I've got a char array called encoded which has a series of char values. I want to insert 3 chars into the middle of the array and keep the remaining chars by pushing them to the next spaces. Is this possible?
Portion of the code I've used as follows just inserts and replaces the next two chars too.
encoded = new char[20];
encoded = encodeArray.toCharArray();
for (int x = 0; x < encoded.length; x++) {
if (encoded[x] == a) {
encoded[x] = amp;
} if (encoded[x] == und) {
for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) {
encoded[x+y] = tilde;
Any direction would be greatly appreciated.
Several points.
First, Java's arrays a relatively low-level data structures. They don't support insertion, etc. And they don't dynamically grow.
In your case, you can manually shift the characters by n, but that is loss-less only if the original array had extra n slots of capacity.
For manipulating character arrays, look at java.lang.StringBuilder
Finally, since we are talking Java, there are certain Unicode codepoints that require two Java chars. One of the many reasons to use higher level operations when manipulating character sequences.
You should push your remaining chars right 3 places(if overflow then you will loose the 3 chars from end) as below:
if (encoded[x] == und) {
//move the chars 3 places right first
for (int z = encoded.length-4; z > x; z--) {
encoded[z+3] = encoded[z];
//then fill the 3 places as you want
for (int y = 0; y < 3 && x+y < encoded.length; y++) {
encoded[x+y] = tilde;
If you want to increase the length of your char array by 3 (to retail all old characters) then you need to redefine a a char array of size as encoded.length+3 and copy the element using System.arraycopy(Object src,int srcPos, Object dest, int destPos, int length) and then insert the three characters in between.
Using a String instead of a charArray will allow you to use replaceAll.
I am trying to shift specific elements in a two dimensional array i.e. while some elements move, others stay in a fixed position. For Example:
char arr[][] = {{'.','.','.'},{'.','u','.'},{'x','.','.'}};
will be shifted to:
arr[][] = {{'.','u','.'},{'.','.','.'},{'x','.','.'}};
I have a code sample to shift all elements in the array a certain number of places up such that it wraps around from the bottom, but can't figure out how to keep the x's in a fixed position. I read all elements into a new Array.
public static void moveUp(char arr[][], int pos){
for(int r = 0; r < 6; r ++){
for(int c = 0 ; c < 5; c++){
newArr[(r+(6-pos))%6][c] = arr[r][c];
This is made on the auumption that the array has 6 rows and 5 columns.
You should do a boolean if you want the 'u' to go up and the x to stay as you commented. For example, the position of 'u' should change from char[i][j] to char[i-1][j].
Is there a better(Faster) way to split a binary string into an Array?
My code That loops and substring every 8 characters in one element.
binary = my binary string(Huge) : "1010101011111000001111100001110110101010101"
int index = 0;
while (index < binary.length()) {
int num = binaryToInteger(binary.substring(index, Math.min(index + 8,binary.length())));
l.add( num);
temp = temp+ String.valueOf(num);
index += 8;
What I am trying to do is to split my binary string into pieces of 8 characters 10101010 and then get the int value of the 8 characters and will store that in arraylist witch in this case was l
My code is working but is very time consuming.. Is there a faster way of getting this done?
It's easy using regex:
However, it creates an array of strings. I don't get your will of creating an array of integers, since binary strings don't fit into this type (they can start with "0" and they can be really long).
I think there are mutiple options using Regex, substring, split etc available in java or Google Guavas - Splitter.fixedLength().
This Split a string, at every nth position clearly explain the performance of various functions.
It would probably faster using toCharArray:
Long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
List<Integer> l = new ArrayList<>();
int index = 0;
String binary =
char[] binaryChars = binary.toCharArray();
while (index < binaryChars.length) {
int num = 0;
for (int offset = 0; offset < Math.min(8, binary.length() - index); offset++) {
int bo = index + offset;
if (binaryChars[bo] == '1') {
num += Math.pow(2, offset + 1);
index += 8;
System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() - time);
Since you want to split into groups of eight bits, I guess, you want to decode bytes rather than ints. This is easier than you might think:
String binary = "1010101011111000001111100001110110101010101";
byte[] result=new BigInteger(binary, 2).toByteArray();
Maybe you can try making a for-each loop to go through each character in the string, combine them into 8-bit values and convert into bytes. I don't know if that will be faster, just a suggestion.
for (char c : binary.toCharArray() ) { do stuff }
I'm trying to create an iterative approach to a boggle game. The class contains fields for a 2d Array of Strings called "board" and has a 2d array of booleans called "haveVisit". The method that calls test 2 loops through the whole board, finding positions of the first character of the target string, then passes the coordinates into the test2 method, returning a list holding coordinates.
The return1Index method takes a 2D array coordinate at creates a int representative of the coordinates from a corresponding 1d array from it. The return2DIndex does the opposite and returns an int array holding the two coordinates.
public List<Integer> test2(int row1, int row2, String findMe){
String temp = findMe;
List<Integer> output = new ArrayList<Integer>();
if (board[row1][row2].charAt(0) != findMe.charAt(0))
return output;
haveVisit = new boolean[size][size];
int row = row1;
int column = row2;
output.add(return1DIndex(row, column));
haveVisit[row][column] = true;
//for each letter in the string
for(int j = 0; j < temp.length(); j++)
//for every column and row combination
for (int x = row - 1; x < row + 2 ; x++)
for (int y = column - 1; y < column + 2 ; y++)
//if index is valid and not visited
if (x > -1 && y > -1 && y < size && x < size && !haveVisit[x][y])
//if the output is the same size as string, return
if(output.size() == findMe.length())
return output;
//if the character in the board matches the char we're looking for
if(board[x][y].charAt(0) == temp.charAt(j))
haveVisit[x][y] = true;
output.add(return1DIndex(x, y));
//update row and column indices
row = x;
column = y;
return output;
For some reason this method works only 50% of the time. The method works fine with finding the letters when they're arranged left to right or top to bottom, but finding words from right to left or bottom to top never works except for one case: when you're searching for a string of length 1 or 2, where this method always works.
I have a working recursive solution but I wanted to try this way. Any thoughts as to why this wouldn't work?
Edit: Code now works from right to left, but still does not work when attempting to search upwards.
I don't know exactly what the problem is, but there are a few suspects:
You are updating row and column indices while checking their neighbors. This is like removing an element from an array while iterating through it: it's well defined, but has tricky semantics. I suggest either bailing out (greedy algorithm) or keeping a stack of matches (deeper search, requires saving stack of visited cells too).
The fors are missing opening braces, but the closing braces are there, suggesting missing code.
I'm not familiar with boggle, but isn't it possible for a letter to have two similar neighbors, like AXA? By just doing output.add(return1DIndex(x, y)); you may be outputting two ways to get the same letter. You may end up with output longer than findMe.
My suggestion is to follow a more standard format of depth-first search while you iron out the bugs. Wikipedia has a non-recursive pseudocode implementation, for example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depth-first_search#Pseudocode .
I need to get the binary representation for a range of numbers inside a matrix in order to perform some operations with another vector.
So let's say I will get the binary representation for 2^4 numbers, that's it from 0 to 15. I know I need a 16x4 matrix.
I've got this code:
int [][] a = new int[15][4];
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
a[i] = String.format("%5s", Integer.toBinaryString(i)).replace(' ', '0').toCharArray();
So, being the array representation of the binary formatted number a char[], I can't just asign it to a[i].
If there any way to perform a cast without looping through the char array?
Not that I am aware of. There are some different ways you can do it, either looping through the integer representation of the binary string, and the taking num%10 and num/10 for every step, if you absolutely don't want a loop through the char array. However in this case it seems pretty straight forward to just loop through the char array. Anyways here is the solution, in the way you didn't want it I guess...
int [][] a = new int[16][4];
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
char[] cArr = String.format("%4s", Integer.toBinaryString(i)).replace(' ', '0').toCharArray();
for(int j = 0; j < a[0].length; j++)
a[i][j] = Integer.parseInt(cArr[j]+"");
This is a simpler solution to what you are trying to accomplish...
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < a[0].length; j++) {
a[i][a[0].length - 1 - j] = (i & (1 << j)) != 0 ? 1 : 0;
Instead of converting an integer i to String and then replacing white spaces with zeros and then converting it to array, you:
Take i.
Take a binary number A with the only 1 at j-th position (other being zeros): A = (1 << j)
Perform conjunction (binary bit-wise multiplication) of your number and the number A. This is accomplished by: (i & A)
If there was non-zero bit at that position, after conjunction you will get A. If there was a zero bit, you will get 0.
If the result is not zero, i has non-zero bit in j-th position. Otherwise it has zero there.
The solution using bit-wise operations will be faster too.
I believe that one outer loop will still be required to iterate through char[][] rows.
int[] charArray2intArray(char[][] binary) {
int[] numbers = new int[binary.length];
int row = 0;
for (char[] number: binary) {
String bin = new String(number);
numbers[row++] = Integer.parseInt(bin, 2);
return numbers;
I'm trying to convert a string filled with 16 digits into an array of ints where each index holds the digit of its respective index in the string. I'm writing a program where I need to do math on individual ints in the string, but all of the methods I've tried don't seem to work. I can't split by a character, either, because the user is inputting the number.
Here's what I have tried.
//Directly converting from char to int
//(returns different values like 49 instead of 1?)
//I also tried converting to an array of char, which worked,
//but then when I converted
//the array of char to an array of ints, it still gave me weird numbers.
for (int count = 0; count <=15; count++)
intArray[count] = UserInput.charAt(count);
//Converting the string to an int and then using division to grab each digit,
//but it throws the following error (perhaps it's too long?):
// "java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "1234567890123456""
int varX = Integer.parseInt(UserInput);
int varY = 1;
for (count=0; count<=15; count++)
intArray[count]= (varX / varY * 10);
Any idea what I should do?
how about this:
for (int count = 0; count < userInput.length; ++count)
intArray[count] = userInput.charAt(count)-'0';
I think that the thing that is a bit confusing here is that ints and chars can be interpited as eachother. The int value for the character '1' is actually 49.
Here is a solution:
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
intArray[i] = Integer.valueOf(userInput.substring(i, i + 1));
The substring method returns a part of the string as another string, not a character, and this can be parsed to an int.
Some tips:
I changed <= 15 to < 16. This is the convetion and will tell you how many loop interations you will actually go throug (16)
I changed "count" to "i". Another convention...