"last block incomplete in decryption" issue with BouncyCastle involving PHP and Base64 - java

I am currently writing a program in Java that will accept strings from PHP and either encrypt or decrypt them depending on need. The mechanism of encryption is AES-256 and I am using the BouncyCastle API to do it. To ensure that there are fewer problems in transferring the data back and forth, I use Base64 to encode the strings. The problem I am experiencing is that randomly, I cannot decrypt a string-some string can be decrypted ok, others cannot. I found a great article here at stackoverflow I thought could help here.
But I could not really see how it could fit my circumstances (I am not an encryption expert). Here's my current code. Thanks for your help.
class AES {
private final BlockCipher AESCipher = new AESEngine();
private PaddedBufferedBlockCipher pbbc;
private KeyParameter key;
private void init()
KeyGenerator kg = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES");
SecretKey sk = kg.generateKey();
key=new KeyParameter(sk.getEncoded());
pbbc=new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher(AESCipher, new PKCS7Padding());
catch (Exception e)
//Take care of later
private byte[] processing(byte[] input, boolean encrypt)
throws DataLengthException, InvalidCipherTextException {
pbbc.init(encrypt, key);
byte[] output = new byte[pbbc.getOutputSize(input.length)];
int bytesWrittenOut = pbbc.processBytes(
input, 0, input.length, output, 0);
pbbc.doFinal(output, bytesWrittenOut);
return output;
private byte[] _encrypt(byte[] input)
throws DataLengthException, InvalidCipherTextException {
return processing(input, true);
private byte[] _decrypt(byte[] input)
throws DataLengthException, InvalidCipherTextException {
return processing(input, false);
public String Encrypt(String input)
byte[] ba = input.getBytes("UTF-8");
byte[] encr = _encrypt(ba);
byte[] encryptedByteValue = new Base64().encode(encr);
String encryptedValue = new String(encryptedByteValue);
return encryptedValue;//+" and decrypted is "+Decrypt(encryptedValue);
catch (Exception e)
return "ENCRYPT_ERROR "+e.getMessage();
public String Decrypt(String input)
byte[] decodedValue = new Base64().decode(input.getBytes());
byte[] retr = _decrypt(decodedValue);
return new String(retr, "UTF-8").replaceAll("\\u0000", "");
catch (Exception e)
return "DECRYPT_ERROR "+e.getMessage();

I figured out what the problem is, and it was two fold. This is what I wound up doing:
1) I was using cURL to communicate strings between Java and PHP and encoding encrypted text as Base64. Since the plus sign is valid in Base64 and not handled by cURL (at least by older versions), I would have mangled strings, thus leading to the error. I switched to hex encoding.
2) I had to remove carriage return (\r\n) characters from strings that went into the Java layer.
Hope this helps someone.


Decryption does not work on Production(Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7) and works on UAT(SUSE based linux distro)

I'm using DES for encryption/decryption as its not recommended but its an old code so i could'nt move to AES, now my code working fine on local environment(i.e mac ) with production db, also its working fine on UAT which is SUSE based linux distro but decryption not working on Production which is redhat based enironment. on Production it throws "Input length (with padding) not multiple of 8 bytes" Illegal Block size exception
public class EncryptionUtil {
private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(EncryptionUtil.class);
GpsCacheManager gpsCacheManager;
private Cipher ecipher;
private Cipher dcipher;
private StringUtils stringUtils;
public EncryptionUtil() throws Exception {
ecipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES");
dcipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES");
private void initCipher() {
try {
String response = “[-3232, -34, -98, 111, -222, 33, -22, 55]”;
String[] byteValues = response.substring(1, response.length() - 1).split(",");
byte[] bytes = new byte[byteValues.length];
for (int i = 0, len = bytes.length; i < len; i++) {
bytes[i] = Byte.parseByte(byteValues[i].trim());
SecretKey key = new SecretKeySpec(bytes, "DES");
ecipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key);
dcipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
public String encryptUTF8(String str) throws Exception {
// Encode the string into bytes using utf-8
byte[] utf8 = str.getBytes("UTF8");
// Encrypt
byte[] enc = ecipher.doFinal(utf8);
// Encode bytes to base64 to get a string
return new String(Base64.encodeBase64(enc));
public String decryptUTF8(String str) throws Exception {
if (stringUtils == null) {
stringUtils = new StringUtils();
//do not decrypt if a valid email.
if (stringUtils.isValidEmail(str)) {
return str;
// Decode base64 to get bytes
byte[] dec = Base64.decodeBase64(str.getBytes());
byte[] utf8 = null;
try {
utf8 = dcipher.doFinal(dec);
} catch (IllegalBlockSizeException e) {
return str;
// Decode using utf-8
return new String(utf8, "UTF8");
There is an issue with String.getBytes() and new String(byte[]) which are platform dependent and should not be used here. At the same time I replaced that Base64 class with the standard java's Base64, that was intended to replace several Base64 implementations some ten years ago.
public String encryptUTF8(String str) throws Exception {
// Encode the string into bytes using utf-8
byte[] utf8 = str.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
// Encrypt
byte[] enc = ecipher.doFinal(utf8);
// Encode bytes to base64 to get a string
return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(enc));
//Old class: return new String(Base64.encodeBase64(enc), StandardCharsets.US_ASCII);
public String decryptUTF8(String str) throws Exception {
if (stringUtils == null) {
stringUtils = new StringUtils();
//do not decrypt if a valid email.
if (stringUtils.isValidEmail(str)) {
return str;
// Decode base64 to get bytes
//byte[] dec = Base64.getDecoder().decode(str.getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII));
byte[] dec = Base64.getDecoder().decode(str);
try {
byte[] utf8 = dcipher.doFinal(dec);
// Decode using utf-8
return new String(utf8, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
} catch (IllegalBlockSizeException e) {
return str;
There is one problem: String is for Unicode text, with two-byte chars (UTF-16).
This means any byte[] value must be text in some encoding, and with that encoding converted to a String. Any arbitrary byte[] value will not be a valid String. Especially on Linux with the preeminent UTF-8 encoding that will corrupt data.
The problem probably resides in decryptUTF8. If in the original code the default encoding is a single byte encoding, everything is swallowed as-is. For Linux, UTF-8, erroneous UTF-8 multi-byte sequences might be encountered. Or the encoding is a 7-bits ASCII.
In general keep String and byte[] apart; use byte[] for non-text binary data.

RSA different values in Android and in Java Server

I have an Android app that is sending data to a Java server. I'm encrypting the data with the following function:
public String encryptRSA(String text)
try {
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding");
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, publicKey);
byte[] utf8 = text.getBytes("UTF-8");
byte[] enc = cipher.doFinal(utf8);
return new String(Base64.encodeBase64(enc), "UTF-8");
catch (Exception e) {
return null;
and decrypting with this one:
public String decryptRSA(String text)
try {
final Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding");
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privateKey);
byte[] dec = Base64.decodeBase64(text);
byte[] utf8 = cipher.doFinal(dec);
return Base64.encodeBase64String(utf8);
catch (Exception ex) {
return null;
When I used them in the server, everything was working perfectly. The encryption/decryption was working, giving the right results. The problem happens when I try to decrypt in the server the information coming from the app.
(I've checked already and it's encrypting with the correct public key)
I wanted to encrypt this: iIXobbUgyc7Di3/CWBjRJw==. In my app, I get this:
In my server, I get this:
Obviously, when I decrypt I get a completely different value from the initial one.
Any ideas on how I can solve this?
Thank you so much!
return Base64.encodeBase64String(utf8);
return new String(utf8, "UTF-8");
in your decryptRSA, if you wan't it to return what was passed to encryptRSA in the first place. This reverses what byte[] utf8 = text.getBytes("UTF-8"); did in encryptRSA.

Porting Java encryption routine to C#

I'm attempting with little success to port over Google's code to generate a secure token for their captcha (https://github.com/google/recaptcha-java/blob/master/appengine/src/main/java/com/google/recaptcha/STokenUtils.java):
The original utility has the following:
private static final String CIPHER_INSTANCE_NAME = "AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding";
private static String encryptAes(String input, String siteSecret) {
try {
SecretKeySpec secretKey = getKey(siteSecret);
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(CIPHER_INSTANCE_NAME);
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey);
return BaseEncoding.base64Url().omitPadding().encode(cipher.doFinal(input.getBytes("UTF-8")));
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
private static SecretKeySpec getKey(String siteSecret){
try {
byte[] key = siteSecret.getBytes("UTF-8");
key = Arrays.copyOf(MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA").digest(key), 16);
return new SecretKeySpec(key, "AES");
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return null;
public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception {
//Hard coded the following to get a repeatable result
String siteSecret = "12345678";
String jsonToken = "{'session_id':'abf52ca5-9d87-4061-b109-334abb7e637a','ts_ms':1445705791480}";
System.out.println(" json token: " + jsonToken);
System.out.println(" siteSecret: " + siteSecret);
System.out.println(" Encrypted stoken: " + encryptAes(jsonToken, siteSecret));
Given the values I hardcoded, I get Irez-rWkCEqnsiRLWfol0IXQu1JPs3qL_G_9HfUViMG9u4XhffHqAyju6SRvMhFS86czHX9s1tbzd6B15r1vmY6s5S8odXT-ZE9A-y1lHns" back as my encrypted token.
My Java and crypto skills are more than a little rusty, and there aren't always direct analogs in C#. I attempted to merge encrypeAes() and getKey() with the following, which isn't correct:
public static string EncryptText(string PlainText, string siteSecret)
using (RijndaelManaged aes = new RijndaelManaged())
aes.Mode = CipherMode.ECB;
aes.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(siteSecret);
SHA1 sha1 = SHA1.Create();
var shaKey = sha1.ComputeHash(bytes);
byte[] targetArray = new byte[16];
Array.Copy(shaKey, targetArray, 16);
aes.Key = targetArray;
ICryptoTransform encrypto = aes.CreateEncryptor();
byte[] plainTextByte = ASCIIEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(PlainText);
byte[] CipherText = encrypto.TransformFinalBlock(plainTextByte, 0, plainTextByte.Length);
return HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenEncode(CipherText); //Equivalent to java's BaseEncoding.base64Url()?
The C# version produces the incorrect value of: Ye+fySvneVUZJXth67+Si/e8fBUV4Sxs7wEXVDEOJjBMHl1encvt65gGIj8CiFzBGp5uUgKYJZCuQ4rc964vZigjlrJ/430LgYcathLLd9U=
Your code almost works as expected. It's just that you somehow mixed up the outputs of the Java version (and possibly the C# version).
If I execute your Java code (JDK 7 & 8 with Guava 18.0), I get
and if I execute your C# code (DEMO), I get
So, the C# version has an additional "1" at the end. It should be a padding character, but isn't. This means that HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenEncode() doesn't provide a standards conform URL-safe Base64 encoding and you shouldn't use it. See also this Q&A.
The URL-safe Base64 encoding can be easily derived from the normal Base64 encoding (compare tables 1 and 2 in RFC4648) as seen in this answer by Marc Gravell:
string returnValue = System.Convert.ToBase64String(toEncodeAsBytes)
.TrimEnd(padding).Replace('+', '-').Replace('/', '_');
static readonly char[] padding = { '=' };
That's not all. If we take your Java output of
and decrypt it, then we get the following token:
which is different from the token that you have in your code:
The main remaining problem is that you're using invalid JSON. Strings and keys in JSON need to be wrapped in " and not '.
Which means that the encrypted token actually should have been (using a valid version of the token from your code):
Here's a C# implementation that reproduces the same result as your Java code:
class Program
public static byte[] GetKey(string siteSecret)
byte[] key = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(siteSecret);
return SHA1.Create().ComputeHash(key).Take(16).ToArray();
public static string EncryptAes(string input, string siteSecret)
var key = GetKey(siteSecret);
using (var aes = AesManaged.Create())
if (aes == null) return null;
aes.Mode = CipherMode.ECB;
aes.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
aes.Key = key;
byte[] inputBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(input);
var enc = aes.CreateEncryptor(key, new byte[16]);
return UrlSafeBase64(enc.TransformFinalBlock(inputBytes,0,input.Length));
// http://stackoverflow.com/a/26354677/162671
public static string UrlSafeBase64(byte[] bytes)
return Convert.ToBase64String(bytes).TrimEnd('=')
.Replace('+', '-')
.Replace('/', '_');
static void Main(string[] args)
string siteSecret = "12345678";
string jsonToken = "{'session_id':'abf52ca5-9d87-4061-b109-334abb7e637a','ts_ms':1445705791480}";
Console.WriteLine(" json token: " + jsonToken);
Console.WriteLine(" siteSecret: " + siteSecret);
Console.WriteLine(EncryptAes(jsonToken, siteSecret));
I don't know why you said you're getting Irez-rWkCEqnsiRLWfol0IXQu1JPs3qL_G_9HfUViMG9u4XhffHqAyju6SRvMhFS86czHX9s1tbzd6B15r1vmY6s5S8odXT-ZE9A-y1lHns from the Java program because I'm not getting that output. The output I'm getting from both the C# version and the Java version is this:
As you can see here:
The code for both versions is available here
Live demo of the C# version.
The Java version was copy/pasted from your code and is using guava-18.0 and compiled with JDK8 x64 (I'm not a java expert so I'm just adding these in case it makes any difference).

Android AES Encryption from C# to Java

I am converting my C# encryption code to Android.
I am facing issue like I am not able to encrypt the text as same as C#.
Below I copy paste both code.
Both are working code regarding using it you can use any password & any plain text .You will find both have different output.
System.security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged AES = new System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged();
System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider Hash_AES = new System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
final MessageDigest Hash_AES = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
String encrypted = "";
try {
byte[] hash = new byte[32];
byte[] temp = Hash_AES.ComputeHash(System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(pass));
final byte[] temp = Hash_AES.digest(pass.getBytes("US-ASCII"));
Array.Copy(temp, 0, hash, 0, 16);
Array.Copy(temp, 0, hash, 15, 16);
AES.Key = hash;
AES.Mode = System.Security.Cryptography.CipherMode.ECB;
System.Security.Cryptography.ICryptoTransform DESEncrypter = AES.CreateEncryptor();
byte[] Buffer = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input);
encrypted = Convert.ToBase64String(DESEncrypter.TransformFinalBlock(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length));
} catch (Exception ex) {
return encrypted;
Here is my Android java code.
private static String TRANSFORMATION = "AES/ECB/NoPadding";
private static String ALGORITHM = "AES";
private static String DIGEST = "MD5";
byte[] encryptedData;
public RijndaelCrypt(String password,String plainText) {
try {
//Encode digest
MessageDigest digest;
digest = MessageDigest.getInstance(DIGEST);
_password = new SecretKeySpec(digest.digest(password.getBytes()), ALGORITHM);
//Initialize objects
_cipher = Cipher.getInstance(TRANSFORMATION);
_cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, _password);
encryptedData = _cipher.doFinal(text);
} catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Invalid key (invalid encoding, wrong length, uninitialized, etc).", e);
return null;
} catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Invalid or inappropriate algorithm parameters for " + ALGORITHM, e);
return null;
} catch (IllegalBlockSizeException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "The length of data provided to a block cipher is incorrect", e);
return null;
} catch (BadPaddingException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "The input data but the data is not padded properly.", e);
return null;
return Base64.encodeToString(encryptedData,Base64.DEFAULT);
Should I need to use "US-ASCII" in pass or does it take it?
Use the same mode of operation: either ECB or CBC
Use the same character set: it's best to stick to "UTF-8"
Use the same key: in the C# code you're doubling the 128-bit key to 256 bits
When using CBC with a random IV, it is expected that the ciphertext differs for the same plaintext. The decryption is the operation that determines whether you succeeded.
Note that ECB is not semantically secure. Use CBC with a random IV. The IV doesn't have to be secret, so you can just prepend it to the ciphertext and slice it off before decryption.
It's better to use an authenticated mode like GCM or EAX or if it's not provided an encrypt-then-MAC scheme. It's hard to implement it correctly yourself so stick to some library that does this for you like RNCryptor.

DES Encryption on Blackberry gone wrong

I have an application developed on BlackBerry JDE 5.0.0 that encrypts a String using DES algorithm with ECB mode. After the encryption, the result is encoded by base64 encoding. But whenever I compare the result that i get from my encryption method with the result that i get on the online encryptor engine, it always give different result on the several last character. I tried to decrypt the result that i get form my encryption method with the online encriptor engine and it looks like the result is not the valid one. So how can I fix that different result on the several last character?
Here my encryption method code:
public String encryptDESECB(String text) throws MessageTooLongException
byte[] input = text.getBytes();
byte[] output = new byte[8];
byte[] uid = null;
uid = "431654625bd37673e3b00359676154074a04666a".getBytes();
DESKey key = new DESKey(uid);
try {
DESEncryptorEngine engine = new DESEncryptorEngine(key);
engine.encrypt(input, 0, output, 0);
String x= BasicAuth.encode(new String(output));
System.out.println("AFTER ENCODE"+x);
return new String(x);
} catch (CryptoTokenException e) {
return "NULL";
} catch (CryptoUnsupportedOperationException e) {
return "NULL";
The String that i want to encrypt is "00123456"
The Result that i get from my encryption method is:YnF2BWFV/8w=
The Result that i get from online encryptor engine (http://www.tools4noobs.com/online_tools/encrypt/) : YnF2BWFV9sw=
The Result that i get from android (With the same encryption algorithm & Method) : YnF2BWFV9sw=
Here's the code on Android:
public static String encryptDesECB(String data) {
try {
DESKeySpec keySpec = newDESKeySpec("431654625bd37673e3b00359676154074a04666a".getBytes("UTF8"));
SecretKeyFactory keyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DES");
SecretKey key = keyFactory.generateSecret(keySpec);
// ENCODE plainTextPassword String
byte[] cleartext = data.getBytes("UTF8");
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES/ECB/NoPadding");
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key);
Logger.log(Log.INFO, new String(cipher.doFinal(cleartext)));
String encrypedPwd = Base64.encodeToString(cipher.doFinal(cleartext), Base64.DEFAULT);
Logger.log(Log.INFO, encrypedPwd);
return encrypedPwd;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
Can anyone help me with this?
This is most likely caused by padding, as DES works with 8 byte blocks.
For more information check out this link:
As long as you can properly decrypt the content you'll be fine.
I found my mistake. It turn out my BasicAuth Class isn't the correct one for encoding the encrypted string. Now I'm using the correct one Base64 Class for the encoding, and it turn out fine.

