What's the intended use of IllegalStateException? - java

This came up in a discussion with a colleague today.
The Javadocs for Java's IllegalStateException state that it:
Signals that a method has been invoked at an illegal or inappropriate time. In other words, the Java environment or Java application is not in an appropriate state for the requested operation.
And Effective Java says (Item 60, page 248):
Another commonly reused exception is IllegalStateException. This is generally the exception to throw if the invocation is illegal because of the state of the receiving object. For example, this would be the exception to throw if the caller attempted to use some object before it had been properly initialized.
It seems there's a bit of discrepancy here. The second sentence of the javadocs makes it sound like the exception could describe a very broad condition about the Java execution state, but the description in Effective Java makes it sound like it's used for conditions related specifically to the state of the state of the object whose method has been called.
The usages I've seen in the JDK (e.g. collections, Matcher) and in Guava definitely seem to fall into the category that Effective Java talks about ("This object is in a state where this method can't be called"). This also seems consistent with IllegalStateException's sibling IllegalArgumentException.
Are there any legitimate IllegalStateException usages in the JDK that do relate to the "Java environment" or "Java application"? Or do any best practices guides advocate using it for the broader execution state? If not, why the heck are the javadocs phrased like that? ;)

Here is one particularly legitimate usage of this exception in JDK (see: URLConnection.setIfModifiedSince(long) among 300+ other usages of it:
public void setIfModifiedSince(long ifmodifiedsince) {
if (connected)
throw new IllegalStateException("Already connected");
ifModifiedSince = ifmodifiedsince;
I think the example is pretty clear. If the object is in particular state ("Already connected"), some operations should not be called. In this case when connection was established, some properties cannot be set.
This exception is especially useful when your class has some state (state machine?) that changes over time, making some methods irrelevant or impossible. Think about a Car class that has start(), stop() and fuel() methods. While calling start() twice, one after another, is probably nothing wrong, but fueling a started car is certainly a bad idea. Namely - car is in a wrong state.
Arguably good API should not allow us to call methods in wrong state so that problems like that are discovered at compile time, not at runtime. In this particular example connecting to a URL should return a different object with a subset of methods, all of which are valid after connecting.

Here is an example in the JDK. There is a package private class called java.lang.Shutdown. If the system is shutting down and you attempt to add a new hook, it throws the IllegalStateException. One could argue that this meets the criteria of the "javadoc" guidance - since it is the Java environment that is in the wrong state.
class Shutdown {
/* Add a new shutdown hook. Checks the shutdown state and the hook itself,
* but does not do any security checks.
static void add(int slot, Runnable hook) {
synchronized (lock) {
if (state > RUNNING)
throw new IllegalStateException("Shutdown in progress");
if (hooks[slot] != null)
throw new InternalError("Shutdown hook at slot " + slot + " already registered");
hooks[slot] = hook;
However it also illustrates that there really is no distinction between the "javadoc" guidance and the "Effective Java" guidance. Because of the way Shutdown is implemented, the shutdown-ness of the JVM is stored in a field called state. Therefore it also meets the "Effective Java" guidance for when to use IllegalStateException, since the "state" field is part of the state of the receiving object. Since the receiving object (Shutdown) is in the wrong state, it throws the IllegalStateException.
In my opinion the two descriptions of when to use IllegalStateException are consistent. The Effective Java description is a bit more practical, that's all. For most of us, the most important part of the entire Java environment is the class that we are writing right now, so that is what the author is focusing on.

I guess if you see usage of IllegalStateException I would say second if more appropriate. This exception is used in lot of packages
java.util.concurrrent etc
To specify one example ArrayBlockingQueue.add throws this exception if queue is already full. Now full is state of the object and it is being invoked at inappropriate or Illegal time
I guess both means same but difference of wording.

Given a library, it should throw an IllegalStateException or IllegalArgumentException whenever it detects a bug due to the user code, whereas the library should throw an AssertionError whenever it detects a bug due to the library's own implementation.
For example, in the library's tests, you may expect the library throws an IllegalStateException when the order of method calls are wrong. But you will never expect the library throws an AssertionError.

There is no 'discrepancy' here. There is nothing in Bloch's wording that excludes what it says in the JLS. Bloch is simply saying that if you have circumstance A, throw this exception. He is not saying that this exception is/should be thrown only in this condition. The JLS is saying this exception is thrown if A, B, or C.

I ran into this with:
try {
MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
I think it will be impractical for me to throw IllegalStateException here in place of AssertionException even though this falls into the "the Java environment" category.


Why Functional API in java does not handle checked exceptions?

I saw many times that using the functional API in java is really verbose and error-prone when we have to deal with checked exceptions.
E.g: it's really convenient to write (and easier to read) code like
var obj = Objects.requireNonNullElseGet(something, Other::get);
Indeed, it also avoids to improper multiple invokation of getters, like when you do
var obj = something.get() != null ? something.get() : other.get();
// ^^^^ first ^^^^ ^^^^ second ^^^^
BUT everything becomes a jungle when you have to deal with checked exceptions, and I saw sometimes this really ugly code style:
try {
Objects.requireNonNullElseGet(obj, () -> {
try {
return invokeMethodWhichThrows();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (RuntimeException r){
Throwable cause = r.getCause();
if(cause == null)
throw r;
throw cause;
which only intent is to handle checked exceptions like when you write code without lambdas. Now, I know that those cases can be better expressed with the ternary operator and a variable to hold the result of something.get(), but that's also the case for Objects.requireNonNullElse(a, b), which is there, in the java.util package of the JDK.
The same can be said for logging frameworks' methods which take Suppliers as parameters and evaluate them only if needed, BUT if you need to handle checked exceptions in those supplier you need to invoke them and explicitly check for the log level.
LOGGER.debug("request from " + resolveIPOrThrow());
Some similar reasonament can be maid also for Futures, but let me go ahead.
My question is: why is Functional API in java not handling checked exceptions?
For example having something like a ThrowingSupplier interface, like the one below, can potentially fit the need of dealing with checked exceptions, guarantee type consistency and better code readability.
interface ThrowingSupplier<O, T extends Exception> {
O get() throws T;
Then we need to duplicate methods that uses Suppliers to have an overload that uses ThrowingSuppliers and throws exceptions. But we as java developers have been used to this kind of duplication (like with Stream, IntStream, LongStream, or methods with overloads to handle int[], char[], long[], byte[], ...), so it's nothing too strange for us.
I would really appreciate if someone who has deep knowledge of the JDK argues about why checked exceptions have been excluded from the functional API, if there was a way to incorporate them.
This question can be interpreted as 'why did those who made this decision decide it this way', which is asking: "Please summarize 5 years of serious debate - specifically what Brian Goetz and co thought about it", which is impossible, unless your name is Brian Goetz. He does not answer questions on SO as far as I know. You can go spelunking in de archives of the lambda-dev mailing list if you want.
One could make an informed guess, though.
In-scope vs Beyond-scope
There are 3 transparancies that lambdas do not have.
Control flow.
Checked exceptions.
Mutable local variables.
Control flow transparency
Take this code, as an example:
private Map<String, PhoneNumber> phonebook = ...;
public PhoneNumber findPhoneNumberOf(String personName) {
phonebook.entrySet().stream().forEach(entry -> {
if (entry.getKey().equals(personName)) return entry.getValue();
return null;
This code is silly (why not just do a .get, or if we must stream through the thing, why not use .filter and .findFirst, but if you look past that, it doesn't even work: You cannot return the method from within that lambda. That return statement returns the lambda (and thus is a compiler error, the lambda you pass to forEach returns void). You can't continue or break a loop that is outside the lambda from inside it, either.
Contrast to a for loop that can do it just fine:
for (var entry : phonebook.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getKey().equals(personName)) return entry.getValue();
return null;
does exactly what you think, and works fine.
Checked exception transparency
This is the one you are complaining about. This doesn't compile:
public void printFiles(Path... files) throws IOException {
Arrays.stream(files).forEach(p -> System.out.println(Files.readString(p)));
The fact that the context allows you to throw IOExceptions doesn't help: The above does not compile, because 'can throw IOExceptions' as a status doesn't 'transfer' to the inside of the lambda.
There's a theme here: Rewrite it to a normal for loop and it compiles and works precisely the way you want to. So why, exactly, can't we make lambdas work the same way?
mutable local variables
This doesn't work:
int x = 0;
someList.stream().forEach(k -> x++);
System.out.println("Count: " + x);
You can neither modify local variables declared outside the lambda, nor even read them unless they are (effectively) final. Why not?
These are all GOOD things.. depending on scope layering
So far it seems really stupid that lambdas aren't transparent in these 3 regards. But it turns into a good thing in a slightly different context. Imagine instead of .stream().forEach something a little bit different:
class DoubleNullException extends Exception {} // checked!
public class Example {
private TreeSet<String> words;
public Example() throws DoubleNullException {
int comparisonCount = 0;
this.words = new TreeSet<String>((a, b) -> {
if (a == null && b == null) throw new DoubleNullException();
System.out.println("Comparisons performed: " + comparisonCount);
Let's image the 3 transparencies did work. The above code makes use of two of them (tries to mutate comparisonCount, and tries to throw DoubleNullException from inside to outside).
The above code makes absolutely no sense. The compiler errors are very much desired. That comparator is not going to run until perhaps next week in a completely different thread. It runs whenever you add the second element to the set, which is a field, so who knows who is going to do that and which thread would do it. The constructor has long since ceased running - local vars are 'on the stack' and thus the local var has disappeared. Nevermind that the printing would always print 'comparisons made: 0' here, the statement 'comparisonCount++:' would be trying to increment a memory position that no longer holds that variable at all.
Even if we 'fix' this (the compiler realizes that a local is used in a lambda and hoists it onto heap, this is what most other languages do), the code still makes no sense as a concept: That print statement wouldn't print. Also, that comparator can be called from multiple threads so... do we now allow volatile on our local vars? Quite the can of worms! In current java, a local variable cannot possibly suffer from thread concurrency synchronization issues because it is not possible to share the variable (you can share the object the variable points at, not the variable itself) with another thread.
The reason you ARE allowed to mess with (effectively) final locals is because you can just make a copy, and that's what the compiler does for you. Copies are fine - if nobody changes anything.
The exception similarly doesn't work: It's the code that calls thatSet.add(someElement) that would get the DoubleNullException. The fact that somebody wrote:
Example ex;
try {
ex = new Example();
} catch (DoubleNullException e) {
throw new WrappedEx(e);
ex.add(null); // BOOM
The line with the remark (BOOM) would throw the DoubleNullEx. It 'breaks' the checked exception rules: That line would compile (set.add doesn't throw DNEx), but isn't in a context where throwing DNEx is allowed. The catch block that is in the above snippet cannot ever run.
See how it all falls apart, and nothing makes sense?
The key clue is: What happens to the lambda? Is it 'transported'?
For some situations, you hand a lambda straight to a method, and that method has a 'use it and lose it' mentality: That method you handed the lambda to will run it 0, 1, or many times, but the key is: It runs it right then and there and once the method you handed the lambda to returns, that lambda is gone. The thing you handed the lambda to did not store it in a field or hand it to other code that stores it in a field, nor did that method transport the lambda to another thread.
In such cases (the method is use-it-then-lose-it), the transparencies would certainly be handy and wouldn't "break" anything.
But when the method you hand the lambda to does transport it to a field (such as the constructor of TreeSet which stores the passed comparator in a field, so that future .add calls can call it), the transparencies break down and make no sense.
Lambdas in java are for both and therefore the lack of transparency (in all 3 regards) actually makes sense. It's just annoying when you have a use-it-then-lose-it situation.
POTENTIAL FUTURE JAVA FIX: I've championed it before but so far, it fell on mostly deaf ears. Next time I see Brian I might bring it up again. Imagine an annotation or other marker you can stick on the parameter of a method that says: "I shall use it or lose it". The compiler will then ensure you do not transport it (the only thing the compiler will let you do with that param is call .invoke() on it. You can't call anything else, nor can you assign it or hand it to anything else unless you hand it to a method that also marked that parameter as #UseItOrLoseIt. Then the compiler can make the transparency happen with some tactical wrapping for control flow, and for checked exception flow, just by not complaining (checked exceptions are a figment of javac's imagination. The runtime does not have checked exceptions. Which is why scala, kotlin, and other runs-on-the-JVM languages can do it).
Actually THEY CAN!
As your question ends with - you can actually write O get() throws T. So why do the various functional interfaces, such as Supplier, not do this?
Mostly because it's a pain. I'm honestly not sure why e.g. list's forEach is not defined as:
public <T extends Throwable> forEach(ThrowingConsumer<? super E, ? super T> consumer) throws T {
for (E elem : this) consumer.consume(elem);
Which would work fine and compile (with ThrowingConsumer having the obvious impl). Or even that Consumer as we have it is declared with the <O, T extends Exception> part.
It's a bit of a hassle. The way lambdas 'work' is that the compiler has to infer from context what functionalinterface you are implementing which notably includes having to bind all the generics out. Adding exception binding to this mix makes it even harder. IDEs tend to get a little confused if you're in the middle of writing code in a 'throwing lambda' and start red-underlining rather a lot, and auto-complete and the like is no help, because the IDE can't be useful in that context until it knows.
Lambdas as a system were also designed to backwards compatibly replace any existing usages of the concept, such as swing's ActionListener. Such listeners couldn't throw either, so having the interfaces in the java.util.function package be similar would be more familiar and slightly more java idiomatic, possibly.
The throws T solution would help but isn't a panacea. It solves, to an extent, the lack of checked exception transparency, but does nothing to solve either mutable local var transparency or control flow transparency. Perhaps the conclusion is simply: The benefits of doing it are more limited than you think, the costs are higher than you think. The cost/benefit analysis says: Bad idea, so it wasn't done.

Custom RunTime Exceptions

So this is regarding an interview question I was recently asked. The interviewer started on this by asking me how we create our custom Exceptions. On answering that, he asked me how I'd create a RunTimeExceptions. I said we'd create them in the same way as we would create the checked Exceptions. Just our custom exception would extend from the RunTimeException class. Then he asked in what scenarios would you create your own RunTimeException. Now I couldn't think of a good answer to that. In none of my projects, we created custom RunTimeExceptions.
I also think that we should never create RunTimeExceptions. JVM can fail only in a finite number of ways and it handles them well. While writing an application we can't predict what runtime exceptions can occur and hence we shouldn't need to handle them. And if we can predict those conditions, they aren't RunTimeExceptions then. Since we neither need new runtime exceptions, nor need a handling of runtimeexceptions, why would we ever need to create a custom RunTimeException. Everything that we can pre-think of as a possible failure condition should be handled at compile time and it would be a checked exception. Right? Only the things that cannot be handled at compile time and the ones that depend on run time things go into the category of RunTimeExceptions.
Even if we write custom RunTimeExceptions and then a custom method that should throw that RunTimeException - how do we make sure that the method will throw that particular RunTimeException. How do we do that mapping. It doesn't seem possible to me.
Am I missing something/ many things here? Kindly advice.
I think the interviewer was trying to see if you understand the purpose of runtime exceptions, which is to signal programmer's errors (as opposed to application exceptions, which signal problems with the execution environment).
You can and you should create subclasses of RuntimeException whenever your method needs to signal a condition that amounts to a programming error, and you need to provide additional information regarding the error the exception describes.
For example, consider a class that lets you store data in a sparse multidimensional array. One of the APIs such class would probably provide is a getter that takes an array of indexes. The number of indexes needs to equal the number of dimensions in the array, and each index must be within its bounds. Supplying an array parameter that has an incorrect number of elements, or has one or more element outside its bounds, is a programming error. You need to signal it with a runtime exception. If you want to signal this error, and provide a full account of what went wrong, your subclass IllegalArgumentException, a subclass of RuntimeException, to build your own exception.
Finally, there is one more situation when you want to subclass RuntimeException: when you should provide a "regular" exception, but you do not want your users to wrap each call of your API in a try/catch block. In situations like these, you can replace a single method
void performOperation() throws CustomApplicationException;
with a pair of methods
boolean canPerformOperation();
void performOperation();
The first method tells the caller that it is safe to call the second method in the current state; it never throws an exception.
The second method fail only in the state when the first method returns false, making a failure a programming error, thus justifying the use of RuntimeException to signal such failures.
Checked Exception vs Unchecked Exception is a long time debate among Java developers. I'm not be here to ignite the fire, but only want to share with you how I use it in our work.
For example, another service call my server for customer information. The input is customerID, and I will return a customer object
// Web Service interface
public CustomerInfo getCustomerInformation(int customerId, int securityToken) {
Customer customer = merchantService.getCustomer(customerId);
return customer.getInfo();
// MerchantService
public Customer getCustomer(int customerId) {
return customerService.getCustomer(customerId);
What will happen if the system can't find a particular customer? Of course it will throw an exception or return null. But returning null is bad, since it will make you check null everytime calling from a service. So I go with throwing exception:
// Customer service
public Customer getCustomer(id) {
Customer customer = getCustomerFromDB();
if (customer == null) throw CustomerNotExistedException();
return customer;
Now the question is whether CustomerNotExistedException is a Exception or a RuntimeException. If it's a checked exception, you will need to catch and process it at the function that calls getCustomer. That means you must catch it at MerchantService. However, all you want is to produce a 404 error at WebService level, so that catching it at MerchantService won't do anything more than throwing the exception again. It pollutes the code.
In the general case, I often use RuntimeException to let some exception "bubble up" to the level in which they can be processed.
For your reference, I would recommend the book Clean code from Robert C. Martin. It explains quite well how we should use exception to handle errors in Java.
You would create your own RuntimeException subclass if:
You don't want it to be a checked exception, because you don't expect callers to explicitly catch the exception. (Personally I believe that checked exceptions are rather overused in the standard library.)
You still want to provide more information than just a message (just the type itself is a helpful starting point in a log).
HibernateException is an example of this in the Hibernate ORM.
I think when you are creating Custom Exceptions , please don't subclass RuntimeException , it defeats the whole purpose of creating the custom exception.
Even if we write custom RunTimeExceptions and then a custom method that should throw that RunTimeException - how do we make sure that the method will throw that particular RunTimeException.
The point here is actually the caller of the method needn't surround that in a try-catch block as it is not a checked exception. Unless you have a good reason to throw a custom unchecked exception , say , just to provide additional custom information for logging etc. don't do that. Another bad implementation will be sometimes you would to just want to catch the checked exceptions in your code and throw custom unchecked exceptions to get rid of all the try-catch in the caller code.

What exception to throw?

I have a function which calculates the mean of a list passed as an argument. I would like to know which of Java exception should I throw when I try to compute the mean of a list of size 0.
public double mean (MyLinkedList<? extends Number> list)
if (list.isEmpty())
throw new ????????; //If I am not mistaken Java has some defined exception for this case
//code goes here
You can throw a new IllegalArgumentException().
Thrown to indicate that a method has been passed an illegal or inappropriate argument.
Just don't forget to pass a clear message as a first argument. This will really help you to understand what happend.
For example "Can't use mean on an empty List".
The question to ask yourself first is whether you should be throwing at all and then, if so, whether it should be a checked or unchecked exception.
Unfortunately, there's no industry best practice on deciding these things, as shown by this StackOverflow answer:
In Java, when should I create a checked exception, and when should it be a runtime exception?
Nevertheless, there are some key considerations:
Your design/vision for how this method is supposed to work (Is it reasonable/normal for the method to be called with 0-size list)?
Consistency with other methods in the class/package
Compliance with your applicable coding standard (if any)
My opinion:
Return Double.NAN or 0 If calling the method with a 0-size list is reasonable/expected/normal, I'd consider returning Double.NAN or 0 if 0 is appropriate for your problem domain.
Throw anIllegalArgumentException If my design says that checking for an empty List is strongly the responsibility of the caller and the documentation for the method is going to clearly state that it is the responsibility of the caller, then I'd use the standard unchecked IllegalArgumentException.
Throw a custom checked exception If the method is part of a statistics package or library where several statistics functions need to deal with an possible empty data set, I'd think this is an exception condition that is part of the problem domain. I'd create a custom (probably checked) exception (e.g. EmptyDataSetException) to be part of the class/package/library and use it across all applicable methods. Making it a checked exceptions helps remind the client to consider how to handle the condition.
You should create a new class that extends Exception and provides details specific to your error. For example you could create a class called EmptyListException that contains the details regarding your error. This could be a very simple exception class that takes no constructor arguments but maybe calls super("Cannot generate mean for an empty list"); to provide a custom message to the stack trace.
A lot of times this isn't done enough...one of my most hated code smells is when developers use a generic exception (even sometimes Exception itself) and pass a string message into the constructor. Doing this is valid but makes the jobs of those implementing your code much harder since they have to catch a generic exception when really only a few things could happen. Exceptions should have the same hierarchy as objects you use for data with each level providing more specific details. The more detailed the exception class, the more detailed and helpful the stack trace is.
I've found this site: Exceptional Strategies to be very useful when creating Exceptions for my applications.
How about NoSuchElementException. Although IllegalArgumentException might be better.
How about an ArithmeticException - the same as the runtime throws.
Are you currently throwing any other exceptions (or planning to?) Any of the previously mentioned exceptions are fine, or just create your own. The most important thing is propagating the message of what went wrong.
If there's a chance the 'catcher' of the exception might re-throw it, than you may want to investigate any other exceptions the 'catcher' might also throw.
I am not convinced you should be throwing an exception there at all; the average of "nothing" is "nothing" or 0 if you will. If the set is empty, you should simply return 0.
If you really MUST throw an exception, then IllegalStateException or IllegalArgumentException are your best choices.

Throws or try-catch

What is the general rule of thumb when deciding whether to add a throws clause to a method or using a try-catch?
From what I've read myself, the throws should be used when the caller has broken their end of the contract (passed object) and the try-catch should be used when an exception takes place during an operation that is being carried out inside the method. Is this correct? If so, what should be done on the callers side?
P.S: Searched through Google and SO but would like a clear answer on this one.
catch an exception only if you can handle it in a meaningful way
declare throwing the exception upward if it is to be handled by the consumer of the current method
throw exceptions if they are caused by the input parameters (but these are more often unchecked)
In general, a method should throw an exception to its caller when it can't handle the associated problem locally. E.g. if the method is supposed to read from a file with the given path, IOExceptions can't be handled locally in a sensible way. Same applies for invalid input, adding that my personal choice would be to throw an unchecked exception like IllegalArgumentException in this case.
And it should catch an exception from a called method it if:
it is something that can be handled locally (e.g. trying to convert an input string to a number, and if the conversion fails, it is entirely valid to return a default value instead),
or it should not be thrown (e.g. if the exception is coming from an implementation-specific lower layer, whose implementation details should not be visible to the caller — for example I don't want to show that my DAO uses Hibernate for persisting my entities, so I catch all HibernateExceptions locally and convert them into my own exception types).
Here's the way I use it:
You just want the code to stop when
an error occurs.
Good with methods that are prone to
errors if certain prerequisites are
not met.
When you want to have the program
behave differently with different
Great if you want to provide
meaningful errors to end users.
I know a lot of people who always use Throws because it's cleaner, but there's just not nearly as much control.
My personnal rule of thumb for that is simple :
Can I handle it in a meaningful way (added from comment)? So put code in try/catch. By handle it, I mean be able to inform the user/recover from error or, in a broader sense, be able to understand how this exception affects the execution of my code.
Elsewhere, throw it away
Note : this replys is now a community wiki, feel free to add more info in.
The decision to add a try-catch or a throws clause to your methods depends on "how you want (or have) to handle your exception".
How to handle an exception is a wide and far from trivial question to answer. It involves specially the decision of where to handle the exception and what actions to implement within the catch block. In fact, how to handle an exception should be a global design decision.
So answering your questions, there is no rule of thumb.
You have to decide where you want to handle your exception and that decision is usually very specific to your domain and application requirements.
If the method where the exception got raised has a sufficent amount of information to deal with it then it should catch, generate useful information about what happened and what data was being processed.
A method should only throws an exception if it can make reasonable guarantees surrounding the state of the object, any parameters passed to the method, and any other objects the method acts upon. For example, a method which is supposed to retrieve from a collection an item which the caller expects to be contained therein might throws a checked exception if the item which was expected to exist in the collection, doesn't. A caller which catches that exception should expect that the collection does not contain the item in question.
Note that while Java will allow checked exceptions to bubble up through a method which is declared as throwing exceptions of the appropriate types, such usage should generally be considered an anti-pattern. Imagine, for example, that some method LookAtSky() is declared as calling FullMoonException, and is expected to throw it when the Moon is full; imagine further, that LookAtSky() calls ExamineJupiter(), which is also declared as throws FullMoonException. If a FullMoonException were thrown by ExamineJupiter(), and if LookAtSky() didn't catch it and either handle it or wrap it in some other exception type, the code which called LookAtSky would assume the exception was a result of Earth's moon being full; it would have no clue that one of Jupiter's moons might be the culprit.
Exceptions which a caller may expect to handle (including essentially all checked exceptions) should only be allowed to percolate up through a method if the exception will mean the same thing to the method's caller as it meant to the called method. If code calls a method which is declared as throwing some checked exception, but the caller isn't expecting it to ever throw that exception in practice (e.g. because it thinks it pre-validated method arguments), the checked exception should be caught and wrapped in some unchecked exception type. If the caller isn't expecting the exception to be thrown, the caller can't be expecting it to have any particular meaning.
When to use what. I searched a lot about this.
There is no hard and fast rule.
"But As a developer, Checked exceptions must be included in a throws clause of the method. This is necessary for the compiler to know which exceptions to check.
By convention, unchecked exceptions should not be included in a throws clause.
Including them is considered to be poor programming practice. The compiler treats them as comments, and does no checking on them."
Source : SCJP 6 book by Kathy Sierra
I ll make it simple for you.
Use throws when you think that the called method is not responsible for the exception (e.g., Invalid parameters from the caller method, item to be searched, fetched not available in the collections or fetch datalist).
Use try catch block(handle the exception in the called method) when you think that your functionality in the called method may result in some exception
If you use a try catch, when the exception occurs, the remaining codes would be still executed.
If you indicate the method to throw the exception, then when the exception occurs, the code would stop being executed right away.
try-catch pair is used when you want to provide customise behaviour, in case if exception occurs.....in other words...you have a solution of your problem (exception occurrence) as per your programme requirements.....
But throws is used when you don't have any specific solution regarding the exception occurrence case...you just don't want to get abnormal termination of your programme....
Hope it is correct :-)

Defensive Programming: Guidelines in Java

I’m from a .NET background and now dabbling in Java.
Currently, I’m having big problems designing an API defensively against faulty input. Let’s say I’ve got the following code (close enough):
public void setTokens(Node node, int newTokens) {
tokens.put(node, newTokens);
However, this code can fail for two reasons:
User passes a null node.
User passes an invalid node, i.e. one not contained in the graph.
In .NET, I would throw an ArgumentNullException (rather than a NullReferenceException!) or an ArgumentException respectively, passing the name of the offending argument (node) as a string argument.
Java doesn’t seem to have equivalent exceptions. I realize that I could be more specific and just throw whatever exception comes closest to describing the situation, or even writing my own exception class for the specific situation.
Is this the best practice? Or are there general-purpose classes similar to ArgumentException in .NET?
Does it even make sense to check against null in this case? The code will fail anyway and the exception’s stack trace will contain the above method call. Checking against null seems redundant and excessive. Granted, the stack trace will be slightly cleaner (since its target is the above method, rather than an internal check in the HashMap implementation of the JRE). But this must be offset against the cost of an additional if statement, which, furthermore, should never occur anyway – after all, passing null to the above method isn’t an expected situation, it’s a rather stupid bug. Expecting it is downright paranoid – and it will fail with the same exception even if I don’t check for it.
[As has been pointed out in the comments, HashMap.put actually allows null values for the key. So a check against null wouldn’t necessarily be redundant here.]
The standard Java exception is IllegalArgumentException. Some will throw NullPointerException if the argument is null, but for me NPE has that "someone screwed up" connotation, and you don't want clients of your API to think you don't know what you're doing.
For public APIs, check the arguments and fail early and cleanly. The time/cost barely matters.
Different groups have different standards.
Firstly, I assume you know the difference between RuntimeExceptions (unchecked) and normal Exceptions (checked), if not then see this question and the answers. If you write your own exception you can force it to be caught, whereas both NullPointerException and IllegalArgumentException are RuntimeExceptions which are frowned on in some circles.
Secondly, as with you, groups I've worked with but don't actively use asserts, but if your team (or consumer of the API) has decided it will use asserts, then assert sounds like precisely the correct mechanism.
If I was you I would use NullPointerException. The reason for this is precedent. Take an example Java API from Sun, for example java.util.TreeSet. This uses NPEs for precisely this sort of situation, and while it does look like your code just used a null, it is entirely appropriate.
As others have said IllegalArgumentException is an option, but I think NullPointerException is more communicative.
If this API is designed to be used by outside companies/teams I would stick with NullPointerException, but make sure it is declared in the javadoc. If it is for internal use then you might decide that adding your own Exception heirarchy is worthwhile, but personally I find that APIs which add huge exception heirarchies, which are only going to be printStackTrace()d or logged are just a waste of effort.
At the end of the day the main thing is that your code communicates clearly. A local exception heirarchy is like local jargon - it adds information for insiders but can baffle outsiders.
As regards checking against null I would argue it does make sense. Firstly, it allows you to add a message about what was null (ie node or tokens) when you construct the exception which would be helpful. Secondly, in future you might use a Map implementation which allows null, and then you would lose the error check. The cost is almost nothing, so unless a profiler says it is an inner loop problem I wouldn't worry about it.
In Java you would normally throw an IllegalArgumentException
If you want a guide about how to write good Java code, I can highly recommend the book Effective Java by Joshua Bloch.
It sounds like this might be an appropriate use for an assert:
public void setTokens(Node node, int newTokens) {
assert node != null;
tokens.put(node, newTokens);
Your approach depends entirely on what contract your function offers to callers - is it a precondition that node is not null?
If it is then you should throw an exception if node is null, since it is a contract violation. If it isnt then your function should silently handle the null Node and respond appropriately.
I think a lot depends on the contract of the method and how well the caller is known.
At some point in the process the caller could take action to validate the node before calling your method. If you know the caller and know that these nodes are always validated then i think it is ok to assume you'll get good data. Essentially responsibility is on the caller.
However if you are, for example, providing a third party library that is distributed then you need to validate the node for nulls, etcs...
An illegalArugementException is the java standard but is also a RunTimeException. So if you want to force the caller to handle the exception then you need to provided a check exception, probably a custom one you create.
Personally I'd like NullPointerExceptions to ONLY happen by accident, so something else must be used to indicate that an illegal argument value was passed. IllegalArgumentException is fine for this.
if (arg1 == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("arg1 == null");
This should be sufficient to both those reading the code, but also the poor soul who gets a support call at 3 in the morning.
(and, ALWAYS provide an explanatory text for your exceptions, you will appreciate them some sad day)
like the other : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.
About checking null Node, what about checking bad input at the Node creation ?
I don't have to please anybody, so what I do now as canonical code is
void method(String s)
if((s != null) && (s instanceof String) && (s.length() > 0x0000))
which gets me a lot of sleep.
Others will disagree.

