Translate the Properties File from one language to another using ResourceBundle - java

I have file. by default it will load as English when I use Locale and Resource Bundle in Java file. Now, I need to specify the Country Code or Type in Locale, Then the file key values should be load as the specified Country in Locale. How can I do this.?

Oracle has some example code of this here.
Basically you create bundles with the correct name for the language of the Localeand then load it with:
ResourceBundle.getBundle("LabelsBundle", currentLocale);
More information about internationalization..
Also, before asking a question try googling for yourself....


How to specify, which resource file to be used while running?

I wants my application to be in both Hindi and English language, so I have created a ResourceBundle named as Resources. In this directory I have create, and and these file have putted some values like ab=xy_default, ab=xy_in_en and ab=xy_in_hindi respectively.
And Now I planned to use them as label text, so in property of that label i mantioned the default one, like this
Here code is key and In label_defualt is code=Code : , in label_en_US code=Code : and in label_hi_IN code=कोड :. How can I specify which of to be useout of label, label_en_US or label_hi_in. I have stored user preference in my database like which language to use. I want to know how I can force or tell it use that particular file out of label, label_en_US, label_hi_IN in main function or somewhere else. As now it's taking values from file only, if user want it to be in hindi then how internally we force to use that file.
If you've got your files sorted out OK, the right internationalization should occur naturally depending on your locale. If you want to test other supported locales in your software, set the appropriate system properties:
java -Duser.language=hi …
java -Duser.language=en …
ResourceBundle uses a “fallback” strategy. If the user’s current locale is hi-IN:
ResourceBundle.getBundle will look in (if that resource exists)
If that file is not found, ResourceBundle.getBundle will look for (if that resource exists)
If that file is not found, ResourceBundle.getBundle will look for (if that resource exists)
This means you should do the following:
If contains English entries, remove from your project
If contains Hindi entries, remove from your project
Rename, if it is still present, to, so all Hindi locales will use that file
Rename, if it is still present, to, so all English locales will use that file
Finally I got it, We have to just set Default Locale.
Locale locale = new Locale("hi","IN");

First key from Language properties file not accessible

I have a language properties file with around 3000+ keys. When I try to read the value of a key using
ResourceBundle messages = ResourceBundle.getBundle("", locale);, I see that the first key alone is missing in the messages bundle.
I try to retrieve the value using:
String value = new String(messages.getString(key).getBytes("ISO-8859-1") , "UTF-8");
I tried a lot to identify the root cause, but my tries were of no use.
What could be the possible reason for this strange behaviour.
I was able to find the cause of the problem.
The properties file was in UTF-8 BOM format which was expecting Byte Order Mark in the file. This has been solved by using a properties file in UTF-8 format.

Read Japanese Characters from a properties file using Resource Bundle

I am working on developing a project and when I attempt to read in a Japanese character string from a properties file using ResourceBundle in Java, all I get are a bunch of question marks (??????????) displayed in my application.
I know that I need to encode the string somehow, but I've tried several different ways with no luck. I've also tried to encode the properties file in a text editor but this doesn't seem to work how I'd like either. My code for retrieving the string is below. I know you can do this with stream readers and other methods but I would like to try to stay with the current code structure using ResourceBundle if possible. If anyone has any questions or needs clarification please feel free to let me know.
private final ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("propertiesFile");
titleText = bundle.getString("title.text");
Just to give you an idea, title.text=会議参加者事前登録用ページ in my property file.
Any suggestions are appreciated. This has turned into a real pain.
Thanks again,
-Dave F.
ResourceBundle can only read ISO 8859-1 file. See this thread. How to use UTF-8 in resource properties with ResourceBundle
I had the same problem here, and I've converted my ResourceBundle to a Properties object like in the answer of this thread: read resourcebundle as UTF-8. getString() Method seems to change encoding to ISO-8859
Like this:
InputStream utf8in = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("/path/to/");
Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(utf8in, "UTF-8");
Properties props = new Properties();
After some research I was actually still able to make use of the ResourceBundle method.
In my properties file that ResourceBundle pulls from, I listed the following in unicode:
When pulled in by ResourceBundle, it translates as:
I'm sure this probably isn't the best practice, but it works without having to change how the entire project pulls in its resource properties, so I just thought I would share with you all for helping me out.
when you run your app you can try this:
java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar YourApp.jar
this basically sets the default charset

Struts2: UTF .properties

Is there a way to load a UTF-8 encoded .properties file in Struts2?
I know that its posible to load a UTF-8 file in a ResourceBundle via implementing your Control that loads a UTF8 inputstream but how to use it in Struts2? (I found howto do it in JSF here:
but cannot figure how to do it in struts2)
PD: Also I know that I can use the native2ascii tool, but its... ugly...
I've seen that I can implement TextProviderSupport and set it default like says here and override all its constructors setting a custom createrd resourcebundle with UTF8 inputReader and letting some logs. I've save it and when starting tomcat it says:
Información: Choosing bean (myTextProvider) for
with this in struts.config:
<bean class="com.utils.i18n.UTF8TextProvider" name="myTextProvider"
type="com.opensymphony.xwork2.TextProvider" scope="default"/>
<constant name="struts.xworkTextProvider" value="myTextProvider" />
<constant name="system" value="myTextProvider" />
So, its seems ok. But my class is never instanciated (I only run a sample action that implements action support and write a text with 'getText' and a jsp that have a <s:text name="">)
So problem remains...
Struts2 uses the concept of ResourceBundle to load properties files and achive the goals of internalization (i18n) as well as localization (l10n).
The resource bundle is used to keep the key and value pairs for respective languages such as English Resource Bundle can have value as English Text and France Resource Bundle can have value as France Text but the keys are same across.
Resource Bundle can be place in the following places
ModelDriven’s Model
I18n message key
Global resource properties
The resource properties are being searched in the above order. At first it looks the resource properties with action class, if does not found then it looks for else goes on till Global resource properties.
There are many tutorials which explain in detail about how to use Resource Bundles in Struts 2. Have a look at the following links:
Regarding loading UTF-8 encoded properties file in Struts 2, you can refer and see how the Japanese text is being used after encoding it to UTF-8. Since, you mentioned about native2ascii, I am assuming that you know about how to convert a given text to UTF-8 encoding.

Force resolution of xsl:include, xsl:import in Java

I'm using Saxon 9.3 HE and Java 1.6. I can resolve xsl:include and xsl:import statements in the xsl by supplying a resolver to setURIResolver on the TransformerFactory instance.
However the Source resolve(String includee, String includer) method doesn't get called if the file was resolved previously. This is a problem for me because I want to resolve differently based on the includer file. For example <xsl:include href="foo.xsl"/> in file1.xsl would be a different file from <xsl:include href="foo.xsl"/> in file2.xsl, and file1.xsl and file2.xsl would be included by file3.xsl. I have some "base" code and "customer-specific" code that can override the template file and I need to resolve them differently for a framework I'm building.
The XSLT specification is clear that resolving a relative URI in the href attribute against the base URI of the containing element must be done according to the standard rules for handling relative URIs, while dereferencing the resulting absolute URI can be done any way the implementation likes. I'd suggest rethinking your design to take account of this.
I would have expected that because the two XSLs that have that includes in them have different base URIs that the URIResolver would need to be called for each one (what if they are in different directories?).
When creating sources for file1.xsl and file2.xsl, what are their system IDs? If they are null, exist in the same directory or don't have any path information (i.e. systemId is just file1.xsl and file2.xsl) maybe Saxon is trying to do an optimization by assuming they are in the same directory and therefore assuming foo.xsl referred to by each one is the same file.
Maybe try explicitly setting the systemId of the source of the base files and make them have different directories?

