Compile all jsp on deploy - java

I want all my .jsp files to be compiled at deploy instead on first access. Anyone knows how to do it in a webserver agnostic way (through web.xml maybe?). If there is not a way to do this through a project configuration I would like to know how to do it on Weblogic.

You can set the server to precompile JSPs on deployment. See section Precompiling JSPs in the WebLogic JSP Reference. From there:
You can configure WebLogic Server to precompile your JSPs when a Web
Application is deployed or re-deployed or when WebLogic Server starts
up by setting the precompile parameter to true in the
element of the weblogic.xml deployment descriptor. To avoid
recompiling your JSPs each time the server restarts and when you
target additional servers, precompile them using weblogic.jspc and
place them in the WEB-INF/classes folder and archive them in a .war
file. Keeping your source files in a separate directory from the
archived .war file will eliminate the possibility of errors caused by
a JSP having a dependency on one of the class files.
For more information on the web.xml deployment descriptor, see
Assembling and Configuring Web Applications.

For weblogic, you have both approaches here (
I prefer doing it at build time, as it will not impact application deploy time.

One way to get this done is to add the jsp_precompile as a request parameter to the desired jsp as in
I personally am not an advocate of sending such a systemic config parameter so obviously in a request, so you should do it within the page (or group of pages) as described in this tutorial


how to add a parameter to spring project before <projectname>/login and after <localhost>:<portnumber> without hardcode?

I'm working on a Spring MVC project. When I run the application the URL is:
but I want:
Is there any way of doing it without hardcoding?
In a spring-boot project you can set the context-root by specifying the following property in the file:
Without spring-boot, it depends on the webserver and Tomcat offers a number of options.
I would personally opt for a META-INF/context.xml file in your war file containing the necessary information but you can also include the information in the server.xml file or in a ROOT.xml file.
See the following links for further guidance:
How to set the context path of a web application in Tomcat 7.0
This type of deployment however sometimes is handled separately, through an Apache server reverse-proxy or through URL rewriting.
I recommend you ascertain whether this type of need is already taken care of by your company's deployment procedures, as you may not need to deal with it at all.

Glassfish: modify deployment descriptors for EAR during deployment

After several days of searching, trying and head-banging, I post this question to SO although it seems to be answered already.
Here is the scenario:
I have an EAR application containing (for the moment) one WAR and one EJB module. The EJB module uses JPA (persistence.xml) and some Stateless Session Beans are exposed via Web Services. The web services use Basic authentication with a jdbc realm. The web module uses form authentication with the same realm.
The requirement:
I need to be able to deploy this application either on different servers (dev/test/prod) or on the same server (or cluster) with different deployment descriptors. The deployment settings that need to be different in each application instance are:
The jta-data-source in persistence.xml
The realm-name in web.xml
The javax.faces.PROJECT_STAGE in web.xml
The webservice-endpoint\endpoint-address-uri and login-config\realm in glassfish-ejb-jar.xml
The context-root in application.xml (i could move it to web.xml if it made any difference, see below)
The realm in glassfish-application.xml
During my research, I managed the following:
I can override the javax.faces.PROJECT_STAGE using asadmin set-web-context-param
I can override all settings in glassfish-ejb-jar.xml using a deployment plan during asadmin deploy
The same applies for glassfish-application.xml
I can probably override context-root during asadmin deploy (I don't know how would this work with more than one web modules in the EAR)
So far so good. This leaves me with the following problems:
How can I easily modify the the realm-name in web.xml?
How can I easily modify the jta-data-source in persistence.xml?
By easily I mean during deployment or using something similar to a deployment plan jar. Maintaining multiple copies of ejb.jar or war just with a modified .xml file is not an option.
Just to be clear, the need is to have different databases (either in different stages of development or for different customers) using the same application. The application uses one persistence-unit but it needs to point to different databases (hence the jta-data-source). The realm is a jdbc realm (on the same database) that also needs to be different per application instance.
Any help or pointer would be greatly appreciated.
Have you thought about preparing templates for the deployment descriptors, and populating them with value from property file during build? If you are using ant, you can use the expandproperties filter.
You can do all those things with a deployment plan jar.
It looks like the content of the deployment plan jar is pushed into archive/directory tree of the application BEFORE any of the heavy lifting associated with deployment happens.

Deploy Axis2 .aar without Axis2 web application

I would like to know if there's a way to deploy an Axis2 .aar file without having to include it as part of the Axis 2 web application.
I know that my question is short, but there isn't much information that I could provide to direct my question.
Yes, there is.
The axis2 web archive (axis2.war) can be extracted once and never has to be extracted again after that.
Following changes within the axis2 webapp directory are common:
You add modules in 'axis2/WEB-INF/modules/'.
You add libraries in 'axis2/WEB-INF/lib/'.
You change the configuration in 'axis2/WEB-INF/conf/axis2.xml' file.
You deploy your services in 'axis2/WEB-INF/services/'.
Also, there's an option for hot deploys in the services directory. In the axis2.xml file, the folowing line enables this:
<parameter name="hotdeployment">true</parameter>
You can also override the default location of services with the following configuration parameter:
<parameter name="ServicesDirectory">service</parameter>
You can, of course, also make symlinks (unix/linux) instead, but I would not recommend polluting your installation with those.
So, to wrap it up, after your initial deploy of the axis2.war file, you do not need to redeploy it, it can stay, and you can deploy your .aar-files in the services directory. If hot deploy is not enabled (default), you need to restart your tomcat server/reload context manually.
I believe you want to deploy an axis2 web service in an existing application, if so, look at this

How a war file gets deployed in any application server?

I know that when a war file is created of my web application, i have to deploy it, that is if i am using JBoss i have to copy it to deploy folder and if using WAS i have to install it.
But i want to know, When i start the server from where the server starts deploying my application. that is which is the entry point to start loading my classes, properties ,DB connections etc..
It's the web.xml file, which is known as the deployment descriptor. This is where you configure your servlets and filters. In particular, you map urls to servlets, and this is the entry point into your application. The classes are loaded on startup, before any requests are handled.
Here is a link to more information about deployment descriptors.

how to make my files present in a tomcat server to the browser

I have installed Tomcat 5.0 in order to execute a web application. How can I show my files which are present in Tomcat to the web browser? I tried http://hostname:8080/myfolder/login.html, but I can't see the files.
One more thing I know about JDBC and other database connectivity and I have developed a HTML page. How can I let a button in the page execute the code written in a Servlet and perform validations?
The simplest thing is to add to the root webapp. That is webapps/ROOT. Any file you put in there will be served unless you change the default configuration.
You should read about the details, of course.
I have installed Tomcat 5.0 in order to execute a web application.
First of all, why are you using the ancient (8 year old) Tomcat 5.0? If you can, rather grab the latest one, Tomcat 6.0.
How can I show my files which are present in Tomcat to the web browser? I tried http://hostname:8080/myfolder/login.html, but I can't see the files.
Is myfolder the context name or just a folder in your webcontent? If it's a context name, then you need to ensure that it's properly deployed. You can find details in the server logs in the /logs folder. If it is a folder in your webcontent and the webapplication is thus supposedly to be the "root" application, then you need to ensure that it's deployed as ROOT.
To learn more about using Tomcat, go through the documentation.
One more thing I know about JDBC and other database connectivity and I have developed a HTML page. How can I let a button in the page execute the code written in a Servlet and perform validations?
To the point, just create a class which extends HttpServlet, implement the doPost() method, define the servlet in web.xml and let the action attribute of the HTML <form> element point to an URL which is covered by the url-pattern of the servlet mapping in the web.xml.
As the question is pretty broad, I have the impression that you haven't learned in any way how to work with Tomcat and JSP/Servlets. I would strongly recommend to go through those tutorials to familarize yourself with JSP/Servlet on Tomcat and Eclipse (an IDE) first: Beginning and Intermediate-Level Servlet, JSP, and JDBC Tutorials
Tomcat is not a web server like, say, Apache. It's a servlet container. You can not just move file in a subfolder which seem to be what you did. You need to pack your web application in a .war and deploy it.
The URL should rather be http://host:8080/webapp/subfolder/login.jsp
Without much information it's hard to help. Please edit your question and describe what you've done so far.

