVM memory limit, it is needless and allocating a huge memory like 10GB to process a file sounds overkill and resource intensive.
Currently you are using a "ByteArrayOutputStream" which keeps an internal memory to keep the data. This line in your code keeps appending the last read 2KB file chunk to the end of this buffer:
bArrStream.write(localbuffer, 0, i);
bArrStream keeps growing and eventually you run out of memory.
Instead you should reorganize your algorithm and process the file in a streaming way:
InputStream inFileReader = channelSFtp.get(path); // file reading from ssh.
byte[] localbuffer = new byte[2048];
int i = 0;
while (-1 != (i = inFileReader.read(buffer))) {
//Deal with the current read 2KB file chunk here
The Java virtual machine (JVM) runs with a fixed upper memory limit, which you can modify thus:
java -Xmx1024m ....
e.g. the above option (-Xmx...) sets the limit to 1024 megabytes. You can amend as necessary (within limits of your machine, OS etc.) Note that this is different from traditional applications which would allocate more and more memory from the OS upon demand.
However a better solution is to rework your application such that you don't need to load the whole file into memory at one go. That way you don't have to tune your JVM, and you don't impose a huge memory footprint.
You can't read 10GB Textfile in memory. You have to read X MB first, do something with it and than read the next X MB.
The problem is inherent in what you're doing. Reading entire files into memory is always and everywhere a bad idea. You're really not going to be able to read a 10GB file into memory with current technology unless you have some pretty startling hardware. Find a way to process them line by line, record by record, chunk by chunk, ...
Is it mandatory to get entire ByteArray() of output stream?
byte[] data = bArrStream.toByteArray();
Best approach is read line by line & write it line by line. You can use BufferedReader or Scanner to read large files as below.
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class FileReadExample {
public static void main(String args[]) throws FileNotFoundException {
File fileObj = new File(args[0]);
long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
// BufferedReader object for reading the file
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileObj));
// Reading each line of file using BufferedReader class
String str;
while ( (str = br.readLine()) != null) {
}catch(Exception err){
long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Time taken for BufferedReader:"+(t2-t1));
t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
try (
// Scanner object for reading the file
Scanner scnr = new Scanner(fileObj);) {
// Reading each line of file using Scanner class
while (scnr.hasNextLine()) {
String strLine = scnr.nextLine();
// print data on console
t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Time taken for scanner:"+(t2-t1));
You can replace System.out with your ByteArrayOutputStream in above example.
Please have a look at below article for more details: Read Large File
Have a look at related SE question:
Scanner vs. BufferedReader
ByteArrayOutputStream writes to an in-memory buffer. If this is really how you want it to work, then you have to size the JVM heap after the maximum possible size of the input. Also, if possible, you may check the input size before even start processing to save time and resources.
The alternative approach is a streaming solution, where the amount of memory used at runtime is known (maybe configurable but still known before the program starts), but if it's feasible or not depends entirely on you application's domain (because you can't use an in-memory buffer anymore) and maybe the architecture of the rest of your code if you can't/don't want to change it.
Try using a large buffer read size may be 10 mb and then check.
Read the file iteratively linewise. This would significantly reduce memory consumption. Alternately you may use
FileUtils.lineIterator(theFile, "UTF-8");
provided by Apache Commons IO.
FileInputStream inputStream = null;
Scanner sc = null;
try {
inputStream = new FileInputStream(path);
sc = new Scanner(inputStream, "UTF-8");
while (sc.hasNextLine()) {
String line = sc.nextLine();
// System.out.println(line);
// note that Scanner suppresses exceptions
if (sc.ioException() != null) {
throw sc.ioException();
} finally {
if (inputStream != null) {
if (sc != null) {
Run Java with the command-line option -Xmx, which sets the maximum size of the heap.
See here for details..
Assuming that you are reading large txt file and the data is set line by line , use line by line reading approach. As I know you can read up to 6GB may be more.
// Open the file
FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream("textfile.txt");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fstream));
String strLine;
//Read File Line By Line
while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null) {
// Print the content on the console
System.out.println (strLine);
//Close the input stream
Refrence for the code fragment
Short answer,
without doing anything, you can push the current limit by a factor of 1.5. It means that, if you are able to process 800MB, you can process 1200 MB. It also means that if by some trick with java -Xm .... you can move to a point where your current code can process 7GB, your problem is solved, because the 1.5 factor will take you to 10.5GB, assuming you have that space available on your system and that JVM can get it.
Long answer:
The error is pretty self-descriptive. You hit the practical memory limit on your configuration. There is a lot of speculating about the limit that you can have with JVM, I do not know enough about that, since I can not find any official information. However, you will somehow be limited by constraints like the available swap, the kernel address space usage, the memory fragmentation, etc.
What is happening now is that ByteArrayOutputStream objects are created with a default buffer of size 32 if you do not supply any size (this is your case). Whenever you call the write method on the object, there is an internal machinery that is started. The openjdk implementation release 7u40-b43 that seems to match perfectly with the output of your error, uses an internal method ensureCapacity to check that the buffer has enough room to put the bytes you want to write. If there is not enough room, another internal method grow is called to grow the size of the buffer. The method grow defines the appropriate size and calls the method copyOf from the class Arrays to do the job.
The appropriate size of the buffer is the maximum between the current size and the size riquired to hold all the content (the present content and the new content to be write).
The method copyOf from the class Arrays (follow the link) allocates the space for the new buffer, copy the content of the old buffer to the new one and return it to grow.
Your problem occurs at the allocation of the space for the new buffer, After some write, you got to a point where the available memory is exhausted: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space.
If we look into details, you are reading by chunks of 2048. So
your first write to the grows the size of the buffer from 32 to 2048
your second call will double it to 2*2048
your third call will take it to 2^2*2048, you have to time to write two more times before the need of allocating.
then 2^3*2048, you will have the time for 4 mores writes before allocating again.
at some point, your buffer will be of size 2^18*2048 which is 2^19*1024 or 2^9*2^20 (512 MB)
then 2^19*2048 which is 1024 MB or 1 GB
Something that is unclear in your description is that you can somehow read up to 800MB, but can no go beyond. You have to explain that to me.
I expect that your limit be exactly a power of 2 (or close if we use power of 10 units somewere). In that regard, I expect you to start having trouble immediatly above one of these: 256MB, 512 MB, 1GB, 2GB, etc.
When you hit that limit, it does not mean that you are out of memory, it simply means that it is not possible to allocate another buffer of twice the size of the buffer you already have. This observation opens room for improvement in your work: find the maximum size of buffer that you can allocate and reserve it upfront by calling the appropriate constructor
ByteArrayOutputStream bArrStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(myMaxSize);
It has the advantage of reducing the overhead background memory allocation that happens under the hood to keep you happy. By doing this, you will be able to go to 1.5 the limit you have right now. This is simply because the last time the buffer was increased, it went from half the current size to the current size, and at some point you had both the current buffer and the old one together in memory. But you will not be able to go beyond 3 times the limit you are having now. The explanation is exactly the same.
That been said, I do not have any magic suggestion to solve the problem apart from process your data by chunks of given size, one chunk at a time. Another good approach will be to use the suggestion of Takahiko Kawasaki and use MappedByteBuffer. Keep in mind that in any case you will need at least 10 GB of physical memory or swap memory to be able to load a file of 10GB.
After thinking about it, I decided to put a second answer. I considered the advantages and disadvantages of putting this second answer, and the advantages are worth going for it. So here it is.
Most of the suggested considerations are forgetting a given fact: There is a builtin limit in the size of arrays (including ByteArrayOutputStream) that you can have in Java. And that limit is dictated by the bigest int value which is 2^31 - 1(little bit less than 2Giga). This means that you can only read a maximum of 2 GB (-1 byte) and put it in a single ByteArrayOutputStream. The limit might actually be smaller for array size if the VM wants more control.
My suggestion is to use an ArrayList of byte[] instead of a single byte[] holding the full content of the file. And also remove the non necessary step of putting in ByteArrayOutputStream before putting it in a final data array. Here is an example based on your original code:
InputStream inFileReader = channelSFtp.get(path); // file reading from ssh.
// good habits are good, define a buffer size
final int BUF_SIZE = (int)(Math.pow(2,30)); //1GB, let's not go close to the limit
byte[] localbuffer = new byte[BUF_SIZE];
int i = 0;
while (-1 != (i = inFileReader.read(localbuffer))) {
data.add( Arrays.copyOf(localbuffer, i) )
// No need to reallocate the reading buffer, we copied the data
// reallocate the reading buffer
localbuffer = new byte[BUF_SIZE]
// Process your data, keep in mind that you have a list of buffers.
// So you need to loop over the list
Simply running your program should work fine on 64 bits system with enough physical memory or swap. Now if you want to speed it up to help the VM size correctly the heap at the beginning, run with the options -Xms and -Xmx. For example if you want a heap of 12GB to be able to handle 10GB file, use java -Xms12288m -Xmx12288m YourApp
I write a piece of java code to create 500K small files (average 40K each) on CentOS. The original code is like this:
package MyTest;
import java.io.*;
public class SimpleWriter {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String dir = args[0];
int fileCount = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int count = 40 * 1024 / content.length();
int remainder = (40 * 1024) % content.length();
for (int i=0; i < count; i++)
if (remainder > 0)
sb.append(content.substring(0, remainder));
byte[] buf = sb.toString().getBytes();
for (int j=0; j < fileCount; j++)
String path = String.format("%s%sTestFile_%d.txt", dir, File.separator, j);
BufferedOutputStream fs = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(path));
catch(FileNotFoundException fe)
System.out.printf("Hit filenot found exception %s", fe.getMessage());
catch(IOException ie)
System.out.printf("Hit IO exception %s", ie.getMessage());
You can run this by issue following command:
java -jar SimpleWriter.jar my_test_dir 500000
I thought this is a simple code, but then I realize that this code is using up to 14G of memory. I know that because when I use free -m to check the memory, the free memory kept dropping, until my 15G memory VM only had 70 MB free memory left. I compiled this using Eclipse, and I compile this against JDK 1.6 and then JDK1.7. The result is the same. The funny thing is that, if I comment out fs.write(), just open and close the stream, the memory stabilized at certain point. Once I put fs.write() back, the memory allocation just go wild. 500K 40KB files is about 20G. It seems Java's stream writer never deallocate its buffer during the operation.
I once thought java GC does not have time to clean. But this make no sense since I closed the file stream for every file. I even transfer my code into C#, and running under windows, the same code producing 500K 40KB files with memory stable at certain point, not taking 14G as under CentOS. At least C#'s behavior is what I expected, but I could not believe Java perform this way. I asked my colleague who were experienced in java. They could not see anything wrong in code, but could not explain why this happened. And they admit nobody had tried to create 500K file in a loop without stop.
I also searched online and everybody says that the only thing need to pay attention to, is close the stream, which I did.
Can anyone help me to figure out what's wrong?
Can anybody also try this and tell me what you see?
BTW, some people in this community tried the code on Windows and it seemed to worked fine. I didn't tried it on windows. I only tried in Linux as I thought that where people use Java for. So, it seems this issue happened on Linux).
I also did the following to limit the JVM heap, but it take no effects
java -Xmx2048m -jar SimpleWriter.jar my_test_dir 500000
I tried to test your prog on Win XP, JDK 1.7.25. Immediately got OutOfMemoryExceptions.
While debugging, with only 3000 count (args[1]), the count variable from this code:
int count = 40 * 1024 * 1024 / content.length();
int remainder = (40 * 1024 * 1024) % content.length();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
count is 355449. So the String you are trying to create will be 355449 * contents long, or as you calculated, 40Mb long. I was out of memory when i was 266587, and sb was 31457266 chars long. At which point each file I get is 30Mb.
The problem does not seem with memory or GC, but with the way you crate the string.
Did you see files created or was memory eating up before any file was created?
I think your main problem is the line:
int count = 40 * 1024 * 1024 / content.length();
should be:
int count = 40 * 1024 / content.length();
to create 40K, not 40Mb files.
[Edit2: The original answer is left in italics at the end of this post]
After your clarifications in the comments, I have run your code on a windows machine (Java 1.6) and here is my findings (numbers are from VisualVM, OS memory as seen from task manager):
Example with 40K size, writing to 500K files (no parameters to JVM):
Used Heap: ~4M, Total Heap: 16M, OS memory: ~16M
Example with 40M size, writing to 500 files (parameters to JVM -Xms128m -Xmx512m. Without parameters I get an OutOfMemory error when creating StringBuilder):
Used Heap: ~265M, Heap size: ~365M, OS memory: ~365M
Especially from the second example you can see that my original explanation still stands. Yes someone would expect that most of the memory would be freed since the byte[] of the BufferedOutputStream reside in the first generation space (short lived objects) but this a) does not happen immediately and b) when GC decides to kicks in (it actually does in my case), yes it will try to clear memory but it can clear as much memory as it sees fit, not necessarily all of it. GC does not provide any guarentees that you can count upon.
So generally speaking you should give to JVM as much memory you feel comfortable with. If you need to keep the memory low for special functionalities you should try a strategy as the code example I gave down below in my original answer i.e. just don't create all those byte[] objects.
Now in your case with CentOS, it does seem that JVM's behaves strangely. Perhaps we could talk about a buggy or bad implementation. To classify it as a leak/bug though you should try to use -Xmx to restrict the heap. Also please try what Peter Lawrey suggested to not create the BufferedOutputStream at all (in the small file case) since you just write all the bytes at once.
If it still exceeds the memory limit then you have encountered a leak and should probably file a bug. (You could still complain though and they may optimize it in the future).
[Edit1: The answer below assumed that the OP's code performed as many reading operations as the write operations, so the memory usage was justifiable. The OP clarified this is not the case, so his question is not answered
"...my 15G memory VM..."
If you give the JVM as much memory why it should try to run GC? As far as the JVM is concerned it is allowed to get as much memory from the system and run GC only when it thinks that is appropriate to do so.
Each execution of BufferedOutputStream will allocate a buffer of 8K size by default. JVM will try to reclaim that memory only when it needs to. This is the expected behaviour.
Do not confuse the memory that you see as free from the system's point of view and from the JVM's point of view. As far the system is concerned the memory is allocated and will be released when the JVM shuts down. As far the JVM's is concerned all the byte[] arrays allocated from BufferedOutputStream are not in use any more, it is "free" memory and will be reclaimed if it needs to.
If for some reason you don't desire this behaviour you could try the following: Extend the BufferedOutputStream class (e.g. create a ReusableBufferedOutputStream class) and add a new method e.g. reUseWithStream(OutputStream os). This method would then clear the internal byte[], flush and close the previous stream, reset any variables used and set the new stream. Your code then would become as below:
// intialize once
ReusableBufferedOutputStream fs = new ReusableBufferedOutputStream();
for (int i=0; i < fileCount; i ++)
String path = String.format("%s%sTestFile_%d.txt", dir, File.separator, i);
//set the new stream to be buffered and read
fs.reUseWithStream(new FileOutputStream(path));
fs.write(this._buf, 0, this._buf.length); // this._buf was allocated once, 40K long contain text
fs.close(); // Close the stream after we are done
Using the above approach you will avoid creating many byte[]. However I don't see any problem with the expected behaviour neither you mention any problem other than "I see it takes too much memory". You have congifured it to use it after all.]
I run into the following errors when i try to store a large file into a string.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at java.util.Arrays.copyOf(Arrays.java:2882)
at java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.expandCapacity(AbstractStringBuilder.java:100)
at java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.append(AbstractStringBuilder.java:515)
at java.lang.StringBuffer.append(StringBuffer.java:306)
at rdr2str.ReaderToString.main(ReaderToString.java:52)
As is evident, i am running out of heap space. Basically my pgm looks like something like this.
FileReader fr = new FileReader(<filepath>);
sb = new StringBuffer();
char[] b = new char[BLKSIZ];
while ((n = fr.read(b)) > 0)
sb.append(b, 0, n);
fileString = sb.toString();
Can someone suggest me why i am running into heap space error? Thanks.
You are running out of memory because the way you've written your program, it requires storing the entire, arbitrarily large file in memory. You have 2 options:
You can increase the memory by passing command line switches to the JVM:
java -Xms<initial heap size> -Xmx<maximum heap size>
You can rewrite your logic so that it deals with the file data as it streams in, thereby keeping your program's memory footprint low.
I recommend the second option. It's more work but it's the right way to go.
EDIT: To determine your system's defaults for initial and max heap size, you can use this code snippet (which I stole from a JavaRanch thread):
public class HeapSize {
public static void main(String[] args){
long kb = 1024;
long heapSize = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory();
long maxHeapSize = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory();
System.out.println("Heap Size (KB): " + heapSize/1024);
System.out.println("Max Heap Size (KB): " + maxHeapSize/1024);
You allocate a small StringBuffer that gets longer and longer. Preallocate according to file size, and you will also be a LOT faster.
Note that java is Unicode, the string likely not, so you use... twice the size in memory.
Depending on VM (32 bit? 64 bit?) and the limits set (http://www.devx.com/tips/Tip/14688) you may simply not have enough memory available. How large is the file actually?
In the OP, your program is aborting while the StringBuffer is being expanded. You should preallocate that to the size you need or at least close to it. When StringBuffer must expand it needs RAM for the original capacity and the new capacity. As TomTom said too, your file is likely 8-bit characters so will be converted to 16-bit unicode in memory so it will double in size.
The program has not even encountered yet the next doubling - that is StringBuffer.toString() in Java 6 will allocate a new String and the internal char[] will be copied again (in some earlier versions of Java this was not the case). At the time of this copy you will need double the heap space - so at that moment at least 4 times what your actual files size is (30MB * 2 for byte->unicode, then 60MB * 2 for toString() call = 120MB). Once this method is finished GC will clean up the temporary classes.
If you cannot increase the heap space for your program you will have some difficulty. You cannot take the "easy" route and just return a String. You can try to do this incrementally so that you do not need to worry about the file size (one of the best solutions).
Look at your web service code in the client. It may provide a way to use a different class other than String - perhaps a java.io.Reader, java.lang.CharSequence, or a special interface, like the SAX related org.xml.sax.InputSource. Each of these can be used to build an implementation class that reads from your file in chunks as the callers needs it instead of loading the whole file at once.
For instance, if your web service handling routes can take a CharSequence then (if they are written well) you can create a special handler to return just one character at a time from the file - but buffer the input. See this similar question: How to deal with big strings and limited memory.
Kris has the answer to your problem.
You could also look at java commons fileutils' readFileToString which may be a bit more efficient.
Although this might not solve your problem, some small things you can do to make your code a bit better:
create your StringBuffer with an initial capacity the size of the String you are reading
close your filereader at the end: fr.close();
By default, Java starts with a very small maximum heap (64M on Windows at least). Is it possible you are trying to read a file that is too large?
If so you can increase the heap with the JVM parameter -Xmx256M (to set maximum heap to 256 MB)
I tried running a slightly modified version of your code:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
FileReader fr = new FileReader("<filepath>");
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
char[] b = new char[1000];
int n = 0;
while ((n = fr.read(b)) > 0)
sb.append(b, 0, n);
String fileString = sb.toString();
on a small file (2 KB) and it worked as expected. You will need to set the JVM parameter.
Trying to read an arbitrarily large file into main memory in an application is bad design. Period. No amount of JVM settings adjustments/etc... are going to fix the core issue here. I recommend that you take a break and do some googling and reading about how to process streams in java - here's a good tutorial and here's another good tutorial to get you started.
I have a large (3Gb) binary file of doubles which I access (more or less) randomly during an iterative algorithm I have written for clustering data. Each iteration does about half a million reads from the file and about 100k writes of new values.
I create the FileChannel like this...
f = new File(_filename);
_ioFile = new RandomAccessFile(f, "rw");
_ioFile.setLength(_extent * BLOCK_SIZE);
_ioChannel = _ioFile.getChannel();
I then use a private ByteBuffer the size of a double to read from it
private ByteBuffer _double_bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(8);
and my reading code looks like this
public double GetValue(long lRow, long lCol)
long idx = TriangularMatrix.CalcIndex(lRow, lCol);
long position = idx * BLOCK_SIZE;
double d = 0;
_ioChannel.read(_double_bb, position);
d = _double_bb.getDouble(0);
return d;
and I write to it like this...
public void SetValue(long lRow, long lCol, double d)
long idx = TriangularMatrix.CalcIndex(lRow, lCol);
long offset = idx * BLOCK_SIZE;
_double_bb.putDouble(0, d);
_ioChannel.write(_double_bb, offset);
The time taken for an iteration of my code increases roughly linearly with the number of reads. I have added a number of optimisations to the surrounding code to minimise the number of reads, but I am at the core set that I feel are necessary without fundamentally altering how the algorithm works, which I want to avoid at the moment.
So my question is whether there is anything in the read/write code or JVM configuration I can do to speed up the reads? I realise I can change hardware, but before I do that I want to make sure that I have squeezed every last drop of software juice out of the problem.
Thanks in advance
As long as your file is stored on a regular harddisk, you will get the biggest possible speedup by organizing your data in a way that gives your accesses locality, i.e. causes as many get/set calls in a row as possible to access the same small area of the file.
This is more important than anything else you can do because accessing random spots on a HD is by far the slowest thing a modern PC does - it takes about 10,000 times longer than anything else.
So if it's possible to work on only a part of the dataset (small enough to fit comfortably into the in-memory HD cache) at a time and then combine the results, do that.
Alternatively, avoid the issue by storing your file on an SSD or (better) in RAM. Even storing it on a simple thumb drive could be a big improvement.
Instead of reading into a ByteBuffer, I would use file mapping, see: FileChannel.map().
Also, you don't really explain how your GetValue(row, col) and SetValue(row, col) access the storage. Are row and col more or less random? The idea I have in mind is the following: sometimes, for image processing, when you have to access pixels like row + 1, row - 1, col - 1, col + 1 to average values; on trick is to organize the data in 8 x 8 or 16 x 16 blocks. Doing so helps keeping the different pixels of interest in a contiguous memory area (and hopefully in the cache).
You might transpose this idea to your algorithm (if it applies): you map a portion of your file once, so that the different calls to GetValue(row, col) and SetValue(row, col) work on this portion that's just been mapped.
Presumably if we can reduce the number of reads then things will go more quickly.
3Gb isn't huge for a 64 bit JVM, hence quite a lot of the file would fit in memory.
Suppose that you treat the file as "pages" which you cache. When you read a value, read the page around it and keep it in memory. Then when you do more reads check the cache first.
Or, if you have the capacity, read the whole thing into memory, in at the start of processing.
Access byte-by-byte always produce poor performance (not only in Java). Try to read/write bigger blocks (e.g. rows or columns).
How about switching to database engine for handling such amounts of data? It would handle all optimizations for you.
May be This article helps you ...
You might want to consider using a library which is designed for managing large amounts of data and random reads rather than using raw file access routines.
The HDF file format may by a good fit. It has a Java API but is not pure Java. It's licensed under an Apache Style license.