Annotating CXF (wsdl2java) generated package - java

I need to add package level annotation (XmlJavaTypeAdapters type adapter). The problem is that when I run wsdl2java it generates file for that package.
When I try to add my own I get error: "the type package-ingo is already defined".
Is there a way to inject my annotation to Maybe any other ideas?

After some research I used external mapping file. For all that have similar problem to mine I have described below what I have found.
If you are using "cxf-codegen-plugin" for generating source code from WSDL you can't use solution with This is because generated code propably will already contain this file. You cannot also add annotation to your class because it is generated. The only solution is to provide your own mapper.
First of all you have to write custom mapper. After that you should define xjb mapping file and finally add additional configuration to your pom.xml. You can read about first two steps here.
To add external mapping file to cxf-codegen-plugin you have to add something like this to configuration node in plugin definition:
Note that you should not pass extra parameters to xjc as described here because it will not work.
Hope this will help anybody :)

I've never tried this, but you could try adding an -xjc-npa flag to the wsdl2java command. In theory, that tells XJC to not generate a and instead stick all the namespaces and such on all the other elements where it's needed.

You can supply JAXB "bindings", either inline in the WSDL or as a separate external binding file, and JAXB will generate the appropriate adapters and the required package-level annotations. See this question for an example.

I needed to add an annotation to generated code as well. I used the maven-replacer-plugin to do this just after the java classes were generated. You could use this solution to modify any file that comes out.
Here's the relevant pom.xml bit:
<!-- Add #XmlRootElement in front of public class Blah -->
<token>public class (\w*)</token>
<value>#XmlRootElement(name ="$1") ${line.separator}public class $1</value>
<!-- Add the import for the XmlRootElement annotation to the file -->
<token>import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;</token>
<value>import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;${line.separator}import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;</value>
Hope this helps!


Import path in Java, Maven

Following the tutorial about Kafka Streams located at:
There is a line:
import io.confluent.examples.streams.avro.WikiFeed
As I suppose it relates to this file:
How does Maven knows it is in resource not java folder?
Why io/confluent/examples/streams/avro/wikifeed.avsc instead of avro/io/confluent/examples/streams/wikifeed.avsc?
The other import is even more fantastic:
import io.confluent.kafka.serializers.AbstractKafkaAvroSerDeConfig;
There is no kafka folder in the java/io/confluent folder.
How does all this magic suppose to work?
The magic is made by avro-maven-plugin which you can find in the pom.xml:
Quoting from the documentation of the plugin:
Simple integration with dynamic languages. Code generation is not required to read or write data files nor to use or implement RPC protocols. Code generation as an optional optimization, only worth implementing for statically typed languages.
This is, at pre compile time, the plugin reads the content of avsc files and generate binary sources (for this case, Java classes) that then can be used in the code.
You can see the code generated by the plugin in target/generated-sources. There will be a folder structure and proper java (not class) files there.
The WikiFeed class is created dynamically at build time using the avro-maven-plugin from the .avsc file you linked to. You can check how it's configured in the <plugins> section of pom.xml.
The AbstractKafkaAvroSerDeConfig class comes from the kafka-avro-serializer dependency. Eclipse has a nice way of navigating from the individual class in the Editor view back to the Package Explorer which includes the Maven dependencies, like this:

How to aggregate maven subproject javadoc output without regenerating javadoc

I have a largish multimodule Maven build. I need to generate the javadoc for all of the modules and produce an "aggregated" javadoc result that I can deploy to a box for consumption by users.
I did have this working perfectly fine for quite a while, until I tried implementing a custom taglet with specific features and requirements, which makes this more complicated to produce.
All of the submodules inherit a parent pom that is not the aggregator pom. In that parent pom I define the maven-javadoc-plugin. This is what it looked like before I added the custom taglet:
<bottom>Unified Service Layer - bottom</bottom>
<doctitle>Unified Service Layer - title</doctitle>
<footer>Unified Service Layer - footer</footer>
<header>Unified Service Layer - header</header>
<packagesheader>Unified Service Layer - packagesheader</packagesheader>
<top>Unified Server Layer - top</top>
<windowtitle>Unified Service Layer - windowtitle</windowtitle>
With this, I could build all all of the modules, which will generate their own javadoc (which I now know is just a validation step, as aggregate-jar doesn't use this output). I have a separate step I call from jenkins that runs "javadoc:aggregate-jar" in the root project, which produces the aggregated javadoc jar that I deploy.
Again, this has been working fine until now.
I implemented a custom javadoc taglet which requires getting access to the Class object associated with the source file it is contained within. I got this to work, at least in the individual module builds by adding the following to the configuration above:
In order to have the taglet get access to the class file, I had to add a minimal plugin configuration to each subproject pom.xml, which looks like this:
<tagletArtifacts combine.children="append">
With these minimal changes, I could run the build in each module, generating the javadoc, and examining the generated javadoc output in each module, verifying that it all worked.
However, the problem is, when I run "javadoc:aggregate-jar" in the root project, all of that already built output is ignored. It reruns the javadoc generation for all of the subprojects, also ignoring the appended tagletArtifacts list in each subproject pom.xml file. As a result, I get ClassNotFound errors when it tries to get the class file.
I could "fix" this by putting all of the subproject GAVs into the top-level "tagletArtifacts" list, but I definitely do not want to do that. I liked the ability to specify this in the subproject pom.xml (with combine.children="append") to make it work.
What I need is an overall javadoc package for all of the subprojects, with the taglet able to get access to the class file, without forcing the parent pom to know about all of its subprojects. How can I do this?
I'm facing the same problem with all aggregate goals. I checked the source code to maven-javadoc-plugin and it turns out that aggregate work by traversing submodules and collecting source files and nothing more, thus completely ignoring any form configurations specified in the submodules.
During execution every submodule is completely ignored:
if ( isAggregator() && !project.isExecutionRoot() ) {
And during collection of source files submodules are traversed: source
if ( isAggregator() && project.isExecutionRoot() ) {
for ( MavenProject subProject : reactorProjects ) {
if ( subProject != project ) {
List<String> sourceRoots = getProjectSourceRoots( subProject );
So at the moment, there is no way to do this.
This is not easy to fix either since the whole plugin works by composing a single call to the actual javadoc tool. If you would like to respect settings in the submodules as well, you'll have to merge the configuration blocks of them. While this would work in your case with tagletArtifacts, it does not work for all the settings you can specify, e.g. any form of filter, and can therefore not be done in a generic way.

Localization in a GWT multi-module project

I have a GWT maven webapp project that used to consist of a single module. As a result of requirements evolution, I need to extract some of the code into separate modules to make them reusable. So far, this process was going well until I decided to extract localization code in order to use it in another project.
What I have is MyAppConstants and MyAppMessages interfaces with corresponding .properties files, which are used in client code by means of GWT.create(). I moved them to separate module, added Localization.gwt.xml file and specified the following inside pom.xml:
<!-- Do not compile source files, just check them -->
<!-- i18n -->
In main application module I simply inherited Localization.gwt.xml. As a result of compilation, I can see that .cache.html files do not contain localized constants and messages (they look like \u0410\u043B...) which they used to have. I suppose this happens because GWT compiler doesn't see source files (f.e., in .generated folder where they normally reside after successful execution of i18n phase of maven plugin. Instead, they can be found in localization.jar.
I feel like I'm missing something because this doesn't seem like a non-trivial task to solve. What would be the proper way of handling such a scenario?
It turns out, in order to have proper localization, you need to have .properties files in classpath at the time of GWT compilation. Initially, I filtered them out of localization.jar because their presence caused GWT compilation failures with messages like this:
Rebind result 'com.myapp.client.MyAppConstants_ru' must be a class
I digged into gwt-dev.jar contents and found out that compiler actually checks presence of localization properties files in classpath to determine bind results.
So my problem was solved by:
removing <goal>i18n</goal> and corresponding configuration in localization module
making sure .properties files make their way to localization.jar
Which makes me wonder, what's the use of i18n goal of gwt-maven-plugin?

Maven compiler, only compile annotated classes

I've created a custom Java annotation (code below) in a Maven 2 project I'm working on:
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
public #interface MYANNOTATION{}
At one part of the Maven build, I only want to compile classes annotated with this annotation, e.g:
public class MyClass {
// Code here
I'm currently using the Maven Compiler Plugin to restrict complication based on package structure. My pom.xml contains resembles the one below, restricting compilation to classes in **** and ****. This is unsatisfactory, because when I add annotated classes to, I must remember to define it in the pom.
Is there any way to define Maven to compile only classes that have been annotated with this annotation, not depending on where they are located in the package hierarchy?
(I'm trying to generate a metamodel from domain model classes so I can point to fields & methods without defining the names as String constants - and changing them manually when I refactor)
Edit: I am already doing annotation processing in another part of the build phase. The system works like this:
Compile classes in the specified packages
Using JAnnocessor, build metamodels from classes with #MYANNOTATION
Compile the rest of the classes
Dependencies from other classes to the metamodel classes prevent compiling everything in one go, unless we move the annotated classes to a different project and add a dependency to it. That's one possibility but can add complexity, because the current project structure appears to form a logical whole.
You can do something similar to what you want with annotation processing. I don't think there's any maven-specific thing you need to do, but you need to write an annotation processor that has to either be part of a separate library or compiled separately.
The concept of annotation processing is explained pretty well in this blog entry:
Code Generation using Annotation Processors in the Java language –
part 2: Annotation Processors

JAXB: Generating classes for two XSDs which share a common XSD

I have 2 service XSD files AService.xsd and BService.xsd each with different targetNamespace. Both of these use a common XSD called common.xsd. I use the JAXB Maven plugin to generate classes. Here's how,
When i try to run this i get the following error. ValidationType is defined in common.xsd
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: A class/interface with the same name "com.schema.ValidationType" is already in use. Use a class customization to resolve this conflict.
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: (Relevant to above error) another "ValidationType" is generated from here.
com.sun.istack.SAXParseException2: Two declarations cause a collision in the ObjectFactory class.
If i run the 2 service xsds in 2 different executions generating into 2 different packages, i get the same ValidationType class in 2 different packages.
Any ideas on how to make JAXB recognize shared schemas?
You are facing a so-called "chameleon schema" which is considered to be a bad practice. Unfortunately, there is no good solution due to the nature of JAXB. JAXB annotation bind bean properties to XML elements and attributes in specific namespaces (determined in the schema compile time). So once your schema is compiled, there is no official good way to change namespaces of elements and attributes your properties are bound to.
However, this is exactly what you want to achieve with "chameleon" schemas. Classes derived from "common.xsd" should somehow magically map to namespace A if used in A classes and to namespace B if used in B classes. I can imagine this magic, but never seen in in real life.
Since you essentially want A/common and B/common to be the "same thing", one of the ways to resolve it is to generate A and B (both with common) in two executions and to make common classes implement a certain "common" interface. Then your software could process A/common and B/common in the same faschion regardless of the fact that these are actually classes from the different packages.
From the comment I see that you don't have a chameleon schema, but just a normal importing. It is easy then, just compile common, A and B separately. See the Separate schema compilation for maven-jaxb2-plugin.
I customized the packages as described here. So common.xsd goes in com.common.schema and is shared by AService.xsd and BService.xsd which are both in different packages themselves, since they are in different namespaces.
The generatePackage is removed from the maven configuration and looks like this,

