Check MySQL table's ROW LOCK STATUS via Java - java

I have a Java frontend and a MySQL backend scenario, I used a 'LOCK IN SHARE MODE' for SELECT. If I request the same row from another process, it gives the data.. However it does not allow me to update. What I would like to do is inform the user they will only have a READ only copy, so if they wish to see the information they can else they can request it later.. How could I check the status of the ROW so that the user will be informed about this situation?? If I use 'FOR UPDATE', It just waits for until the first user saves the data. I find it less user friendly, if they just have a blank screen or when they click button it does nothing. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Using MySQL 5.5, Java 7.

The short answer is "You can't"!
You may want to take a look at this discussion.
The answer to that post states:
You can't (check lock's state) for non-named locks!!!! More info:,222363,223774#msg-223774
Row-level locks are not meant for application level locks. They are just means to implement consistent reads and writes. That means you have to release them as soon as possible. You need to implement your own application level lock and it's not that much hard. Perhaps a simple user_id field will do. If it is null then there's no lock. But if it's not null, the id indicates who is holding the record. In this case you'll need row-level locking to update the user_id field. And as I said before, you'll have to release MySQL lock as soon as you are done locking / unlocking the record.

The question's entire premise lies in the rather liberal use of RDBMS' row-level locking (which is usually used for short-lived concurrency control) directly for interactive UI control.
But putting that aside and answering the question, one can set the session's innodb_lock_wait_timeout to a very short value, minimum being 1, and catching the resulting Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction when unable to lock.
The exception class was com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLTransactionRollbackException when I just tried with mysql-connector-java 5.1.38, but other exception classes has changed over releases so this too may be different in older version of MySQL Connector/J.
The "attempt and fail" method of acquiring locks is the standard way of tackling these types of concurrency situations, as the alternate method of "check before attempting" is an anti-pattern that creates a race-condition between checking and the actual attempt to lock.


How to lock a database row for a fixed time interval?

I have two databases. I have to commit my transaction only when both the entries are available in those two databases. For that, I planned to use a 2 phase similar algorithm. But the implementation is getting somewhat tricky.
I thought about implementation as follows:
I query both the databases for the respective entries and if available, I will lock them so that no other user can access them and return success.
If i get success from both, I commit them. or else i will remove the lock, if any of the entry is locked.
I also have to handle faults, so the lock should be released after a timeout if an explicit release query hasn't been sent.
My question is, how to explicitly lock the rows for no concurrent access to multiple clients and is there any better implementation that I should think about? Thanks for the help in advance.

Row lock contention issue with large transactions

I have a situation where we are acquiring lock on an object from database using SELECT FOR UPDATE. This is necessary for us to insert and delete records from multiple tables in an orderly fashion. The functionality works something like this.
Login -> Acquire lock on unique lock object and insert records to multiple tables and release lock -> Logout -> Acquire lock on same unique lock object and delete records from multiple tables and release lock.
We have synchronization enabled to track users have logged in before logging him out. It is taken care in Java code. However we obtain another lock at database level to make sure the database transactions are synchronized when large number of users are logging in.
Problem: The whole system works perfectly in multi-clustered servers and singleton servers. However, when the number of concurrent users reaches 4000+, we are facing row lock contention (Mode 6) in the database. And few users are not able to login.
Objective: To fix the locking mechanism to enable users to login and logout successfully.
Things tried so far: Added NOWAIT and SKIP LOCKED to SELECT FOR UPDATE query. This doesn't solve my problem because the first one simply throws an error and the second one basically skips the lock which would affect synchronization.
Need suggestions and opinions from Database experts to resolve this issue. TIA.
UPDATE: Just adding one more information. We do not update or do anything with the locked row. It is just used as a mechanism to synchronize other database tasks we do.
Instead of relying on pessimistic locking(your current approach)- use optimistic locking possibly using some ORM.

Transaction in PostgreSql

I'd like to realize following scenario in PosgreSql from java:
User selects data
User starts transaction: inserts, updates, deletes data
User commits transaction
I'd like data not be available for other users during the transaction. It would be enough if I'd get an exception when other user tries to update the table.
I've tried to use select for update or select for share, but it locks data for reading also. I've tried to use lock command, but I'm not able to get a lock (ERROR: could not obtain lock on relation "fppo10") or another transaction gets lock when trying to commit transaction, not when updating the data.
Does it exist a way to lock data in a moment of transaction start to prevent any other call of update, insert or delete statement?
I have this scenario working successfully for a couple of years on DB2 database. Now I need the same application to work also for PostgreSql.
Finally, I think I get what you're going for.
This isn't a "transaction" problem per se (and depending on the number of tables to deal with and the required statements, you may not even need one), it's an application design problem. You have two general ways to deal with this; optimistic and pessimistic locking.
Pessimistic locking is explicitly taking and holding a lock. It's best used when you can guarantee that you will be changing the row plus stuff related to it, and when your transactions will be short. You would use it in situations like updating "current balance" when adding sales to an account, once a purchase has been made (update will happen, short transaction duration time because no further choices to be made at that point). Pessimistic locking becomes frustrating if a user reads a row and then goes to lunch (or on vacation...).
Optimistic locking is reading a row (or set of), and not taking any sort of db-layer lock. It's best used if you're just reading through rows, without any immediate plan to update any of them. Usually, row data will include a "version" value (incremented counter or last updated timestamp). If your application goes to update the row, it compares the original value(s) of the data to make sure it hasn't been changed by something else first, and alerts the user if the data changed. Most applications interfacing with users should use optimistic locking. It does, however, require that users notice and pay attention to updated values.
Note that, because a lock is rarely (and for a short period) taken in optimistic locking, it usually will not conflict with a separate process that takes a pessimistic lock. A pessimistic locking app would prevent an optimistic one from updating locked rows, but not reading them.
Also note that this doesn't usually apply to bulk updates, which will have almost no user interaction (if any).
Don't lock your rows on read. Just compare the old value(s) with what the app last read, and reject the update if they don't match (and alert the user). Train your users to respond appropriately.
Instead of select for update try a "row exclusive" table lock:
According to the documentation, this lock:
The commands UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT acquire this lock mode on the
target table (in addition to ACCESS SHARE locks on any other
referenced tables). In general, this lock mode will be acquired by any
command that modifies data in a table.
Note that the name of the lock is confusing, but it does lock the entire table:
Remember that all of these lock modes are table-level locks, even if
the name contains the word "row"; the names of the lock modes are

How synchronized block is handled in a clustered environment

By clustered environment I mean same code running on multiple server machines.My scenario what I can think of is as follows
Multiple request come to update Card details based on expiry time from different threads at the same time. A snippet of code is following
synchronized(card) { //card object
My understanding is synchronized block works at jvm level so how in multiserver environment it is achieved.
Please suggest edit to rephrase question. I asked what I can recollect from a question asked to me.
As you said, synchronized block is only for "local JVM" threads.
When it comes to cluster, it is up to you how you drive your distributed transaction.
It really depends where your objects (e.g. card) are stored.
Database - You will probably need to use some locking strategy. Very likely optimistic locking that stores a version of entity and checks it when every change is made. Or more "safe" pessimistic locking where you lock the whole row when making changes.
Memory - You will probably need some memory grid solution (e.g. Hazelcast...) and make use of its transaction support or implement it by yourself
Any other? You will have specify...
See, in a clustered environment, you will usually have multiple JVMs running the same code. If traffic is high, then actually the number of JVMs could auto-scale and increase (new instances could be spawned). This is one of the reasons why you should be really careful when using static fields to keep data in a distributed environment.
Next, coming to your actual question, if you have a single jvm serving requests, then all other threads will have to wait to get that lock. If you have multiple JVMs running, then lock acquired by one thread on oneJVM will not prevent acquisition of the (in reality, not same, but conceptually same) lock by another thread in a different jvm.
I am assuming you want to handle that only one thread can edit the object or perform the action (based on the method name i.e updatecard) I suggest you implement optimistic locking (versioning), hibernate can do this quite easily, to prevent dirty read.

Can I lock row of DB2 for reading?

I've few scheduled processes which perform on the same row. Actually this row is a SMS needed to be sent. First process is #Asynchronious process which invoked when I press send button and second process is #Scheduled process which invoked once per minute. After I've written a SMS into DB it has status 0. After I've successfully or unsuccessfully sent it, it will have status 2 or 3 accordingly. The problem that when I read a SMS from the DB2 but before I actually sent it the second process can read and send it too. So, my question how can I prevent it? Can I lock specific row for reading? Another way is to add additional status 'processing' and change this status when I read a specific row, but I doubt is is possible to read and to write simultaneously? I though also about global flag which will indicate that this process can't be run, but I'm not only looking for solution I also looking for the most correct solution. Thank you very much!
And sorry for my English guys, if somebody will edit it I'll be grateful.
You cannot reliably prevent other applications from reading a row locked by one application. Queries running with the uncommitted read isolation level will be able to access even exclusively locked rows. Queries running with the cursor stability isolation level using the currently committed semantics will access the previous version of the exclusively locked row.
I think your best choice is to use a special value (like 'processing') in the status column to prevent other sessions from processing the same row.
I'm assuming you're using DB2 for Linux/Unix/Windows, since you don't mention a platform.
There is a way to have DB2 lock a row on a SELECT, see the isolation-clause and lock-request-clause on this Information Center page.
When specifying an isolation level of either RR (repeatable read) or RS (read stability), you can also say that you want to lock the rows that are read, either with a SHARE, UPDATE, or EXCLUSIVE lock.
That statement will lock the row as long as the transaction is active.
Ok, I actually solved it by creating a singleton with following flag public static boolean busy; first method which run change its value to true and while it's true second method doesn't run. While first method completed it changes it back to false.

