Point inside Oriented Bounding Box? - java

I have an OBB2D class based on SAT.
This is my point in OBB method:
public boolean pointInside(float x, float y)
float newy = (float) (Math.sin(angle) * (y - center.y) + Math.cos(angle) *
(x - center.x));
float newx = (float) (Math.cos(angle) * (x - center.x) - Math.sin(angle) *
(y - center.y));
return (newy > center.y - (getHeight() / 2)) &&
(newy < center.y + (getHeight() / 2))
&& (newx > center.x - (getWidth() / 2)) &&
(newx < center.x + (getWidth() / 2));
public boolean pointInside(Vector2D v)
return pointInside(v.x,v.y);
Here is the rest of the class; the parts that pertain:
public class OBB2D
private Vector2D projVec = new Vector2D();
private static Vector2D projAVec = new Vector2D();
private static Vector2D projBVec = new Vector2D();
private static Vector2D tempNormal = new Vector2D();
private Vector2D deltaVec = new Vector2D();
private ArrayList<Vector2D> collisionPoints = new ArrayList<Vector2D>();
// Corners of the box, where 0 is the lower left.
private Vector2D corner[] = new Vector2D[4];
private Vector2D center = new Vector2D();
private Vector2D extents = new Vector2D();
private RectF boundingRect = new RectF();
private float angle;
//Two edges of the box extended away from corner[0].
private Vector2D axis[] = new Vector2D[2];
private double origin[] = new double[2];
public OBB2D(float centerx, float centery, float w, float h, float angle)
for(int i = 0; i < corner.length; ++i)
corner[i] = new Vector2D();
for(int i = 0; i < axis.length; ++i)
axis[i] = new Vector2D();
public OBB2D(float left, float top, float width, float height)
for(int i = 0; i < corner.length; ++i)
corner[i] = new Vector2D();
for(int i = 0; i < axis.length; ++i)
axis[i] = new Vector2D();
set(left + (width / 2), top + (height / 2),width,height,0.0f);
public void set(float centerx,float centery,float w, float h,float angle)
float vxx = (float)Math.cos(angle);
float vxy = (float)Math.sin(angle);
float vyx = (float)-Math.sin(angle);
float vyy = (float)Math.cos(angle);
vxx *= w / 2;
vxy *= (w / 2);
vyx *= (h / 2);
vyy *= (h / 2);
corner[0].x = centerx - vxx - vyx;
corner[0].y = centery - vxy - vyy;
corner[1].x = centerx + vxx - vyx;
corner[1].y = centery + vxy - vyy;
corner[2].x = centerx + vxx + vyx;
corner[2].y = centery + vxy + vyy;
corner[3].x = centerx - vxx + vyx;
corner[3].y = centery - vxy + vyy;
this.center.x = centerx;
this.center.y = centery;
this.angle = angle;
extents.x = w / 2;
extents.y = h / 2;
//Updates the axes after the corners move. Assumes the
//corners actually form a rectangle.
private void computeAxes()
axis[0].x = corner[1].x - corner[0].x;
axis[0].y = corner[1].y - corner[0].y;
axis[1].x = corner[3].x - corner[0].x;
axis[1].y = corner[3].y - corner[0].y;
// Make the length of each axis 1/edge length so we know any
// dot product must be less than 1 to fall within the edge.
for (int a = 0; a < axis.length; ++a)
float l = axis[a].length();
float ll = l * l;
axis[a].x = axis[a].x / ll;
axis[a].y = axis[a].y / ll;
origin[a] = corner[0].dot(axis[a]);
public void computeBoundingRect()
boundingRect.left = JMath.min(JMath.min(corner[0].x, corner[3].x), JMath.min(corner[1].x, corner[2].x));
boundingRect.top = JMath.min(JMath.min(corner[0].y, corner[1].y),JMath.min(corner[2].y, corner[3].y));
boundingRect.right = JMath.max(JMath.max(corner[1].x, corner[2].x), JMath.max(corner[0].x, corner[3].x));
boundingRect.bottom = JMath.max(JMath.max(corner[2].y, corner[3].y),JMath.max(corner[0].y, corner[1].y));
public void set(RectF rect)
// Returns true if other overlaps one dimension of this.
private boolean overlaps1Way(OBB2D other)
for (int a = 0; a < axis.length; ++a) {
double t = other.corner[0].dot(axis[a]);
// Find the extent of box 2 on axis a
double tMin = t;
double tMax = t;
for (int c = 1; c < corner.length; ++c) {
t = other.corner[c].dot(axis[a]);
if (t < tMin) {
tMin = t;
} else if (t > tMax) {
tMax = t;
// We have to subtract off the origin
// See if [tMin, tMax] intersects [0, 1]
if ((tMin > 1 + origin[a]) || (tMax < origin[a])) {
// There was no intersection along this dimension;
// the boxes cannot possibly overlap.
return false;
// There was no dimension along which there is no intersection.
// Therefore the boxes overlap.
return true;
public void moveTo(float centerx, float centery)
float cx,cy;
cx = center.x;
cy = center.y;
deltaVec.x = centerx - cx;
deltaVec.y = centery - cy;
for (int c = 0; c < 4; ++c)
corner[c].x += deltaVec.x;
corner[c].y += deltaVec.y;
boundingRect.left += deltaVec.x;
boundingRect.top += deltaVec.y;
boundingRect.right += deltaVec.x;
boundingRect.bottom += deltaVec.y;
this.center.x = centerx;
this.center.y = centery;
// Returns true if the intersection of the boxes is non-empty.
public boolean overlaps(OBB2D other)
if(right() < other.left())
return false;
if(bottom() < other.top())
return false;
if(left() > other.right())
return false;
if(top() > other.bottom())
return false;
if(other.getAngle() == 0.0f && getAngle() == 0.0f)
return true;
return overlaps1Way(other) && other.overlaps1Way(this);
public Vector2D getCenter()
return center;
public float getWidth()
return extents.x * 2;
public float getHeight()
return extents.y * 2;
public void setAngle(float angle)
public float getAngle()
return angle;
public void setSize(float w,float h)
public float left()
return boundingRect.left;
public float right()
return boundingRect.right;
public float bottom()
return boundingRect.bottom;
public float top()
return boundingRect.top;
public RectF getBoundingRect()
return boundingRect;
public boolean overlaps(float left, float top, float right, float bottom)
if(right() < left)
return false;
if(bottom() < top)
return false;
if(left() > right)
return false;
if(top() > bottom)
return false;
return true;
public static float distance(float ax, float ay,float bx, float by)
if (ax < bx)
return bx - ay;
return ax - by;
public Vector2D project(float ax, float ay)
projVec.x = Float.MAX_VALUE;
projVec.y = Float.MIN_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < corner.length; ++i)
float dot = Vector2D.dot(corner[i].x,corner[i].y,ax,ay);
projVec.x = JMath.min(dot, projVec.x);
projVec.y = JMath.max(dot, projVec.y);
return projVec;
public Vector2D getCorner(int c)
return corner[c];
public int getNumCorners()
return corner.length;
public boolean pointInside(float x, float y)
float newy = (float) (Math.sin(angle) * (y - center.y) + Math.cos(angle) *
(x - center.x));
float newx = (float) (Math.cos(angle) * (x - center.x) - Math.sin(angle) *
(y - center.y));
return (newy > center.y - (getHeight() / 2)) &&
(newy < center.y + (getHeight() / 2))
&& (newx > center.x - (getWidth() / 2)) &&
(newx < center.x + (getWidth() / 2));
public boolean pointInside(Vector2D v)
return pointInside(v.x,v.y);
public ArrayList<Vector2D> getCollsionPoints(OBB2D b)
for(int i = 0; i < corner.length; ++i)
for(int i = 0; i < b.corner.length; ++i)
return collisionPoints;
What could be wrong? When I getCollisionPoints for 2 OBBs I know are penetrating, it returns no points.
I also tried:
public boolean pointInside(float x, float y)
float xx = (x - center.x);
float yy = (y - center.y);
float newx = (float) (xx * Math.cos(angle) - yy * Math.sin(angle));
float newy = (float) (xx * Math.sin(angle) + yy * Math.cos(angle));
return (newy > center.y - (getHeight() / 2)) &&
(newy < center.y + (getHeight() / 2))
&& (newx > center.x - (getWidth() / 2)) &&
(newx < center.x + (getWidth() / 2));
With no luck.

I didn't read all of your class, but I'm assuming angle is the angle by which you would need to rotate your rectangle clockwise in order to make it axis-aligned.
I believe that both sin(angle) * (y-center.y) and cos(angle) * (x-center.x) are equal to the distance between your center point and the point you're testing. So newy will always equal twice that distance, and newx will always equal 0.
This is how I prefer to rotate a point about another point: get the angle and distance between the two points, then apply the rotation to the angle, then calculate the new position from the angle and distance. In pseudocode:
//takes a point and rotates it `theta` angles
//counterclockwise around the given center point
function rotateAboutPoint(x,y, centerX, centerY, theta){
radius = sqrt((centerX-x)**2 + (centerY-y)**2) //`**` is the exponentiation operator
currentAngle = atan2(y-centerY, x-centerX) //prefer `atan2` over ordinary `atan` if you can get it
newAngle = currentAngle + theta
newX = centerX + radius*cos(newAngle)
newY = centerY + radius*sin(newAngle)
return (newX, newY)
function pointInside(x,y){
//point must be rotated clockwise, so we provide a negative angle
newX, newY = rotateAboutPoint(x,y,center.x, center.y, -angle)
return (
newY > center.y - (getHeight() / 2) &&
newY < center.y + (getHeight() / 2) &&
newX > center.x - (getHeight() / 2) &&
newX < center.x + (getHeight() / 2) &&


java-processing floating point rounding error, how to keep radians rational

I have modified this arcball class so that every call to arcball.rollforward(PI/180); rotates a matrix 1 degree.
I have tried to set it up so arcball.rollback() is called with the accumulated float rotatebywithincludedfloaterror but it has had the same degree error as rolling back 360 degrees without the float error.
this is how far it is off after 1000 full rotations, it should be a 1:1 reflection of the top cube over x
here is main function with a loop of 1 * 360 degree rotation and framerate for testing (set framerate to 900 for multiple rotations so it dose not take forever)
Arcball arcball;
int i;
int fcount, lastm;
float frate;
int fint = 3;
boolean[] keys = new boolean[13];
final int w = 0;
void setup() {
size(900, 700, P3D);
arcball = new Arcball(width/2, height/2, 100); //100 is radius
void draw() {
print(" \n degree = " + i );
if(i <= (360 * 1)) { arcball.rollforward(PI/180); }
else { print(" break"); }
if(keys[w]) { arcball.rollforward(PI/180); }
translate(width/2, height/2-100, 0);
translate(0, 200, 0);
fcount += 1;
int m = millis();
if (m - lastm > 1000 * fint) {
frate = float(fcount) / fint;
fcount = 0;
lastm = m;
println("fps: " + frate);
void keyPressed() {
switch(key) {
case 119:
keys[w] = true;
void keyReleased() {
switch(key) {
case 119:
keys[w] = false;
and the arcball class
// Ariel and V3ga's arcball class with a couple tiny mods by Robert Hodgin and smaller mods by cubesareneat
class Arcball {
float center_x, center_y, radius;
Vec3 v_down, v_drag;
Quat q_now, q_down, q_drag;
Vec3[] axisSet;
int axis;
float mxv, myv;
float x, y;
float degreeW_count = 0;
float degreeS_count = 0;
float rotatebywithincludedfloaterror =0;
Arcball(float center_x, float center_y, float radius){
this.center_x = center_x;
this.center_y = center_y;
this.radius = radius;
v_down = new Vec3();
v_drag = new Vec3();
q_now = new Quat();
q_down = new Quat();
q_drag = new Quat();
axisSet = new Vec3[] {new Vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), new Vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), new Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)};
axis = -1; // no constraints...
void rollforward(float radians2turn) {
rotatebywithincludedfloaterror = rotatebywithincludedfloaterror + (-1 * (((sin(radians2turn) * radius))/2));
if(degreeW_count >= 360) {
degreeW_count = 0;
rotatebywithincludedfloaterror = 0;
rollortilt(0, -1 * (((sin(radians2turn) * radius))/2));
degreeW_count = degreeW_count + 1; // need to edit this later to work with rotations other then 1 degree
void rollback(float radians2turn) {
rollortilt(0, ((sin(radians2turn) * radius))/2);
void rollortilt(float xtra, float ytra){
v_down = XY_to_sphere(center_x, center_y);
v_drag = XY_to_sphere(center_x + xtra, center_y + ytra);
q_drag.set(Vec3.dot(v_down, v_drag), Vec3.cross(v_down, v_drag));
void mousePressed(){
v_down = XY_to_sphere(mouseX, mouseY);
void mouseDragged(){
v_drag = XY_to_sphere(mouseX, mouseY);
q_drag.set(Vec3.dot(v_down, v_drag), Vec3.cross(v_down, v_drag));
void run(){
q_now = Quat.mul(q_drag, q_down);
x += mxv;
y += myv;
mxv -= mxv * .01;
myv -= myv * .01;
Vec3 XY_to_sphere(float x, float y){
Vec3 v = new Vec3();
v.x = (x - center_x) / radius;
v.y = (y - center_y) / radius;
float mag = v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y;
if (mag > 1.0f){
} else {
v.z = sqrt(1.0f - mag);
return (axis == -1) ? v : constrain_vector(v, axisSet[axis]);
Vec3 constrain_vector(Vec3 vector, Vec3 axis){
Vec3 res = new Vec3();
res.sub(vector, Vec3.mul(axis, Vec3.dot(axis, vector)));
return res;
void applyQuat2Matrix(Quat q){
// instead of transforming q into a matrix and applying it...
float[] aa = q.getValue();
rotate(aa[0], aa[1], aa[2], aa[3]);
static class Vec3{
float x, y, z;
Vec3(float x, float y, float z){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
void normalize(){
float length = length();
x /= length;
y /= length;
z /= length;
float length(){
return (float) Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
static Vec3 cross(Vec3 v1, Vec3 v2){
Vec3 res = new Vec3();
res.x = v1.y * v2.z - v1.z * v2.y;
res.y = v1.z * v2.x - v1.x * v2.z;
res.z = v1.x * v2.y - v1.y * v2.x;
return res;
static float dot(Vec3 v1, Vec3 v2){
return v1.x * v2.x + v1.y * v2.y + v1.z * v2.z;
static Vec3 mul(Vec3 v, float d){
Vec3 res = new Vec3();
res.x = v.x * d;
res.y = v.y * d;
res.z = v.z * d;
return res;
void sub(Vec3 v1, Vec3 v2){
x = v1.x - v2.x;
y = v1.y - v2.y;
z = v1.z - v2.z;
static class Quat{
float w, x, y, z;
Quat(float w, float x, float y, float z){
this.w = w;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
void reset(){
w = 1.0f;
x = 0.0f;
y = 0.0f;
z = 0.0f;
void set(float w, Vec3 v){
this.w = w;
x = v.x;
y = v.y;
z = v.z;
void set(Quat q){
w = q.w;
x = q.x;
y = q.y;
z = q.z;
static Quat mul(Quat q1, Quat q2){
Quat res = new Quat();
res.w = q1.w * q2.w - q1.x * q2.x - q1.y * q2.y - q1.z * q2.z;
res.x = q1.w * q2.x + q1.x * q2.w + q1.y * q2.z - q1.z * q2.y;
res.y = q1.w * q2.y + q1.y * q2.w + q1.z * q2.x - q1.x * q2.z;
res.z = q1.w * q2.z + q1.z * q2.w + q1.x * q2.y - q1.y * q2.x;
return res;
float[] getValue(){
// transforming this quat into an angle and an axis vector...
float[] res = new float[4];
float sa = (float) Math.sqrt(1.0f - w * w);
if (sa < EPSILON){
sa = 1.0f;
res[0] = (float) Math.acos(w) * 2.0f;
res[1] = x / sa;
res[2] = y / sa;
res[3] = z / sa;
return res;
keep track of the floating error margin to return same number of degrees arcball.rollforward()
void rollforward(float radians2turn) {
rotatebywithincludedfloaterror = rotatebywithincludedfloaterror + (-1 * (((sin(radians2turn) * radius))/2));
if(degreeW_count >= 360) {
degreeW_count = 0;
rotatebywithincludedfloaterror = 0;
rollortilt(0, -1 * (((sin(radians2turn) * radius))/2));
degreeW_count = degreeW_count + 1; // need to edit this later to work with rotations other then 1 degree
using my idea in the question to reset every 2*PI
if(keys[w]) {
degreeW_count = degreeW_count + 1;
if(degreeW_count == 360) {
arcball = new Arcball(width/2, height/2, 100); // setset to original arcball at 0 degrees
degreeW_count = 0;
in arcball
void rollforward(float degrees2turn) {
rollortilt(0, -1 * (((sin(degrees2turn) * radius))/2)); // one degree forward 180/PI
this totally circumvents the any rounding error that would accumulate with any data type using irrational numbers and periodic functions!

Android Studio movement emulation not working as expected

Can anyone tell me why my movement class x, y, and theta values are showing the values expected. But when it's emulated/run the 'nib' is mirroring all the movements instead of being right under the touch point. I don't want to change the math for the values if I don't have to, I just need to have the view show the same thing that the math is saying.
public class MovementDial extends AppCompatImageView {
public float x, y, r, Radius, _theta, xShift, yShift, offset;
private double distance, distanceAdj;
private RectF _knobRect = new RectF();
private PointF nibCenter, touchPoint;
private RectF nibRect = new RectF();
OnAngleChangedListener _angleChangedListener = null;
public interface OnAngleChangedListener {
void onAngleChanged(float theta);
public MovementDial(Context context) {
nibCenter = new PointF(_knobRect.centerX(), _knobRect.centerY());
public float getTheta() {
return _theta;
public void setTheta (float theta){
_theta = theta;
public void setOnAngleChangedListener(OnAngleChangedListener listener) {
_angleChangedListener = listener;
private int map(double x, double in_min, double in_max, double out_min, double out_max) //#author: Aaron Pabst
int mapVal = (int) ((int)(x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min);
return mapVal;
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent e) {
yShift = e.getY();
xShift = e.getX();
touchPoint = new PointF();
touchPoint.x = (int)(e.getX() - _knobRect.centerX());
touchPoint.y = map(yShift,0,(_knobRect.height()-_knobRect.centerY()),(_knobRect.height()-_knobRect.centerY()), 0);
x = touchPoint.x;
y = touchPoint.y;
float theta = mapThetaCoords(x,y); //maps out theta values between 0 to 360 using a traditional unit circle layout.
double Radian = Math.toRadians(_theta);
final double PIValue = Math.PI/180;
Log.i("Touch", "initial Xvalue is :" +touchPoint.x);
Log.i("Touch", "initial Yvalue is :" +touchPoint.y);
Log.i ("Touch", "Touch point 3 changed to: " + theta);
distance = (float) Math.hypot(x, y); //polar coordinate radius (r = sqrt x^2 + y^2)
if(e.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
Log.i("Touch", "Xvalue touch is :" +touchPoint.x);
Log.i("Touch", "Yvalue touch is :" +touchPoint.y);
Log.i ("Touch", "Touch point 6 changed to: " + theta);
if(yShift == Radian)
if(distance <= Radius) {
nibCenter.x = _knobRect.centerX() - (float)(Radius * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(theta)));
nibCenter.y = _knobRect.centerY() - (float)(Radius * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(theta)));
x = touchPoint.x;
y = touchPoint.y;
Log.i("Touch", "Xvalue touch2 is :" +touchPoint.x);
Log.i("Touch", "Yvalue touch2 is :" +touchPoint.y);
Log.i("Touch", "Xvalue nib2 touch is :" +nibCenter.x);
Log.i("Touch", "Yvalue nib2 touch is :" +nibCenter.y);
} else if(distance > Radius) {
Log.i("Touch", "Xvalue touch3 is :" +touchPoint.x);
Log.i("Touch", "Yvalue touch3 is :" +touchPoint.y);
nibCenter.x = _knobRect.centerX() - (float)(Radius * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(theta)));
nibCenter.y = _knobRect.centerY() - (float)(Radius * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(theta)));
x = touchPoint.x;
y = touchPoint.y;
Log.i("Touch", "Xvalue nib1 touch is :" +nibCenter.x);
Log.i("Touch", "Yvalue nib1 touch is :" +nibCenter.y);
return true;
} else if (e.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {
Log.i("Touch", "Xvalue2 move is :" + touchPoint.x);
Log.i("Touch", "Yvalue2 move is :" + touchPoint.y);
Log.i ("Touch", "Move value point 7 changed to: " + theta);
distanceAdj = distance;
distance = Math.min(distance, distanceAdj); //comparing changing polar radius values as coordinates change place.
if(distance <= Radius) { //check to see if polar radius coordinate is less or equal to the radius value
nibCenter.x = _knobRect.centerX() - (float)(distance * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(theta)));
nibCenter.y = _knobRect.centerY() - (float)(distance * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(theta)));
x = touchPoint.x;
y = touchPoint.y;
Log.i("Touch", "Xvalue move1 is :" + x);
} else if (distance > Radius){
Log.i("Touch", "Yvalue (greater than) move is :" + y);
nibCenter.x = _knobRect.centerX() - (float)(distance * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(theta) - 360));
nibCenter.y = _knobRect.centerY() - (float)(distance * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(theta) - 360));
x = touchPoint.x;
y = touchPoint.y;
Log.i("Touch", "Xvalue move2 is :" + x);
Log.i("Touch", "Yvalue move2 is :" + y);
return true;
} else if (e.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP){
return false;
public float mapThetaCoords(float x, float y) {
double atan2 = Math.atan2(y , x);
float theta;
if (x >= 0 && y >= 0) { // Q 1
theta = (float) Math.toDegrees(atan2);
return theta;
} else if (x < 0 && y > 0) { // Q 2
theta = (float) Math.toDegrees(atan2);
return theta;
} else if (x < 0 && y < 0) { // Q 3
theta = (float) Math.toDegrees(atan2) + 360;
return theta;
} else if (x > 0 && y < 0) { // Q 4
theta = (float) Math.toDegrees(atan2) + 360;
return theta;
return 0;
public void reset(){
x = _knobRect.centerX()-(_knobRect.width()/2);
y = _knobRect.centerY()-(_knobRect.height()/2);
nibCenter.x = x;
nibCenter.y = y + _knobRect.centerY();
_theta = 0f;
distance = 0f;
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
_knobRect.left = getPaddingLeft();
_knobRect.top = getPaddingTop();
_knobRect.right = getWidth()- getPaddingRight();
_knobRect.bottom = _knobRect.width();
offset = (getHeight() - _knobRect.height()) * 0.5f;
_knobRect.top += offset;
_knobRect.bottom += offset;
Radius = _knobRect.width() * 0.35f;
nibCenter.x = x + _knobRect.centerX();
nibCenter.y = y + _knobRect.centerY();
float nibRadius = Radius * 0.2f;
nibRect.left = nibCenter.x - nibRadius;
nibRect.top = nibCenter.y - nibRadius;
nibRect.right = nibCenter.x + nibRadius;
nibRect.bottom = nibCenter.y + nibRadius;
Paint knobPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
Paint nibPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
canvas.drawOval(_knobRect, knobPaint);
canvas.drawOval(nibRect, nibPaint);

Collision Detection in a Tile Based Platformer

I have a set of methods in my platformer in progress to detect and resolve collisions between entities and the tilemap, but they are doing a bad job of it.
The bottom method is the one being called, like this:
player.velocity = player.velocity.add(getFinalCollisionVector());
where player.velocity is a Vec2D.
private List<Rectangle2D> getCollidingTiles(){
List<Rectangle2D> collidingTiles = new ArrayList<Rectangle2D>();
for(int x = (int) (this.getX()/Tile.SIZE); x <= (int) (this.getX()/Tile.SIZE) + this.getRect2D().getWidth()/Tile.SIZE; x++){
for(int y = (int) (this.getX()/Tile.SIZE); y <= (int) (this.getX()/Tile.SIZE) + this.getRect2D().getHeight()/Tile.SIZE; y++){
if(map.getTileAt(x, y).getAttribute(Attribute.SOLID))
collidingTiles.add(new Rectangle2D.Double(x, y, Tile.SIZE, Tile.SIZE));
return collidingTiles;
private List<Vec2D> getAllTileCollisionVectors(){
List<Rectangle2D> collidingTiles = getCollidingTiles();
List<Vec2D> collisionVectors = new ArrayList<Vec2D>();
for(Rectangle2D rec : collidingTiles){
return collisionVectors;
private Vec2D getCorrectionVector(Rectangle2D target)
Vec2D ret = new Vec2D();
double x1 = (this.getX() + this.getSize().x) - target.getX();
double x2 = this.getX() - (target.getX() + target.getWidth());
double y1 = (this.getY() + this.getSize().y) - target.getY();
double y2 = this.getY() - (target.getY() + target.getHeight());
// calculate displacement along X-axis
if (x1 < x2)
ret.x = x1;
else if (x1 > x2)
ret.x = x2;
// calculate displacement along Y-axis
if (y1 < y2)
ret.y = y1;
else if (y1 > y2)
ret.y = y2;
return ret;
protected Vec2D getFinalCollisionVector(){
List<Vec2D> collisionVectors = getAllTileCollisionVectors();
if(collisionVectors.size() < 1)
return new Vec2D(0,0);
Vec2D finalVector = new Vec2D();
for(Vec2D vec : collisionVectors){
finalVector = finalVector.add(vec);
return finalVector;
What am I doing wrong in my code? This is the behavior that the player shows, where he falls (due to gravity) to that point, and then he freezes.
OP here:
Since there are no other answers, I've posted my own.
I've abandonded the old implementation,started from the ground up, and it works now. This is the new implementation:
public Corners getCornersAreSolid(double x, double y) {
int leftTile = (int)(x / Tile.SIZE);
int rightTile = (int)((x + moveData.collisionBox.getWidth()) / Tile.SIZE);
int topTile = (int)(y / Tile.SIZE);
int bottomTile = (int)((y + moveData.collisionBox.getHeight()) / Tile.SIZE);
boolean topLeft = hasAttribute(map, Attribute.SOLID, topTile, leftTile);
boolean topRight = hasAttribute(map, Attribute.SOLID, topTile, rightTile);
boolean bottomLeft = hasAttribute(map, Attribute.SOLID, bottomTile, leftTile);
boolean bottomRight = hasAttribute(map, Attribute.SOLID, bottomTile, rightTile);
Corners solidCorners = new Corners();
solidCorners.topLeft = topLeft;
solidCorners.topRight = topRight;
solidCorners.bottomRight = bottomRight;
solidCorners.bottomLeft = bottomLeft;
return solidCorners;
private boolean hasAttribute(GameMap map, Attribute attribute, int tileY, int tileX) {
boolean result = false;
if (tileX >= 0 && tileX < map.getWidthInTiles() && tileY >= 0 && tileY < map.getHeightInTiles()) {
result = map.getTileAt(tileX, tileY).getAttribute(attribute);
return result;
public Vec2D getNextPosition() {
int currCol = (int) (getX() / Tile.SIZE);
int currRow = (int) (getY() / Tile.SIZE);
double destX = getX() + moveData.velocity.x;
double destY = getY() + moveData.velocity.y;
double tempX = getX();
double tempY = getY();
Corners solidCorners = getCornersAreSolid(getX(), destY);
boolean topLeft = solidCorners.topLeft;
boolean topRight = solidCorners.topRight;
boolean bottomLeft = solidCorners.bottomLeft;
boolean bottomRight = solidCorners.bottomRight;
this.framesSinceLastCollision += 1;
if(moveData.velocity.y < 0) {
if(topLeft || topRight) {
moveData.velocity.y = 0;
tempY = currRow * Tile.SIZE;
this.framesSinceLastCollision = 0;
else {
tempY += moveData.velocity.y;
else if(moveData.velocity.y > 0) {
if(bottomLeft || bottomRight) {
moveData.velocity.y = 0;
tempY = (currRow + 1) * Tile.SIZE - moveData.collisionBox.getHeight() % Tile.SIZE - 1 ;
this.framesSinceLastCollision = 0;
else {
tempY += moveData.velocity.y;
solidCorners = getCornersAreSolid(destX, getY());
topLeft = solidCorners.topLeft;
topRight = solidCorners.topRight;
bottomLeft = solidCorners.bottomLeft;
bottomRight = solidCorners.bottomRight;
if(moveData.velocity.x < 0) {
if(topLeft || bottomLeft) {
moveData.velocity.x = 0;
tempX = currCol * Tile.SIZE;
this.framesSinceLastCollision = 0;
else {
tempX += moveData.velocity.x;
if(moveData.velocity.x > 0) {
if(topRight || bottomRight) {
moveData.velocity.x = 0;
tempX = (currCol + 1) * Tile.SIZE - moveData.collisionBox.getWidth() % Tile.SIZE -1 ;
this.framesSinceLastCollision = 0;
else {
tempX += moveData.velocity.x;
return new Vec2D(tempX, tempY);
private static class Corners{
public boolean topLeft, topRight;
public boolean bottomLeft, bottomRight;
public Corners(){
topLeft = false;
topRight = false;
bottomLeft = false;
bottomRight = false;

Java Rect.intersects() not working sometimes

I currently loop through all my sprites checking if they intersect with each other like this:
for (Sprite s : sprites) {
if (s.dead) {
for (Sprite sprite : sprites) {
if (!sprite.equals(s)) {
s.collide(sprite, maxX, maxY);
and the sprite checks using the Rect.intersects() method like so:
if (getRect().intersects(s.getRect()))
But sometimes it just completely ignores a collision, and the objects just pass through each other.
Any ideas?
You should try changing the code to
if(getRect().intersects(s.getRect()) || s.getRect().intersects(getRect()))
// They have intersected
The reason for this being, the intersection method check is unique for each rectangle. Performing an intersection check to see if rectangle a intersects rectangle b, is different than performing an intersection check to see if rectangle b intersects rectangle a.
Other than this, can you give me more information on your rectangles? Are they rotating? How fast are they moving? How large are they? Other information would be use full as well, I can try to think of other reasons for why they are not colliding.
I fixed it by making it create a rectangle for the area that it covers between frames like so:
private void checkForNextCollision() {
double boundsWidth = width + dX ;
if(dX < 0){
boundsWidth= width - dX ;
double boundsHeight = height + dY ;
if(dY < 0){
boundsHeight = height - dY ;
double boundx = xWorld + dX ;
double boundy = yWorld + dY ;
betweenRect = new Rectangle((int)(boundx),(int)(boundy),(int)(boundsWidth), (int)(boundsHeight));
This rectangle is then checked against the rectangle created in the other sprites to check if there should be a collision in the next frame:
public void collide(Sprite s, int maxX, int maxY) {
maxWX = maxX;
maxWY = maxY;
//check for collision with borders
if (xWorld <= 0) {
dX = -dX;
xWorld += 2;
if(xWorld < -1000){
dX = 0;
xWorld += 10;
if (yWorld <= 0) {
dY = -dY;
yWorld += 2;
if(yWorld < -1000){
dX = 0;
yWorld += 10;
if (xWorld + width >= maxX) {
dX = -dX;
xWorld -= 2;
if(xWorld+width > maxX + 1000){
dX = 0;
xWorld -= 10;
if (yWorld + height >= maxY) {
dY = -dY;
yWorld -= 2;
if(yWorld+height > maxY + 1000){
dY = 0;
yWorld -= 10;
//check for collision with borders
willIntersect = true;
willIntersect = false;
// Use all checks to see if they should collide
if (getRect().intersects(s.getRect()) || s.getRect().intersects(getRect()) || willIntersect || (xWorld + width > s.xWorld && xWorld < s.xWorld + s.width && yWorld < s.yWorld+s.height && yWorld + height > s.yWorld) ) {
double lastDy = dY;
double lastsDy = s.dY;
double lastDx = dX;
double lastsDx = s.dX;
dY = (((weight - s.weight) / (weight + s.weight)) * lastDy)
+ (((2.0 * s.weight) / (weight + s.weight)) * lastsDy);
s.dY = (((s.weight - weight) / (weight + s.weight)) * lastsDy)
+ (((2.0 * weight) / (weight + s.weight)) * lastDy);
dX = (((weight - s.weight) / (weight + s.weight)) * lastDx)
+ (((2.0 * s.weight) / (weight + s.weight)) * lastsDx);
s.dX = (((s.weight - weight) / (weight + s.weight)) * lastsDx)
+ (((2.0 * weight) / (weight + s.weight)) * lastDx);
willIntersect = false;
//s.willIntersect = false;

Application not working as expected

I have a standalone Java application below that is:
Generating a random line
Applied to a 2D grid where each cell value is the distance along the line perpindicular to the line
Finds the rise/run and attempts to calculate the original linear equation from the grid
Applies new line to another grid and prints out the greatest difference compared to the first grid
I expected the two grids to have identical values. The gradient lines may be different since the lines can extend outside the area of the grid, but should be similar and in two cases identical.
So is the problem a poor understanding of math, a bug in my code or a misunderstanding of floating point values?
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public final class TestGradientLine {
private static int SIZE = 3;
public TestGradientLine() {
//y = mx + b
//b = y - mx
//m is rise / run = gradient
//width and height of bounding box
//for a box 10x10 then width and height are 9,9
public static Line2D getGradientLine(double run, double rise, double width, double height, double x, double y) {
if (run == 0 && rise == 0) {
return new Line2D.Double(x, y, x + width, y + height);
//calculate hypotenuse
//check for a vertical line
if (run == 0) {
return new Line2D.Double(x, y, x, y + height);
//check for a horizontal line
if (rise == 0) {
return new Line2D.Double(x, y, x + width, y);
//calculate gradient
double m = rise / run;
Point2D start;
Point2D opposite;
if (m < 0) {
//lower left
start = new Point2D.Double(x, y + height);
opposite = new Point2D.Double(x + width, y);
} else {
//upper left
start = new Point2D.Double(x, y);
opposite = new Point2D.Double(x + width, y + height);
double b = start.getY() - (m * start.getX());
//now calculate another point along the slope
Point2D next = null;
if (m > 0) {
next = new Point2D.Double(start.getX() + Math.abs(run), start.getY() + Math.abs(rise));
} else {
if (rise < 0) {
next = new Point2D.Double(start.getX() + run, start.getY() + rise);
} else {
next = new Point2D.Double(start.getX() - run, start.getY() - rise);
final double actualWidth = width;
final double actualHeight = height;
final double a = Math.sqrt((actualWidth * actualWidth) + (actualHeight * actualHeight));
extendLine(start, next, a);
Line2D gradientLine = new Line2D.Double(start, next);
return gradientLine;
public static void extendLine(Point2D p0, Point2D p1, double toLength) {
final double oldLength = p0.distance(p1);
final double lengthFraction =
oldLength != 0.0 ? toLength / oldLength : 0.0;
p1.setLocation(p0.getX() + (p1.getX() - p0.getX()) * lengthFraction,
p0.getY() + (p1.getY() - p0.getY()) * lengthFraction);
public static Line2D generateRandomGradientLine(int width, int height) {
//so true means lower and false means upper
final boolean isLower = Math.random() > .5;
final Point2D start = new Point2D.Float(0, 0);
if (isLower) {
//change origin for lower left corner
start.setLocation(start.getX(), height - 1);
//radius of our circle
double radius = Math.sqrt(width * width + height * height);
//now we want a random theta
//x = r * cos(theta)
//y = r * sin(theta)
double theta = 0.0;
if (isLower) {
theta = Math.random() * (Math.PI / 2);
} else {
theta = Math.random() * (Math.PI / 2) + (Math.PI / 2);
int endX = (int)Math.round(radius * Math.sin(theta));
int endY = (int)Math.round(radius * Math.cos(theta)) * -1;
if (isLower) {
endY = endY + (height - 1);
final Point2D end = new Point2D.Float(endX, endY);
extendLine(start, end, radius);
return new Line2D.Float(start, end);
public static Point2D getNearestPointOnLine(Point2D end, Line2D line) {
final Point2D point = line.getP1();
final Point2D start = line.getP2();
double a = (end.getX() - point.getX()) * (start.getX() - point.getX()) + (end.getY() - point.getY()) * (start.getY() - point.getY());
double b = (end.getX() - start.getX()) * (point.getX() - start.getX()) + (end.getY() - start.getY()) * (point.getY() - start.getY());
final double x = point.getX() + ((start.getX() - point.getX()) * a)/(a + b);
final double y = point.getY() + ((start.getY() - point.getY()) * a)/(a + b);
final Point2D result = new Point2D.Double(x, y);
return result;
public static double length(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) {
final double dx = x1 - x0;
final double dy = y1 - y0;
return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
public static void main(String[] args) {
final Line2D line = generateRandomGradientLine(SIZE, SIZE);
System.out.println("we're starting with line " + line.getP1() + " " + line.getP2());
double[][] region = new double[SIZE][SIZE];
//load up the region with data from our generated line
for (int x = 0; x < SIZE; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < SIZE; y++) {
final Point2D point = new Point2D.Double(x, y);
final Point2D nearestPoint = getNearestPointOnLine(point, line);
if (nearestPoint == null) {
System.err.println("uh -oh!");
final double distance = length(line.getP1().getX(),
line.getP1().getY(), nearestPoint.getX() + 1,
nearestPoint.getY() + 1);
region[x][y] = distance;
//now figure out what our line is from the region
double runTotal = 0;
double riseTotal = 0;
double runCount = 0;
double riseCount = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < SIZE; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < SIZE; y++) {
if (x < SIZE - 1) {
runTotal += region[x + 1][y] - region[x][y];
if (y < SIZE - 1) {
riseTotal += region[x][y + 1] - region[x][y];
double run = 0;
if (runCount > 0) {
run = runTotal / runCount;
double rise = 0;
if (riseCount > 0) {
rise = riseTotal / riseCount;
System.out.println("rise is " + rise + " run is " + run);
Line2D newLine = getGradientLine(run, rise, SIZE - 1, SIZE - 1, 0, 0);
System.out.println("ending with line " + newLine.getP1() + " " + newLine.getP2());
double worst = 0.0;
int worstX = 0;
int worstY = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < SIZE; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < SIZE; y++) {
final Point2D point = new Point2D.Double(x, y);
final Point2D nearestPoint = getNearestPointOnLine(point, newLine);
if (nearestPoint == null) {
System.err.println("uh -oh!");
final double distance = length(line.getP1().getX(),
line.getP1().getY(), nearestPoint.getX() + 1,
nearestPoint.getY() + 1);
final double diff = Math.abs(region[x][y] - distance);
if (diff > worst) {
worst = diff;
worstX = x;
worstY = y;
System.out.println("worst is " + worst + " x: " + worstX + " y: " + worstY);
I think I have fixed your program.
a) I took out the integer cast.
b) I removed all the 'x + 1' and 'x - 1' fudges you had used.
I think when dealing with floats and doubles, subtracting '1' from the end of a line is a No-No! What is 1 anyway? - it's ok to do this just before you plot it on the screen once it's an integer. But not while calculating! line length is a 'zero-based' quantity.
This version returns approx 4E-16 always.
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public final class TestGradientLine {
private static int SIZE = 3;
public TestGradientLine() {
//y = mx + b
//b = y - mx
//m is rise / run = gradient
//width and height of bounding box
//for a box 10x10 then width and height are 9,9
public static Line2D getGradientLine(double run, double rise, double width, double height, double x, double y) {
if (run == 0 && rise == 0) {
return new Line2D.Double(x, y, x + width, y + height);
//calculate hypotenuse
//check for a vertical line
if (run == 0) {
return new Line2D.Double(x, y, x, y + height);
//check for a horizontal line
if (rise == 0) {
return new Line2D.Double(x, y, x + width, y);
//calculate gradient
double m = rise / run;
Point2D start;
Point2D opposite;
if (m < 0) {
//lower left
start = new Point2D.Double(x, y + height);
opposite = new Point2D.Double(x + width, y);
} else {
//upper left
start = new Point2D.Double(x, y);
opposite = new Point2D.Double(x + width, y + height);
double b = start.getY() - (m * start.getX());
//now calculate another point along the slope
Point2D next = null;
if (m > 0) {
next = new Point2D.Double(start.getX() + Math.abs(run), start.getY() + Math.abs(rise));
} else {
if (rise < 0) {
next = new Point2D.Double(start.getX() + run, start.getY() + rise);
} else {
next = new Point2D.Double(start.getX() - run, start.getY() - rise);
final double actualWidth = width;
final double actualHeight = height;
final double a = Math.sqrt((actualWidth * actualWidth) + (actualHeight * actualHeight));
extendLine(start, next, a);
Line2D gradientLine = new Line2D.Double(start, next);
return gradientLine;
public static void extendLine(Point2D p0, Point2D p1, double toLength) {
final double oldLength = p0.distance(p1);
final double lengthFraction =
oldLength != 0.0 ? toLength / oldLength : 0.0;
p1.setLocation(p0.getX() + (p1.getX() - p0.getX()) * lengthFraction,
p0.getY() + (p1.getY() - p0.getY()) * lengthFraction);
public static Line2D generateRandomGradientLine(int width, int height) {
//so true means lower and false means upper
final boolean isLower = Math.random() > .5;
final Point2D start = new Point2D.Float(0, 0);
if (isLower) {
//change origin for lower left corner
start.setLocation(start.getX(), height );
//radius of our circle
double radius = Math.sqrt(width * width + height * height);
//now we want a random theta
//x = r * cos(theta)
//y = r * sin(theta)
double theta = 0.0;
if (isLower) {
theta = Math.random() * (Math.PI / 2);
} else {
theta = Math.random() * (Math.PI / 2) + (Math.PI / 2);
float endX = (float)(radius * Math.sin(theta));
float endY = (float)(radius * Math.cos(theta)) * -1;
if (isLower) {
endY = endY + (height );
final Point2D end = new Point2D.Float(endX, endY);
extendLine(start, end, radius);
return new Line2D.Float(start, end);
public static Point2D getNearestPointOnLine(Point2D end, Line2D line) {
final Point2D point = line.getP1();
final Point2D start = line.getP2();
double a = (end.getX() - point.getX()) * (start.getX() - point.getX()) + (end.getY() - point.getY()) * (start.getY() - point.getY());
double b = (end.getX() - start.getX()) * (point.getX() - start.getX()) + (end.getY() - start.getY()) * (point.getY() - start.getY());
final double x = point.getX() + ((start.getX() - point.getX()) * a)/(a+b);
final double y = point.getY() + ((start.getY() - point.getY()) * a)/(a+b);
final Point2D result = new Point2D.Double(x, y);
return result;
public static double length(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) {
final double dx = x1 - x0;
final double dy = y1 - y0;
return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
public static void main(String[] args) {
final Line2D line = generateRandomGradientLine(SIZE, SIZE);
System.out.println("we're starting with line " + line.getP1() + " " + line.getP2());
double[][] region = new double[SIZE][SIZE];
//load up the region with data from our generated line
for (int x = 0; x < SIZE; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < SIZE; y++) {
final Point2D point = new Point2D.Double(x, y);
final Point2D nearestPoint = getNearestPointOnLine(point, line);
if (nearestPoint == null) {
System.err.println("uh -oh!");
final double distance = length(line.getP1().getX(),
line.getP1().getY(), nearestPoint.getX() ,
nearestPoint.getY() );
region[x][y] = distance;
//now figure out what our line is from the region
double runTotal = 0;
double riseTotal = 0;
double runCount = 0;
double riseCount = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < SIZE; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < SIZE; y++) {
if (x < SIZE - 1) {
runTotal += region[x + 1][y] - region[x][y];
if (y < SIZE - 1) {
riseTotal += region[x][y + 1] - region[x][y];
double run = 0;
if (runCount > 0) {
run = runTotal / runCount;
double rise = 0;
if (riseCount > 0) {
rise = riseTotal / riseCount;
System.out.println("rise is " + rise + " run is " + run);
Line2D newLine = getGradientLine(run, rise, SIZE, SIZE , 0, 0);
System.out.println("ending with line " + newLine.getP1() + " " + newLine.getP2());
double worst = 0.0;
int worstX = 0;
int worstY = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < SIZE; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < SIZE; y++) {
final Point2D point = new Point2D.Double(x, y);
final Point2D nearestPoint = getNearestPointOnLine(point, newLine);
if (nearestPoint == null) {
System.err.println("uh -oh!");
final double distance = length(line.getP1().getX(),
line.getP1().getY(), nearestPoint.getX() ,
nearestPoint.getY() );
final double diff = Math.abs(region[x][y] - distance);
if (diff > worst) {
worst = diff;
worstX = x;
worstY = y;
System.out.println("worst is " + worst + " x: " + worstX + " y: " + worstY);
why do you multiply by -1 at the end of this line?
int endY = (int)Math.round(radius * Math.cos(theta)) * -1;
this means that endY is always negative except radius is below 0. (cosinus always returns positive value)
is this intended or am i getting something wrong?
You probably misunderstand float and/or double. This is a common problem with any language that implements the ieee spec for floats and doubles, which Java, C, C++ and just about every other language does.
double val = 0;
for(int i=0;i<10;i++) {
results in
And sometimes even worse. Either use BigDecimal, which alleviates a lot of the problem, or use integers.

