i am developing a GWT mobile application with GWT 2.4. i want my DialogBox to be seen always on the center of the user's viewport on zoom or on normal view. On normal view, center() can handle it but when the page is zoom, the DialogBox pops on center of the whole browser window which includes the scroll part of the page not on the center of the user's viewport. how to do this? please help. thanks in advance.
You need to attach a handler to your window that catches the zoom event. In this handler, you call
myDialogBox.setPopupPosition((Window.getClientWidth() - myDialogBox.getOffsetWidth())/2, (Window.getClientHeight() - myDialogBox.getOffsetHeight())/2);
You may need to add a check for situations when your dialog is bigger than the browser window, if you want to treat them differently.
i have to implements ResizeHandler on my window and on its constructor, i have added ResizeEvent handler > Window.addResizeHandler(this);. since i'm implementing the ResizeHandler interface, i need to override the following:
public void onResize(ResizeEvent event) {
if (isShowing() ) { //check if popup is showing
int left = (Window.getClientWidth() * 0.5 - (widthOfMyWindow * 0.5) );
int top = (Window.getClientHeight() * 0.5 - (heightOfMyWindow * 0.5) );
setPopupPosition( left < 10 ? 10 : left, top < 0 ? 0 : top );
So, I dont know if I am missing something but any way I work it or look into it I am unable to click on any buttons on the screens.
I made a dialog box with a button essentially as shown in the sample projects but when ever I try to click the button nothing happens at all.
I tried firing the onClick programmatically and it works fine, I also tested that the mouse inputs were being registered okay and they were.
I am at a total loss for any reason why this wouldnt work.
My class code is below:
public class Interactable : UICanvas
public void interact()
var skin = Skin.createDefaultSkin();
var table = stage.addElement(new Table());
table.add(talk(this.entity.name, "Stay a while and glisten", "Bye!"));
public Dialog talk(string title, string messageText, string closeButtonText)
var skin = Skin.createDefaultSkin();
var style = new WindowStyle
background = new PrimitiveDrawable(new Color(50, 50, 50)),
//Dims the background
stageBackground = new PrimitiveDrawable(new Color(0, 0, 0, 150))
var dialog = new Dialog(title, style);
dialog.getTitleLabel().getStyle().background = new PrimitiveDrawable(new Color(55, 100, 100));
dialog.pad(20, 5, 5, 5);
var exitButton = new TextButton(closeButtonText, skin);
exitButton.onClicked += butt => dialog.hide();
return dialog;
The interact() is called when running up to another entity and pressing "E".
Which causes everything to render properly but I can't click on the button.
When i try to view exitButton co-ordinates theyre always 0 no matter what although the dialog appears in the middle of the window
Monogame version: 3.7
Nez version: 0.9.2
So it seems like buttons are clickable but their click box is not even nearly aligning with where the buttons are truely rendered.
It seems that the issue is that where the button is being rendered and where the actual click box is are not the same.
I have Zoomed in the camera by 2 and the camera also follows my little character around. The dialog will then appear at the X,Y in relation to the current camera view but the actual click box appears at the X,Y in terms of the TiledMap (which is not always on screen).
Not too sure how to work around this.
So! The issue I was having was I was using one renderer for the entire this (The RenderLayerRenderer.) What I have done to fix this is start another renderer (A ScreenSpaceRenderer). This allows me to use it to render UI and its XY variables do not change but are just static to the visual area.
So i ended up with two renders like so:
addRenderer(new RenderLayerRenderer(0,new int[] { (int)RenderLayerIds.First, (int)RenderLayerIds.Second, (int)RenderLayerIds.Third}));
addRenderer(new ScreenSpaceRenderer(1, new int[] { (int)RenderLayerIds.UILayer }));
Using the first for my game rendering and the bottom on just for HUD things!
I'm currently programming a plugin for IntelliJ, but have lost the basic of how to center a new JDialog in front of IntelliJ window. That is that I create and open a new JDialog and it should initially center in the IDE, even if I change the monitor. Atm I run "setLocationRelativeTo(null);" and it's just opening on my primary screen all the time and not in the IDE. Anyone got any idea what I'm missing?
I tried to get the parents position and use the coordinate to place where the JDialog should be. But it always displays on the upper left corner of my primary screen and not where I have my IDE.
Point parentPoint = getParent().getLocation();
Dimension parentDimension = getParent().getSize();
Dimension dialogDimension = getSize();
int x = (int) (parentPoint.getX() + (parentDimension.getWidth() - dialogDimension.getWidth()) / 2);
int y = (int) (parentPoint.getY() + (parentDimension.getHeight() - dialogDimension.getHeight()) / 2);
setLocation(x, y);
Solved it!
The problem was that I never assigned the parent window for the JDialog. Since I created the dialog through AnAction impl, I could get the project from AnActionEvent.
I used that project variable to create this code in my JDialog implementation.
private Window getParentWindow(Project project) {
WindowManagerEx windowManager = (WindowManagerEx) WindowManager.getInstance();
Window window = windowManager.suggestParentWindow(project);
if (window == null) {
Window focusedWindow = windowManager.getMostRecentFocusedWindow();
if (focusedWindow instanceof IdeFrameImpl) {
window = focusedWindow;
return window;
Then just calling this method to
I have a problem that I have been unable to solve in a way that I am very happy with.
I have a view that I am dragging and dropping into a list. That list is created using a recyclerView. The drag object works fine, and the recyclerView's items can all receive the events no problem. Now I want to make the list scroll as the user drags their finger close to the top or bottom of the list. My first step was to add a dragEvent listener to the recyclerView, and attempt to start scrolling each time I got a location near the top or bottom edge. So, my DragEvent.Location case looks something like this:
float y = event.getY();
final int scrollAreaHeight = v.getHeight()/4;
final int delayMills = 16;
int scrollAmount = 0;
if (y > v.getHeight() - scrollAreaHeight) {
scrollAmount = 10;
} else if (y < scrollAreaHeight) {
scrollAmount = -10;
if (Math.abs(scrollAmount) > 0) {
final int finalScrollAmount = scrollAmount;
dragScrollRunnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (canScrollVertically(finalScrollAmount)) {
scrollBy(0, finalScrollAmount);
if (dragScrollHandler != null && dragScrollRunnable != null) {
dragScrollHandler.postDelayed(this, delayMills);
return true;
It kinda works. Things scroll in the right direction. It seems to sputter a bit though, and generally not scroll very smoothly. Additionally, the drag and drop drop event sometimes doesn't make it to the children while the recycler view is still scrolling.
So, I went to the google example of doing a similar thing in a using a list view - link. I modified the code they used for their list view and tried to handle my recyclerView in a similar manner. This had even poorer results for me.
I have tried various other alterations of these techniques, and swapped to using the smoothScroll function instead of the standard scroll function, but I'm not too happy with any of the results.
Does anyone have a good solution for how to handle this?
Update: I now believe that many of my problems with this functionality are due to the drag listener being fairly unreliable. At sometimes the recycler fails to get events when it's children are receiving events.
Turns out the drag listener on a view is not terribly reliable. At random times as I moved my finger around the screen, the drag listener wouldn't recieve all of the events. I believe the reason for this was the way that the children of the recyclerView were also recieving the on drag callbacks. The solution was to do what I had tried originally, but through a listener on the fragment itself. Now when I get an event, I check the coordinates to see what view it is in, and then convert it to local coordinates for that view. Then I can determine exactly how I need to handle it.
I'd like to ask is it possible to stop knob moving further upon hit certain value in JScrollBar ?
For example, set the minimum and maximum value of a vertical scroll bar to 0 and 100. If the user scroll the knob till 60, he or she should not be able to move knob up further but able to move knob down.
Hence, I have simply wrote following adjust listener:
class MyAdjustmentListener2 implements AdjustmentListener
public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e)
label.setText("New Value is " + e.getValue() + " ");
if (e.getValue() < 60 )
The label is a JLabel I used to monitor the adjusted value, the vbar is a vertical JScrollBar instance. Above code will force the knob jump back to value 60 if user try to move it above the value 60. This slightly different from what I want to achieve.
I have looked into the API of JScrollBar, I didn't found any straight method provided to use. Please share some hints to me here. Thank you for your time and suggestion.
I want my app to detect mouse clicks anywhere on the screen without having to have the app focused. I want it to detect mouse events universally even if its minimized. So far I've only been able to detect mouse events within a swing gui.
Autohotkey can detect mouse clicks and get the mouse's position at any time, how can I do this with java?
It is possible with a little trick. Should be 100% cross-platform (tested on Linux & Windows). Basically, you create a small JWindow, make it "alwaysOnTop" and move it around with the mouse using a timer.
Then, you can record the click, dismiss the window and forward the click to the actual receiver using the Robot class.
Short left and right clicks work completely fine in my tests.
You could also simulate dragging and click-and-hold, just forwarding that seems harder.
I have code for this, but it is in my Java extension (JavaX). JavaX does translate into Java source code, so you can check out the example here.
The code in JavaX:
static int windowSize = 11; // odd should look nice. Set to 1 for an invisible window
static int clickDelay = 0; // Delay in ms between closing window and forwarding click. 0 seems to work fine.
static int trackingSpeed = 10; // How often to move the window (ms)
p {
final new JWindow window;
window.setSize(windowSize, windowSize);
JPanel panel = singleColorPanel(Color.red);
final new Robot robot;
panel.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter {
// public void mousePressed(final MouseEvent e) {}
public void mouseReleased(final MouseEvent e) {
print("release! " + e);
int b = e.getButton();
final int mod =
b == 1 ? InputEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK
: b == 2 ? InputEvent.BUTTON2_DOWN_MASK
swingLater(clickDelay, r {
print("clicking " + mod);
swingEvery(window, trackingSpeed, r {
Point p = getMouseLocation();
window.setLocation(p.x-windowSize/2, p.y-windowSize/2);