How to use google-oauth-java-client? - java

I want to use google-oauth-java-client to get authorization code from Sina Weibo.
This is the GET method that get code from Sina
Please solve this without web page, only client!
Can anybody give me some advise?

Get method use browser and return the code
Post method use HttpRequest and we can get parameter from HtppResponse
So if you want to get code, just use browser and redirect to the url to get code
Here is how I get access_token
If you want, you can use google-oauth-java-client to authorization twitter facebook
I solve this by javadoc which show me some examples. This is the root of JavaDoc and this is the package I use to solve
Here is the example I write
// server url example
try {
TokenResponse response =
new AuthorizationCodeTokenRequest(new NetHttpTransport(), new JacksonFactory(),
new GenericUrl("here is the server url "), "here write your code")
.setRedirectUri("here write the redirectUrl")
.set("client_id","here write your client_id")
.set("client_secret","here write your client_secret")
.set("Other else need","Other else need")
System.out.println("Access token: " + response.getAccessToken());
} catch (TokenResponseException e) {
if (e.getDetails() != null) {
System.err.println("Error: " + e.getDetails().getError());
if (e.getDetails().getErrorDescription() != null) {
if (e.getDetails().getErrorUri() != null) {
} else {

Here you can get find the solution.

This and this will help you. First understand the mechanism and implement it according to your scenario.


How to handle case when API response returns a null body in Java?

I am calling a File Server's REST API using POST method and sending it file content to be uploaded. The REST API should ideally save the file and send a response which contains fileName.
My code is something like this.
public String uploadFile() {
UploadResponse response = restTemplate.postForObject(
new HttpEntity<>(fileContent, headers),
return response.getFileName();
In the above code, the compiler complains that UploadResponse response could be null, and I should handle that.
I plan to handle it with the below code.
public String uploadFile() {
UploadResponse response = restTemplate.postForObject(
new HttpEntity<>(fileContent, headers),
if(response != null) {
return response.getFileServiceId();
else {
throw new RuntimeException("File upload failed");
However, I am not sure if it is the right way to handle this. I don't feel this is a Runtime Exception. Please guide me as how should I handle the case that response could be null.
You can use Optional to avoid null checks in your code.
You can read this really insightful Q/A here -

Google drive api to get all children is not working if I dynamically pass fileId to query

I am trying google drive api to search parents of a folder. In search query i have to pass file id dynamically instead of hard coding. I tried below code. but I am getting file not found json response.
here its not taking fileId as value i think its consider as String
if I hardcode the value it is working.
FileList result = service.files().list().setQ("name='testfile' ").execute();
for ( file : result.getFiles()) {
System.out.printf("Found file: %s (%s)\n",
file.getName(), file.getId());
String fileId =file.getId();
FileList childern = service.files().list().setQ(" + \"file.getId()\" in parents").setFields("files(id, name, modifiedTime, mimeType)").execute();
This should help.
String fileid=file.getId()
service.files().list().setQ("'" + fileId + "'" + " in parents").setFields("files(id, name, modifiedTime, mimeType)").execute();
Make sure you have valid file.getId()
I know your question states java but the only sample of this working is in C#. Another issue is as far as i know PageStreamer.cs does not have an equivalent in the java client library.
I am hoping that C# and java are close enough that this might give you some ideas of how to get it working in Java. My java knowledge is quote basic but i may be able to help you debug it if you want to try to convert this.
// Initial validation.
if (service == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("service");
// Building the initial request.
var request = service.Files.List();
// Applying optional parameters to the request.
request = (FilesResource.ListRequest)SampleHelpers.ApplyOptionalParms(request, optional);
var pageStreamer = new Google.Apis.Requests.PageStreamer<Google.Apis.Drive.v3.Data.File, FilesResource.ListRequest, Google.Apis.Drive.v3.Data.FileList, string>(
(req, token) => request.PageToken = token,
response => response.NextPageToken,
response => response.Files);
var allFiles = new Google.Apis.Drive.v3.Data.FileList();
allFiles.Files = new List<Google.Apis.Drive.v3.Data.File>();
foreach (var result in pageStreamer.Fetch(request))
return allFiles;
catch (Exception Ex)
throw new Exception("Request Files.List failed.", Ex);

How to handle 404 page not found error properly?

I am building a web-scraper using Java and JavaFx. I already have an application running using JavaFx.
I am building a web-scraper following similar procedures as this blog:
However, instead of having a fixed url, I want to input any url and scrape. For this, I need to handle the error when the url is not found. Therefore, I need to display "Page not found" in my application console when the url is not found.
Here is my code for the part where I get URL:
void search() {
List<Course> v = scraper.scrape(textfieldURL.getText(), textfieldTerm.getText(),textfieldSubject.getText());
and then I do:
try {
HtmlPage page = client.getPage(baseurl + "/" + term + "/subject/" + sub);
}catch (Exception e) {
in the scraper file.
It seems that the API will throw FailingHttpStatusCodeException if you set it up correctly.
if the server returns a failing status code AND the property
WebClientOptions.setThrowExceptionOnFailingStatusCode(boolean) is set
to true.
You can also get the WebResponse from the Page and call getStatusCode() to get the HTTP status code.
The tutorial you added contains the following code:
WebClient client = new WebClient();
try {
String searchUrl = "" + URLEncoder.encode(searchQuery, "UTF-8");
HtmlPage page = client.getPage(searchUrl);
}catch(Exception e){
With this code when client.getPage throws any error, for example a 404, it will be catched and printed to the console.
As you stated you want to print "Page not found", which means we have to catch a specific exception and log the message. The library used in the tutorial is net.sourceforge.htmlunit and as you can see here ( the getPage method throws a FailingHttpStatusCodeException, which contains the status code from the HttpResponse. (
This means we have to catch the FailingHttpStatusCodeException and check if the statuscode is a 404. If yes, log the message, if not, print the stacktrace for example.
Just for the sake of clean code, try not to catch them all (like in pokemon) as in the tutorial but use specific catch-blocks for the IOException, FailingHttpStatusCodeException and MalformedURLException from the getPage method.

how to post in user's Streams using google plus api in java

I want to share some information in google plus wall from my application.and I am trying for moment.insert, But getting 400 error . Can somebody help me
public JSONObject getGooglePlusAddUseractivities(Object token) {
Token accessToken = (Token) token;
OAuthService service = createOAuthServiceForGooglePlus();
OAuthRequest request = new OAuthRequest(Method.POST,"");
request.addQuerystringParameter("alt", "json");
service.signRequest(accessToken, request);
JSONObject object=new JSONObject();
try {
JSONObject obj1=new JSONObject();
obj1.put("kind", "plus#itemScope");
obj1.put("description","Sign up now to claim and redeem your credits while shopping! ");
obj1.put("contentUrl", "");
obj1.put("thumbnailUrl", "http://logo1_favicon.png");
object.putOpt("target", obj1);;
}catch(Exception ex) {
request.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
System.out.println("request : "+request.getBodyContents());
Response response = request.send();
String responseBody = response.getBody();
JSONObject googleJSON = null;
try {
googleJSON = new JSONObject(responseBody);
catch (JSONException e) {
System.out.println("can not create JSON Object");
getting 400 error ?? anyone can tell me..... where am wrong ..!!`
It isn't clear from the documentation, but you can't provide both the target.url and most other target metadata. This is currently opened as bug 485 in the issue tracking system - please go there and star the issue to make sure they properly prioritize a fix.
If you remove the target.url value and add a value, it should work.
(As an aside, this does not post in the user's stream, but will post an App Activity in their app moment vault. They must manually share the activity if they choose.)
At this time, it is not possible to programmatically write to a user's Stream. As a developer, you have two options:
Write an AppActivity (formerly known as a Moment), which writes information to Google, but not to a Google+ Stream. These activities are visible at, and will be used by Google in additional ways over time.
Create an Interactive Post Share button, which a user must initiate. However, you can pre-fill both the text of the post and up to 10 intended recipients. The user can make changes if they want and then perform the actual share. You can learn more at or by watching this Google+ Developers Live episode:

Spring Security 3.0 Google Apps open id sign in using OpenID4Java

I try to sign in using Google Apps open id with OpenID4Java library.
I discover the user's service using the following code in the consumer class:
discoveries =;
catch (DiscoveryException e)
throw new OpenIDConsumerException("Error during discovery", e);
DiscoveryInformation information = consumerManager.associate(discoveries);
HttpSession session = req.getSession(true);
session.setAttribute(DiscoveryInformation.class.getName(), information);
AuthRequest authReq;
authReq = consumerManager.authenticate(information, returnToUrl, realm);
// check for OpenID Simple Registration request needed
if (attributesByProvider != null || defaultAttributes != null)
//I set the attributes needed for getting the email of the user
catch (Exception e)
throw new OpenIDConsumerException("Error processing ConumerManager authentication", e);
return authReq.getDestinationUrl(true);
Next I get the parameters from the http request and in the openid.claimed_id property I receive "" and if I try to verify the response consumerManager.verify(receivingURL.toString(), openidResp, discovered); an exception is thrown: org.openid4java.discovery.yadis.YadisException: 0x706: GET failed on : 404:Not Found.
To avoid the exception I tried to modify the parameter list changing the value "" to ""
// extract the receiving URL from the HTTP request
StringBuffer receivingURL = request.getRequestURL();
String queryString = request.getQueryString();
// extract the parameters from the authentication response
// (which comes in as a HTTP request from the OpenID provider)
ParameterList openidResp = new ParameterList(request.getParameterMap());
Parameter endPoint = openidResp.getParameter("openid.op_endpoint");
if (endPoint != null && endPoint.getValue().startsWith(""))
Parameter parameter = openidResp.getParameter("openid.claimed_id");
if (parameter != null)
String value = "" + parameter.getValue().replaceAll("http://", "");
openidResp.set(new Parameter("openid.claimed_id", value));
queryString = queryString.replaceAll("openid.claimed_id=http%3A%2F%2F", "");
parameter = openidResp.getParameter("openid.identity");
if (parameter != null)
String value = "" + parameter.getValue().replaceAll("http://", "");
openidResp.set(new Parameter("openid.identity", value));
queryString = queryString.replaceAll("openid.claimed_id=http%3A%2F%2F", "");
if ((queryString != null) && (queryString.length() > 0))
// retrieve the previously stored discovery information
DiscoveryInformation discovered = (DiscoveryInformation) request.getSession().getAttribute(DiscoveryInformation.class.getName());
// verify the response
VerificationResult verification;
Map userDetails = new HashMap();
verification = consumerManager.verify(receivingURL.toString(), openidResp, discovered);
// check for OpenID Simple Registration request needed
if (attributesByProvider != null || defaultAttributes != null)
//Here I get the value of requested attributes
catch (Exception e)
throw new OpenIDConsumerException("Error verifying openid response", e);
// examine the verification result and extract the verified identifier
Identifier verified = null;
if (verification != null)
verified = verification.getVerifiedId();
OpenIDAuthenticationToken returnToken;
List attributes = null;
if (verified != null)
returnToken = new OpenIDAuthenticationToken(OpenIDAuthenticationStatus.SUCCESS, verified.getIdentifier(), "some message", attributes);
Identifier id = discovered.getClaimedIdentifier();
return new OpenIDAuthenticationToken(OpenIDAuthenticationStatus.FAILURE, id == null ? "Unknown" : id.getIdentifier(), "Verification status message: [" + verification.getStatusMsg() + "]", attributes);
Now the method consumerManager.verify is not throwing anymore exception, but its status is changed to failed. In log the following errors appear
09:46:45,424 ERROR ConsumerManager,http-80-1:1759 - No service element found to match the ClaimedID / OP-endpoint in the assertion.
09:46:45,428 ERROR ConsumerManager,http-80-1:1183 - Discovered information verification failed.
I saw on a forum a similar problem, but the solution was to change consumerManager.verify to consumerManager.verifyNonce. I'm not sure if using this method will not create a security issue. Do you have any idea what should I change to make my open id consumer to work with Google Apps openid?
Google Apps uses a slightly different discovery process than what is supported in the base version of OpenID4Java. There's an add-on library at that you might fight useful (and a higher level wrapper at
I'm not aware of anyone that has done Spring Security integration with the modified Step2 classes, but it shouldn't be too hard to modify the code to set up Step2 appropriately. It's built on OpenID4Java and the code to write a relying party is mostly the same.

