Is JSON same with GSON? - java

I have tried to run following code
Gson gson = new Gson();
String json = gson.toJson(result);
JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject();
jsonResponse.put("sEcho", echo);
jsonResponse.put("iTotalRecords", iTotalRecords);
jsonResponse.put("iTotalDisplayRecords", iFilteredTotalRecords);
jsonResponse.put("aaData", json);
JSONArray data = new JSONArray();
for (Object obj : result) {
JSONArray row = new JSONArray();
User user = (User) obj;
JSONObject jsonResponse2 = new JSONObject();
jsonResponse2.put("sEcho", echo);
jsonResponse2.put("iTotalRecords", iTotalRecords);
jsonResponse2.put("iTotalDisplayRecords", iFilteredTotalRecords);
jsonResponse2.put("aaData", data);
The result from toString function for both jsonResponse are as follows:
I would like to eliminate the " symbol before [ and after ] from the first json response just like the second one (I noticed that the " is added after the array being put to the jsonResponse object). How can I accomplish this ?

Since you first convert your "result" to a String, and then add it to aaData, it will end up quoted, like a String should. If all you'd like to do is to remove the quotes, you could do something like this in line 2:
String json = "##" + gson.toJson(result) + "##";
and this in line 8:
jsonResponse.toString().replace("\"##", "").replace("##\"","");
(of course you need to choose the "quote marker" ## such that it will never appear as actual string content in your data anywhere else)
But the cleaner solution (although probably slower) would likely be to convert your String to an actual JSONObject by changing line 2 to:
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(gson.toJson(result));


how to print nested json-object without escapes and quotation marks

i have a json-object named jsonObject
i wanna to print the json-object to with the following form
if i use jsonObject.toString() method i will get
if i use StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJava(jsonObject.toString()) method i will get
if i use jackson mapper with the following code
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.FIELD, JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.ANY);
String jsonString = mapper.writeValueAsString(getDebugInfo())
i will get jsonString as
is there any solution to get the desired output json-string?
JSON Structure
You have that as an object, that is why quotes are not present there.
In your example, an array object is present, at the Json structure.
While printing at Console, the json body's every Key & Value toString() are referred .
That is why the Double Quotes present, as Strings are getting used!
Here I have tried the below code using GSON library, and it is printing me the correct json as shown above.
public static void main ( String [] args ) {
JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject();
jsonObject.addProperty("action", "Read");
JsonArray jsonArr = new JsonArray();
JsonObject jsonObject2 = new JsonObject();
jsonObject2.addProperty("value", 0.0350661);
jsonObject2.addProperty("key", "first");
jsonObject.add("infos", jsonArr);
String jsonString = jsonObject.toString();
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create();
JsonElement json = gson.fromJson(jsonString,JsonElement.class);
String jsonInString = gson.toJson(json);
"action": "Read",
"infos": [
"value": 0.0350661,
"key": "first"
Even if I am forming the jsonObject using org.json, and simple printing it using System.out.println(jsonObject.toString()); on console, m getting the result like this.
So here, not sure how you have formed your jsonObject.

How to Split a JSON string to two JSON objects in Java

I have a JSON object as follows:
I am trying to get two JSON object from it; token and user. I have tried two different ways but both are failing:
//response.body().string() is the above json object
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(response.body().string());
jsonObjectRoot = new JSONObject(response.body().string());
Could any one please let me know how I could split this to two JSON objects?
You can split it this way:
// source object
JSONObject sourceObject = new JSONObject(sourceJson);
String tokenKey = "token";
// create new object for token
JSONObject tokenObject = new JSONObject();
// transplant token to new object
tokenObject.append(tokenKey, sourceObject.remove(tokenKey));
// if append method does not exist use put
// tokenObject.put(tokenKey, sourceObject.remove(tokenKey));
System.out.println("Token object => " + tokenObject);
System.out.println("User object => " + sourceObject);
Above code prints:
Token object => {"token":["eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9"]}
User object => {"user":{"last_name":"","pk":17,"first_name":"","email":"","username":"user1"}}
You can parse a json string with
var obj = JSON.parse(jsonString);
You can filter sub parts of a json object by simply addressing them
var token = obj.token;
var user = obj.user;
The safer / cleaner way to do it is to create a POJO and deserialize your JSON into it using Jackson. Your pojo:
public class MyObject {
String token;
User user;
static class User {
int pk;
String username;
String email;
String first_name;
String last_name;
Then, when you want to deserialize:
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
MyObject myObject = mapper.readValue(jsonString, MyObject.class);
String token = myObject.token;
User user = myObject.user;
I recently faced the same situation, I used the below code which worked for me:
JSONObject jo1 = new JSONObject(output);
JSONObject tokenObject = new JSONObject();
tokenObject.put("token", jo1.get("token"));
JSONObject userObject = new JSONObject();
userObject.put("user", jo1.get("user"));
Here I am creating a new empty JSONObject and then put the retrieved object from the original object in the newly created JSONObject.
You can also verify the output by just sysout:
System.out.println("token:" + tokenObject.get("token"));
System.out.println("user:" + userObject.get("user"));
Output in my case :
Yep. It is a JSON string.
Using like this
JSONParser jparse=new JSONParser();
JSONObject jObj=(JSONObject)jParse.parse(jsonString);
jObj will contain json Object now.

Can't parse Java JSON string

From my server is get a JSON response like this:
String json = getJsonFromServer();
The server returns this reply (with the double quotes in the beginning and end):
"{\"error\":\"Not all required fields have been filled out\"}";
I then want to get the error field. I have tried to use the JSONObject class to get the string, but it does not work.
System.out.println("The error is: " + new JSONObject().getJSONObject(response).getString("error");
I have try
String response = "{\"error\":\"Not all required fields have been filled out\"}";
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
try {
JSONObject json = (JSONObject) parser.parse(response);
} catch (ParseException ex) {
It have working, you can try it and don't forget add json lib json-simple
You seem to be using the wrong JSONObject constructor; in your example, you are trying to fetch an object from a newlay created object - it will never exist.
Try this:
String response = "{\"error\":\"Not all required fields have been filled out\"}";
JSONObject json = new JSONObject( response );
String error = json.getString( "error" );
System.out.println( error );
Not all required fields have been filled out
Now that you have completely changed the question...
Why not just first strip the first and last char?
So if
String response = "\"{\"error\":\"Not all required fields have been filled out\"}\"";
response = response.substring(1, response.length() - 1));
// Now convert to JSONObject
Your response object has exactly this string?
{"error":"Not all required fields have been filled out"}
The code below printed the expected output:
Object responseObject = "{\"error\":\"Not all required fields have been filled out\"}";
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(responseObject.toString());
String errorContent = jsonObject.getString("error");

Getting Json object inside a Json object in Java

So I have some code that is able to send this out:
The server receives this JSON object as a string named "clientstring":
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(clientstring); //Make string a JSONObject
String method = obj.getString("method"); //Pulls out the corresponding method
Now, I want to be able to get the "params" value of {"lon":2,"name":"name","lat":1,"ele":3} just like how I got the "method".
however both of these have given me exceptions:
String params = obj.getString("params");
JSONObject params = obj.getJSONObject("params");
I'm really at a loss how I can store and use {"lon":2,"name":"name","lat":1,"ele":3} without getting an exception, it's legal JSON yet it can't be stored as an JSONObject? I dont understand.
Any help is VERY appreciated, thanks!
params in your case is not a JSONObject, but it is a JSONArray.
So all you need to do is first fetch the JSONArray and then fetch the first element of that array as the JSONObject.
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(clientstring);
JSONArray params = obj.getJsonArray("params");
JSONObject param1 = params.getJsonObject(0);
How try like that
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(clientstring);
JSONArray paramsArr = obj.getJSONArray("params");
JSONObject param1 = paramsArr.getJSONObject(0);
//now get required values by key
Here "params" is not an object but an array. So you have to parse using:
JSONArray jsondata = obj.getJSONArray("params");
for (int j = 0; j < jsondata.length(); j++) {
JSONObject obj1 = jsondata.getJSONObject(j);
String longitude = obj1.getString("lon");
String name = obj1.getString("name");
String latitude = obj1.getString("lat");
String element = obj1.getString("ele");

double quotes found in json array

a json array is as given below
var data = [
{label:'gggg',data: [[(new Date('2011/12/01')).getTime(),53914],[(new Date('2012/1/02')).getTime(),32172],[(new Date('2012/2/03')).getTime(),824],[(new Date('2012/4/04')).getTime(),838],[(new Date('2012/6/05')).getTime(),755],[(new Date('2012/7/06')).getTime(),0],[(new Date('2012/8/07')).getTime(),0],[(new Date('2012/9/08')).getTime(),0],[(new Date('2012/10/09')).getTime(),0],[(new Date('2012/11/10')).getTime(),0],[(new Date('2012/12/11')).getTime(),0],[(new Date('2012/12/11')).getTime(),0]]}
in java class for creating the above similar json, i'm using the following code given below.
but the problem is there is a double quotes in each "(new Date(2012/12/01)).getTime()"
can anyone please tell me how to remove those double quotes
Query q1=session.createQuery("FROM VendorMonth");
List li1=q1.list();
String supname="",tempsupname;
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
JSONArray jsonarrmast = new JSONArray();
List s=new ArrayList();
JSONArray finals=new JSONArray();
JSONArray finalarray = new JSONArray();
for(int i=0;i<li1.size();i++)
HashMap hmap = new HashMap();
VendorMonth venmonth=(VendorMonth) li1.get(i);
obj.put("label", supname);
obj.put("data", jsonarrmast);
jsonarrmast = new JSONArray();
obj = new JSONObject();
JSONArray jsonarr = new JSONArray();
String date=venmonth.getId().getYearnam()+"/"+venmonth.getId().getMonthnam()+"/01";
String ss=new String("(new Date("+date+")).getTime()");
JSONArray jsonarr = new JSONArray();
String date=venmonth.getId().getYearnam()+"/"+venmonth.getId().getMonthnam()+"/01";
String ss=new String("(new Date("+date+")).getTime()");
obj.put("label", supname);
obj.put("data", jsonarrmast);
jsonarrmast = new JSONArray();
but i'm getting the output as given below
[{"data":[["(new Date(2012/12/01)).getTime()",10976.23],["(new Date(2013/1/01)).getTime()",51213.8200000002],["(new Date(2013/2/01)).getTime()",32172.31],["(new Date(2013/3/01)).getTime()",824.600000000001],["(new Date(2013/4/01)).getTime()",838.000000000001],["(new Date(2013/5/01)).getTime()",755.780000000001],["(new Date(2013/6/01)).getTime()",50877.12]],"label":"Weather Ford"},{"data":[["(new Date(2012/12/01)).getTime()",24368.3],["(new Date(2013/1/01)).getTime()",1968.76]],"label":"Logan Tools"},{"data":[["(new Date(2012/12/01)).getTime()",3425.63],["(new Date(2013/1/01)).getTime()",731.75]],"label":"Pioneer tools"}]
You're not going to be able to create a JSON object that matches your declaration, because that's not a JSON object: it's Javascript code.
Once that Javascript code is ran, however, data will contain an object that can be serialized to JSON, and I'm assuming that's what you're trying to achieve.
What your Java code does is add a String to a BasicDBArray - the fact that it's interpreted as a String should not come as a surprise. By the same token, when you add an int or a boolean, they're added as ints and booleans, not strings.
What you actuall want to put in your BasicDBArray is the value that new Date('2011/12/01').getTime() would return if interpreted as Javascript: the number of milliseconds between 1970/01/01 and 2011/12/01. I'm assuming you can retrieve that through something like venmonth.getId().getDate().getTime(), or however it is you retrieve a Date instance from your venmonth object.

