Running Jive Dev Enrivonment on Windows 7 64-bit - java

I've followed the following instructions to get Jive up and running on a windows 7 64 bit machine.
Install latest version of Java
Download Java SE 6 Update 37 JDK (includes JRE) but do not install yet
Open a new command prompt and run java --version to verify that it is correctly installed.
If you receive an error saying version 1.5 was expected and 1.7 was found, make sure all versions of software are for the correct OS (64 or 32 bit) which may require you to uninstall current versions (system will use the most recent version installed, even if you try to install an older version after the newer version was installed)
Download & install Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
Once installed, create your default workspace and access Help – Eclipse Marketplace
Search the marketplace for SubClipse and install
Search the marketplace for Maven Integration for Eclipse WTP and install
Install postgreSQL
Once you have installed postgres, uninstall java from the C:\oracle\Ora11gR2\product\11.2.0\client_1 directory and install Java version 7 there.
Open pgAdmin, click on the “plug” to create a new connection
Set name and host to localhost and include your network usename, port number, and password used when installing postgres
Expand the database tree, right click to add new login role - configure new login role as super user by selecting all options under role privileges, set PW under definition tab, and hit ok
exit or disconnect and log back in as your user
Create desired databases
Install binary mirror download of maven
Unzip the distribution archive, i.e. to the directory you wish to install Maven 3.0.4. These instructions assume you chose C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation. The subdirectory apache-maven-3.0.4 will be created from the archive.
Unzip the distribution archive, i.e. to the directory you wish to install Maven 3.0.4. These instructions assume you chose C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation. The subdirectory apache-maven-3.0.4 will be created from the archive.
Go to your environment variable (How to) dialog within Control Panel\System and Security\System and access Advanced system settings. On the System properties dialog, go to the Advanced tab and click “Environment Variables”
Add the M2_HOME variable in the system variables with the value C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\apache-maven-3.0.4
add the M2 environment variable in the system variables with the value %M2_HOME%\bin
add the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable in the user variables to specify JVM properties, e.g. the value -Xms256m -Xmx512m
update/create the Path environment variable in the system variables and append the value %M2% to add Maven available in the command line. (add ;%M2% to the end of the path value)
Add/Update JAVA_HOME in your system variables and set the value to the location of your JDK, e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_02
Make sure that %JAVA_HOME%\bin is in your Path environment variable. If not, append to existing Path system variable (remember to separate by semi-colon)
Open a new command prompt and run mvn --version to verify that it is correctly installed.
If this fails investigate the issues discussed in this article.
In the user’s directory (ie \USERNAME.m2) there will be a .m2 directory for the Maven repository. Create a settings.xml file in that directory with the repository settings
Jive Build
Check Jive out of SVN repository
edit the pom.xml file in the project root. Make sure the jive short version at about line 20 is set correctly:
Open a terminal window. Change to the top level project directory
Run this: mvn clean install -Djive.setup=false -P external
This is where i get stuck - I get a cmd prompt error when i run mvn clean install -Djive.setup=false -X external to get the debug log, and it says it's still missing the repository.
I've seen some documentation saying to get this all working on a windows 7 machien you should use a VM, but i've also seen that it's possible to do, just not supported.
Has anybody successfully installed, built, and ran jive on windows 7?

Following for setting up maven says:
Note: this Maven configuration provides access to Jive binaries and sources via the server; it requires login access. See the bottom of the document where to put your login information.
Please request maven access by creating a Supportal case. If you do not have a company group, you may email your maven request to
It's possible that you don't have the required access.

the tricky part is getting the eae engine up and running in windows 7. It works from Jive 6 onwards. I remember in Jive 5 running the eae engine in a linux vm and hooking into it. after the setup, unless your doing development that requries the eae engine then you can just shut it off...


Netbeans would not find compatible jdk while installation

Netbeans would not find compatible jdk while installation while JDKs are located at C:Java and the files are:
From NetBeans Installation Instructions
The default location in Windows is C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10 or similar.
If your JDK is at C:\Java you just have to:
re-install the JDK under the default Netbeans location, or
specify your custom location during the installation wizard
Since I've run into this problem and this Q/A came up in my search, here is the solution that I found worked for me on the Windows platform.
I had to set up an system environmental variable named JAVA_HOME that pointed to the JDK directory.
JAVA_HOME=D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_144
Even after this change, I still ran into the "An unknown error occured while validating path."
Right-click on the NetBeans install software and select "Run as Administrator...". It looks like running the installer under your normal account, even though it may have admin rights, is not enough to scan the "\Program Files" folder and find the JDK.
*Delete your old java files.
*Download jdk file from.
*install new jdk version.
*Then install NetBeans //Now it will automatically identify your jdk and no need for manual selection...

How to install JRE 8.0 on eclips

I am trying to install jre 8.0 on eclipse neon, when I go preferences>java>Installed JRE's>add>standardVM I don't know what it is asking for when it requires a JRE home, it needs a specific type of directory and I don't know what that is. I tried downloading the JRE from elipse's website, but when I put that in it doesn't work. Any help is appreciated.
Eclipse Neon has a dependency on Java8. And atleast JRE needs to be installed. However for most development efforts a JDK environment is recommended. You want to download and install Jdk8 or JRE8 from Oracle site and setup the Java_Home and Path environment variables in Advanced System Settings.
Test that you have java installed correctly by running java -version on the command prompt.
If done correctly, eclipse will automatically detect your jre.
If the project needs the jre to be identified under Preferences as you were trying, you need to check where jre is installed on your machine. Normally it is either "C:\Program Files\Java\jre-version_no" or "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-version_no\jre". Browse the location, give it a unique name (if it automatically doesnt detect) and it should let you add it.
download and install Jdk8 or JRE8 from Oracle site and setup the Path in environment variables then test it using command prompt, if it's working properly then ur good to go. Go to add external jar and u will find it as system jars, if u have multiple jdk versions then it will show u all the list, u just add the version u like ( I guess jre8). It's very simple steps, ask me if it doesn't work out. I can help u in remote installation also

Running web project on HTTP Preview give error: "Could not find JRE executable" on MAC OS X Yosemite

I am trying to run Eclipse Mars on Mac. Java 8 is installed. (JDK and JRE)
Running web project on HTTP Preview gives error that Could not find JRE executable.
In Eclipse>Prefrences>Java>Installed JREs when I try to search the JRE in /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Version , I am not able to find any versions inside.
Any solution?
Given, that you installed Oracle Java (JDK) 8, open a Terminal and:
sudo rm /Library/Java/Home
which removes old links first. Note: This step might be optional.
Second step (Note: replace XX first!):
sudo ln -s /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_XX.jdk/Contents/Home /Library/Java/Home
This command recreates a symbolic link to the actual Java 8 installation folder.
Afterwards, a fresh installation of Eclipse should detect Java8 in your system and should work with this version out of the box. You can modify an installed Eclipse to use this installation by navigating in Eclipse to:
Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs.
Finally, remove the old JRE/JDK entries AND add a new one for the path (see above) with the name Java8.
Additionally, you can create or edit a file .bash_profile (in the directory of your user home) and put the following snippet there:
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8
Save that file and reopen a Terminal instance. If you execute export as a command there, you should see a valid JAVA_HOME with the location of your JDK 8 installation. Restart your IDE afterwards.

Get Oracle Java 1.8 in windows without installing it

Is it possible to get Java in zip format? I don't want to install it by getting .exe file.
Is there any zip version of Java 1.8 so that I can download it and extract it and start using it in my Windows machine (64-bit processor)?
You can extract the JDK folder from the Installation EXE.
Check this link for the steps. The post was for JDK 1.7 it will work for JDK 1.8 also
Do the following.
Download JDK from Oracle
Download and Install 7-zip from here
Open installition exe using 7-Zip
Extract the
Extract the content of to a folder (e.g. c:\jdk).
Open the extracted folder in cmd prompt.
Execute for /r %x in (*.pack) do .\bin\unpack200 -r "%x" "%~dx%~px%~nx.jar" command
Set JAVA_HOME to the jdk (e.g c:\jdk) folder.
Add %JAVA_HOME%/bin to the PATH env variable.
Run the following command to check the installation, it will print the version of JDK.
c:> javac -version
javac 1.7.0_51
NOTE: Tested with JDK 1.7 and 1.8
Update 1
Edited the answer to add the steps in the answer itself instead of the link to a blog post.
Update 2
For 64-Bit please check unpack-jdk-x64.bat by grabantot
I was looking for a solution to this as well. I'm not sure why the OP wanted to do this. I'm just trying to get a newer version of java for new development while not interfering with an older Java install which a legacy application requires (I'd like to update the legacy app, but it's not an option, now)
I think the hack I am going to try is this:
Install 1.8
Take a copy of the install folder
Uninstall 1.8
Reinstall / Repair 1.7
restore the copy of 1.
I'm sure if I had a better understanding of what the install is doing, this would not be necessary.
I had a spare virtual machine hanging around (if not you could build one or maybe even download one) so I:
installed the Oracle JDK in the guest
copied the jdk folder from the guest to the host
added a JAVA_HOME environment variable.
The operating systems obviously have to be close (not sure how close, I used Windows Server 2008 64 bit guest on a Windows 10 64 bit host and it seemed to work).
Was a quick fix for me as I didn't want a full install and wanted to remove it afterwards.
If you do not have permission to unzip zip file then you cannot install java .
As java does not need installation for running . You just need to give path of java.exe where it is located .
In Windows it is located in C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_05\bin
For a solution you can run installer on any machine that you have permission and just copy and paste the folder of java to anywhere in your system (Machine where you have administrative rights problem) . and just set the path as by opening command prompt as set path="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_05\bin"
java will be working as you want
The following worked for me (I had JDK 1.8 installed and needed the 32 bit version as well):
Verify the current version with java -version
Assuming a different version (minor or major is being installed), download the relevant JDK installable from Oracle and run it. In the
first dialog, specify a different folder than the default location
(might work with the default one as well), then select Next. It will
extract the files there in this folder, then it will asl for the
folder where the JRE is to be installed. Simply close the installer,
now you should have just the JDK in the specified folder.
Rerun java -version, it should give you the same version as earlier.
Worst case, if it shows the newer version, go to your system path (Right click My Computer (or This PC) -> Properties -> Advanced
system settings -> Advanced tab -> click on Environment variables
button) and remove the Oracle javapath entry (From the Path variable
in the bottom part of the window). The add the older java version's
bin folder to the path variable in the beginning.
for /r %x in (*.pack) do .\bin\unpack200 -r "%x" "%~dx%~px%~nx.jar"
Is this working for linux shell scripting , I got syntax error for the above.

Hudson not identifying the java & ant installed on ubuntu machine

I just installed hudson on my ubuntu machine and in the configuration page i see that hudson did not detect the JDK,Ant & Maven installed on my machine..
Is this common or i should do the configuration manually.
I tried adding the /usr/bin/ in the JAVA_HOME variable but it says it is not a directory..
Actually, I was thinking that hudson to detect Java and Ant installations on my system and display there..but i was wrong.
So i manually added the path for JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME
I scheduled builds also and it is working great :)

