db4o query optimisation for a scheduling application - java

I'm just getting started with db4o in a scheduling application and I'm looking for an efficient way to retrieve rooms which are not booked between certain dates.
So, I have a collection of Room objects each of which has a collection of Booking objects (which can be empty). A Booking has a start date and and end date. I want to say 'get all the rooms that have no Bookings between DateA and DateB'.
I'm sure I could do this using a Native Query but since there's a date range involved (my understanding is date ranges aren't optimzed for NQ) and I need to do this query very frequently (many times per second for potentially more 10,000 rooms - the majority of which have no Bookings) I'm looking for more efficient alternatives.
Is there a way to phrase this using SODA?
Or a better way to arrange my data model to get round this issue?

Yes you can do this by using SODA Query
Date fromDate = null ; // assign reservation start dat
Date toDate = null ; // assign reservation upto
Query query = db.query();
query.descend ("fromDate").constrain ( fromDate ).greater().equal ().
and (query.descend ("toDate").constrain (toDate).smaller().equal());
ObjectSet<Booking> objectSet = query.execute();
Query for all of the rooms which do not have a booking between fromDate and toDate
Query query = db.query();
query.descend ("bookingStartDate").constrain ( fromDate ).greater().equal ().and
(query.descend ("bookingEndDate").constrain (toDate).smaller().equal()).not();
ObjectSet<Room> objectSet = query.execute();
See Also : Building SODA Queries


Java MongoDB numberLong query - Unable to fetch records

I wanted to fetch records between 1 date to other date from mongodb collection, where dates are stored as long in currenttimemillis. So I specified the query in java as
BasicDBObject query1 = new BasicDBObject();
long startGracePeriodInMillis = 1651676700254;
long endGracePeriodInMillis = 1653466067550;
query1.put("updated_at", new BasicDBObject("$gt", endGracePeriodInMillis).append("$lt", startGracePeriodInMillis));
this query1 is forming as
{"updated_at": {"$gt": {"$numberLong": "1653466067550"}, "$lt": {"$numberLong": "1651676700254"}}}
but im unable to fetch records, as the date is coming as string with $numberLong .. Im able to get records by mentioning only long without numberLong on server directly with
{"updated_at": {"$gt": 1653466067550, "$lt": 1651676700254}}
So what change should i need to make in
query1.put("updated_at", new BasicDBObject("$gt", endGracePeriodInMillis).append("$lt", startGracePeriodInMillis));
to form the query as
{"updated_at": {"$gt": 1653466067550, "$lt": 1651676700254}}
in the query it should come as only number like "$gt": 1653466067550 (which is giving results) but it is coming as "$gt": {"$numberLong": "1653466067550" - which is creating problem
You have start time and end time, you should search between them:
query1.put("updated_at", new BasicDBObject("$gt", startGracePeriodInMillis)
.append("$lt", endGracePeriodInMillis));
Not the other way around...
You are now searching for records that are after your end time or before your start time.
$gt means "greater than", you probably want to find documents with updated_at greater than your startGracePeriodInMillis...Same with $lt, meaning "less than", you probably want document with updated_at less than your endGracePeriodInMillis.

Avoid Date Overlapping using JPA

I have an entity class with properties 'code','fromDate' and 'toDate' and i need to insert one new record using JPA such a way that for given code date range should not overlap.
For example
If code- ABC of date range 01/Feb/2014-10/Feb/2014 exist in DB.
I am inserting code ABC again with date range
03/Feb/2014-07/Feb/2014 should not accept - from date and to date is Within existing Date range
28/Jan/2014-02/Feb/2014 should not accept - to date is Within existing Date range
05/Feb/2014-21/Feb/2014 should not accept - From date is Within existing Date range
01/Jan/2014-28/Feb/2014 should not accept - The existing date range is within the given date range so Overlapping will happen.
Suppose the data need to be inserted is in a viewObject with similar properties.
Please help me to do the validation for date overlapping using JPA predicates
Before saving the new object you can query the DB to check if an 'overlapping' records exists.
If, a record is returned, then do not save the new object, else save;
String query = "SELECT ent FROM Entity ent WHERE ent.fromDate <= :toDate AND ent.toDate >= :fromDate WHERE ent.id = :entId";
List<Entity> overlappingRecords = JPA.em().createQuery(query).setParameter("entId", id).setParameter("fromDate", fromDate).setParameter("toDate", toDate).getResultList();
//Over lap does not exist
//Over lap exists
This query assumes rejection of edges overlapping exactly.

More Efficient Way of Doing This SQL Query? A time comparison query?

I have this SQL query which queries the database every 5 seconds to determine who is currently actively using the software. Active users have pinged the server in the last 10 seconds. (The table gets updated correctly on user activity and a I have a thread evicting entries on session timeouts, that all works correctly).
What I'm looking for is a more efficient/quicker way to do this, since it gets called frequently, about every 5 seconds. In addition, there may be up to 500 users in the database. The language is Java, but the question really pertains to any language.
List<String> r = new ArrayList<String>();
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
long threshold = c.get(Calendar.SECOND) + c.get(Calendar.MINUTE)*60 + c.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)*60*60 - 10;
String tmpSql = "SELECT user_name, EXTRACT(HOUR FROM last_access_ts) as hour, EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM last_access_ts) as minute, EXTRACT(SECOND FROM last_access_ts) as second FROM user_sessions";
DBResult rs = DB.select(tmpSql);
for (int i=0; i<rs.size(); i++)
Map<String, Object> result = rs.get(i);
long hour = (Long)result.get("hour");
long minute = (Long)result.get("minute");
long second = (Long)result.get("second");
if (hour*60*60 + minute*60 + second > threshold)
return r;
If you want this to run faster, then create an index on user_sessions(last_access_ts, user_name), and do the date logic in the query:
select user_name
from user_sessions
where last_access_ts >= now() - 5/(24*60*60);
This does have a downside. You are, presumably, updating the last_access_ts field quite often. An index on the field will also have to be updated. On the positive side, this is a covering index, so the index itself can satisfy the query without resorting to the original data pages.
I would move the logic from Java to DB. This mean you translate if into where, and just select the name of valid result.
SELECT user_name FROM user_sessions WHERE last_access_ts > ?
In your example the c represent current time. It is highly possible that result will be empty.
So your question should be more about date time operation on your database.
Just let the database do the comparison for you by using this query:
FROM user_sessions
where TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, last_access_ts, current_timestamp) > 10
Complete example:
List<String> r = new ArrayList<String>();
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
long threshold = c.get(Calendar.SECOND) + c.get(Calendar.MINUTE)*60 + c.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)*60*60 - 10;
// this will return all users that were inactive for longer than 10 seconds
String tmpSql = "SELECT
FROM user_sessions
where TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, last_access_ts, current_timestamp) > 10";
DBResult rs = DB.select(tmpSql);
for (int i=0; i<rs.size(); i++)
Map<String, Object> result = rs.get(i);
return r;
The solution is to remove the logic from your code to the sql query to only get the active users from that select, using a where clause.
It is faster to use the sql built-in functions to get fewer records and iterate less in your code.
Add this to your sql query to get the active users only:
Where TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, last_access_ts, current_timestamp) > 10
This will get you all the records whose date is 10 seconds ago or sooner.
Try the MySQL TimeDiff function in your select. This way you can select only the results that are active without having to do any other calculations.
Link: MySQL: how to get the difference between two timestamps in seconds
If I get you right, then you got only 500 entries in your user_sessions table. In this case I wouldn't even care about indexes. Throw them away. The DB engine probably won't use them anyway for such a low record count. The performance gain due to not updating the indexes on every record update could be probably higher than the query overhead.
If you care about DB stress, then lengthen the query/update intervals to 1 minute or more, if your application allows this. Gordon Linoff's answer should give you the best query performance though.
As a side note (because it has bitten me before): If you don't use the same synchronized time for all user callbacks, then your "active users logic" is flawed by design.

how to use date() in hibernate criteria

I would like to use Date() function in hibernate criteria, since one field is timestamp.
My sql would be:
"select * from feed where DATE(date) = DATE(NOW()) + INTERVAL 5 DAY"
When I try in criteria:
critera.add(Restrictions.eq("DATE(date)", "DATE(NOW()) + INTERVAL 5 DAY"));
I get:
could not resolve property: DATE(date) of: com.mycomapany.model.Feed
I have there in feed a field by the name date.
What is the problem? I am using MySQL
The best solution is to use the criteria api which you started to use.
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(LOCALIZATION);
//Add 5 Days
c.add(Calendar.DATE, 5);
You could probably find a way to make this work, but in my opinion, this is the wrong way to approach it.
One of the major features of Hibernate is the abstraction of the database-vendor-specific features, via the Hibernate Dialect.
You are attempting to access MySQL features directly, but through the vendor-neutral interface, thus your difficulty. Hibernate could have support for date intervals , but does not - see https://hibernate.onjira.com/browse/HHH-2434
So, the options seem to be:
Calculate the date ranges in your code, rather than in the HQL
Do what you need to do in SQL rather than HQL
Create a custom Hibernate Dialect, as in Performing Date/Time Math In HQL?
Using Joda Time:
public List<Feed> findByDaysFromToday(int daysFromToday) {
return em.createQuery(
"SELECT f FROM Feed f WHERE f.date BETWEEN :start AND :end")
new LocalDate()
new LocalDate().plusDays(daysFromToday)

Restricting hibernate's eager fetch beyond DAO

I have my entities as ProductType,Product and ProductInventory.
I have a join query to fetch list of inventory for a specific date range which joins Product and ProductInventory. I've got list of object arrays which I have casted and set it ready.
Now from DAO I return the list of products.
In my layer above, if I execute product.getProductInventory() it is actually firing a query again getting all the inventory and not those inventory as got by the join.
final StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder(
"from Product As rsProduct left outer join rsProduct.inventoryList "
+ "as inventory where rsProduct.efDate <= :travelEndDate AND rsProduct.expDate >= :travelStartDate AND rsProduct.locatiion = :LOCN AND rsProduct.id in (:productsIdList) and inventory.bookDate between :startDate and :endDate");
Ex. Say travel start date is 20th Jan and travel end date is 21 Jan. I get only two records here which is perfect.
But after i return to other layer, if i say product.getInventory() it fetches all inventory irrespective of dates.
Can someone address this problem?
You should define a filter and enable it before accessing the collection.

