I essentially have a Future<List<T>> that is fetched in batches from the server. For some clients I'd like to provide incremental results while it loads in addition to the whole collection when future is fulfilled.
Is there a common Future extension defined somewhere for this? What are typical patterns/combinators exist for such futures?
I assume that given IncrementalListFuture<T> I can easily define map operation. What else comes to your mind?
Is there a common Future extension defined somewhere for this?
I assume you are talking about incremental results from an ExecutorService. You should consider using an ExecutorCompletionService which allows you to be informed as soon as one of the Future objects is get-able.
To quote from the javadocs:
CompletionService<Result> ecs = new ExecutorCompletionService<Result>(e);
for (Callable<Result> s : solvers) {
int n = solvers.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
// this waits for one of the futures to finish and provide a result
Future<Result> future = ecs.take();
Result result = future.get();
if (result != null) {
// do something with the result
Sorry. I initially misread the question and thought that you were asking about a List<Future<?>>. It may be that you could refactor your code to actually return a number of Futures so I'll leave this for posterity.
I would not pass back the list in this case in a Future. You aren't going to be able to get the return until the job finishes.
If possible, I would pass in some sort of BlockingQueue so both the caller and the thread can access it:
final BlockingQueue<T> queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<T>();
// build out job with the queue
threadPool.submit(new SomeJob(queue));
// now we can consume from the queue as it is built:
while (true) {
T result = queue.take();
// you could some constant result object to mean that the job finished
if (result == SOME_END_OBJECT) {
// provide intermediate results
You could also have some sort of SomeJob.take() method which calls through to a BlockingQueue defined inside of your job class.
// the blocking queue in this case is hidden inside your job object
T result = someJob.take();
Here's what I would do:
In the thread that populates the List, make it thread-safe by wrapping the list using Collections.synchronizedList
Make the list publically available, but not modifiable by adding a public method to the thread which returns the list, but wrapped by Collections.unmodifiableList
Instead of giving clients a Future>, give them a handle to the thread, or some kind of wrapper of it, so that they can call the public method above.
Alternatively, as Gray has suggested, BlockingQueues are great for thread coordination like this. This may require more changes to your client code, however.
To answer my own question: there has been lots of development in this area recently. Among most used are: Play iteratees (http://www.playframework.org/documentation/2.0/Iteratees) and Rx for .NET (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/gg577609.aspx)
Instead of Future they define something like:
interface Observable<T> {
Disposable subscribe(Observer<T> observer);
interface Observer<T> {
void onCompleted();
void onError(Exception error);
void onNext(T value);
and lots of combinators.
Alternatively to Observables you can take a look at twitter's approach.
They use Spool, which is an asynchronous version of the Stream.
Basically it is a simple trait similar to the List
trait Spool[+A] {
def head: A
* The (deferred) tail of the spool. Invalid for empty spools.
def tail: Future[Spool[A]]
that allows you to do functional stuff like map, filter and foreach on top of it.
Future is really designed to return a single (atomic) result, not for communicating intermediate results in this manner. What you will really want to do is to use multiple futures, one per batch.
We have a similar requirement where we have a bunch of things that we need to get from different remote servers, and each will come return at different times. We don't want to wait until the last one has returned, but rather process them in the order they return. For this we created the AsyncCompleter which takes an Iterable<Callable<T>> and returns an Iterable<T> that blocks on iteration, completely abstracting usage of the Future interface.
If you look at how that class is implemented, you'll see how to use a CompletionService to receive results from an Executor in the order in which they become available, if you need to build this for yourself.
edit: just saw that the second half of Gray's answer is similar, basically using an ExecutorCompletionService
In C++ you can start a thread with a deferred or asynchronous launch policy. Is there a way to replicate this functionality in Java?
auto T1 = std::async(std::launch::deferred, doSomething());
auto T2 = std::async(std::launch::async, doSomething());
Descriptions of each--
If the async flag is set, then async executes the callable object f on a new thread of execution (with all thread-locals initialized) except that if the function f returns a value or throws an exception, it is stored in the shared state accessible through the std::future that async returns to the caller.
If the deferred flag is set, then async converts f and args... the same way as by std::thread constructor, but does not spawn a new thread of execution. Instead, lazy evaluation is performed: the first call to a non-timed wait function on the std::future that async returned to the caller will cause the copy of f to be invoked (as an rvalue) with the copies of args... (also passed as rvalues) in the current thread (which does not have to be the thread that originally called std::async). The result or exception is placed in the shared state associated with the future and only then it is made ready. All further accesses to the same std::future will return the result immediately.
See the documentation for details.
First of all, we have to observe that std::async is a tool to execute a given task and return a std::future object that holds the result of the computation once its available.
For example we can call result.get() to block and wait for the result to arrive. Also, when the computation encountered an exception, it will be stored and rethrown to us as soon as we call result.get().
Java provides similar classes, the interface is Future and the most relevant implementation is CompletableFuture.
std::future#get translates roughly to Future#get. Even the exceptional behavior is very similar. While C++ rethrows the exception upon calling get, Java will throw a ExecutionException which has the original exception set as cause.
How to obtain a Future?
In C++ you create your future object using std::async. In Java you could use one of the many static helper methods in CompletableFuture. In your case, the most relevant are
CompletableFuture#runAsync, if the task does not return any result and
CompletableFuture#supplyAsync, if the task will return a result upon completion
So in order to create a future that just prints Hello World!, you could for example do
CompletableFuture<Void> task = CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> System.out.println("Hello World!"));
Java not only has lambdas but also method references. Lets say you have a method that computes a heavy math task:
class MyMath {
static int compute() {
// Very heavy, duh
return (int) Math.pow(2, 5);
Then you could create a future that returns the result once its available as
CompletableFuture<Integer> task = CompletableFuture.runAsync(MyMath::compute);
Integer result = task.get();
async vs deferred
In C++, you have the option to specify a launch policy which dictates the threading behavior for the task. Let us put the memory promises C++ makes aside, because in Java you do not have that much control over memory.
The differences are that async will immediately schedule creation of a thread and execute the task in that thread. The result will be available at some point and is computed while you can continue work in your main task. The exact details whether it is a new thread or a cached thread depend on the compiler and are not specified.
deferred behaves completely different to that. Basically nothing happens when you call std::async, no extra thread will be created and the task will not be computed yet. The result will not be made available in the meantime at all. However, as soon as you call get, the task will be computed in your current thread and return a result. Basically as if you would have called the method directly yourself, without any async utilities at all.
std::launch::async in Java
That said, lets focus on how to translate this behavior to Java. Lets start with async.
This is the simple one, as it is basically the default and intended behavior offered in CompletableFuture. So you just do runAsync or supplyAsync, depending on whether your method returns a result or not. Let me show the previous examples again:
// without result
CompletableFuture<Void> task = CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> System.out.println("Hello World!"));
/*...*/ // the task is computed in the meantime in a different thread
// with result
CompletableFuture<Integer> task = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(MyMath::compute);
Integer result = task.get();
Note that there are also overloads of the methods that except an Executor which can be used if you have your own thread pool and want CompletableFuture to use that instead of its own (see here for more details).
std::launch::deferred in Java
I tried around a lot to mock this behavior with CompletableFuture but it does not seem to be possibly without creating your own implementation (please correct me if I am wrong though). No matter what, it either executes directly upon creation or not at all.
So I would just propose to use the underlying task interface that you gave to CompletableFuture, for example Runnable or Supplier, directly. In our case, we might also use IntSupplier to avoid the autoboxing.
Here are the two code examples again, but this time with deferred behavior:
// without result
Runnable task = () -> System.out.println("Hello World!");
/*...*/ // the task is not computed in the meantime, no threads involved
task.run(); // the task is computed now
// with result
IntSupplier task = MyMath::compute;
int result = task.getAsInt();
Modern multithreading in Java
As a final note I would like to give you a better idea how multithreading is typically used in Java nowadays. The provided facilities are much richer than what C++ offers by default.
Ideally should design your system in a way that you do not have to care about such little threading details. You create an automatically managed dynamic thread pool using Executors and then launch your initial task against that (or use the default executor service provided by CompletableFuture). After that, you just setup an operation pipeline on the future object, similar to the Stream API and then just wait on the final future object.
For example, let us suppose you have a list of file names List<String> fileNames and you want to
read the file
validate its content, skip it if its invalid
compress the file
upload the file to some web server
check the response status code
and count how many where invalid, not successfull and successfull. Suppose you have some methods like
class FileUploader {
static byte[] readFile(String name) { /*...*/ }
static byte[] requireValid(byte[] content) throws IllegalStateException { /*...*/ }
static byte[] compressContent(byte[] content) { /*...*/ }
static int uploadContent(byte[] content) { /*...*/ }
then we can do so easily by
AtomicInteger successfull = new AtomicInteger();
AtomicInteger notSuccessfull = new AtomicInteger();
AtomicInteger invalid = new AtomicInteger();
// Setup the pipeline
List<CompletableFuture<Void>> tasks = fileNames.stream()
.map(name -> CompletableFuture
.handleAsync((statusCode, exception) -> {
AtomicInteger counter;
if (exception == null) {
counter = statusCode == 200 ? successfull : notSuccessfull;
} else {
counter = invalid;
// Wait until all tasks are done
// Print the results
System.out.printf("Successfull %d, not successfull %d, invalid %d%n", successfull.get(), notSuccessfull.get(), invalid.get());
The huge benefit of this is that it will reach max throughput and use all hardware capacity offered by your system. All tasks are executed completely dynamic and independent, managed by an automatic pool of threads. And you just wait until everything is done.
For asynchronous launch of a thread, in modern Java prefer the use of a high-level java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService.
One way to obtain an ExecutorService is through java.util.concurrent.Executors. Different behaviors are available for ExecutorServices; the Executors class provides methods for some common cases.
Once you have an ExecutorService, you can submit Runnables and Callables to it.
Future<MyReturnValue> myFuture = myExecutorService.submit(myTask);
If I understood you correctly, may be something like this:
private static CompletableFuture<Void> deferred(Runnable run) {
CompletableFuture<Void> future = new CompletableFuture<>();
return future;
private static CompletableFuture<Void> async(Runnable run) {
return CompletableFuture.runAsync(run);
And then using them like:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
CompletableFuture<Void> def = deferred(() -> System.out.println("run"));
CompletableFuture<Void> async = async(() -> System.out.println("run async"));
To get something like a deferred thread, you might try running a thread at a reduced priority.
First, in Java it's often idiomatic to make a task using a Runnable first. You can also use the Callable<T> interface, which allows the thread to return a value (Runnable can't).
public class MyTask implements Runnable {
public void run() {
System.out.println( "hello thread." );
Then just create a thread. In Java threads normally wrap the task they execute.
MyTask myTask = new MyTask();
Thread t = new Tread( myTask );
t.setPriority( Thread.currentThread().getPriority()-1 );
This should not run until there is a core available to do so, which means it shouldn't run until the current thread is blocked or run out of things to do. However you're at the mercy of the OS scheduler here, so the specific operation is not guaranteed. Most OSs will guarantee that all threads run eventually, so if the current thread takes a long time with out blocking the OSs will start it executing anyway.
setPriority() can throw a security exception if you're not allowed to set the priority of a thread (uncommon but possible). So just be aware of that minor inconvenience.
For an asynch task with a Future I would use an executor service. The helper methods in the class Executors are a convenient way to do this.
First make your task as before.
public class MyCallable implements Callable<String> {
public String call() {
return "hello future thread.";
Then use an executor service to run it:
MyCallable myCallable = new MyCallable();
ExecutorService es = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
Future<String> f = es.submit( myCallable );
You can use the Future object to query the thread, determine its running status and get the value it returns. You will need to shutdown the executor to stop all of its threads before exiting the JVM.
I've tried to write this code as simply as possible, without the use of lambdas or clever use of generics. The above should show you what those lambdas are actually implementing. However it's usually considered better to be a bit more sophisticated when writing code (and a bit less verbose) so you should investigate other syntax once you feel you understand the above.
I have the following classes:
public interface WorkerTask extends Task {
// Constants
public static final short WORKERTASK_SPIDER = 1;
public static final short WORKERTASK_PARSER = 2;
public static final short WORKERTASK_PRODUCT = 3;
public int getType();
class workerPool {
private ThreadPoolExecutor executorPool_;
public WorkerPool(int poolSize)
executorPool_ = new ThreadPoolExecutor(
new ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable>(10000000,false),
public void assign(WorkerTask workerTask) {
executorPool_.execute(new WorkerThread(workerTask));
public void removeTasks(int siteID) {
I want to call the method removeTasks to remove certain amount of pending tasks but I have no idea of how to use the method removeIf. It says: Removes all of the elements of this collection that satisfy the given predicate, but I have no idea how to create the parameter Predicate. Any idea?
If you had a Queue<WorkerTask>, you could do something like this:
queue.removeIf(task -> task.getSiteID() == siteID)
There are several problems. One problem is that the queue you get from getQueue() is BlockingQueue<Runnable> and not Queue<WorkerTask>. If you're submitting Runnable instances to the pool, the queue might contain references to your actual tasks; if so, you could downcast them to WorkerTask. However, this isn't guaranteed. Furthermore, the class doc for ThreadPoolExecutor says (under "Queue maintenance"):
Method getQueue() allows access to the work queue for purposes of monitoring and debugging. Use of this method for any other purpose is strongly discouraged. Two supplied methods, remove(Runnable) and purge() are available to assist in storage reclamation when large numbers of queued tasks become cancelled.
Looking at the remove(Runnable) method, its doc says
It may fail to remove tasks that have been converted into other forms before being placed on the internal queue.
This suggests that you should hang onto the Runnable instances that have been submitted in order to call remove() on them later. Or, call submit(Runnable) to get a Future and save those instances around in order to cancel them.
But there is also a second problem that probably renders this approach inadequate. Suppose you've found a way to remove or cancel the matching tasks from the queue. Another thread might have decided to submit a new task that matches, but hasn't submitted it yet. There's a race condition here. You might be able to cancel the enqueued tasks, but after you've done so, you can't guarantee that new matching tasks haven't been submitted.
Here's an alternative approach. Presumably, when you cancel (or whatever) a site ID, there's some logic somewhere to stop submitting new tasks that match that side ID. The problem is how to deal with matching tasks that are "in-flight," that is, that are in the queue or are about to be enqueued.
Instead of trying to cancel the matching tasks, change the task so that if its site ID has been canceled, the task turns into a no-op. You could record the cancellation of a site ID in, say, a ConcurrentHashMap. Any task would check this map before beginning its work, and if the site ID is present, it'd simply return. Adding a site ID to the map would have the immediate effect of ensuring that no new task on that site ID will commence. (Tasks that have already started will run to completion.) Any in-flight tasks will eventually drain from the queue without causing any actual work to occur.
A predicate is a function that receives an input and returns a boolean value.
If you are using java 8 you can use lambda expressions:
(elem) -> return elem.id == siteID
I find myself repeating this pattern and have often wondered if it is idiomatic in Java or there is a better way of achieving this behaviour.
Problem: Given a producer/consumer setup, the consumer wants to process batches of items, so it uses drainTo(), however drainTo() will poll for existing items and possibly fail to get any items, to avoid this I prefix the drain with a take() to ensure it blocks until at least one item is available.
One problem I get, with a particular dataset, is with many use cases that the batch size is often irregular alternating between (1, N, 1, N). In general is this a common way to solve this problem:
ArrayBlockingQueue<Foo> queue;
function void produce() {
while(true) {
function void consumeBatchSpin() {
while(true) {
List<Foo> batch = Lists.newLinkedList();
//the problem here is that if nothing is being produced, this loop will spin
function void consumeBatchTake() {
while(true) {
List<Foo> batch = Lists.newLinkedList();
batch.add(queue.take()); //force at least one item to be there
Have you considered adding to a list and taking the whole list on get.
I have posted one here recently. It is undergoing code review here but my tests suggest it is robust.
Essentially, when you do a put you add your new element to the current list. When you do a get you get the whole list and atomically replace it with a new empty one.
No need to use drainTo and no spinning at all.
I am planning to use this schema in my application, but I was not sure whether this is safe.
To give a little background, a bunch of servers will compute results of sub-tasks that belong to a single task and report them back to the central server. This piece of code is used to register the results, and also check whether all the subtasks for the task has completed and if so, report that fact only once.
The important point is that, all task must be reported once and only once as soon as it is completed (all subTaskResults are set).
Can anybody help? Thank you! (Also, if you have a better idea to solve this problem, please let me know!)
*Note that I simplified the code for brevity.
Solution I
class Task {
//Populate with bunch of (Long, new AtomicReference()) pairs
//Actual app uses read only HashMap
Map<Id, AtomicReference<SubTaskResult>> subtasks = populatedMap();
Semaphore permission = new Semaphore(1);
public Task set(id, subTaskResult){
//null check omitted
return check() ? this : null;
private boolean check(){
for(AtomicReference ref : subtasks){
return false;
return permission.tryAquire();
Stephen C kindly suggested to use a counter. Actually, I have considered that once, but I reasoned that the JVM could reorder the operations and thus, a thread can observe a decremented counter (by another thread) before the result is set in AtomicReference (by that other thread).
*EDIT: I now see this is thread safe. I'll go with this solution. Thanks, Stephen!
Solution II
class Task {
//Populate with bunch of (Long, new AtomicReference()) pairs
//Actual app uses read only HashMap
Map<Id, AtomicReference<SubTaskResult>> subtasks = populatedMap();
AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(subtasks.size());
public Task set(id, subTaskResult){
//null check omitted
//In the actual app, if !compareAndSet(null, result) return null;
return check() ? this : null;
private boolean check(){
return counter.decrementAndGet() == 0;
I assume that your use-case is that there are multiple multiple threads calling set, but for any given value of id, the set method will be called once only. I'm also assuming that populateMap creates the entries for all used id values, and that subtasks and permission are really private.
If so, I think that the code is thread-safe.
Each thread should see the initialized state of the subtasks Map, complete with all keys and all AtomicReference references. This state never changes, so subtasks.get(id) will always give the right reference. The set(result) call operates on an AtomicReference, so the subsequent get() method calls in check() will give the most up-to-date values ... in all threads. Any potential races with multiple threads calling check seem to sort themselves out.
However, this is a rather complicated solution. A simpler solution would be to use an concurrent counter; e.g. replace the Semaphore with an AtomicInteger and use decrementAndGet instead of repeatedly scanning the subtasks map in check.
In response to this comment in the updated solution:
Actually, I have considered that once,
but I reasoned that the JVM could
reorder the operations and thus, a
thread can observe a decremented
counter (by another thread) before the
result is set in AtomicReference (by
that other thread).
The AtomicInteger and AtomicReference by definition are atomic. Any thread that tries to access one is guaranteed to see the "current" value at the time of the access.
In this particular case, each thread calls set on the relevant AtomicReference before it calls decrementAndGet on the AtomicInteger. This cannot be reordered. Actions performed by a thread are performed in order. And since these are atomic actions, the efects will be visible to other threads in order as well.
In other words, it should be thread-safe ... AFAIK.
The atomicity guaranteed (per class documentation) explicitly for AtomicReference.compareAndSet extends to set and get methods (per package documentation), so in that regard your code appears to be thread-safe.
I am not sure, however, why you have Semaphore.tryAquire as a side-effect there, but without complimentary code to release the semaphore, that part of your code looks wrong.
The second solution does provide a thread-safe latch, but it's vulnerable to calls to set() that provide an ID that's not in the map -- which would trigger a NullPointerException -- or more than one call to set() with the same ID. The latter would mistakenly decrement the counter too many times and falsely report completion when there are presumably other subtasks IDs for which no result has been submitted. My criticism isn't with regard to the thread safety, but rather to the invariant maintenance; the same flaw would be present even without the thread-related concern.
Another way to solve this problem is with AbstractQueuedSynchronizer, but it's somewhat gratuitous: you can implement a stripped-down counting semaphore, where each call set() would call releaseShared(), decrementing the counter via a spin on compareAndSetState(), and tryAcquireShared() would only succeed when the count is zero. That's more or less what you implemented above with the AtomicInteger, but you'd be reusing a facility that offers more capabilities you can use for other portions of your design.
To flesh out the AbstractQueuedSynchronizer-based solution requires adding one more operation to justify the complexity: being able to wait on the results from all the subtasks to come back, such that the entire task is complete. That's Task#awaitCompletion() and Task#awaitCompletion(long, TimeUnit) in the code below.
Again, it's possibly overkill, but I'll share it for the purpose of discussion.
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer;
final class Task
private static final class Sync extends AbstractQueuedSynchronizer
public Sync(int count)
protected int tryAcquireShared(int ignored)
return 0 == getState() ? 1 : -1;
protected boolean tryReleaseShared(int ignored)
int current;
current = getState();
if (0 == current)
return true;
while (!compareAndSetState(current, current - 1));
return 1 == current;
public Task(int count)
if (count < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
sync_ = new Sync(count);
public boolean set(int id, Object result)
// Ensure that "id" refers to an incomplete task. Doing so requires
// additional synchronization over the structure mapping subtask
// identifiers to results.
// Store result somehow.
return sync_.releaseShared(1);
public void awaitCompletion()
throws InterruptedException
public void awaitCompletion(long time, TimeUnit unit)
throws InterruptedException
sync_.tryAcquireSharedNanos(0, unit.toNanos(time));
private final Sync sync_;
I have a weird feeling reading your example program, but it depends on the larger structure of your program what to do about that. A set function that also checks for completion is almost a code smell. :-) Just a few ideas.
If you have synchronous communication with your servers you might use an ExecutorService with the same number of threads like the number of servers that do the communication. From this you get a bunch of Futures, and you can naturally proceed with your calculation - the get calls will block at the moment the result is needed but not yet there.
If you have asynchronous communication with the servers you might also use a CountDownLatch after submitting the task to the servers. The await call blocks the main thread until the completion of all subtasks, and other threads can receive the results and call countdown on each received result.
With all these methods you don't need special threadsafety measures other than that the concurrent storing of the results in your structure is threadsafe. And I bet there are even better patterns for this.
The title of this question makes me doubt if this exist, but still:
I'm interested in whether there is an implemented of Java's BlockingQueue, that is bounded by size, and never blocks, but rather throws an exception when trying to enqueue too many elements.
Edit - I'm passing the BlockingQueue to an Executor, which I suppose uses its add() method, not offer(). One can write a BlockingQueue that wraps another BlockingQueue and delegates calls to add() to offer().
Edit: Based on your new description I believe that you're asking the wrong question. If you're using a Executor you should probably define a custom RejectedExecutionHandler rather than modifying the queue. This only works if you're using a ThreadPoolExecutor, but if you're not it would probably be a better idea to modify the Executor rather than the queue.
It's my opinion that it's a mistake to override offer and make it behave like add. Interface methods constitute a contract. Client code that uses blocking queues depends on the methods actually doing what the documentation specifies. Breaking that rule opens up for a world of hurt. That, And it's inelegant.
The add() method on BlockingQueues does that, but they also have an offer() method which is generally a better choice. From the documentation for offer():
Inserts the specified element at the
tail of this queue if it is possible
to do so immediately without exceeding
the queue's capacity, returning true
upon success and false if this queue
is full. This method is generally
preferable to method add(E), which can
fail to insert an element only by
throwing an exception.
This works for all such queues regardless of the specific implementation (ArrayBlockingQueue, LinkedBlockingQueue etc.)
BlockingQueue<String> q = new LinkedBlockingQueue<String>(2);
System.out.println(q.offer("foo")); // true
System.out.println(q.offer("bar")); // true
System.out.println(q.offer("baz")); // false
One can write a BlockingQueue that
wraps another BlockingQueue and
delegates calls to add() to offer().
If that is supposed to be a question ... the answer is "Yes", but you can do it more neatly by creating a subclass that overrides the add(). The only catch (in both cases) is that your version of add cannot throw any checked exceptions that aren't in the method you are overriding, so your "would block" exception will need to be unchecked.
this is sad, you cannot block, there are so many use cases where you would want to block, the whole idea of providing your own bounded blocking queue to the executor has no meaning.
public void execute(Runnable command) {
if (command == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
if (poolSize >= corePoolSize || !addIfUnderCorePoolSize(command)) {
if (runState == RUNNING && workQueue.***offer***(command)) {
if (runState != RUNNING || poolSize == 0)
else if (!addIfUnderMaximumPoolSize(command))
reject(command); // is shutdown or saturated
A simple use case to get queries executed from source db in batch (executor), enrich in batch and put into another db (executor), you would want to execute queries only as fast as they are being put into another db. In which case, the dest executor should accept a blocking bounded executor to solve the problem than keep polling and checking how many were completed to execute more queries.
oops more, see my remainder comment: