Boilerpipe - How do I output JSON? - java

I am using boilerpipe and it seems great, but I want to output JSON. I am using the Java version and testing in NetBeans as follows:
final URL url = new URL("");
Can anyone tell me how I go about this?

Boilerpipe does not come with a JSON serializer.
You can, however, do this (assuming you already extracted all data):
public String articleTextToJson(String article, String title, String sourceUrl) {
if (null == article) {
return "{ \"error\" : { " +
" \"message\" : \"Article did not extract\", " +
" \"code\" : 1 " +
" }, " +
" \"status\" : \"error\" " +
return "{ \"response\" : { " +
" \"title\" : \"" + title + "\" " +
" \"content\" : \"" + article + "\", " +
" \"source\" : \"" + sourceUrl + "\" " +
" }, " +
" \"status\" : \"success\" " +
The tricky part will be of course getting the title...
Or better yet use some JSON serializer like JSONObject.
Hope that helps.


How to validate array item types with networknt/json-schema-validator?

its probably a very simple thing that Im missing, but my json-schema-validator (networknt/json-schema-validator) doesnt validate the type of my items inside an array.
This Java-snippet should yield errors:
var schema = "{\n" +
" \"$schema\": \"\",\n" +
" \"type\": \"array\",\n" +
" \"items\": [\n" +
" {\n" +
" \"type\": \"integer\"\n" +
" }\n" +
" ]\n" +
var input = "[true,false,{},\"foo\"]";
var factory = JsonSchemaFactory.getInstance(SpecVersion.VersionFlag.V202012);
var jSchema = factory.getSchema(schema);
var errors = jSchema.validate(new ObjectMapper().readTree(input));
System.out.println("Errors: '"", ")) +"'");
but 'errors is empty. Over on this is invalid as expected.
What obvious am I overlooking here ?

Having syntax issue for Spring Mongo #Query while trying to validate null values coming from the front end

I am trying to recieve data from the front end and then passing it to my #Query annotation, if the value is null , it would skip it , else it would look for it inside the Mongo database.
So far I have tried this #Query
#Query("{$and: [{"
+ " $or: [{"
+ " $where: '?0 == null'"
+ " }, {"
+ " name: '?0'"
+ " }]"
+ " }, {"
+ " $or: [{"
+ " $where: '?1 == null'"
+ " }, {"
+ " batch: '?1'"
+ " }]"
+ " }, {"
+ " $or: [{"
+ " $where: '?2 == null'"
` + " }, {"
+ " city: '?2'"
+ " }]"
+ " }]}")
Now for the above query i am getting the following syntax issue
SyntaxError: identifier starts immediately after numeric literal on server
Now i know the issue is how i am writing the $where part, but I am not really able to understand it.

Parse list of list to a JSON object

I have the following data, which is a list of lists:
"segmentation": [[239.97,260.24,222.04,270.49,199.84,253.41,213.5,227.79,259.62,200.46,274.13,202.17,277.55,210.71,249.37,253.41,237.41,264.51,242.54,261.95,228.87,271.34]]
What I need to do is to parse the information to a JSON object without removing the second braces.
I tried it with Jackson, but this fails with any data types.
Do you have any idea how to handle this?
Parse to JsonNode will work. I think u try with invalid json. check:
String value = "{\n" +
" \"segmentation\": [\n" +
" [\n" +
" 239.97,\n" +
" 260.24,\n" +
" 222.04,\n" +
" 270.49,\n" +
" 199.84,\n" +
" 253.41,\n" +
" 213.5,\n" +
" 227.79,\n" +
" 259.62,\n" +
" 200.46,\n" +
" 274.13,\n" +
" 202.17,\n" +
" 277.55,\n" +
" 210.71,\n" +
" 249.37,\n" +
" 253.41,\n" +
" 237.41,\n" +
" 264.51,\n" +
" 242.54,\n" +
" 261.95,\n" +
" 228.87,\n" +
" 271.34\n" +
" ]\n" +
" ]\n" +
JsonNode jsonNode = new ObjectMapper().readTree(value);

Java - Obtain text within script tag

How to get value in this script?
the first Link value just does not work.
String html ="<script>function getcookie(Name){\n" +
" var search=Name+\"=\";\n" +
" if(document.cookie.length>0){\n" +
" offset=document.cookie.indexOf(search)\n" +
" if(offset!=-1){\n" +
" offset+=search.length\n" +
" end=document.cookie.indexOf(\";\",offset)\n" +
" if(end==-1){end=document.cookie.length}\n" +
" return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, en))\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
" var player = new Playerjs({\n" +
" \"id\":\"player\",\n" +
" \"poster\":\"\",\n" +
" \"file\":\"[SD (480p)] or,[HD (720р)] or\",\n" +
" \"default_quality\":\"SD (480p)\"\n" +
" });\n" +
" function PlayerjsEvents(event,id,data){\n" +
" if(event==\"start\"){\n" +
" var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();\n" +
"\"GET\", \"stat.php?id=2147414277\", true);\n" +
" xhttp.send();\n" +
" }\n" +
" if(event==\"end\"){\n" +
" \n" +
" }\n" +
" }</script>";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("file\"",Pattern.DOTALL);
String url = "";
for (Element element : script) {
Matcher m = p.matcher(;
if (m.find()){
url =;
I don’t really understand how the Java Regex Pattern works. I tried to find this URL many times but I'm failed.
I would be grateful if someone will help with that or at least give me a link guide of java regex for a newbie. thx
It seems to me you are trying to extract URLs from JS code using java.
There are many regex playgrounds on the web you can try such as:
and of course Google
For your specific case :
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.*;
public class HelloWorld{
public static void main(String []args){
System.out.println("Hello World");
String jsCode ="<script>function getcookie(Name){\n" +
" var search=Name+\"=\";\n" +
" if(document.cookie.length>0){\n" +
" offset=document.cookie.indexOf(search)\n" +
" if(offset!=-1){\n" +
" offset+=search.length\n" +
" end=document.cookie.indexOf(\";\",offset)\n" +
" if(end==-1){end=document.cookie.length}\n" +
" return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, en))\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
" var player = new Playerjs({\n" +
" \"id\":\"player\",\n" +
" \"poster\":\"\",\n" +
" \"file\":\"[SD (480p)] or,[HD (720р)] or\",\n" +
" \"default_quality\":\"SD (480p)\"\n" +
" });\n" +
" function PlayerjsEvents(event,id,data){\n" +
" if(event==\"start\"){\n" +
" var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();\n" +
"\"GET\", \"stat.php?id=2147414277\", true);\n" +
" xhttp.send();\n" +
" }\n" +
" if(event==\"end\"){\n" +
" \n" +
" }\n" +
" }</script>";
List<String> urls = new ArrayList<String>();
String myUrlPattern = "((https?|file):((//)|(\\\\))+[\\w\\d:##%/;$()~_?\\+-=\\\\\\.&]*)";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(myUrlPattern);
Matcher m = p.matcher(jsCode);
while (m.find()) {
for(String s: urls)
Gives out:,
Hope this helps!

Json object, convert json array into a json object in java

I have one json array like this
"display_attr_name":"Book Format",
I need to get the only the distinct keys from above json array
"display_attr_name":"Book Format",
And the output will be in the form of jsonobject.
Josson josson = Josson.fromJsonString(
"{" +
" \"values\": [" +
" {" +
" \"locale\": \"en_US\"," +
" \"source_key\": \"book_format\"," +
" \"value\": \"Hardback\"," +
" \"display_attr_name\": \"Book Format\"," +
" \"source_value\": \"Hardback\"," +
" \"isPrimary\": \"true\"" +
" }," +
" {" +
" \"isFacetValue\": \"true\"," +
" \"facet_version\": \"1.1\"," +
" \"locale\": \"en_US\"," +
" \"value\": \"Hardcover\"" +
" }" +
" ]" +
JsonNode node = josson.getNode("values.mergeObjects()");
"locale" : "en_US",
"source_key" : "book_format",
"value" : "Hardcover",
"display_attr_name" : "Book Format",
"source_value" : "Hardback",
"isPrimary" : "true",
"isFacetValue" : "true",
"facet_version" : "1.1"

