I currently manage a few separate Maven projects in which I use Protobufs as a serialization format and over the wire. I am using David Trott's maven-protoc plugin to generate the code at compile time.
All is good and well until I want those project to communicate between one another — or rather, use each other's protobufs. The protobuf language has an "import" directive which does what I want but I'm faced with the challenge of having project A exporting a ".proto" file (or possibly some intermediate format?) for project B to depend upon.
Maven provides a way for a project to bundle resources but AFAIK, these are meant to be used at runtime by the code and not by a goal during the compile / source generation phase — at least I haven't been able to find documentation that describes what I want to achieve.
I've found another way to achieve, and it doesn't involve any Maven magic. Diving into the code for the maven-protoc plugin, I found that this is a supported use case -- the plugin will look for and collect and .proto files in dependent jars and unpack them into a temporary directory. That directory is then set as an import path to the protoc invocation.
All that needs to happen is for the .proto file to be included in the dependency's package, which I did by making it a resource:
Now in projects/b/pom.xml, add 'a' as a regular Maven dependency and just import a.proto from b.proto as if it existed locally:
import "a.proto";
This isn't ideal, since files names may clash between various projects, but this should occur rarely enough.
You can package your .proto files in a separate .jar/.zip in the project where they are generated, and publish them in your repository using a dedicated classifier. Using the assembly plugin might help here to publish something close to "source jars" that are built during releases.
Then, on projects using them, add previously created artifact as dependency.
Use the dependency plugin with the "unpack-dependencies" goal, and bind it to a phase before "compile".
I'm just getting started with CodeQL and have had plenty of success scanning Python projects. Now, I'm starting to scan Java projects, and I struggle to scan precompiled projects.
From what I gathered, it appears CodeQL CLI includes an autobuilder for Java code and will build the projects for me. I'm trying to scan projects already compiled from the Maven central repository.
Is it possible to scan compiled Java source code (i.e., bytecode, class files) contained within a JAR file with CodeQL?
If so, how can I invoke these properties to scan JAR files from the CLI?
Thanks for any insight!
As mentioned in the other answer, for Java CodeQL observes the results during compilation and creates a database from it. It is therefore not possible to build a database from a JAR containing compiled classes. It is however possible to use compiled classes in a project (e.g. in the form of Maven dependencies, or JDK usage), and CodeQL will record the information that these classes are used, but it has no insight into what these classes do. That means no dataflow or taintflow will be available for them, unless CodeQL explicitly models it, see the list of supported frameworks.
However, since your plan is to run queries against projects from Maven Central, it is most likely easiest to obtain the databases from lgtm.com, or to directly use the Query Console on lgtm.com, see also the documentation. For most projects lgtm.com is able to build the project on its own.
lgtm.com is owned by Semmle, which originally created CodeQL and was acquired by GitHub.
From what I read, it does not seem to work on compiled classes. You will need the src code, whether that exists as a (Jar, which then you need to unzip before processing), or a Github project.
Usually during running you would provide the way to build your project, such as --language=java --command='mvn clean install -DskipTests' <-- This requires source code.
We have a multi-module maven project. One of the modules has a bunch of .proto files, which we compile to java files. Pretty much every other module depends on this module. Most of them use Protobuf 2.4, but one needs to use 2.5.
Is there any nice way to do this? (The not nice way is to edit the pom file to say "2.5", build a jar, manually copy that jar to wherever we need it, and then change the pom file back to 2.4.)
Never used protobuf, but, as I understand it's a plugin that generate stuff.
So I'm gonna give you generic pointer hoping it will help.
I think you should either try to make 2 jar with different classifier from a single module, see https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-jar-plugin/examples/attached-jar.html
For example classifier proto2.4 and proto2.5
then you can add the classifier when you define the dependency to that module.
Other option I see is having 2 modules, the real one, you have now, and another one for 2.5
Generate a zip from the main one and the second module would be empty but have a dependency on the generated zip, unzip it and then compile with the plugin config for 2.5
Slower at execution, a bit dirtier imho, but can be needed if for example you need more customization than just the version.
I finally got things to work more or less how I wanted. I created a new module with JUST a pom file; that pom file refers to the proto files of the original module, but compiles them with the proto2.5 compiler and puts the result into its own directory.
My team uses a GitHub.com organization to keep all of our source code in private repos. (Prior, our old workflow was emailing Dropbox links). Most of the time each repo is one separate project with no dependancy of any other (the only dependancies are on third-party open source libraries). Or if there is some dependancy, then the .java files have just been copy pasted into the other project.
I've recently been splitting up some of my code into reusable modules, but I don't know any way to do the dependancy management when I use the libraries I'm creating in another project.
I know with Gradle you can add a git repo like this:
gitRepository('https://github.com/user/project.git') {
but I don't know if there's a way to make it work with private repos, and I don't know if there's a way to specify versions.
My currently solution is to just build the library JAR, and keep track of the binary version with GitHub release tagging, and when I need to use the library in another project, I download the desired version of the JAR (typically the most recent) and add it to a local /lib/ folder in the other project and import the JAR into the module path as a local JAR. Of course I need to go through the whole process again manually if I want to make a change to the library.
I also heard you can set up private Gradle or Maven servers and some companies do that, but I guess that would mean migrating away from GitHub.com?
Is there any way to make this work (either Gradle or Maven, it doesn't matter) to manage dependancies between GitHub private repos?
Can someone tell me, what is the most sensible way (or ways) to solve this?
What you need is a very typical maven/gradle based setup where
each of your projects will be producing an artifact with a coordinate
of the form group:name:version
your projects do not have to be explicitly aware of each other. They depend on the artifacts produced by other projects. This is called binary dependency
for a project to locate a binary dependency, you will need a central registry where you can publish all your artifacts to. GitHub has a product called GitHub Package for precisely this purpose.
If you don't want to use GitHub Package yet, or your setup (number of projects, size of each projects, size your team) is small enough, you can locally checkout all the projects and include them into a gradle composite build so that binary dependencies will be substituted with local project dependencies. The good thing about the composite build is that when you decide to invest in a package registry, your build.gradle requires no change at all.
BTW, where you run your private package registry does not really matter. You can use the GitHub Package, or some other hosted services, or even run e.g. jfrog artifactory on your own server. It is completely unrelated to where you host your source code, so you dont need to migrate away from GitHub in any case.
This is more a question about what's out there, and future directions about resolving tools such as Ivy. Is there anything that can mention class-level dependencies for packages, rather than package level dependencies?
For example, let's say I have an apache-xyxy package, that comes with an ivy.xml that lists all it's dependencies. But suppose I only use class WX in apache-xyxy, which doesn't require most of those dependencies. Couldn't a resolver be intelligent and identify that class WX can only possibly invoke the set of other classes (AB, DC, EF), and none of those classes use any of other dependencies, to create a minimal subset of required dependencies? This would be easier and safer than cherry picking to remove some package dependencies that aren't needed because of the specific classes used in that package, and also prevent breaking down several larger packages into smaller ones just for this reason.
Then, if I later decided to use class GH from apache-xyxy, I could do an ivy resolve, and it would dynamically bring in the additional required libraries.
When packaging compiled java code for distribution it's common practice to bundle Java "packages" together. It's also quite possible (but silly) to split a java package across multiple jars. Large frameworks (like Spring) have lots of sub packages in different jars so that users can pick and choose what they need at run-time..... Of course the more jar options one has, the more complex it becomes to populate the run-time classpath...
The keyword here is "run-time".... Tools like Apache ivy and Apache Maven are primarily designed to manage dependencies needed at build time....
Apache Maven does have a "runtime" scope, for it's dependencies, but it's limited to a single list of jars. Typically this scope is used for deciding which jars are needed for testing and populating the lib directory of a WAR file.
Apache ivy has a similar more flexible mechanism called "configurations". It's possible to create as many runtime configurations as you need, and these can be used to decide which jars are downloaded by ivy.
So while it would appear ivy has the answer, I've rarely seen ivy used when launching programs (The one exception is Groovy's Grape annotations)
So what, you might ask, is the answer?
The future of "run-time" classpath management is either OSGI or project jigsaw. I'm more familiar with OSGI where special dependency indicators are added the the jar file's manifest, stating what it's dependencies are. The idea is that when a container loads a jar (called a "bundle") it can check and see whether the other dependencies are already loaded. These dependencies can be retrieved and loaded from a common repository. This is fundentally different way to launch java. Traditionally each application is loaded onto it's own isolated classpath.....
Time will tell if either project catches on. In the meantime we use Apache ivy and Apache Maven to build self-contained and possibly over-bloated WAR (EAR, etc) packages.
I developing a web application with a lot of libraries like, Spring, Apache CXF, Hibernate, Apache Axis, Apache Common and so one. Each of these framework comes with a lot of *.jar libraries.
For development I simple take all of the delivered libraries and add them to my classpath.
For deployment not all of these libraries are required, so is there a quick way to examine all the required libraries (*.jar) which are used by my source code?
If you move your project to use Maven such things become easier:
mvn dependency:analyze
mvn dependency:tree
For your example, Maven + IDE + nice dependency diagrams could help allot.
See an example of this : it's much easier this way to figure out what happens in a project, and this way you don't need to add to your project "all delivered libraries" - just what it's required.
JDepend traverses Java class file
directories and generates design
quality metrics for each Java package.
JDepend allows you to automatically
measure the quality of a design in
terms of its extensibility,
reusability, and maintainability to
manage package dependencies
So, as a quick, dirty, and potentially inefficient way, you can try this in Eclipse:
Create two copies of your project.
In project copy #2 remove all the jars from the classpath.
Pick a source file that now has errors because it can't resolve a class reference. Pick one of the unresolved classes and note its fully qualified class name.
Do Control-Shift-T and locate the unresolved class. You should be able to see which jar its contained in since all the jars are still in the classpath for project copy #1.
Add the jar that contains this unresolved class back into your classpath in project copy #2, then repeat steps 3 and 4 until all class references are resolved.
Unfortunately you're not done yet since the jar files themselves may also have dependencies. Two ways to deal with this:
Go read the documentation for all the third-party packages you're using. Each package should tell you what its dependencies are.
Run your application and see if you get any ClassNotFoundExceptions. If you do, then use Control-Shift-T to figure out what jar that class comes from and add it to your classpath. Repeat until your project runs without throwing any ClassNotFoundExceptions.
The problem with #2 is that you don't really know you've resolved all the dependencies since you can't simulate every possible execution path your project might take.