Notifying two threads at the same time - java

How can I notify Thread t1 and Thread t2 at the same time (so it is the same probability to get hey 1 as hey2 first)? I've tried notifyAll, but couldn't make it work.
class Thr extends Thread
Thr () throws InterruptedException
Thread t1 = new Thread() {
public synchronized void run()
while (true)
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e1) {
} catch (Exception e) { }
System.out.println("hey 1");
Thread t2 = new Thread() {
public synchronized void run()
while (true)
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e1) {
} catch (Exception e) { }
System.out.println("hey 2");
public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException
new Thr();

You should wait on a shared object and use notifyAll as in:
class Thr extends Thread
Thr () throws InterruptedException
final Object lock = new Object ();
Thread t1 = new Thread() {
public void run()
try {
synchronized (lock) {
} catch (InterruptedException e1) {
System.out.println("hey 1");
Thread t2 = new Thread() {
public synchronized void run()
try {
synchronized (lock) {
} catch (InterruptedException e1) {
System.out.println("hey 2");
synchronized (lock) {
lock.notifyAll ();
public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException
new Thr();

The right way to do this is to use notifyAll. The real problem with your code seems to be that you have two threads waiting for notifications on different mutexes. You need them to wait on a single object ... as described in #ShyJ's answer.
Note that there is NO WAY that you can code this so that the notification is guaranteed to be delivered first to either thread with equal probability:
The Java threading specs make no guarantees of fairness in wait / notify.
The thread scheduler implemented (typically) at the OS-level (typically) makes no such guarantees either.
The point is that the application has no control over this. The best approach is to just let wait/notifyAll do what they normally do, and design your application so that any bias in the thread scheduling does not affect the application's behaviour in an important way.
(FWIW, the usual problem is that people explicitly or implicitly assume non-randomness ... and get burned when threads get scheduled in an unexpectedly random order.)

I highly recommend avoiding the use of wait/notify and use something more robust. The problem is that using wait/notify in any combination will likely result in a race condition.
The only way to give equal probability to them academically is to create two Semaphore objects, have the threads try to acquire them, and use Random to choose which one to release first. Even then, if the scheduler decides to run the first one that tried to obtain the lock, then you get bias there anyway, regardless of whether or not the Sempahore is fair. This forces you to wait until the first thread is done before running the second, such as via Thread.join.
Bottom line, the only way to guarantee order in a concurrent system is to force them into a single-threaded format, which throws out the whole point of having them concurrent in the first place.

If you are using Java versions greater than 1.4, then it would greatly simplyfy your task by using any of the concurrent locks:
java.util.concurrent.locks specially the ReadWrite type.
For now for message passing to all the threads at the same type - implement Observer Pattern


Using synchronized blocks, notify() and wait() the right way

I'm curious to submit here a short example I made and hopefully have someone able to explain to me one thing: is it possible to use the wait() and notify() inside a synchronized block without having to declare threads explicitly? (AKA: not using dedicated threads).
Here's the example:
public class mutex {
private Object mutex = new Object();
public mutex(Object mutex) {
this.mutex = mutex;
public void step1() throws InterruptedException {
System.out.println("acquiring lock");
synchronized(mutex) {
System.out.println("got in sync block");
System.out.println("calling wait");
System.out.println("wait finished ");
public void step2() throws InterruptedException{
System.out.println("acquiring lock");
System.out.println("got in sync block");
System.out.println("calling notify");
System.out.println("notify called");
Those two simple step are just prints for logging and what should be happening.
The idea is to be able to call a wait() in step1 and be able to complete the call once step2 has been called with its notify().
Now, as far as I understood the whole thing, this is the right way to do what I want to do:
public void go1() {
Object mutex = new Object();
mutex m = new mutex(mutex);
Thread t1 = new Thread(()->{
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Thread t2 = new Thread(()->{
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
and finally the main
public static void main(String[] args) {
Object mutex = new Object();
new mutex(mutex).go1();
//new mutex(mutex).go2();
The above code works and shows what I am expecting:
acquiring lock
got in sync block
calling wait
acquiring lock
got in sync block
calling notify
notify called
wait finished
I get why it works. This is what I expected to happen and how I have been taught to do this. The question comes now as I will paste the second variant of the main function I wanted to test - this one just hangs when the wait() is called.
public void go2() {
Object mutex = new Object();
mutex m = new mutex(mutex);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Why does this hang?
Is it because there is just one thread doing everything and it goes into waiting state after the wait() is called?
I know that when wait is called on the monitor object it should also release the lock, so why in this case the program can't get to call the step2()?
Is there a way to use the my second go() function to achieve this process or is it impossible for it to work?
TLDR just so I am making sure I can be understood: do I have to use dedicated threads to also use properly wait() and notify()? Because I seem to get deadlocks if I don't.
Thank you.
Once you call mutex#wait, the current thread is added to the wait set of object mutex. And thread will not execute any further instructions until it has been removed from mutex's wait set. That's why step2 cannot be executed by the current thread.
The current thread will be removed from the wait set and resume if other threads call mutex#notify/notifyAll. See JLS#WAIT for all situations in which the current thread can resume..

Testing a potential deadlock without sleep in JUnit

In classical Deadlock example, there are two paths in the code acquiring the same two synchronized locks, but in different order like here:
// Production code
public class Deadlock {
final private Object monitor1;
final private Object monitor2;
public Deadlock(Object monitor1, Object monitor2) {
this.monitor1 = monitor1;
this.monitor2 = monitor2;
public void method1() {
synchronized (monitor1) {
synchronized (monitor2) {
public void method2() {
synchronized (monitor2) {
synchronized (monitor1) {
public static void tryToSleep(long millis) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
This could potentially result in a deadlock. To increase the chance that it actually deadlocks, I am adding those tryToSleep(1000);, just to ensure that method1 will acquire a lock on monitor1, and method2 will acquire the lock on monitor2, before even trying to acquire next lock. So using the sleep this Deadlock simulates "unlucky" timing. Say, there is a strange requirement, that our code should have the potential to result in a deadlock, and for that reason, we want to test it:
// Test
void callingBothMethodsWillDeadlock() {
var deadlock = new Deadlock(Integer.class, String.class);
var t1 = new Thread(() -> {
deadlock.method1(); // Executes for at least 1000ms
var t2 = new Thread(() -> {
deadlock.method2(); // Executes for at least 1000ms
Deadlock.tryToSleep(5000); // We need to wait for 2s + 2s + some more to be sure...
assertEquals(Thread.State.BLOCKED, t1.getState());
assertEquals(Thread.State.BLOCKED, t2.getState());
This passes, which is good. Which is not good is that I had to add sleep into the Deadlock class itself, and also in its test. I had to do this just in order to make the test consistently pass. Even though if I remove sleep from everywhere this code could sometimes produce a deadlock, but then there is no guarantee that it happens during the test. Now say having sleep is unacceptable here, then the question is:
How can I reliably test that this code, has a potential to cause a deadlock without any sleep neither in the test and in the actual code itself?
edit: I just wanted to emphasize that I am asking for the class to have a potential for a deadlock, only in some "unlucky" timing (when two threads are calling method1() and method2() at the same time) this deadlock should happen. And in my test, I want to demonstrate deadlock on every run. I want to remove sleep calls from the production code (hopefully from the test also). Maybe there is a way to use mocks instead of the injected monitors, so we could orchestrate them acquiring locks in a specific order during the test?
Essentially, you need Thread (t1) executing method1 to wait inside synchronized (monitor1) but outside ofsynchronized (monitor1) until another Thread (t2) executing method2 goes inside synchronized (monitor2) and releases t1 and both threads try to proceed.
Or vice versa, where t2 waits until t1 comes and releases
You can code this scenario yourself. But since you are focusing just on Deadlock testing, you can use a java.util.concurrent.CyclicBarrier between 2 parties to orchestrate this, where parties indicate the number of threads that must invoke CyclicBarrier.await() before the barrier is tripped (in other words, all the threads previous awaiting proceeds).
class Deadlock {
final private CyclicBarrier cyclicBarrier = new CyclicBarrier(2);
final private Object monitor1;
final private Object monitor2;
public Deadlock(Object monitor1, Object monitor2) {
this.monitor1 = monitor1;
this.monitor2 = monitor2;
public void method1() throws BrokenBarrierException, InterruptedException {
synchronized (monitor1) {
synchronized (monitor2) {
public void method2() throws BrokenBarrierException, InterruptedException {
synchronized (monitor2) {
synchronized (monitor1) {
public static void tryToSleep(long millis) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
You will have to handle the checked Exceptions threw by cyclicBarrier.await()
Thread t1 = new Thread(() -> {
try {
} catch (BrokenBarrierException | InterruptedException e) {
Thread t2 = new Thread(() -> {
try {
} catch (BrokenBarrierException | InterruptedException e) {
deadlock.tryToSleep(5000); // Wait till all threads have a chance to become alive
assertEquals(Thread.State.BLOCKED, t1.getState());
assertEquals(Thread.State.BLOCKED, t2.getState());

java multi threading..thread communicating each other

My Question is related to the Working of two thread at a time,suppose one thread write a file and release the resource to another thread for reading the same file and vice versa.But the communication is not happening properly. here is the code snippet
Thread 1
public void run() {
for(int i=1;i<10;i++) {
System.out.println("writing the file");
try {
synchronized (new A()) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Thread 2
public void run() {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
for(int j=1;j<10;j++) {
System.out.println("reading the file");
synchronized (new B()) {
synchronization happens on a particular monitor object.
In your code you create new monitors for each synchronization block, with the new operator.
So you will never lock the access to this fragment of code because no other monitor can be taken by another thread.
This is the classic "producer consumer/reader writer" concurrency problem. There are several ways you can go about this - Some being slightly outdated however easier to understand for a beginner like yourself.
In order for 2 or more threads to be dependent on each other starting or finishing, there must be a concept of a shared object or variable which can be changed by each thread, to signal the other threads that the current one is finished. It is important that only one thread is changing the shared object at any one time (Also known as the critical section). In this case, you could use some Java 8 concurrency features to synchronise these 2 threads. Heres a simple example below using some Java 8 Concurrency syntax, namely the ReadWriteLock, which has been created especially for this use case.
public class ReaderWriterProblem {
private ReentrantReadWriteLock theLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(true);
public static void main(String[] args) {
ReaderWriterProblem rwProblem = new ReaderWriterProblem();
Reader reader1 = new Reader(theLock);
Writer writer1 = new Writer(theLock);
new Thread(reader1).start();
new Thread(writer1).start();
private class Reader implements Runnable {
private ReentrantReadWriteLock theLock;
public Reader(ReentrantReadWriteLock theLock) {
this.theLock = theLock;
public void run() {
try {
System.out.println("Currently Reading!");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} finally {
private class Writer implements Runnable {
private ReentrantReadWriteLock theLock;
public Writer(ReentrantReadWriteLock theLock) {
this.theLock = theLock
public void run() {
try {
System.out.println("Currently Writing!");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} finally {
This is a very basic example but the ReadWriteLock actually comes with built in support for one writer at any time and many readers. So when a thread holds the write Lock, no other thread can write at the same time, however several threads can hold the read lock at one time.
Other potential solutions to this problem include semaphores and busy wait, which are worth having a look at online.
SHORT ANSWER to why your question was wrong - You need to synchronise shared objects and variables, not the instances of classes that are executing the concurrent statements. Hope this helps you understand a little more. Notice how the lock is shared between the reader and writer.

Method call from thread does not finish - How to end the thread - Workaround

I have a following code.
ReadWriteLock someLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
Condition someCondition = someLock.writeLock().newCondition();
public someMethod() {
// do some stuff
someCondition.await(); //Lock here.
System.out.prinltn("This never prints");
public doSomeStuff() {
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
System.out.println("thread finished");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("thread is going to die");
When the thread calls the method someMethod() it gets executed. But since there is an await() method on that function. It never ends / it does not print 'This never prints', unless its woken up by singnalAll(). But I want the thread to be finished once its executed.
I cannot refactor the whole thing. I just need a workaround to this problem. Its used in Swing application. So thread is important.
I think, this will do:
Thread thread =
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
System.out.println("thread finished");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("thread is going to die");
thread.start( );
final long reasonableTimeout = ...;
thread.join( reasonableTimeout );
thread.interrupt( );
thread.join( );
// At this point, it is guaranteed that the thread has finished
I am not sure if I understood your question correctly but I think you want to start the someMethod() function and then make the caller exit without waiting for someMethod() to finish. This means you are basically branching your execution flow into two, one where the someMethod() running waiting for its due awakening and the other where the caller just continues on(which it will need to do if you want it to finish) after calling someMethod(). To do this you will have to run someMethod() in a separate thread. Something like this.
public doSomeStuff() {
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
new Thread(){
public void run(){
System.out.println("thread finished");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("thread is going to die");
Two ways you can sort this out.
1) Design your task with Interruption Policy
Do a defensive coding. If your task is interrupted by any means, the program should know how to deal with that.
2) Add a POISON PILL as in this example, Once you
public someMethod() {
while(condition predicate){
someCondition.await(TIME_OUT); //Lock here.
//ADD Poison pill here
System.out.prinltn("This never prints");
As Per Java Concurrency in Practice
When using condition waits (Object.wait or Condition.await):
1)Always have a condition predicate some test of object state that must hold before
2)Always test the condition predicate before calling wait, and again after returning from
3)Always call wait in a loop;
4)Ensure that the state variables making up the condition predicate are guarded by the lock
associated with the condition queue;
5) Hold the lock associated with the the condition queue when calling wait, notify, or
notifyAll; and
6)Do not release the lock after checking the condition predicate but before acting on it.

Interrupting looped threads in Java

I'm trying to understand how threads work in Java and currently investigating how to implement looped threads that can be cancelled. Here's the code:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Thread t = new Thread() {
public void run() {
System.out.println("THREAD: started");
try {
while(!isInterrupted()) {
System.out.printf("THREAD: working...\n");
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
// we're interrupted on Thread.sleep(), ok
} finally {
// we've either finished normally
// or got an InterruptedException on call to Thread.sleep()
// or finished because of isInterrupted() flag
// clean-up and we're done
System.out.println("THREAD: done");
System.out.println("CALLER: asking to stop");
System.out.println("CALLER: thread finished");
The thread I create is indended to be interrupted sooner or later. So, I check isInterrupted() flag to decide whether I need to go on and also catch InterruptedException to handle cases when I'm in a kind of waiting operation (sleep, join, wait).
Things I'd like to clarify are:
Is it fine to use interruption mechanism for this kind of task? (comparing to having volatile boolean shouldStop)
Is this solution correct?
Is it normal that I swallow InterruptedException? I'm not really interested what was the piece of code where someone asked my thread to interrupt.
Are there any shorter ways to solve this problem? (the main point is having 'infinite' loop)
Added call to interrupt() in catch for InterruptedException.
I am answering no. 3:
Basically the question is: What purpose does an Interrupted exception have? It tells you to stop blocking (e.g. sleeping) and return early.
There are two ways dealing with an InterruptedException:
Rethrow it, so the thread remains interrupted
set Thread.currentThread.interrupt() again and do your cleanup work. This way you can be sure that another method in your thread starting to sleep will throw again
Simply swallowing an InterruptedException is not a good idea regarding the purpose of such an interrupt which is to finally terminate. But you are only asked to interrupt so you still have time to clean up.
In this case this might be an 'overreaction' of myself, but typically such code is much more complicated and how do you know, that some follow-up-code in this Thread would not call a blocking method again?
Otherwise I think what you're doing is fine. For me a bit surprising, though, because I never saw anyone in his own code actually doing it.
And interesting article explaining why can be found here:
Yes, it's fine. You should document how a Thread/Runnable must be stopped. You could add a dedicated stop method on your Runnable implementation that encapsulates the stopping mechanism. Either use interrupt, or use a dedicated boolean value, or both.
Yes, except the good practice is to restore the interrupt status when catching InterruptedException: Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
No, you should restore the interrupt status
None that I'm aware of
1) The way in your example is preferable to using a volatile flag (which is redundant since you already have the interrupted flag), according to the Java Concurrency in Practice book. It is how InterruptedExceptions were intended to be used.
2) Yes
3) you can eat the exception as long as you restore the interrupt flag status. The exception doesn't represent an error so eating it doesn't lose any information, it is purely a means of transferring control. (Restoring the interrupt flag status is important for cases where you have nested control structures that each need to be informed that the thread is cancelling, for a simple example like yours it's good form but if it's missing it won't hurt anything.)
4) no
It's fine to use Interruption, but use them well. You have to re-throw Thread.currentThread().interrupt() in your catch. Here is a piece of code showing why :
public class MyThread extends Thread {
private static boolean correct = true;
public void run() {
while (true) {
// Do Something 1
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // combined loop
// Do Something 2
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
if (correct)
Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // reinterrupting
System.out.println("First Catch");
break; // for
try {
// Do Something 3
System.out.print("before sleep, ");
System.out.print("After sleep, ");
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
if (correct)
System.out.println("Second catch");
break; // while
System.out.println("Thread closing");
private static void test() throws InterruptedException {
Thread t = new MyThread();
System.out.println("End of Thread");
public static void main(String[] args)
throws InterruptedException {
correct = false; // test "bad" way
Another thing is, Interruptions don't always work when waiting on InputStreams. You then can use (for some) InterruptedIOException, but it won't always work. To understand these cases, you might want to try this piece of code :
public class Mythread extends Thread {
private InputStream in;
public Mythread(InputStream in) { = in;
public void interrupt() {
try {
in.close(); // Close stream if case interruption didn't work
} catch (IOException e) {}
public void run() {
try {
System.out.println("Before read");;
System.out.println("After read");
} catch (InterruptedIOException e) { // Interruption correctly handled
System.out.println("Interrupted with InterruptedIOException");
} catch (IOException e) {
if (!isInterrupted()) { // Exception not coming from Interruption
} else { // Thread interrupted but InterruptedIOException wasn't handled for this stream
public static void test1() // Test with socket
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(4444);
Socket socket = new Socket("localhost", 4444);
Thread t = new Mythread(socket.getInputStream());
public static void test2() // Test with PipedOutputStream
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
PipedInputStream in = new PipedInputStream(new PipedOutputStream());
Thread t = new Mythread(in);
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {

